Lion Heart Chapter 72

“Mr. Lee Han. “Look at this!”


Her hand gripped the railing on the deck he had dropped off, and her excited voice put as much effort into it. Instead of the night view of the city that had illuminated the previous night, the natural dawn light swayed all around. Hae-joon covered his mouth with both hands as his heart broke and tears formed involuntarily.

“Wow, that’s really cool.”

“Is that so?”

“yes. It’s really worth buying. “If I had 708 million, I would have bought this boat!”

Lee Han’s eyes narrowed again as she looked back at him with her unique smile. Even though I might like this seal, there is nothing I can do about it.

Because I can’t even imagine that things could get better here.

“Hey, Mr. Lee Han!”

All you can do is hug this seal before it jumps into the water. Lee Han held her tightly from behind and buried his head in her fine hair.

“We’ll just stay like this for a while.”

“… … .”

Don’t even think about running away.

In fact, she didn’t even say that, but he became impatient. As always, you will get used to the tightness that may seem uncomfortable at first over time. Hae-joon, who had been twisting his shoulders in Lee-han’s arms, opened his eyes again to the scenery in front of him.

I hope this time doesn’t end like this.

May we remain in each other’s memories for as long as possible.

I don’t know how long it’s been since I’ve had a wish for you. I have always hoped that patients would wake up safely and their hearts could beat vigorously again, but this is the first time that I have made a wish solely for myself.


There was one more time.

The corners of Hae-joon’s mouth slid up as he stared at the white waves spreading at the tip of his toes. The first wish I remember was even more selfish and urgent than it is now.

“Haejun. We’re in big trouble! At your house now… … .”

Her family’s circumstances, which had never been good, hit rock bottom right after she took the college entrance exam. She thought she could make a living, but exactly one day before she was to take her college entrance exam, red stickers were placed all over her house.

Wow. There really was something like this in the world.

Pretending to be calm and ignoring reality when I saw something I didn’t want to believe was a habit that started from then. If I just looked at it from a distance, I felt like it wasn’t really my job.

I hope that misfortune does not reach me.

Don’t even touch my toes, which I want to become a doctor.

I covered myself with a blanket and shook my head, avoiding the debtors who were pounding on the door. While others were looking at exam questions, she only muttered words that sounded like a spell to save me.

However, the harsh reality that the house was destroyed the day before the college entrance exam was the same the next day. The teachers’ expectations that it would be possible to become the top student at Korea University’s medical school if they did everything as usual were also shattered.

It’s a close to perfect score, but it’s not perfect. Korea University Medical School is not a place that tolerates even a single mistake. Even the scholarship that I had high hopes for was gone, putting my trembling hands as if I was praying all night long.

“Haejun, what are you doing? How is it possible to get into medical school at Korea University, but the scholarship is… … .”

“yes. teacher.”

Even though I looked at the teacher who was more disappointed than me, I just remained calm. Like it’s nobody else’s business, yeah. I really hoped it would go away as if it were someone else’s business.

“But just in case, let’s think about it. If you can’t decide, you can look elsewhere, and there’s no need to stick to Korea University. “Is that okay too?”

“yes… … . are you okay.”

It’s okay.

I laughed. If you think about it, this was a pretty good problem. My life wasn’t in danger because I was sick, and my family wasn’t scattered. So, not being able to go to the university I wanted was something I had to be okay with.

Even if I only focused on one path for a long time, even if I clung to it for years without giving it a second thought, I just need to forget about that level of effort.

“First, I’ll look around for other scholarships. “It’s such a waste of what I’ve done so far to go to another school like this.”

I smiled at the teacher, nodded, and turned around, but I didn’t have any expectations. There’s no way something like that dream could happen to me. My emotions became dull day by day, and I couldn’t smile even when I received the acceptance notice.

Would it have been better if I had fallen away?

I reassured my parents, who were just sorry, that I was okay. I constantly filled out the application form my teacher gave me, but I really didn’t believe it was possible. I was afraid that if I didn’t do something, I wouldn’t even think I was okay, so I kept playing with my pen without stopping.

That’s just the way it is.

A formal paste-up saying that I will do my best if you help me.

Then, time passed quickly. As the tuition deadline ticked by like a time bomb timer, my mind became more and more relaxed. If it doesn’t work out, don’t do it. It’s not just this university. At some point, the number of days when I laughed out loud increased.

At a time when I was wondering where and what I had written, the teacher urgently came to me.

“Haejun! You got a scholarship! “Everything from admission fees to tuition!”

“… … yes? “What do you mean by that?”

“You can go to Korea University! “You can go to medical school at Korea University and become a doctor!”

“ah… … .”

I didn’t say anything in front of the teacher who was more excited than me. Instead, tears flowed out. Even at that moment when the house was covered in red and people were going crazy, the same tears that had never come out were hot and wet down my cheeks.

… … I’m not okay. You’ve never been okay.


I whimpered as tears welled up in my throat as I foolishly realized my true feelings. I tried to act nonchalant about whether Korea University’s medical school was a major university, but the truth was I never thought about it that way. I just have to believe that it’s not a big deal so I can endure it. Because you will be able to move forward without hesitation. The more desperate your dream is, the more desperate it will be to collapse.

“You know it’s Jeil Hospital, right? A very large hospital in Seoul. “They say it’s a support group, but they didn’t reveal its name.”

The paper the teacher held out contained a simple congratulatory message, but it wasn’t simple for me. She came home with trembling hands and looked at it again and again, and didn’t even look at the certificate of acceptance for that long. I felt like if I told someone something would happen, so I went into a small room to hide and opened the Internet.

Cheil Hospital.

Even though I barely pressed down each word with trembling hands, my hands slipped several times. I couldn’t take my eyes off the image of the hospital on the screen that I was looking at with such difficulty. Just like the moment I first dreamed of becoming a doctor, I blinked my eyes blankly.

Can it really be like this?

Is it okay for you to give me this much money?

No, can something like this dream happen to me too?

So I picked up a pen. These are not the formal words I have used so far, but I put all my sincerity into them. I wrote a surprisingly sincere confession that I had these feelings.

“Now that I’ve written it, I’ll send it to you, but I’m not sure if it will be conveyed properly since it doesn’t tell me exactly who it is. “Those people will receive hundreds of cards like this every day, so it will be difficult to read them all.”

“Oh, I know.”

“… … .”

“still. “I hope you read it.”

Despite the teacher’s embarrassed face, I held out the card I had brought with me. No matter how high the chairman was, even though he was a busy person who received hundreds of letters like this, I had no worries.

You will definitely see it.

then. I’m sure you’ll take a look.

Some people might say it was greed for idle hope, but it wasn’t me. If I give up hope, no one in the world can have hope. Is there anyone in the world as lucky as me? Because all my dreams had already come true, there was no reason not to expect more.

“ah… … .”

And just like that, my second hope flew straight home. The moment I saw a particularly softly shining envelope in a mailbox full of bills and reminders, my heart knew who the sender was.

yes. Please try it.

I will believe and wait.

It wasn’t even friendly. It wasn’t long and detailed.

However, the gliding, fluid handwriting was warm. I don’t know if it’s really like that or if I really want to believe it, but it touched my heart more deeply than any other words I’ve ever received.

Words too short to be forgotten.

To the shameless debtor, I tell you to keep an eye on what you say, and that I will keep my eyes open and watch to see if your long and lame plan really comes to fruition. I came this far using a few extremely unfriendly lines as a guidepost.

I tried not to be embarrassed and did my best.

Although good things can’t happen every time, I also learned that there are ‘warm, if not sweet, sincere feelings’ in the world just as much as the card I received, or even more than that.

“It’s okay. “That’s enough.”

Is there a law that says you should only say kind words that are sincere?

The fact that a man who would hate it more than anyone else just sneers at me like this makes me think, ‘I’m doing a good job.’ The days of gaining courage increased. Even if she barely spoke a word, she knew better than anyone the power that those words gave her.

So, is a man a little harder than that card the best choice?

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not work with dark mode