MEMORIZE Chapter 1009

01009 Omnibus – Queen Of Silhouette. ————————————————– ———————-=

Crack, clap, clap!

Go Yeon-ju was going down the stairs with a fierce momentum.

The shadowed face is so expressionless that the viewer is slightly creeped out.

The lifelike appearance that appears to be obscured by darkness seems to be saying this.

Anyone can catch just one person.

No matter who it is, the moment it gets in your way, it’s definitely not going to be good.

At the end of the stairs, Go Yeon-ju looked at the large cave in front of her.

Sharp eyes flashed in the cold air flowing underground.

The two people standing at the entrance react to the murderous attack and quickly turn around.

“who… !”

It was commendable that they both drew their weapons at the same time and took their stances in an instant.

Soon, the man on the left, who had just confirmed the intruder, suddenly groaned.

Since he was part of the Salmun, there was no way he wouldn’t know who the other person was.

“Uh, Shadow Queen… ?”

“This place… . how… .”

The eyes, which used to shine as blue as a wolf’s eyes, narrowed.

The two users gritted their teeth.

It was obvious why Go Yeon-ju came here.


“That can’t be… . doesn’t exist… .”

This time, the man on the right responded to the very simple command.

Although his tone was suppressed, he continued speaking as if he had to say what he wanted to say.

“He used to be like heaven, but… . Who are you now… .”


As soon as he stopped speaking, Go Yeon-ju’s shadow became dizzy and split into two.

The man who confirmed this reflexively pushed his colleague’s body against the wall.

The person who was pushed glanced to the side and in front alternately with a puzzled expression.

However, it just sticks to the wall and does not block again.

Go Yeon-ju snorted and crossed the open path in the middle and entered the cave.

Leaving behind a cold sneer.

“You’re still quick to notice. “Seonwoo.”

The dark place was revealed with the presence of torches hanging sparsely on the wall.

The bumpy road that Go Yeon-ju was currently walking on was complicated like an anthill, with branches splitting in all directions like tree roots.

And it’s infinitely quiet.

All you can hear is the occasional sound of water dripping from the ceiling.

Go Yeon-ju did not go back anywhere.

As I kept going straight, another large cave soon appeared.

One thing that was different from the entrance we came in was that it was blocked by a large door.

At first glance, it was very thick, but rather than stopping, Go Yeon-ju opened the door roughly.

The heavy iron door opened wide from side to side, sparks flying.

With the ear-piercing noise vibrating, Go Yeon-ju glared at Gong with a harsh gaze.

Inside, a cross-shaped light was burning brightly.

A table and three or four chairs were scattered in front of the bonfire.

There were two users on a rough table made of stone.

The grizzled man sitting at the stone table and Neulseolyeong, standing politely behind him, looked at the door at the same time.

When Go Yeon-ju took a step inside, Lord Salmun quietly opened his mouth.

“You’re weak.”

The shadow that stopped for a moment moves again.

As the distance got closer, Neulseolyeong stretched out his ten fingers with a slightly nervous expression.

Anyway, Go Yeon-ju didn’t care and stood in front of the table.

“If it were you before, you probably wouldn’t have even cared about hostages. But you didn’t. “That’s your loss.”

The tone of voice is calm and encouraging.

Lord Salmun smiled at Go Yeon-ju, who opened his eyes in a hesitant manner.

His eyes, which had been shining softly, sink and return to their original dull color.

“It’s so consistent. “Those eerie eyes.”

Ko Yeon-ju, who spoke as if she were chewing, sat down across from her.

Seolyoung’s finger continues to be aimed at her.

No matter what anyone says, the opponent is the Shadow Queen.

You never know what might change in the blink of an eye.

“Anyway, how did you know about this place? No, I expected it to come.”

“shut up. “I didn’t come here to have a leisurely chat with you.”

“Oh, you really put a shadow on it? This is unexpected. Was there still a shadow left to help you? That’s how I got rid of it… .”

“I told you to shut up. Just answer the question.”


There was an eerie metallic sound.

Go Yeon-ju pulls out a silver-white dagger from her thigh and plunges it into the table.

Unspoken meaning.

“I’m going to ask two questions. “If you answer honestly, I may take it into consideration.”

The pitch disappeared from his voice.

The eerie voice is almost like a one-sided notification.

Nevertheless, Lord Salmun grinned as if to give it a try.

“who is this?”

“hmm? “What do you mean?”


“I don’t think you understand.”

Lord Salmun joked.

“You forgot the when, where, what, and how. sister.”

Neulseolyoung also quietly intervened.

With a grin and a voice full of sarcasm.

“… Phew.”

Go Yeon-ju let out a long sigh and gently lowered her head.

Her light gray hair flowed and covered her face like a curtain.

“… “If I ask you again, the answer will be the same, right?”

“You know better than that.”

With his head down from earlier, Go Yeon-ju held the dagger on the table like it was crumbling.

Neulseolyeong observes her intently, fearing not to miss a single action.

Oh, Salmun Road, who let out an exclamation, also shines a light of interest.

He doesn’t make any movement and just stares at the other person in silence.

In a short period of time, something subtle seems to explode between the three men and women.

And it was just about to explode.

Tap, tap, tap.

In a split second, the distinct sound of footsteps rang out.

An imminent situation.

Lord Salmun and Neuulseolyoung naturally looked toward the door.

And as if they had made a promise, each person looked surprised.

Even high performance.

The man walking across the hall was none other than Kim Soo-hyun.

“you… ?”

Always Seol-yeong’s mouth fell open.

It was natural to be shocked because I never dreamed that I would find this place, or even that I would enter this place so confidently.

Lord Salmun quickly examined Go Yeon-ju.

However, she was also unable to hide her embarrassment.

Lord Salmun was confused because it didn’t look like he had made it up.

So they say he found the hideout on his own, but that doesn’t make any more sense.

Meanwhile, Kim Soo-hyun, who sat next to Ko Yeon-ju without saying a word, slowly leaned back on the chair and crossed his legs.

“Good performance.”

“… yes… ?”

“I will tell you in advance. “From now on, don’t move any more until I give you permission.”

“what… .”

Kim Soo-hyun said, “It’s an order,” and rummaged around in his arms, putting a piece of tobacco in his mouth.

Immediately, he clicked his tongue, tapped the table, and brought his face down.

With the tobacco in my mouth.

And said:

“There, light.”

Even though I didn’t touch it, the table trembled slightly.

Chik, chik.

Suddenly, a spark stone protrudes from the right and lights up the candle.

Neul Seol-yeong, feigning composure, was smiling.

Kim Soo-hyun glances at him, blows out a long puff of smoke, and looks across the street.

“I think this is my first time seeing it in person like this. Salmun Road.”

“… hmm.”

Lord Salmun shook his head slightly.

At some point, I got caught up in the opponent’s pace.

After a while, Kim Soo-hyun places the bag in his hand on the table.

As I pushed it in, Lord Salmun glanced at me.

It was a baby Chaos Mimic.

“… What is this?”


Kim Soo-hyun answered calmly.


“But it’s the first step. “He is my father-in-law in name and character.”

The two women looked dumbfounded at the extremely serious words, and Lord Salmun burst out laughing.

“Merchantery Lord… . haha. “You’re quite an interesting friend.”

He smiled lowly, nodded willingly, and happily opened the box.

The next moment, Salmun Lord’s movements stopped.

Because there was a familiar smell coming from inside.

Fishy and disgusting smell.

When I held it upside down and shook it slightly, the neatly cut body parts fell out.

The flowing blood is still clear.

There were two corpses standing at the entrance.

“Did you like the gift?”

A voice full of sarcasm flew out.

“It’s pretty bad quality.”

Surprisingly, Lord Salmun calmly closed the mouth of the box.

Push the baby Chaos Mimic back and hold it tightly with your ten fingers interlaced.

“Rather than this, I’m more curious about what prompted you to take that step.”

Then Kim Soo-hyun smiled brightly.

“It makes me feel a little upset to hear the perpetrator say that.”

“oh. “Isn’t that already over?”

Always Seol-yeong joined in, speaking as if singing.

“They gave us so much data, but we can’t do this here. “What is my position when I report that the job was done well?”

Neulseolyeong shrugged his shoulders without changing his expression.

However, Kim Soo-hyun waves his hands excitedly, as if he knew it would happen anyway.

The reason I came here today was not to reveal the real culprit.

… Above all, there is nothing to worry about now.

“anyway… . “Thanks to you, I got into a lot of trouble.”

“… so?”

Kim Soo-hyun crossed his arms in response to a question as if he was wondering what to do.

“I was worried. We got attacked, and the kids got hurt. I just couldn’t get over it. … but.”

After a brief pause, he casts his gaze towards Salmun Road and Neuulseolyeong.

“I need to get an apology first.”

“… what?”

Ha, there was a sigh that it was absurd.


“Okay, sorry.”

Neulseolyoung, who had a strange expression on her face, suddenly covered her mouth with one hand and burst into laughter.

“Woah, you want us to ask for forgiveness? really? “Have you gone crazy?”

“at all. Salmun Road officially apologizes… .”


“… Well, you apologize personally. If you do that, I might be able to take a look. Because you guys seem like they could be quite useful, and you also have Go Yeon-ju’s face.”

Neulseolyoung, who was shaking her shoulders, suddenly burst into laughter as if she couldn’t bear it any longer.

Soon the laughter stopped, and suddenly his eyes widened and his hands moved.

However, the action soon had to stop because Kim Soo-hyun and Salmun Lord gestured in different directions at the same time.

As I slowly lowered my gaze, I noticed that the shadow was moving smoothly.

“Get away. Always.”

“I told you not to move. “Good performance.”

The two women quietly retreated, and silence followed.

The one who moved first was Salmun Road.

After staring at Kim Soo-hyun for a while, he slowly opens up.

“Merchionary Lord. “If it’s okay, can I give you some advice?”

“… … ?”

“know. That you have a certain level of ability, or rather a significant amount of skill. Maybe it’s more than just high performance… . by the way.”

“… … .”

“This is a dark place.”

“… … .”

For the first time, a smile appeared on Rod Salmun’s face.

“That’s our home ground too… . “It may have built up quite a reputation outside, but this place is qualitatively different from Yangji.”

Suddenly, Kim Soo-hyun lowers his head slightly and closes his mouth tightly.

Like a person desperately holding back laughter.

Lord Salmun’s eyebrows twitched.

“If not, are you trusting the Shadow Queen next to you?”

“… … .”

“No matter what, if you keep acting like that, you’re going to die soon. “I assure you.”

“Salmun Road.”

Kim Soo-hyun cut off the conversation as if he couldn’t listen anymore.

Uncross your arms and legs and place both elbows on the table.

Eventually, he bent his back and gently pushed his face in.

“One under the table, four on the wall behind you, two on the ceiling, two under the door… . “Oh, I’m hiding everywhere.”

In an instant, the eyes sink.

The black, dead eyes slowly begin to glow blood red.

“Are you sure you trust these lowly bastards and the two hundred and seventeen engines installed in this hideout?”

At that moment, Lord Salmun became visibly agitated.

A look of disbelief.

If you are a user with excellent magic detection, it is not difficult to find hidden people.

If you have a keen eye, you can even tell that a trap has been set up.


“… … .”

It was nearly impossible to accurately guess the hiding location and the number of traps in this short period of time.

Kim Soo-hyun returned the same words with an indifferent expression.

“No matter what, if you keep acting like that, you’re going to die soon. “I guarantee it too.”

The two men’s eyes met.

At that time, just like when Go Yeon-ju first came in, Lord Salmun’s eyes lit up for a very brief moment.

And one second later.


At the same time that Salmun Road retreated, the corners of Kim Soo-hyun’s mouth rose slightly.

“… road?”

Did you feel something strange?

Neulseolyeong momentarily took a couple of steps back.

Precursor eye.

This is Salmun Lord’s special ability. Simply put, it is the ability to penetrate the essence of the opponent.

Although it is not converted into information like Han So-young’s extra sense, it can at least be seen as a shape.

For example, Go Yeon-ju appears as a shadow exuding ominousness, and Neul Seol-yeong appears as a flame filled with hatred.

But, this man… .

“what… . ji… ?”

Lord Salmun groaned without realizing it.

Terrible malice.

Is this what it would feel like if all the evil in the world gathered together?

Just looking at the instruments is blinding, and they are flowing like the sea.

This is the devil himself, no, no.

I can’t even touch the devil.

If there is a supreme being that surpasses the devil…

“High user performance.”

At that time, Kim Soo-hyun turned his body diagonally.

“For the third time, I tell you, you must never move.”

“Why why… .”

A complete loophole that was suddenly revealed.


“Because I don’t want you to be mistaken as an enemy. “This time, I won’t pay attention to the situation.”

If you miss this opportunity, which may be your last.

“… yes?”

die unconditionally

Lord Salmun thought so, and the moment Go Yeon-ju questioned him, he kicked his chair and threw himself away.

The time it took for him to pull out his weapon from his waist and rush forward could have been considered a flash.

The dagger pierced Kim Soo-hyun’s heart like a beam of light.

It wasn’t just Salmun Road.

Always set up, under the table, etc.

Various attacks were launched from all the places Kim Soo-hyun pointed out earlier.

There is nowhere to run to.

A siege attack that is twice as good as a tramp’s concentrated fire.

However, the next moment, Salmun Road passed by the space where Kim Soo-hyun was sitting.


Kim Soo-hyun is still sitting in the chair.

It’s just that I couldn’t feel anything in my hands.

And after a while, Kim Soo-hyun’s new form disappeared into thin air as if melting.

Lord Salmun shouted furiously at this absurd phenomenon.

“Spread out the net centered on Neulseolyeong!”

It was that moment.

The man who was under the table, who had quickly jumped out at the Lord’s command, suddenly lost his balance and hit the cold floor.

I immediately tried to get up from the ground, but my body tilted again.

Eventually, the man finally noticed.

The right hand that attacked Kim Soo-hyun has completely disappeared where the hand and arm connect.

No, it would be more accurate to say that it was torn apart.

“ah… .”

I didn’t even see it.

I didn’t even feel it.

He looked blankly at his wrist, with a thin stream of blood gushing out, and then let out a blood-soaked scream.

Lord Salmun and Neulseolyoung looked at the man rolling around while holding his wrist in shock.

“Ugh, wow! “Aaaah!”

Although it was sudden, the signal for the hunt was fired.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

Wow, it’s really hard to serialize once a day for the first time in a long time after publishing one episode every 3 or 4 days.

I think this is why habits are important.

When I first serialized it, I also serialized it during the exam period.


Fish Man / This is a weapon that appears in the beginning. This is the dagger that Kim Soo-hyun gave to Yu-jeong Lee. However, as it could not overcome the erosion of the magic sword, it was taken away and destroyed during the expedition.

Fantasy Collection / W, I’ll give it to you here!

I’m sorry for keeping you waiting until dawn. I’ll quickly get used to it and try to upload it at midnight. _(__)_

No2 Onion Chips / What does jakmilleh mean?

Shatien / Uh, actually, how can I write about Nimue… ㅜ.ㅠ I can’t find the timing. (Did you like the image of Nimue by any chance?) I’ll make sure to mention the Knights of Obello in the middle. ㅜ.ㅠ

Nocturne’s melody / I always organize and reorganize, but it seems to be the same…

Altenia / We will make her appear again once this side story is over!

Best Unrequited Love / For now, I’m uploading it as soon as it’s completed. 🙂

Illuminated Novel / I think it will probably be confirmed by season 2. After that, won’t the decision be made based on sales volume? ㄷㄷㄷㄷ

kurosx13 / It’s probably going to be worse than what you said… Actually, I’m still a little worried. ( __)


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not work with dark mode