MEMORIZE Chapter 1004

01004 Omnibus – Queen Of Silhouette. ————————————————– ———————-=

Koran, a small city located in the southern part of the North Continent.

The Southern Liberties Union, the representative clan that administers the Koran.

An organization created by two or more clans joining together is called an alliance.

And the Southern Liberty Alliance is a large alliance launched by as many as eight clans joining hands.

Su, Nambeol, Serengeti, and Artemis are in charge of battle.

The Association Of Merchants, which manages the top, is a white flower.

Garisani, Moss, in charge of intelligence.

Force, money, information.

The influence of the union created by the harmony of these three elements is so enormous that even if it were truly an omnipotent power, it would not be enough.

It is no exaggeration to say that power is growing day by day, making it difficult for a small city to handle it.

But today, for some reason, contrary to its majestic exterior, the Union Headquarters building was filled with an unexpected sense of tension.



In a conference room with a large round table, the man sitting at the head of the table let out a long puff of smoke.

It’s funny to argue for the head of the table at a round table that symbolizes equality, but since it is a collection of eight clans, there is a clear hierarchy.

And the current top ranking member of the alliance was Park Tae-jin, Lord Su and owner of Secret Class, who sat in the north seat.

“We prepared 30 kids. There are 80 people who were selected and hired from the streets at night. … But you failed?”

Tick ​​tock.

Park Tae-jin, who was talking while waving the tobacco between his index and middle fingers, giggled quietly.

“That was also the goal, Emperor Lei, and he was annihilated without even being able to attack. The alliance’s top elite was killed, and only one person survived the streets at night. This is the result? “Hehe.”

“So I told you not to do it! what’s this! “You lose a lot of power, and you end up in disgrace!”

The woman sitting second on the left, facing north, complained strongly.

Rare class user and Artemis Clan Lord Woo Seol-hee.

As someone said, since the largest number of people were put into this attack, and more than anything, it failed miserably, it was natural to complain.

But regardless, Taejin Park didn’t stop giggling.

“Well, there’s nothing to be embarrassed about, right? “If you get caught, wouldn’t you have been prepared to cut off your tail?”


“do not be angry. I just… .”

“Do you think this situation is that funny?”

An evil voice separated Park Tae-jin and Woo Seol-hee.

Taejin Park, who was waving his hand, glanced up.

Across from me, a man is looking at me, holding a candle in his hand.

The laughter subsided immediately.

“why? Shinhyuk.”

Shin Hyuk.

A Nambal clan lord of a similar size to the self-proclaimed leader of Coran, and a user above the alliance ranking.

To put it bluntly, he is Park Tae-jin’s competitor.

Of the two men who looked at each other for a while, Shinhyuk gently curled the corner of his mouth.

“No, I find it funny too.”

He takes the tobacco out of his mouth and starts shaking it carelessly, just like Taejin Park did earlier.

“Who was it… . Did you say Im Hanna? Anyway, it’s just as funny as the incident where you dumped Monica after confessing to her flower.”

It was a remark full of sarcasm, or rather, outright ridicule.

Taejin Park’s eyes shone coldly.

“now. Why is this happening again? Isn’t there a separate problem? “Let’s escape to Samcheonpo.”

Just as the tension was soaring through the ceiling, a middle-aged man quickly intervened.

Seo Ji-hwan, Lord of the Merchants’ Association.

He was a tycoon who controlled the funds flowing through the Koran in one hand and was credited with creating the Union.

When Park Tae-jin and Shin Hyuk became quiet, they let out a long sigh and stroked their dark beards.

“The situation is strange… . The extermination unit we secretly sent was annihilated within two days of departure. “One guy who barely made it back alive said that Clan Hamill probably didn’t even know they were almost attacked.”

“I heard it too. So, who knows our plan and ruined it beforehand?”

Woo Seol-hee responded nervously.

I glared sharply at Taejin Park to see if he had left yet.

“You never know. “I wonder if there is a traitor inside who attempted to fail.”

“This bitch? “You girl speaks carelessly!”


The round table shook from the strong impact.

The giant sitting across from us, Serengeti Lord Baekdu-san, stood up with his eyes wide open.

“what? year? girl? “Have you said everything?”

Woo Seol-hee also did not sit still.

I pull out the dagger from my waist and take a stance.

Seo Ji-hwan pressed his forehead and shook his head.

“They say the criminal used a shadow.”


As soon as those words came out, the hall instantly became quiet.

Park Tae-jin gestures toward Mt. Baekdu, and Shin Hyuk gestures toward Woo Seol-hee.

The man and woman carefully sat down, looking at each other.

During the awkward silence, it was Taejin Park who spoke first.

“If it’s a shadow, there’s nothing more to see. “Shadow Queen Go Yeon-joo, she’s the only one.”

“i think so too.”

“But why Shadow Queen? Isn’t she from the Mercantile Clan? Why bother opposing us? .”

“I didn’t know, but they said the target, Hamill Lord, is Mercenary Lord’s older brother.”

Park Tae-jin fell asleep without realizing it.

This is because they did not know that the two were related by blood.

In addition, it was rare for one brother to be summoned to the hall plane at different times, possibly at the same time.

“Anyway, it’s true that Mercenary intervened arbitrarily.”

Woo Seol-hee, who was quietly listening, grumbled.

“It’s ambiguous to even look at it like that. As a result of confirmation, the two clans are currently an alliance.”

As Seo Ji-hwan spoke calmly, Woo Seol-hee frowned as if she had nothing to say.

In fact, since he had done something dishonorable in the first place, it was laughable to ask for a justification.

Seo Ji-hwan, who had been languishing for a while, looked around as if he had made up his mind.

“Actually, I think it’s better to end this matter at this point.”

“Let’s close… . still?”

“It can’t be helped, right? I already failed. I’m not in a position to officially protest… . Also, I think the Shadow Queen warned me.”


Seo Ji-hwan nodded his head in response to Park Tae-jin’s question.

“look. Of the many, only one came back. And I didn’t hide the use of shadows. “Why did they do that?”

Taejin Park gritted his teeth.

No, it’s not just that.

There is no user here who is so proficient as to not be able to understand even if I say this much.

How much time has passed?

“Yes. As you said, I think it would be better to stop at this point and think about Halo-related issues in a different direction.”

Taejin Park calmly agreed.

It was said in a euphemistic way, but in reality, it meant turning it into a blank slate.

On the other hand, it was also a statement that reflected the true intentions of why the attack was planned.

Because Hamill will be the strongest competing clan in the selection of the next Halo representative, which the East fully supports.

Seo Ji-hwan patted his fat belly with a worried look on his face.

“okay! Good idea. Now that the Shadow Queen is at the forefront… .”

It was then.

“for a moment. Let’s just leave it like this? really?”

Seven pairs of eyes were focused on one place at the same time.

“… “Any opinions?”

When Park Tae-jin asked, Shin Hyuk laughed.

“Are you kidding me? Let’s leave Mercenary like this? “Of course you have to take revenge, right?”

Then he puts the tobacco in his mouth again and buries himself in the chair.

“Hey… . Why are they like this? What are you afraid of? How long has it been since the Mercantile Clan was founded? “A little over a year at most?”

“… … .”

“This is our ninth year. It’s been almost ten years since I settled in Koran. But does it make sense that an alliance with this much history would back out because of fear of just a new clan?”

“… … .”

It was a somewhat arrogant voice filled with pride in the union.

However, Taejin Park also did not deny whether he had similar thoughts.

“Then you tell me. “What do you want to do?”

“The fact that the Shadow Queen, who has nothing to do with us, moved means that her younger brother Mercenary Lord ordered it, right?”

“know. so?”

“Do I need to say more? “You personally took the blame for it, so it’s only natural that we have to pay back as well.”

Isn’t Shinhyuk like that? He added and looked around the round table as if asking for agreement.

“Uhm… . Well, let’s come. Brother Hyuk. There is no need to work on the Mercantile Clan… .”

“No. Doosan. If you think about it, Mercenary is a very competitive clan. It’s not uncommon to hear people say that they are the leader of a clan because they performed well in the war. Wouldn’t it be better to touch the minority now before more time passes? In fact, it may be easier than Hamill.”

In other words, change your target and defeat the Mercantile Clan first.

Since the words were not completely wrong, Baekdu-san, who was reluctant, kept his mouth shut.

“I understand how you feel, but the Shadow Queen is holding on. Moreover, due to this failure, our power… .”

“That’s right. That damn shadow queen, shadow queen! What’s so scary… . Anyway, I can solve that problem.”

Seo Ji-hwan gently tried to comfort him, but Shin-hyuk just snorted and took something out of his arms.

What I was holding in my hand was a small crystal ball.

“What is this?”

He shook it playfully and placed it on the table for everyone to see.

And said.

“Communication beads. To be more precise, it is directly connected to Salmun.”

The moment the word “salmun” was uttered, the room started to stir.

Since Salmun’s main stage of activity is the night streets of Koran, it is natural that they are related.

But it is certainly surprising to have a bead that can communicate directly.

Even Park Tae-jin, who was so grumpy, couldn’t hide his surprise.

Shinhyuk, who was enjoying the attention pouring in from all directions, continued speaking in a confident voice.

“Not to mention our skills, there’s no need to worry about our power, right? Well, it might cost some money… .”

The atmosphere suddenly became heavy.

No one opens their mouth without permission.

This is because Shin Hyuk’s argument seemed really plausible.

Murder door.

The best, strongest, and worst assassin clan in the North Continent.

Its cruelty and brutality are so terrifying that there can be no doubt about it.

As Shin Hyuk said, there is no need to worry about a decrease in power if you contract with an external force.

It hurts to talk about my skills.

Although they have now split apart, isn’t this the group that raised the famous Shadow Queen?

Also, during the first episode (a fact that only Kim Soo-hyun knows), did the Murder Brigade, which is said to be the best elite of vagabonds, avoid the assassination at least?

“well… . Will Salmun really move? “I’ve contacted them three or four times, but money doesn’t work alone.”

Seo Ji-hwan clicked his tongue as if he was reluctant.

However, Shinhyuk waved his index finger left and right.

“It will move. “They have a grudge against Go Yeon-joo.”

“I know that you two split up. But how many years have already passed?”

“There is more.”

“huh? What?”

“ah… . It’s hard to say because I found out about this by chance. I thought the person concerned would not like it. Anyway, how do you feel?”


The time to worry wasn’t long.

Seo Ji-hwan, who had been tapping on the round table, suddenly straightened his posture.

“good. “It’s worth a try as long as the salmun moves.”

Finally, the elder’s permission was given.

Now all that’s left is… .


Shinhyuk’s proud eyes looked straight ahead.

Park Tae-jin, who had been deep in thought, glanced up.

Finally, he placed his chin on his clasped hands and nodded his head.

“There’s no way it won’t work out.”

A smile appeared.

“Let’s do it.”

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

What happened to the Salmun and Koran alliance afterwards? . ^^;

P.S. I occasionally see comments regarding the opening of the Memorize Visual Novel Hidden Story, so I’ll let you know through my review. Then let’s attack!

Seraph Options – Number 2: Well… .

Among Ansol’s options – No. 2: Do not give chocolate bars.

Woo Jeong-min, Seon Yu-un’s options – No. 1: Hand it to Seon Yu-un.

If you make this choice, the hidden story will be unlocked as soon as the conditions have been met.

The hidden story is also fun, so please enjoy it to your heart’s content!

seta1ef / LOL I laughed for a long time when I saw this. Ahn Hyeon again… lol

creation / Those are really good words. I am also majoring in engineering.(?)

It’s a much lesser event than Shatien / Mountains Where the Dragon Sleeps!

Velos / Because Ko Yeon-joo, like Kim Soo-hyun, regained her human emotions. 🙂

kurosx13 / Actually, I am worried. This story is so cruel and has unpleasant content. ㅜ.ㅠ

Canulas / Correct answer!

Shatien, Count Sogongdong / Thank you for the coupon. I will work harder starting in February.

darktree / Well, actually, I understand their comments. It is true that the spin-off was told as a light and funny story, and readers who had liked the dark atmosphere until now probably couldn’t help but be disappointed. I’m just sorry for not being able to live up to your expectations.


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not work with dark mode