I Raided the Devil’s Treasury Chapter 113

Episode 117

117. Episode 117

“They say there’s a mountain beyond a mountain, and it looks exactly like that.”

“I know.”

Seun raised his hand over the crystal wall.

On the smooth surface, I could feel the cool chill unique to crystal.

I wonder how many layers it has, but it’s so transparent that I can’t see inside at all.

‘Can Imagine Breaker break it?’

Se-Woon, who was thinking like that, soon shook his head.

Just breaking a crystal that was so small compared to the crystal wall consumed mana equivalent to 3 circles.

Now that I’ve used it once, I’m more used to it, but even so, it doesn’t seem like I can break this crystal wall with one blow.

As you can see, Durandal’s power is not weak.

It was because the subject who handled that power, Seun, lacked his own power.

Seun, who had internal energy equivalent to 2 years and mana of 5 circles on the 7th floor of the tower, was still unable to fully display the power of his Noble Phantasm.

The same goes for other treasures.

If I were to use Dragon Heart with my current body, my body would not be able to withstand it and would explode.

It was certainly an amazing force that would grab the attention of many constellations on the 7th floor, but compared to all the players in the tower, it was still far from enough.

Se-Woon shook his head, realizing his limitations once again.

Now was not the time to be lost in such negative thoughts.

I couldn’t give up on the ordeal after coming this far. I had to find a way to get through this door, somehow.

But at that moment.

-You have successfully completed the 7th floor hidden trial, ‘Saha’s Crystal Cave’.

-Total accumulated merit points 400,000 points

-Congratulations! You passed the 7th floor trial with the #1 ranking.

-You have earned 100,000 points as a reward.

An unimaginable message appeared before my eyes.

Yusuh also had a puzzled expression on her face as if she had checked the message.

“Could this be the secret that the ordeal was talking about? It’s suspicious, but the identity of the secret hasn’t been revealed yet… … .”

Se-un also had the same thought.

The situation was too ambiguous to say that he had passed the ordeal. In addition, his public service rating seemed a bit suspicious.

Just thinking about the creatures we’ve defeated in this ordeal, how could the public stats match up so perfectly?

Of course, it could have been a coincidence. Even if it wasn’t, the method of calculating public service points could have been different because it was a hidden ordeal.

But, even thinking about it that way, the uneasy feeling didn’t go away.

It was as if someone had built a crystal wall to hide the inside and was trying to move Yuseo to the next floor.

‘No, it may not be a mistake.’

There is an administrator at the top.

Like Tuning, the manager you met at the end of the Seun tutorial, they are not friendly to the player.

Maybe that inside is really connected to the constellations and they’ve tampered with the system to hide it.

At that moment, Mamon’s message came to mind, as he looked at the crystal, marveled at it, but also had second thoughts.

-The constellation, ‘The Crow with its Head Down’, finally recalls its memories of the crystal.

-The constellation, ‘The Crow with the Head Down’, proclaims that the crystal is of the same material as the ‘Goblet of Dionysus’.

-The constellation, ‘The Hungry Prince’ is surprised to see that it is made of the same material as the cup he used.

‘The Cup of Dionysus?’

Dionysus knew.

The god of wine, one of the twelve gods of Olympus. He was also known to govern madness, festivals, abundance, and wildness.

As expected of a constellation of the highest rank, there were quite a few players who followed him within the tower.

Se-Woon, who was thinking about the past, was able to recall a purple glass from his memory.

‘Purple cup… … .’

Before my return, I once attended a party hosted by a guild that followed Dionysus.

As followers of the god of wine, they provided the players with good wine and songs.

Of course, after the party was over, I received the ‘price’.

At that time, Se-Woon saw the glass that the guild leader was holding as he began his speech as the party began.

It was certainly a beautiful glass with a subtle purple hue, like crystal.

-The constellation, ‘The Serpent Surrounding Time’ nods.

-The constellation, ‘The Serpent Surrounding Envy’ begins its explanation by saying that the cup created by Dionysus is popular among the constellations.

‘Then could it be that this place is… … .’

The situation up to now meshed like cogs in my head.

A hidden passage. A crystal that could not be destroyed without the power of greed. And a giant crystal wall blocking your view.

Finally, the cup of Dionysus.

– The constellation, ‘The Crow with its Head Down’, wiggles its beak, wondering where it could get so many amethysts that could withstand the divine.

This is where Dionysus procured the ingredients for the cup.

‘Then, we can’t stop like this.’

Dionysus was one of the good gods and a peace-loving god, but he was one of the gods that got in the way of Seun.

His followers enjoyed drinking and dancing according to the will of Dionysus, and they preached it to the players.

It was a great blessing for players who were tired from the ordeal, but the wine of Dionysus did not only relax the players, but also made them lazy.

Naturally, there were more than a few who stagnated in growth and gave up on climbing the tower.

For Se-un, who was planning to raise the power of the tower to deal with the outer, it was just a hindrance.

It was a welcome development to be able to interfere with such a Dionysus.

“What are you going to do, Mr. Se-un? Should we rest a bit and then try the next trial?”


“Then surely right away… … .”

“No, I’m going to go over this crystal wall.”


However, there was one problem.

The question is, how on earth do we get past this crystal wall?

– The constellation, ‘The Crow with its Head Down’, understands your thoughts and smiles eerily, saying that it will be amusing.

– The constellation, ‘The crow with its head bowed’ points to your bosom, asking what you are thinking about in front of the ‘door’.


Yes, this was the door.

I didn’t think about it because I had a preconceived notion that it was a crystal wall, but this was actually a door guarding the inside.

Well then, isn’t there something worth trying?

Se-un, who understood Mammon’s message, took out a key from his bosom.

Master key. It was a universal key that could open any lock in the world.

Of course, there was no lock or space to insert a key on the crystal wall.

But Se-Woon held out the key towards the front.

Oddly enough, the key went into the crystal, which was difficult to scratch even with a hammer.

I was convinced when I saw the gentle ripples around the key.


Se-un turned the key.

There was a clicking sound, and the ripples centered around the key spread out further.

The ripples became waves, and the waves became tsunamis.

The solid crystal wall came crashing down in an instant.

One layer, two layers.

The tsunami gradually spread out and finally stopped moving, destroying the innermost crystal wall.

The crystal wall was so thick that the 5m-long passage was filled with crystal debris.


Yu Seo-ah let out an exclamation.

However, she wasn’t the only one who was surprised. Se-woon was also wide-eyed and surprised at what was happening before his eyes.

A key obtained as a reward for completing the tutorial.

I chose it because I knew the many doors in the tower, but I can’t believe I was able to use it in this situation.

It seemed like the uses for keys would be more diverse than I thought.

“Let’s go and see.”


Seun took a step forward.

At that moment, a crackling message blocked my vision, as if there had been a system error.

It looked as if someone was trying to block Seun’s hasty intrusion.

Se-Woon realized that the reason this ordeal ended so suddenly was because of the administrator’s intervention.

And soon, the system messages were sorted out.

– The 7th floor manager requests intervention in the trial due to the player’s sudden actions.

-The system rejects administrator intervention.

-The manager on the 7th floor calls the player’s special agent.

– Special interventions are attempted through the authority of the special task force.

‘Special Specialist?’

As we saw in the tutorial, the system message is stretched out like a door.

Rather than the 7th floor manager, he was a special officer. That meant that not only the constellations but also the tower managers were watching Seun.

‘Well, I guess there’s nothing I can do since I’ve done something wrong.’

Of course, there are things like things in the tutorial, and also things like hunting Tabula’s wolves and Stone Lava after entering the tower.

Even if I think about it, Se-un has done countless things that would be noticeable.

A human figure began to appear among the hanging system messages.

But somehow, the sight seemed familiar.


The first thing I heard was a sigh as if the world was falling apart. Soon after, a man wearing a shabby suit and a loose tie appeared.


It was the administrator who appeared in front of Seun to receive the 1st place reward in the public ranking in the tutorial.

Somehow, he, who was the administrator of the tutorial, became Seun’s special envoy.

“What if I open this… … ?”

In the tutorial, he had been smiling brightly, even if it was fake, but not now. Even when he met Se-woon’s eyes, he was sighing as if the ground was falling down.

The dark circles under both eyes were darker and longer than before.

He looked like he hadn’t slept for at least a week.

Looking at the title of Special Investigator, I could quickly realize that the cause was Se-han himself.

“It’s been a while. Seun… … Player.”

“I see you got promoted.”

“Promotion? Haa, I guess it was a promotion. For now, I’ve entered the top… … .”

Tuning sighed again. He must be very stressed.

“But what is it? I know it is taboo for an administrator to intervene in a trial.”

“How! Ah… … . No, ha… … .”

He screamed in embarrassment, then sighed and grabbed his head.

Since I was called in so suddenly, it seems like I haven’t even gathered my thoughts yet.

Although Yu Seo-ah asked what was going on, Se-woon postponed the answer until later.

Now that the manager had appeared, it was necessary to focus on talking to him first.

As a clump of hair fell out of his hand, where he had been pulling out his hair, he opened his eyes low and continued speaking, as if his thoughts had come together.

“As you might have guessed, we can’t go any further than this.”

“You don’t have the authority to stop that.”

“… … If someone saw you, they would think you were one of our employees. It’s amazing how well the players on the 7th floor know our manual.”

Se-un did not answer.

However, there was nothing to be gained by pretending not to know in front of him now. Rather, it was better to pretend to know and pressure him to gain something.

Tuning looked at Seun with suspicious eyes, but he couldn’t figure out anything.

“… … Haa, I understand. What do you want? If it’s compensation, I’ll give you a generous reward.”

“No need.”


“No compensation required, I just plan to go check this out.”

“No, you can’t. You really can’t. I’m really going to die. Please stop, even if it means saving one person. Okay?”

“It’s not possible.”

“No, think about it. I’ll give you a really generous reward. It’ll definitely be a big help when you climb the levels in the future!”

Se-woon shook his head.

He probably appeared after receiving an order from the manager on the 7th floor to somehow stop Seun.

But no matter what, I had no intention of stopping here.

Even if he was a special agent, if he was an administrator that Seun knew, it would be possible to give a small penalty to the player, but it would be impossible to forcibly stop his movements.

Tuning finally got down on his knees, and Yu Seo-ah, who was flustered next to him, didn’t know what to do.

And finally, Se-woon, who had finished organizing his thoughts, opened his mouth to Tuning.


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not work with dark mode