I Became a Part-time Employee For Gods Chapter 2

#2. Became a part-time worker for Thor (2)

“… what’s this?”

I closed my eyes and opened them again, but nothing changed.

A message still glimmering before my eyes.

[(Recommended) Job posting that is perfect for you! Apply now!]

“This can’t be right…” .”

It was a familiar message.

How could you not know?

Part-time jobs that we have supported countless times. Didn’t this notification window pop up every time you saw that recruitment notice?

‘But why is this in front of me… ?’

This is not a smartphone screen.

As I wave my hand, it passes through the air.

‘what. Just like the status window that sees everything except non-talented people… .’

Wait, status window?

Could it be that I have awakened?

Oh, no way… .

Contrary to what he said, he looked at me as if I was fascinated.

“… Status window?”

Nothing happens.

The steam leaked out.

“Well then, why is this part-time job… .”


The screen that came to mind.

You are reacting to the word part-time job right now, right?

“It’s an Albamon in real life, but now it’s awakened to an Albamon… .”

A laugh escaped me.

But it was also a bit odd.

The titles of the announcements that came to mind… .

[(Loki) We are recruiting brave gods to battle the giants.]

[(Hephaestus) Recruiting people to become the best disciples of the workshop! It’s as rewarding as it is difficult!]

[(Apollon) Someone who will pull the sun chariot only on weekends! Spiritual power over 5000.]

[(Freya) We are recruiting short-term dwarven village managers. Spiritual power over 2000.]

[(Hades) Someone who will provide food for Cerberus. Emergency! Fully equipped with accident insurance.]

“Why are all the announcement titles like this?”

No matter how much I look here and there, they are all part-time job advertisements that I have never seen before.

Additionally, the employers were gods who only appeared in myths and tales.

“… “Are you kidding me?”

That wasn’t the only thing that was absurd.

As the current location changed from Europe to Asia, the announcement of Oriental gods continued.

Jade Emperor, Son Wukong, Dangun, Ungnyeo, Blue Dragon, Suzaku, Sangun, etc.

“under. There is also a Samsinhalmae? “Do you have a part-time job looking after babies?”

A laugh escaped me.

Maybe I’m really crazy.

Could it be that you are tired of repeating your daily life and have locked your self-consciousness in your own delusions?

But no matter how many times I pinched my cheek, it only hurt enough to bring tears to my eyes, and nothing changed.

“Albara of the gods… .”

In the end, there was only one conclusion.

In any case, you have no choice but to try it yourself.

“If it’s a part-time job, I’m a professional.”

I carefully clicked on a few that seemed less risky.

Messages that immediately come to mind.

[I lack spiritual power.]

[Cannot apply yet.]

“Eh? divine power?”

It seems that in the human world there are restrictions on application qualifications, such as academic background.

“What is divine power?”

[Sacred power is the common name for the ‘power’ used by the gods.]

I nodded at the kind explanation of the message.

It is the power used by the gods… .

“No wait, doesn’t that mean only gods can support this?”

After looking closely at the notice, it turns out that the only people recruiting part-time workers are gods, including low-level gods, mid-level gods, and high-level gods.

‘what. So is this like the Albanara of the Gods?’

The recruitment and job search app that you have been using so far. Albanara.

Did you ever think that would exist in the world of gods?

After a moment of dazed compilation of the situation, I came to my senses again.

“okay. “Let’s give it a try.”

I deleted the messages saying I couldn’t do it due to my physical strength, and clicked on the recommendation notice that first came to mind.

Let’s go right away! A detailed notice will be announced.

“and… .”

That’s true,

It was a part-time job announcement that I had never even imagined in my life.

[(Daily workers) We are recruiting people to create dungeons. Urgent emergency!]

Employer: Thor

Spiritual power: Regardless of spiritual strength

Experience: Beginner possible

Job Description: Creation of Midgard Dungeon (simple labor. Not difficult if you have passion. Even the lowest level believer can do it.)

Business hours: time negotiable

Salary: 12 Tor (paid on the day)

A word from the boss: I will absolutely refuse to use Loki as a spy! If you do something foolish, the pot will explode.

“This is what I mean now… .”

Are you saying this is a part-time job creating a dungeon?

A dungeon full of monsters?

“Really, what is it? “So the gods created the dungeon?”

The cause of dungeon creation that experts wanted to know. I never thought I would find out that so easily.

A laugh escaped me.

I felt like I had suddenly discovered some great secret.

“So how much is your part-time salary?”

I was curious.

How much will the gods receive as part-time wages?

12 torr written in the salary column.

I’m daring to guess, but I think it might be the currency of the gods or something.

‘How much will it be? Do you want to exchange it for our money?’

For me, money was a respirator.

If you don’t have it, you’ll die right away… .

The worries didn’t last long.

Because it seemed like the gods’ currency would be quite salty.

“Let’s finish it smoothly.”

Am I in a situation where I have to decide right now?

Maybe this could be an opportunity to turn your life around.


Let’s press the support button without hesitation,

Rumble! Quang!

The familiar sound of thunder was heard again.

What’s different from usual is that flashing lights are exploding from the message?

“Uh, huh?”

As the flash got bigger and bigger, it was so bright that I couldn’t open my eyes.

Tight! Even with her eyes closed, everything was as bright as day.


Just like that, I was swallowed up by a ball of pure white light.

* * *

Bang kang! Bang kang!

Thump thump! Bang bang!

“… “Where are we again?”

The construction site in front of you.

It was like an ancient building site, spread out in a vast wilderness.

What was a little strange was that, rather than construction workers, people with unusual looks were doing the construction with their bare hands.

“what. They say you build a dungeon with your bare hands? The difficulty level of this is extreme… .”

Everyone was working hard on something without any tools or construction equipment.

As I was about to take a closer look, a loud voice came from behind.

[what. newcomer?]

It was an amazing experience. A voice that feels like it’s being punched directly into your entire body. It was definitely not a human voice.

I hesitated and turned around to see a man the size of a house standing there grinning.

He had a very likable appearance, but he had the body of a barbarian warrior, so I couldn’t approach him easily.

Besides, that familiar hammer in the man’s hand couldn’t have been… .

‘Oh, I’m sure it’s not Mjolnir.’


Thor’s patented weapon that turns everything into powder.

The hammer the man was holding looked very similar to it.

‘It really doesn’t make sense… .’

However, when the man presumed to be Thor moved even slightly, sparks erupted from the hammer and struck in all directions.

At the same time, my pupils were shaking.

‘Is this real?… .’

A man approaches without hesitation.

Looking up close, he was twice as tall as an average person.

[Nice to meet you. Let’s skip the introduction and get straight to the point. One person suddenly left, so there is a backlog of work.]

A huge arm was wrapped around his shoulders.

I flinched and trembled for fear of getting an electric shock, but fortunately nothing serious happened.

The man walks with his arms around his shoulders.

Pajik! Squeeze!

A menacing spark that erupts every time you walk.

Do I have to hold on to that hammer while walking?

Even though Damdeok felt his life was in danger, he had no choice but to follow the man’s lead.

After passing so many people(?) and reaching the corner of the construction site, a man presumed to be Thor began explaining the work.

[This dungeon has a maze concept, friend. It’s like a labyrinth where the Minotaur lives. Do you know what it is?]

Damdeok could only nod as he looked into his human-smiling eyes.

Sparks of lightning were constantly shining in his sparkling eyes.

‘crazy. There’s no way that’s fake… .’

What is in front of you is real.

Because there was no way such an effect could exist in a person’s eyes.

[Your job is very simple, friend. All you have to do is load the cart over there with the necessary materials and keep transporting it.]

My gaze moved along his large fingers.

A large cart that can only be used on construction sites.

Several people were already walking around pulling similar carts.

“hmm… Can we just transport it?”

[okay. Is it easy?]

“yes. Well, but where are you transporting it?”

He laughed like thunder at my question.

[Khaha! How can you say that? Could it be a chick scene that was just born?]

It may have been a joke, but I couldn’t laugh.

As I looked around, it seemed like the people here(?) were all unknown gods.

I was the only one presumed to be human.

On the day when I get caught… .

I kept my mouth shut.

[Keu, what a fun friend. Let’s stop joking here and get started. There is a lot of work to do.]

His thick hands pushed my back.

As I grabbed the cart, strange sensations flooded my entire body.

– There’s an A1 cart over here!

– Here are two carts from C2!

Not only the voices in their heads, but also where the ingredients they need are. I could also clearly see where it had to be transported.

It’s as if I have a navigation device installed in my head… .


When I turned around at the sound of a small thunderbolt, Thor was nowhere to be found.

‘… … .’

Busy everywhere.

I started pulling the cart carefully.

“I live and live and do all the hard work of the gods.”

After loading the first materials, the cart became quite heavy.

But it wasn’t to the point where I couldn’t turn it off. If I had to compare it, it was better than carrying bricks up the stairs at an apartment construction site.

“Ah, thank you. “You brought it just right.”

“Are you new? thanks for your effort.”

“I’ll just ask for one E6 cart here.”

I spent a long time carrying it around without any hesitation, listening to instructions from unknown gods.

In the beginning, I was busy loading the luggage in a daze, but as I gradually got the hang of it and the materials I carried took on a decent shape, I started to become interested.

‘That’s how it was made.’

The performance of the unknown gods was amazing.

Among the materials, there were quite a few hard ones like rocks, and they kneaded them like clay to quickly create walls, and then built them up to complete a large room. In addition, he carved patterns with his fingers to add grandeur.

It took only a few minutes to complete a decent stone room.

‘Seeing the process of creating a dungeon… .’

Is that all?

As things got closer to the second half, they started asking for ingredients faster.

Rather than the clay or rock forms that had been transported so far, soft or liquid materials were lined up, and occasionally gaseous materials were also required.

It wasn’t long before I realized that these were the ingredients for creating a monster.

– Oh my!

– Kyrrrr!

All kinds of monsters that you only see on TV.

Rather than being scary… It was amazing.

Was it because he was just born?

They didn’t feel threatening at all.

‘Wow, that’s amazing. Is it because it was made not long ago? ‘It’s transparent, so I can see everything inside?’

As time passed, the transparent body became increasingly clear.

What was interesting was that the speed at which each part of the body became clear was different, and it seemed that the part where color was applied last was the vital area.

As I was looking at the fascinating sight, Thor appeared before I knew it and began creating a boss monster with Mjolnir.

‘Is that hammer really all-purpose?’

I looked at that figure in fascination.

– That’s it!!

A monster the size of the 7th floor of an apartment building was located in the center of the maze. It looks like a bull-man, so I think it may have been the creation of a Minotaur.

Once the remaining monsters were placed in appropriate locations, a truly believable dungeon unfolded before my eyes.

“and… .”

Eventually, Thor lightly swung Mjolnir, and the huge dungeon instantly became as cute as a Lego model.

Thanks to this, everyone was able to look into the dungeon at a glance.

Literally God’s perspective.

How many people in the world can experience something like this?

[haha. good! I think it’s roughly completed at this point. Thank you all for your hard work. See you again, friends.]

Thor’s sudden voice.

It was a fleeting moment.

His hammer rose high in the sky and then came down with all his might.

– Quang!

“for a moment! So suddenly… .”

Even before I finished speaking, the space was already being engulfed in pure white light.

* * *

When the light slowly cleared and my vision became clear, I was already back in the familiar house.

“… “Is it really unilateral to make people leave work like this?”

Cup ramen piled up in the kitchen.

Clothes lying around.

Even the unique musty smell of the semi-basement.

Damdeok, who was dazed for a moment and then finished understanding the situation, couldn’t hold back the laughter that came out.

“It was real… . “I really had an awakening!”

That vivid feeling!

Touch! language! feeling! All that!

How could you not cheer?

It seemed as if the sadness I had been experiencing was disappearing like snow melting.

[Yoo Damdeok! Your salary has been paid! Would you like to check it now?]

“Of course I should check it out!”

Just receiving a part-time salary is exciting, but the part-time salary given by Thor!

When I clicked on the message, a brilliant golden window appeared, and my pupils instantly dilated.

“···You’re crazy.”

[Yoo Damdeok! Welcome to the Gods’ Store!]


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