I Raided the Devil’s Treasury Chapter 155

Episode 159

159. Episode 159

To be honest, I expected that he would bring along someone like the demon ‘Black Horse’. His greed for demons was already leaking out from the clan chat.

But since I chose the Orc faction, I thought it wouldn’t be easy to bring the corpse of the Demon Beast, a monster from the same faction…

Black Maw brought the corpse of Song Jang-hwa, who was secretly being raised by the Lizardmen camp as a last resort.

“Oh, Mr. Se-un, you’re here!”

“What happened?”

“Haha, I want it so bad… … .”

“Did the demon get hurt during the fight with the Lizardmen? It’s unlikely that the demon would get hurt.”



“While I was wondering if there was a way, I just took care of everything and brought it all.”


What does that mean?

Seun was able to destroy both factions without having to choose one, thanks to meeting the hidden ones called the ‘Guardians of the Swamp’, but he is different.

It was clearly stated in the clan chat that he had joined the Orc faction.

In Seun’s memory, who had chosen the Orc faction before his return, there was no such thing as a trial to wipe out both races.

However, the answer that Baekhyun heard right after was truly spectacular.

“During the war, I ‘accidentally’ killed an ally, and a hidden quest called Swamp Annihilation appeared, so I followed it. Haha, thanks to that, I was able to obtain the corpse of this demon!”

Swamp destruction.

Seun’s trials and goals of destroying the two camps to save the swamp at the request of the dwarves were the same, but their pursuits seemed completely different.

Besides, Seun was growing rapidly with the power of the three demons, so how was he able to wipe out the two factions?

The unique characteristics of the swamp theme seemed to have played a part here.

‘Undead that are immune to poison and large-scale warfare. Both are the best battlefields for necromancers.’

The swamp was the perfect place for Baekhyun in many ways.

Unlike other races, there was no need to worry about poison, and when an undead died, they could simply be recreated.

The battlefield was littered with corpses, so it was possible to form a one-man army if the conditions were met.

Of course, it would be impossible for a normal necromancer… … .

– The constellation, ‘The Horse That Tramples Death’, snorts happily.

This was possible because Baekhyun had made a contract with Gamigin, the best sorcerer in the Demon World.

If it was a hidden quest, he would have gained a lot of public service points, and if he was an undead made from those two monsters, his growth was virtually guaranteed.

But, why? I felt a little uneasy because Baekhyun seemed to be getting more and more mad.

Unlike Se-woon, who was proud of his mental strength after overcoming all kinds of humiliation to climb to the top, Baek-hyun was still just a low-level player.

I was worried that I might become mentally polluted.

If by any chance Gamigin is brainwashing Baekhyun… … .

“Don’t worry.”

– The constellation, ‘The Horse That Tramples Death’ bows its head before the Demon of Greed.

While Se-un was worrying, Mamon, who had been watching this scene from the stigmata, appeared.

Although it was still the size of a fairy, its spirit was that of a true demon. It was enough to make Gamigin bow his head as soon as it appeared.

“There is no way that Gamigin would do something like ‘brainwashing’ and trample on the potential of his contractors.”

– The constellation, ‘The Horse That Tramples Death’ nods.

Seun also nodded at Mamon’s words.

At least, Mamon, who Seun had been watching over, was not someone who would lie.

At times like this, it felt like the evil spirits who were true to their own desires were more honest than the good spirits.

“If it’s okay with you, would you like to work together again this time?”

Baekhyun brightly suggested that we work together, not knowing that Se-woon was worried about me.

Anyway, it was impossible to practice all day long. He had some time left, and Se-woon also had quite a few questions about Song Jang-hwa.

Above all, information about that large invoice could later be sold to scholars or adventurers’ guilds.

“I’ll start with sparring.”

“Then I will start first!”

– The constellation, ‘The Horse that Tramples Death’, snorts loudly, saying that it will quickly separate the petals.

Anyway, I thought I could spend this break and maintenance period meaningfully.

* * *

The long and short maintenance period is over.

In the meantime, Baekhyun turned both Song Jang-hwa and Masu into undead, and Kang Han-cheol learned the four basic techniques of Taeeul Island Waterworks under Se-woon’s guidance.

Yu Seo-ah quickly moved around the area around her residence to further strengthen her magic, while Lee Ha-neul created various medicines using herbs he found in the swamp.

In addition, each of them developed their own characteristics and played their own role for the clan.

Although it was a period of rest, not a single person was lazy.

Even Park Jeong-pil was busy helping his twin sisters with their work and helping Kang Han-cheol with his training.

Of course, it didn’t seem like it was done intentionally.

“Ara, Daun. Thank you. Thanks to you, I was able to sleep comfortably.”

“Don’t you think the quality of your sleep will change if you have a real bed and cotton blanket?”

“After all, bed is science!”

The twin sisters decorated the shelter with materials they found at the shelter, and the most popular item was the bed.

A bed made using cotton obtained from a shelter and springs made with the help of Go Chang-seok.

For those who had only ever slept on thick cloth or leather, a soft bed that reminded them of Earth was truly a blessing.

Seun even went so far as to accept a bed and carry it with him.

“Okay, is everyone ready?”


Before challenging the ordeal, as usual, apart from receiving medicine from Lee Ha-neul, everyone was wearing thick coats.

That was because of the information about the next ordeal that Se-woon had told Yu-seo-ah.

“As you’ve heard, the next trial is themed around cold weather. I’ve at least prepared for this, so everyone, do your best this time too!”

“go for it!”

The theme of the trials from the 16th to the 20th floor was a snowy field.

Because Yu Seo-ah followed Se-un’s words so well, she lied about the information she had obtained from the previous floor.

And even if that weren’t the case, some people were already anticipating the cold.

The first theme is mountains.

The second theme is the desert.

The third theme is swamps.

Since they each represented the four seasons of spring, summer, and fall, it was easy to predict that the next theme would be related to winter.

‘And it’s also the theme of the most difficult environment.’

The swamp area can be conquered without difficulty if you bring enough antidotes or, even if you don’t, find an area with a low toxicity and enter the camp.

On the other hand, the next theme, snowy field, was not that.

The coats everyone was wearing now were only the bare minimum.

The deep snow that makes your legs sink in hinders your movements, and the bone-chilling cold makes your body sluggish.

The blizzard that drives you crazy blocks your vision, and monsters take advantage of the gap to show their teeth.

Before returning, Seun had seen quite a few players there who were simply freezing to death from the cold, not monsters.

The difficulty of the next theme was equally high.

That’s why Seundo gave a hint in advance and prepared the coat.

“Everyone, if you just do what you’ve been doing so far, everything will work out fine! Maybe, after you get through this theme, there will be another shelter, so everyone, cheer up!”

“I wonder what the next shelter will be like!”

“The second shelter was connected to the previous ordeal, so maybe it’ll be somewhere cold this time?”

“Ugh, I hate the cold… … .”

People were joking around, but they didn’t seem to let their guard down.

Everyone was used to the tower and the trials, so they had figured out how to let go of their tension. Yu Seo-ah also knew that, so she waited until everyone else had let go of their tension.

Then, when people were gradually ready.

“I will go first!”

“Let’s go!”

With Yushua in the lead, the Diablo clan began to move to the next floor.

* * *

– Welcome to the 16th floor trials.

– Topic: Gathering in the snow

– Time limit: 48 hours

– You have arrived at the entrance of a snowy field filled with biting cold.

– Head across the vast snowy plains to meet your companions and head to where the ‘Frozen Giant’ is.

There was no change. As Se-un had experienced, the theme of the 16th floor was a snowy field.

As soon as we moved to a new location, the expected cold covered my body.

The only good thing is that it hasn’t snowed yet, though a blizzard will hit halfway through the snowfield.

“Indeed, the tower seen with one’s own eyes is different from that seen from above. It is so beautiful… … and warm.”

Mamon’s words about it being warm were not in vain.

I heard that the underworld where demons live is a hellish environment that is incomparable to this place.

It was said that in the snowy area, if you don’t surround yourself with magic, you will immediately turn into an ice statue, and in the volcanic area, if you inhale, your entire body will turn to ash and scatter.

Compared to those places, this place would be like heaven.


Seun pulled the pole and opened it a little more.

Although it had a high grade and had some level of thermal insulation, it could not completely block the biting cold.

The ordeal of the 16th floor was to adapt to the cold and move forward one step at a time with patience, but Se-woon had no intention of doing that.

– The Treasure Trove of Greed has been opened.

[ Yeti’s Leather ]

– The skin of a Yeti, a monster that lives deep in the snowy mountains and only appears on snowy days. It provides immunity to the cold and camouflage in the snow.

I thought maybe it would grow long hair like a Yeti, but fortunately that wasn’t the case.

The cold gradually subsided, along with the feeling of my skin thickening.

Since I wasn’t fully acclimatized yet, I wasn’t able to endure it with my bare body, but if I covered myself with the blanket, I could barely feel the cold.

Not only did he feel less cold, but Seun’s skin and equipment turned white.

Camouflage is one of the Yeti’s abilities.

Because the snowfield was covered in snow on all sides, it was difficult to find Seun’s white figure just by scanning it with the eyes.

If a blizzard were to continue like this, even monsters accustomed to snowy fields would have a hard time finding Seun.

‘If you use the Kilker style stealth technique there… … .’

Probably, the monster will never find the one you have set up with your eyes.

Damn it.

As he took a step forward, a thick pile of snow caught Seun’s ankles.

Perhaps because the snowstorm hadn’t started yet, the snow wasn’t that high, but it was thick enough to impede movement.


– The movements of the portrait become faster through internal energy.

He runs lightly over the snow using the portrait lens he used even in the swamp.

Unlike the swamp, it was soft and couldn’t completely prevent your feet from sinking into the snow, but the restrictions on movement were completely gone.

‘Where was the direction the travel guidepost pointed to?’

Seun, who had pulled up his robe and completely covered his head, began to move in earnest.

Naturally, the purpose of this ordeal was not to move quickly and without thinking.

Hidden piece.

Seun’s first goal was to find the hidden piece that he had not dared touch before the regression.


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not work with dark mode