MEMORIZE Chapter 1003

01003 Omnibus – Queen Of Silhouette. ————————————————– ———————-=

The sky was painted gray and the weather looked as if it was going to rain soon.

“Are you leaving?”

On this day, Kim Soo-hyun, who was on his way to attend the central management office, smiled as he saw Seraph following him to the entrance.

“I have something to talk about with Lee Hyo-eul. “He asked me to come early today.”

“At such an early hour… . Are things bad?”

“The conflict between the Golden Lion and Goryeo was more severe than I thought… . Well, it’s still a lot better than the first time. “It’s something we can’t drag on forever.”

“but… .”

It was a voice clearly filled with sorrow.

Kim Soo-hyun laughed heartily, as if he was happy to be worried.

A person who does not know the situation would think that this is a loving wife who is worried about her husband who is struggling with work.

But if you look at the reality, that wasn’t necessarily the case.

The two, who had their first kiss on the rooftop a few days ago, fell in love with each other day and night.

Seraph was not at the level of refusal.

On the contrary, he was being loved to his heart’s content these days, as if he was being compensated for the fifteen years of just looking at him.

Also, unlike her elegant appearance, she had a fierce temperament that hit men in bed, so it was common for Kim Soo-hyun to lose her senses once they started making love.

Thanks to this, I couldn’t even close my eyes this morning because I couldn’t get away from the angel’s soft flesh.

“You couldn’t even eat.”


“It’s cold. Warm up your insides with some warm food. I think that will put my mind at ease.”

“ah… . “Is that so?”

A voice that gently melts the sorrow.

Plus, it gently wraps around the left arm and pulls, so who can resist?

After a while, the man and woman disappeared into the restaurant, holding close to each other.

As soon as the sound of the door closing was heard, Lee Yoo-jeong, who had been hiding and watching that extremely friendly figure, spoke up.

“They say they really just eat, so here’s a spare battery.”

“No way. “I’ll bet you that my brother eats Mr. Seraph.”

Kim Han-byeol, who opened his eyes softly, received the words.

The two looked at each other in turns and then simultaneously raised their hearing and turned their ears toward the restaurant.

– Su-hyun. What would you like to eat?

– Something delicious.

-Something delicious… ?

– It would be nice if my body became warm too.

Lee Yu-jeong rolled up her mouth and held out her hand.

Hanbyeol Kim licked his lips and searched his pockets.

-Anyway, there’s no one… . Seraph? Why is there something on the table suddenly… . No, why are you lying down? There’s a table there?

– I know.

– so why… .

– Su-hyeon said she wanted to eat something delicious… .

– huh?

– Didn’t you tell me that in the bathroom yesterday? My body is so delicious… . so… .

Lee Yu-jeong’s eyebrows were raised.

Immediately, an embarrassed moan flowed out, and Kim Han-byeol, who was listening with his chin resting on his left hand, chuckled as if he knew that would happen.

Of course, I didn’t forget to extend my hand.

“Mr. A!”

Lee Yoo-jeong nervously threw the spare battery, but Kim Han-byeol, who caught it smartly, politely bowed her head.

“Thank you for using us every time. sir.”

“damn… . Hey, can you give it back? That’s because I only have a few left. huh?”

“No. “I only have two hundred now.”

“There are a lot!”

“Chungcheon is impossible here. And it’s my sister’s fault for not noticing Seraph flirting like that in the first place.”

“Oh, it’s really too much!”

Lee Yoo-jeong shouted angrily, but Kim Han-byeol didn’t care.

Because I know you’re not angry at yourself.

The proof was that Lee Yu-jeong was glaring at the restaurant with her red eyes.

“You must be crazy. Even though they are newlyweds, why do they have so much s*x? “If you just make eye contact, it’s s*x, s*x!”

“Iknow, right. “It seems like Seraph doesn’t know the word appropriate.”

Han So-young, who was caressing her swollen belly, also agreed.

However, I suddenly started looking around as if wondering why, and astonished looks were pouring in from all directions.

Even the reason seemed surprising.

Han So-young tilted her head.


“oh my god… .”

“I guess he’s already forgotten what he did in Hyundai. “I have no conscience.”

“I felt sorry for my brother at that time. He was locked in the hospital and had to get protein all the time… .”

Countless criticisms poured in.

Han So-young, who had committed a crime, did not have anything to say, and the surroundings quickly became noisy.

The anger that was directed at Kim Soo-hyun was wrongly redirected towards Han So-young.


At that time, Lee Chae caught the eye of Jeong Ha-yeon, who was laughing while covering her mouth.

While everyone is talking noisily, one person is strangely quiet.

Go Yeon-ju was sitting in a rocking chair and staring endlessly at the rain outside.

The sunken, expressionless expression gives the feeling of being alone and detached.

Normally, I would have taken the lead in the conversation.

Are you even thinking about it?

The moment I thought about it, Go Yeon-ju’s arm moved.

He brought the long thing he was holding in his hand to his mouth.

“Mr. Yeonju!”

When Jeong Ha-yeon hurriedly screamed, he was startled and stopped his actions.

After blinking for a while, he looked at the electronic cigarette in his hand and sighed.

“ah… . sorry. I did not know.”

The cluttered air suddenly became heavy.

Because I was surprised to hear that he was sorry.

As a human, you can naturally make mistakes, but your opponent is the Shadow Queen.

It’s not because he has a bad personality, but rather because it’s Go Yeon-ju’s nature not to create a situation where he has to apologize in the first place.

“Don’t worry. Even if you drink it like this, it contains no nicotine and only liquid.”

Go Yeon-joo waved his electronic cigarette as if trying to brighten the mood.

Jeong Ha-yeon continued speaking cautiously.

“It’s just as bad for your body. Especially during pregnancy… .”

“Well, that’s true. Anyway, please keep it a secret.”

Go Yeon-ju, who obediently agreed, used force in his hand and broke the electronic cigarette.

He groaned, got up from the chair, patted his waist, and smiled.

“Then I’ll wake up first. “I feel a little sick.”


The day was cloudy all day, but raindrops began to fall only in the evening.

Jeong Ha-yeon, who had had a leisurely morning and afternoon as always, had just come out of the lab.

However, the steps toward the room did not go as planned and stopped at the stairs.

Looking back at the first floor lounge, I found Go Yeon-ju still looking out the window.

Jeong Ha-yeon, who had been staring blankly, soon returned from the restaurant holding a steaming tea cup.

“what are you doing?”

He quietly approached me and handed me a teacup, but did he already know?

Go Yeon-ju just shrugged his shoulders with blank eyes.

It felt like a bother, but I accepted the car.

Jeong Ha-yeon, who saw him taking a sip, slowly took the seat next to him.

“Have you been like this since morning?”

“… … .”

“I heard you don’t feel well. Are you feeling better?”

“… … .”

Let alone answer, he doesn’t even react.

But he continued to speak in a bright voice.

“I think Yoo-jeong was very upset that she lost the bet with Han-byeol. She says it’s all because of her brother, and if she went back five years she wouldn’t have met her brother.”

It worked this time.

This is because Go Yeon-joo, who had been expressionless the whole time, burst into laughter.

Even though my eyes didn’t move.

“We will meet, we will not meet. “We have a bit of a difference of opinion. What do you think, Yeonjoo?”

“me too.”


“well. “I don’t really want to meet you.”

Go Yeon-ju finally opened her mouth, but the words were quite unexpected.

Jeong Ha-yeon asked with a bright smile, not knowing how to answer right away.

“hmm… . why?”

In response to a cautious question, Ko Yeon-ju spoke a beat late.

“… “Because I’m scared.”

It was a statement that made me doubt my ears.


As the awkward silence fell, the sound of rain hitting the ground gradually began to become harsher.

He glanced at his face, but his expression was still difficult to read.

I don’t want to meet you.

Because I’m scared.

It was a surprising statement.

Even if the former doesn’t make much sense, I don’t understand the latter.

It is highly unlikely that a user with a high level of playing skills would fall into mannerism.

A more convincing explanation is that the mood swings are aggravated by hormones secreted during pregnancy.

After organizing her thoughts, Jeong Ha-yeon opened her mouth.

“Did something happen? Tell me. “If you tell me about it, you’ll feel a little more at ease.”


Ko Yeon-ju denied the claim as if it was unreasonable.

“It’s just that sometimes, very occasionally, it’s awkward.”

“Because it’s awkward?”

“Just the whole situation surrounding me. Like this, she settled into the clan, had a child, lived as a man’s wife, and… .”


As the words she had been saying suddenly became blurred, Jeong Ha-yeon did not hesitate to ask a question.

“That person has changed this much.”

The voices continued after a short gap.

that person.

It won’t be difficult to figure out who it’s referring to.

I guess you got sentimental because it was raining? Jeong Ha-yeon, who was about to laugh, changed her thoughts and corrected her words.

“I understand. “It’s something you couldn’t even imagine before, right?”

“No, it’s not that bad. “Maybe Hayeon doesn’t know.”

The voice suddenly became sharper.

Go Yeon-ju, feeling thirsty, took a swig of the cooled tea.

“I know something about the user Kim Soo-hyun that no one else knows. Because we have shared so many secrets over the past five years.”

It was never a boastful tone, nor was it boastful.

“For me. “I’ve only seen it once.”

Rather, it was a voice steeped in sentiment, even with a faint tremor.

“Sometimes when that memory comes to mind… . I feel very unfamiliar with the present. “To the point where I can’t stand it.”

Go Yeon-ju, who had said that far, closed her mouth.

Rather than speaking carelessly, Jeong Ha-yeon stayed silent.

It was after a long time that I was able to speak again.

“You know what? “It doesn’t rain often in Hall Plain.”

It was a random remark, but clever Jeong Ha-yeon immediately realized the other person’s intention.

“I guess it was a rainy day that day too.”

Go Yeon-ju nodded.

And he spoke in a lower voice.

“Do you remember that incident? “It was an accident caused by Ahn Hyeon.”

“If it was an accident that happened to Hyeoni… .”

There weren’t just one or two, but there was one that immediately came to mind.

“The mountains where the dragon sleeps?”

“no. “Not that one.”

“then… ?”

“Before the mountains where the dragon sleeps. “There was one.”

What happened before that?

Jeong Ha-yeon, who was muttering to herself, suddenly let out an exclamation.

“ah! If that’s the case… .”

Turn back time, the story goes back four years.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

Actually, I was trying to write it down during the main series, but I deleted it, but this is how I ended up serializing it.

As I mentioned earlier, the Omnibus Go Yeon-joo story is going to be 180 degrees different from the side stories we’ve seen so far.

Depending on the content, some readers may frown or be offended.

We ask for your understanding in advance and will now begin the Queen Of Silhouette – Killing Door part. _(__)_

P.S. Tickets are still being sent. 🙂


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not work with dark mode