I Raided the Devil’s Treasury Chapter 159

Episode 163

163. Episode 163

– Welcome to the 18th floor trials.

– Topic: Disaster in the Snowfields

– Time limit: 48 hours

– After defeating the ice giant, you will head towards your destination as if you were being chased by a blizzard without even a moment to catch your breath.

– Overcome the disaster of the snowfield and move on to the next destination.

Disaster of the snowfields.

The disaster being discussed here was not something like a ‘monster that was like a disaster’.

It literally means natural disaster, meaning all kinds of unfortunate events caused by natural disasters.

“It’s too uncomfortable to walk… …. Brother Hancheol, can you carry me?”

“me too!”

“… … .”

The snow is piled up so much that with every step I sink into it up to my knees.

If you step wrong, the ground will suddenly collapse and your body will fall down.

Because of that, people were standing in a line and following the path that Seun was walking along.

Se-Woon was able to avoid most abnormalities through his sharp senses and detection through scanning.

This alone made my stamina drop quickly, but that wasn’t the real problem.

“Ugh, my eyes are rolling!”

A huge snowball rolled down from the snowy mountain next door.

At first it didn’t look that big, but as it rolled down it grew in size and in an instant it grew to a size large enough to cover the Diablo clan.

Seun put his hand on the handle of the Durangdal, but someone else stepped forward before him.

– Player Kang Han-cheol uses ‘Advance’.


Kang-cheol’s fist collided with the snowball.

If it was such a huge snowball, even if he smashed it with his fist, it would have split into large and small pieces and fall on the clan, but his fist was different.

The power of Demon King Agares, ranked 2nd in the hierarchy, Earthquake.

The fist, filled with the power of that powerful vibration, smashed the snowball into small pieces, scattering it into snowflakes.

Thanks to this, several people nearby had snow dust thrown on their heads, but they were able to avoid being crushed by the snowball.

Before people could cheer for Kang Han-cheol’s performance… … .

“Hey, you crazy X! Haven’t you even seen the movie? How can you say something like that in a place like this!”


“There’s an avalanche!”

The snow mountain began to collapse with a terrifying noise.

There was nowhere to escape, as both sides were blocked by snow-capped mountains, except for the path ahead.

The avalanche, like a snowball, grew larger as it descended.

A situation that cannot be helped even by Kang Han-cheol’s strength or Yoo Seo-ah’s command.

Then, two girls stepped forward.



The twin sisters enlarged the wall they had prepared in advance. No, rather than enlarge it, they simply returned it to its original size.

Even when they were at their base, they spent their time creating something without resting.

For them, who had no fighting ability of their own, that was the only way to prepare for the ordeal.

All sorts of siege weapons, bullets, makeshift buildings, and even defensive barriers that could be called ‘castle walls’.

– The constellation, the ‘black bird’, flaps its beak, saying that there is no need to spread its wings over such an avalanche.

– The constellation, ‘The Great Bird’, praises the contractor for his excellent walls.

A castle wall 5 meters high and 30 meters long on both sides was erected before our eyes.

The avalanche wasn’t that big, so it didn’t seem like it could have gone over the wall and hit people.

However, there was one problem.

A castle wall was not something that could withstand enemy attacks just by being built carelessly on the ground. It had to be dug into the ground and firmly anchored to gain the power to block enemy attacks.

A wall haphazardly placed on the ground could withstand enemy attacks, but could not stop them.

“Brother Hancheol!”

“i get it.”


Kang-cheol Kang spread his arms wide and supported the wall.

It wasn’t just that.

The entire Diablo clan joined forces to support the wall, and the undead raised by Baekhyun flew to support the wall.

And finally, the avalanche began to fall upon the Diablo clan.


I feel a chill and a tidal wave-like power from the hand that is touching the wall.

For a normal human, it would have been impossible to withstand the avalanche with just their own strength, but the people of the Diablo clan were already full-fledged ‘players’.

Human power has long since been surpassed.

Moreover, the strong iron supporting the center had already surpassed even the strength of the ogre.

Ss …

After the uproar, the snow flakes, weak, began to fall down both sides of the wall.

It was truly a human effort that stopped the avalanche.

People breathed a sigh of relief or admired their own strength.

“Whoa! I almost died! Be careful next time!”

“I hope you blocked it well. It’s much better than screaming like someone else.”

“What? This little brat!”

As soon as Park Jeong-pil raised his voice, Kang Han-cheol came up behind him and covered his mouth.

Park Jeong-pil groaned and struggled, but he could not resist the monstrous force.

Of course, Kang Cheol-do realized that the avalanche was his fault and bowed his head to the people.

One of Kang Han-cheol’s greatest strengths was his ability to calmly admit his mistakes and think about better ways.

“This trial is really draining my stamina.”

“That’s right, Sister! It’s better if monsters come rushing in, isn’t it? It’s like walking on a path of thorns.”

“Ugh, I really hate the cold… … .”

The ordeals continued after that.

I had to pass under the bridge and get splashed with icicles, and I also had to cross the crevasse that I had seen during the 16th floor trial.

A literal disaster in the snowfields.

It seemed like every disaster related to the eyes was occurring.

How long did it take to walk like that?


“Huh? It’s snowing again!”

“Ugh, trash is falling from the sky… … .”

The snow that had been quiet for a while began to fall again.

It wasn’t the same blizzard I’d seen from the 16th floor. The snow was fluttering beautifully in the still sky without a trace of wind.

However, that beautiful sentiment soon turned into shock.

“Hey, am I seeing things wrong?”

“It doesn’t look like snow, it just looks like clouds are falling?”

“Ugh, there’s a huge piece of trash falling from the sky… … .”

The clouds are falling.

The sight of the snow falling on the heads of the Diablo clan right now seemed to fit Hanareum’s expression perfectly.

The snow covered the sky so much that no blue sky could be seen at all. The expression “heavy snow” could not be more appropriate.

‘I had quite a hard time because of this.’

Se-un recalled the time before his return.

When heavy snow begins to fall, the already deep snow paths become even deeper, making movement impossible. Visibility becomes impossible, and the cold becomes even more severe.

It was snowing so heavily that every time I breathed, snowflakes would fly into my mouth, making it difficult to breathe.

The good news is that the snowstorm stops after a few hours?

Even so, because the snow that had piled up due to the heavy snowfall had already piled up to the top of our heads, movement was significantly slowed down.

However, Seun had no intention of waiting for the snowstorm to subside like before his return, or of slowing down by passing through the snow-covered fields.


Concentrate your mana in your right hand.

The blazing flame compressed for a moment and then transformed into small bullets.

As I continued to pour mana into it, the blazing flames compressed and the bullets grew in size.

At first it was the size of a small bullet, but as time passed its size grew to be like a cannon bullet.

– The power of ‘Fire Cannon’ is strengthened according to the Black Tower’s magic.

There, the four magic towers’ magic elements are mixed together to maintain balance, and finally, the bullets are imbued with the black light unique to the Black Tower’s magic elements.

However, Se-un was still not satisfied.

– The stigmata react to the tale of the Blood Wolf Legend.

– The second ability of the stigmata, ‘Frenzy’, awakens.

He awakened the stigmata and unleashed the power of madness.

The stigmata, which had recently become more powerful after devouring the divinity of the board, emitted an eerie light.

The moment when the bullet that had turned so crimson was imbued with the power of madness… … .


The bullet shot through the heavy snow and into the sky.

People were nervous that the noise would cause another avalanche, but the bullets Seun fired did not make any noise.

An unreal silence enveloped the surroundings.

The heavy snow melted away, unable to withstand the heat of the bullets.

No, as soon as it melted, it turned into white vapor, and the vapor spread out in all directions on the air currents changed by the heat.

Then, at last, the moment the crimson bullet reached the sky, the bullet finally exploded.


Flames from the bullets filled the sky.

The clouds that had been sprinkling heavy snow disappeared in flames, and the clouds that had been approaching also got scared and moved away.

Power that can change the weather.

This was the power of the 5th circle magic.

Of course, it would be impossible for a normal wizard to produce this kind of power with 5-circle magic.

This power was possible because Seun had mastered the secrets of the five magic towers, amplified his strength to the limit with the power of madness, and poured out all the mana he had.

– The constellation ‘Snake Surrounding Time’ is horrified at the speed of your growth.

“… … I knew Seun was strong, but I didn’t know he was this strong.”

“The trash is gone! Yay!”

Of course, as the clouds cleared, the snowfall also stopped.

It was a bit disappointing that the snow still remained and the roads were slippery due to melting snow, but compared to the heavy snowfall, it was bearable.

I felt dizzy for a moment due to the excessive use of mana, but it wasn’t enough to make me lose my balance.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, and my condition quickly calmed down.

When I turned my head, everyone, including Yu Seo-ah, was looking at Se-woon with their mouths wide open.

“Hey, this is the first time I’ve seen the sky this clear since I came here!”

As Park Jeong-pil said, the sky over the snowy field was clearer than ever.

It was a cloudy day all day because of the clouds that filled the sky, even though there was no snowstorm.

This is the first time I have seen something like this.

It was the first time in the snowy field that I thought, ‘This is beautiful.’

“I thought it was just full of snow-capped mountains, but it’s decorated better than I thought. Wow, it looks like a game background. Hey, look at that castle over there!”


As Park Jeong-pil said, under the clear sky, various other landscapes were visible, in addition to the snow-capped mountains.

Trees that stretch tall toward the sky, or bizarrely shaped rocks that appear as the snow melts.

There were also monsters here that I thought didn’t exist. It seemed like they were the ones who rolled the abnormal snowball.

More than that, what Se-woon paid attention to was the ‘surname’ that Park Jeong-pil was pointing out.

When the weather was cloudy, not even a shadow could be seen, but when the snow disappeared and the day became bright, a transparent ice castle could be seen sitting on the top of the highest snow-covered mountain, as if it were a lie.



There’s no way that the Tower Trial would have inserted such a background on top of a snowy mountain simply to please the players’ eyes.

Even though there was no guidepost for the journey, Se-Woon could instinctively tell.

“I guess I’ll have to move separately this time too.”

A transparent ice castle perched on top of the highest snow-capped mountain. That was the hidden piece of this place.


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not work with dark mode