Memorize Chapter 101

00101 Su-hyeon’s Madness ———————————————- ————————–=

Before that, I simply lifted my left hand and performed the Anti Magic spell. The guy said that his current strength was 7, but he was someone you couldn’t trust.

The white light that radiated from the ring mixed with the blue-black flame that was running toward me, and eventually disappeared. The female fire that Belphegor fired only hesitated a little, but then rushed towards me again.

When I activated the Anti Magic spell, the demon raised its eyes with interest at first, but then laughed after watching the result.

“You idiot. If you thought that you could stop the flames of the great demons with just human magic, you would be mistaken. This flame was originally an eternal flame that was only allowed to those of duke level or higher… .”

“Close your mouth. “Crazy guy.”

“bloke! dare… .”

I couldn’t hear what he said anymore. No, it would be correct to say that I intentionally turned off my attention because I didn’t want to hear any more. Seeing the female flower that had already come close to me, I raised my sword and aimed it straight ahead. And then I just closed my eyes.

Wake up, Hwajeong. Let’s wake up and show someone who isn’t even like me what true immortal looks like.

I could feel the ancient shaman’s imprint on my heart spinning furiously in response to my inner voice. Along with that, Hwajeong, a collection of pure fire that answers my question. I channeled the power of that fire and cut straight with my sword. Although others may see it as a simple parallel cut, this move was an extreme sword move with no errors or unnecessary details.

As I turned the sword once, I felt something catch on the tip of the sword, and the sound of firecrackers exploding echoed everywhere. The female flower he fired was split in half to the point where it was so futile. And then, it stopped in the air and burned up.

I just let my sword hang down. The companions who were just memorizing the defensive spell and Belphegor, who was showing off with a confident face, could be heard gasping for air. And through this one exchange of attacks, I was able to roughly estimate his strength.

“Looking at it, it looks like I got a lot of 70%. 50%? no… “60%?”

For the first time, the demon’s face distorted at my ridicule. However, she quickly calmed down her expression and then asked in a serious voice.

“bloke! How on earth did you do it… !”

“It’s just as you see.”

“can not believe it! How can you extinguish the flame of a demon that is only allowed to the highest level demons!”

“Even if you look at it with your own eyes, it’s nonsense. It seems like all the top-level demons you’re talking about have crazy eyes like you. Thank you for the good information.”

“Ugh… !”

Belphegor showed a look of annoyance and once again created a large fire. As I watched the round sphere slowly forming on his right hand, I also raised my clear crimson fighting spirit.

“I won’t let you use that arrogant mouth anymore.”

As I watched Belphegor speak through gritted teeth, I opened my mouth with a serious expression.

“Didn’t you already see that the flames of your proud demon race don’t work? “It’s annoying, so why don’t you try some other tricks?”

“Shut your mouth!”

At the same time as the roar, I could see the guy’s arm swinging vigorously again. A flame almost ten times the size of a soccer ball rushes towards me. In the past, I would have rushed in and attacked head-on, but there is no need to fight like that anymore. I took a deep breath and concentrated on feeling the two weapons I currently had.

The power of a sword specialist to cut through anything.

The power to burn everything with fire.

The moment everything came together, I cut down with my sword again without hesitation.

pop! Grrrr… !

“W-that’s ridiculous… .”

Belphegor stared at the scene before his eyes as if he were possessed by something. The flame he poured out with all his might was cut in half, and was consumed by a single, bright flame rising from the cut end.

Finally, the expression I wanted appeared on his face. fun. I want to step on it. I want to tear it apart. And I want to kill him. I tried to stay calm, but the more I tried, the more excited I became. I slowly opened my mouth, trying to control my breathing, which had become increasingly rough.

“Is there anything else I can show you?”

“radish… What are you saying.”

“Summon the demon sword Skurepp. Or Colossus of Destruction… or not.”

I paused for a moment, then smiled and continued.

“Are you preparing to escape into a dark fairy tale?”

As he recited his original techniques, Belphegor opened his mouth with an even more confused expression.

“Oh, how! “Who are you?”

“Wow. Calm down. “Did Lilith, whom you trust and follow so much, teach you to act like that in times like this?”

When I mentioned Lilith, I saw Belphegor’s face explode. The Demon World is a place where the law of strong self-respect lives on. Although they have strong personal pride, they are loyal to the person they have once surrendered. Of course, only for demons.

When Lilith was mentioned, Belphegor’s face contorted again.

“You… Watch your mouth. “You’re not someone I should talk about.”

“why? Lilith? She was famous as a pr****ute in the demon world. Didn’t everyone know that he was defeated and eaten by Astaroth once? ah. “Don’t you know yet?”

This was something I learned by chance during the first episode. At that time, a lot of time had already passed, but I heard that the incident happened even before I entered Hall Plain. And when it came to provoking the loyal demons under Lilith, there was nothing like this.

As expected, my taunts eventually made Belphegor angry.


Belphegor cried loudly and raised his hands into the air. At that moment, the space where he was standing was distorted, and he felt an unknown ominous energy surround him. And the companions who had been quiet during that time looked around with anxious faces.

I turned to my companions and opened my mouth.

“Ahn Hyeon, Yujeong stay in place. And wizards and priests, use all the defensive spells you know to protect your party.”

“Kim Soohyun! What are you talking about!”

Vivien yelled at me. The faces of the group members were all the same. But everyone is so oppressed by my hectic life that they can’t say anything. At least Vivian will be able to get over my speculation and open her mouth.

“I’m not saying anything else. I don’t know about the other guy, but I’ll take care of that guy. “You guys step back.”

Even as I spoke, his momentum became more intense. When he slowly turned his head, Belphe Gor’s hair was all sticking up into the sky. The way he kept muttering with his mouth seemed like he was preparing a fairly large spell. This magic is clearly the Colossus of Destruction. It’s really bittersweet for an asshole to write.

“Kim Soohyun! Are you kidding me? No matter what, it’s a top grade… .”

Vivian’s constant babbling was annoying, so I clenched my teeth. Right now, I don’t have the luxury of caring for other people.

“So shut up and stay away!”

“uh… how… .”

At my shout, Vivien took a step or two back with a hurt look on her face. But I don’t have time to comfort her now.

I also hold my sword and take a stance. The technology I will be developing from now on is a type of ability classified as a user ability. Unlike in the past, as it has tremendous magical power, its power will also be different. As it was, the magic power was increased significantly.

Colossus of Destruction is a large-scale magic. I don’t know what it would be like alone, but the group behind me is literally pierced by a meteor shower and killed in an instant. In that case, I also had no choice but to take out a card that could counter such magic. It was an ability that could not be used in the first round due to its magical ability, but can now be used.

“It’s a technique I developed to deal with … “I didn’t know I’d be using this already.”

I muttered bitterly, then raised my foot and tapped the ground once.


I couldn’t admit it. I, a great demon, feel fear from only one human? This cannot happen. But, that was actually happening now.

As if pushed by that fear, I had no choice but to bring out my secret technique. Although it was extremely difficult to prepare a major spell with an incomplete body, the effect was certain.

The human in front of me may be able to extinguish the demon’s flame with some kind of talent, but it is only one or two. In front of hundreds of small meteor showers containing dark images, humans will certainly not be left with even a handful of ashes. It’s a pity that he can’t take female humans, but it still doesn’t compare to Liris-sama being insulted.

The heart inside the body feels the strain, but endures it. Order is complete. Now all you have to do is shoot it at the insolent human below. And that was the moment when I lowered my head to check on him.


An unfamiliar sensation overtakes my entire body. I almost canceled the summoning spell without even realizing it. A feeling of death and disappearance for the first time in a long time. The sensitive senses I had trained over a long period of time were continuously ringing alarm bells. I’m dying. Avoid it.

“Die… I?”

Am I going to be killed by a human?

I shouted loudly once. It could be said that it was an instinctive struggle to shake off the fear that was taking over the body. That action gave me some courage, and I swung both hands at him with all my might. Small-scale meteor shower magic including demon fire. The name is… .

“Hwaaaaaah!!!! Colossus of destruction!!!!”

I couldn’t think of anything else anymore. The only thought that dominated my mind was how to destroy the human in front of me and regain my dignity as quickly as possible. However, I had to admit that the source of those thoughts came from survival.

At that moment, I saw the guy’s foot kick the ground. Just by kicking it once, the floor surrounding it ripples like a wave. But that was only for a moment. I swallowed my saliva as I looked at the land that had become quiet again. what? What on earth?

Before I knew it, I could hear the sound of the ceiling crashing above me and feel the presence of the meteor showers I had led. Only then did I smile in remorse. You idiot. Giving me time will be your downfall. When I turned my head slightly, I saw a meteor shower and the Colossus of Destruction rushing across the open ceiling. And only then could I feel relieved. There are penalties that will come back from using unreasonable magic with an imperfect body, and sanctions that will be imposed on me for damaging buildings as a deterrent. I didn’t have any thoughts. Still, I just thought that I could survive anyway. It was then.

The guy who was quiet suddenly raises his sword and launches it into the air. At the same time, a clear crimson flame engulfed his sword. When I saw the flame, I felt anxious again. For some reason, I felt like everything was over the moment I touched that salt. At that moment, a strange vibrating sound rang around.

Kukukuku… .

Some strange energy flows from the earth. And the moment that energy combined with the crimson flame, I could not help but be astonished.

The swords burned crimson, and their number increased. Literally a chloride sword. One, two, four, eight, sixteen, thirty-two… The swords, which gradually increased in number, filled the surrounding area to the point where it was impossible to count them.

“under… .”

Only laughter comes out of my mouth. Lower your head and make face-to-face contact with the human. The moment he saw the guy laughing, goosebumps appeared all over his body. Why? Why do you hate me so much? The flow of magic power that connected the Colossus of Destruction was almost cut off, but I was barely able to hold on.

I didn’t like it from the beginning. From the moment he first saw me, he has shown endless hostility towards me. And the way he spoke as if he knew something. I poured more and more magic into the rising resistance.

The guy’s face was so peaceful. It’s as if you’re asking if you can beat me. The human who was standing with a stern look on his face was soon seen crossing his arms and letting out a faint smile. With his arms crossed, he slowly lifted his right hand and snapped his fingers.

And, with the sound of fingers clashing loudly, which I could hear in my ears, I could see the swords surrounding him all shooting towards me. For a moment, I unconsciously felt like I wanted to avoid it, but I made up my mind again as I saw the meteor shower passing by me.

Numerous meteor showers shooting towards him.

Numerous chlorine swords are fired at me.

I gritted my teeth as I watched the sight of two huge storms, reminiscent of heavy rain, about to collide.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

hello. This is Ro Yujin.

Today, I was able to receive congratulations from so many people on the 100th anniversary. Additionally, I am very happy that the ruined laboratory part is almost finished. Now all that’s left is to watch our bad Belphegor suffer cruelly. Hahaha. (I would like to warn you in advance that some people may be a little shocked(?) after seeing Soo-hyun in the next or next episode. I recommend that you brace yourself before watching.)

and… Today, Soohyun finally revealed her true abilities. The ability that Soohyun used this time is a kind of ability, and can be seen as referring to techniques that can be used according to the user’s own capabilities and capabilities. If you look at it in a small way, detection and swordsmanship are part of the abilities, but if you look at it in a big way, it also includes the skills that Su-hyeon has developed.

P.S. Thank you very much to those who gave us the 100th commemorative coupon today. I felt like I was swimming in a sea of ​​coupons. thank you. Nod. (__)


1. Sampal: Congratulations on the 100th place comment! I was looking forward to seeing who would do it, and I think this is my first time seeing you as the number one commentator. ha ha ha. Congratulations again. 🙂

2. G0: Thank you. I’m thinking about completing episodes 550-600.

3. Kurosion: In order to respond to your support, Su-hyeon has revealed one of his secret skills! That thing is very powerful… .

4. Wind Moon Master: Belphegor “I’m sick of hamburger just once! “You can’t do hambocal!”

5. Cho Chang-hyun: Hehehe. I’m planning to post it as a side story, but if you see what Belphegor did back then, you’ll understand why Soohyun wants to kill him so much.

6. guntops: Oh, how cute the bear is! Gomdolgomdol!

7. Junho Sonaae Show: It just hasn’t come out yet. It will probably be released later, so please wait a moment.

8. That woman is mine: Ehehe. I still like Hanbyul more… . Hmm. I’ll do a character popularity vote later. Please cast your precious vote then!

9. Shiraya: I think there will be a lot of people who will say that Belphegor is so pitiful in the next episode. ha ha ha.

10. Hwieul: Really? Where did you hear such bad rumors?! (whispering)

One more today!

11. aporia. : No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no! Suhyeon is not a eunuch! Whoosh whoosh! ㅜ.ㅠ

Your recommendations and comments become the driving force of Yeoncham. (This is the truth.)

I always read all the comments over and over again.

I hope you don’t feel too disappointed that it’s not on Riripple.

If you have any questions, please send me a message and I’ll answer!

Well then, I will leave for today.

I hope you can always read my writing with a comfortable mind.

Selection, recommendations, comments, criticism, and questions are always welcome.


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not work with dark mode