I Subscribed to the Channel of Transcendents Chapter 298

Episode 298.

A blond man looking at Siwoo.

His eyes sparkled with sunlight, just like the color of his hair.

It was unimaginably old, yet strangely young-looking.

It was never evil.

The blond man’s gaze was by no means evil.

That’s why the blond man couldn’t be evil.

No, Siwoo could instinctively tell that it was not evil.


If we were to categorize, we could say that the blond man was closer to justice.


Just because it is justice does not mean it is good.

Because justice pursues value.

Evil is when the action is clearly wrong.

It is controlled and moderated by goodness.

But justice is not like that.

In the values ​​that justice embraces, there is neither good nor evil.

Depending on your perspective, it could be either good or evil.

That’s why there isn’t even a means of control.

They believe that it is okay to completely destroy others because they believe that it is the right value.

Even if the world is going to end, if you think it is right based on your own justice, you will act without hesitation.

Justice gone astray.

This could be said to be the most terrible evil.

So now.

Such justice was seen in the blond man.

That’s why the blond man wasn’t good.

How could a blond man who betrayed his comrades without hesitation be a good person?

It was the same even if the comrade who betrayed him was a devil.

The blond man is also a devil like them.

The blond man was never good.

That doesn’t mean it was evil.

Anyway, the blond man betrayed the devil.

Because I pointed my sword at evil without hesitation.

A being that is neither good nor evil.

A being that is a mixture of good and evil.

The blond man was a being of ‘justice’.

That’s why it was even more scary and fearful.

Because I couldn’t figure out what justice the blond man was holding.

Because I couldn’t figure out what value they were pursuing.

If that definition is a misguided definition.

If it is one of the most terrible evils.

I would have preferred a red shadow.

It would have been better to choose the obvious evil.

Siwoo couldn’t bring himself to blame the blond man.

That moment.

[I know I am not a good person.]

The blond man spoke again.

The place I looked up at.

[I also know that this is not something a traitor like me who betrayed his comrades should say.]

The blond man’s eyes sparkle with sunlight.

[But still, trust me.]

Trust and betrayal.

It could be said that it was truly ironic.

This is a situation where a person who has betrayed his colleagues is longing for trust.

It was ridiculous that he was the first to betray trust and then ask others to trust him.

To be honest, it was not even funny.

That’s why I had even less faith.

That’s why I couldn’t believe it even more.



That’s why Siwoo was able to make a decision.

Siwoo put his hand into his subspace pocket.

He was once a colleague of the blond man.

And once upon a time, there was a crazy fox and a lazy monkey.

But now, something has become a loathsome monstrosity.

The quality of being jealous.

Just be lazy.

He brought out the sins of arrogance and pride.

The definition of a blonde man.

Justice pursued even at the cost of betraying one’s colleagues.

I don’t know if it’s good or evil.

It may be close to evil.

But Siwoo just believed.

The smartphone from Gottube that the blonde man gave to Siwoo.

Siwoo was able to come this far thanks to that.

The footsteps of Siwoo that he has walked so far.

I just trusted the blond man who gave me the start.

Siwoo handed the two sins to the blond man.

That moment.

[Do you think I’ll just leave it like that?]

The will of the red shadow was heard.

* * *

The red shadow’s two hands moved quickly.

Every time his hand moved, a crimson magical energy rippled.

The space was torn apart, and a great power was condensed into it.


The condensed power exploded with a powerful force, and a torrent of power poured out.

A power that is stronger and more refined than before.

During the time that Siwoo was worrying, the red shadow seemed to have regulated its unstable power.

The torrent of power poured down and was directed solely at Siwoo.

And then, a blond man stood in front of him.

Boom! Boom!

A torrent of power exploded out, scattering in all directions.

A brief gap is visible through it.

Siwoo quickly approached the blond man.

That moment.


A clear sound of raindrops was heard.

At the same time, things around Siwoo began to take on a distinctly hostile tone.

From the breath we inhale and exhale to the light that illuminates all things.

All things that make up this universe have come forward as enemies.

Dow Shin Sayama.

The spirits of nature she was dealing with blocked Si-woo’s path.


Because of that, Siwoo couldn’t approach.

I couldn’t pass on the sins of arrogance and pride to the blond man.

“Why on earth are you doing this!”

Siwoo shouted.

He vented his anger towards the Dow Shin Sayama who was blocking his way.

But Dow Shin Sayama did not listen.

“We humans do not deserve to live.”

However, it was just a statement.

It was a word whose meaning was difficult to guess.

At the same time, these were not the words that the 13 heroes would say.


Shiwoo was able to glimpse the spirit of the fallen Dow Shin Sayama.

Also, it could be seen at the same time.

“Today’s reality is that people betray others to survive and sacrifice others to fill their own stomachs.”

I could see the spirit of the uncorrupted Dow Shin Sayama.

Dow Shin Sayama was in his right mind.

Not tainted by evil.

There was no sign of being mentally controlled.

Dow Shin Sayama kept his spirits clear.

“I did not wish for a world like this. I did not struggle so hard to pioneer this kind of life.”

So this was the voice of Dow Shin Sayama speaking.

It was not a distorted thought due to someone’s coercion.

And in the past.

It was the identity of what Siu had seen from Dow Shin Sayama in Korea.

“So I decided. I will change this reality.”

Illness of the mind.

It was a mental illness that Dow Shin Saamya was suffering from.

That illness of the mind had finally sprouted.

“I will wipe out all of the current humans and create a new paradise.”

That’s why there was nothing Siwoo could do about it.

It was incurable.

Divine Medicine (S+) that treats all diseases.

But the illness of the mind could not be cured.

“A true world where good people are respected. I will create such a world.”

Dow Shin Sayama’s hand swept the air.


A tearing ringing in my ears is heard.

The spirits of Mother Nature descend with obvious murderous intent and rage.

“I will purify the world today!”

It feels like a needle is stabbing my brain.

The hostility and murderous intent of Mother Nature.

Even Siwoo couldn’t handle it easily.

A wavering mind.

Siwoo glanced to the side.

[Since it has come to this, I will also absorb the power you have.]

[Wasn’t that what you were planning anyway? Judas, my rank is absolutely necessary for your purpose.]

The blond man was fighting against the red shadow.

A red shadow was blocking Siwoo from approaching.


[Knowing that, you came here on your own? How foolish. No, I should say it’s just like you.]

[… Ugh!]

Was being pushed.

The blond man was being pushed little by little by the red shadow.

I had to punish him for his sins of arrogance and pride as soon as possible.

Only then could I confront the red shadow.

But I couldn’t approach.


I couldn’t get through the exploding spirits of nature.

… This can’t go on like this.

If we continue like this, we will end up being neither here nor there.

You have to make a decisive move.

Siwoo closed his eyes calmly.

One of the five senses is blocked, and the other senses become more sensitive.

Sensory cells throughout the body are sharply sharpened.

So when I opened my eyes again.

All the surrounding phenomena were clearly recognized.

All things in this universe.

The beings of nature were clearly perceived by the senses.

They were angry.

The air was seething, the wind was sharp.

The sun was blazing and the earth was holding death.

Kwaaaa …

Siwoo’s time is getting longer.

Space-time stretches out like a string of taffy, and all the great natural beings that are spread across this space-time flow slowly.

Everything in the world slows down and slows down again.

Even the sound is caught in the air and cannot be heard.


Siwoo’s world is torn apart once again.

Time, which had been stretching and stretching, finally stops, and the beings of nature also stop.

And again.

The world that has stopped is distorted.

The world of space and time is shattered and broken.

Broken and shattered pieces like glass.

A space-time where even light has stopped, a void.

A world where no being is permitted to move.

Siwoo walked through that empty world.

Space-time interference.


Then the world’s resistance falls on Si-woo.

The whole world becomes hostile to the idea of ​​shaking the law itself and destroying the existence of Siwoo.

A distorted and collapsing space-time.

I had to avoid it, but not this time.

Siwoo didn’t avoid it.

I lightly stretched my hand out to the side.

And then bam!

Grabbed the axis of collapsing space-time.

A power in the world that even gods cannot resist.

That indescribable, infinite power has been oppressing Siwoo.

Every single blood vessel in your body bursts.

The muscles are completely torn and torn to shreds.

Furthermore, the very existence of Siwoo is erased.


The power that Siwoo realized, Martial Power (SSR).

A body that has been transformed, albeit imperfectly.

And the uniqueness of Siwoo and the direction of divinity that Siwoo possesses.


Hercules’ divine fighting skills.


This is no longer Herculean fighting.

It could not be considered as Hercules’ divine magic.

Hercules defined his martial arts as follows:

[Should we call this a method of overturning the laws of the world?]

It’s twisted.

Opposing in one way or another to prevent things from going well.

Something that prevents the laws of the world from functioning properly.

Hercules’ magic could be said to be a way to bend the rules.


Going one step further with that power.

It goes one step further than that method.


It denies the laws of the world itself.

Phage crackle!

Reject the world’s established order.

And thus, deceives the world.


A world of infinite possibilities unfolds.

The power of the infinite world is contained in the infinite drawing paper where no limits exist.

And so, a single blow is struck.

Only Siwoo draws it.

A martial art that only Siwoo can perform.

Siwoo’s fist extends forward.

Infinite martial arts.

Type 1.

Time and space annihilation attack.

* * *

I thought… that was the end.

I thought it was all over.

It wasn’t just Maverick’s idea.

It wasn’t just the thoughts of the people at the UN gathered in the conference room.

To all viewers watching the live streaming of the Seongnam Channel.

So, this is probably a common thought shared by people all over the world.

The sudden appearance of a red shadow.

The Fall of Dow Shin Sayama.

There was also a blond man whose identity was unknown, but it didn’t mean much.

There was no element of reversal that could turn the situation around.

So everyone in the world thought it was all over.

Sure… I definitely thought so.

[Quazizi─! Jiji──!]

A video seen beyond a large screen.

The screen of the video was not captured properly.

The sound wasn’t even transmitted properly, so there was only a lot of noise.

I could tell that there was nothing visible on the screen.

That’s why I could tell.

Since nothing was visible, there was a perceptible irony hidden within.

[Kwaaaaa …

How absurd things are unfolding right now.

Space-time gap.

How is that… a human fight?

How can you define that as a human being?

“… … .”

“… … .”

All UN staff, including Maverick, were silent.

And people all over the world were reluctant to open their mouths.

Finally, the screen was fixed.

The distorted landscape regained its original form.

The collapsed space-time was restored and flowed completely again.

And people could see.


A red shadow with its entire body torn apart.

Red blood pouring out from the torn body.

It was dyeing his shadow red.

The shadow of the red shadow was dyed red.

Crackle, crackle!

Black currents were jumping out in all directions from the red shadow.

Beyond the screen where everything takes shape.

[Kkaaa …

The red shadow was falling down, letting out a terrible scream.


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not work with dark mode