Heavenly Inquisition Sword Chapter 46

Episode 46. I will become a good tea shop owner.

In the afternoon the sky suddenly became dark.

Looking at the dark sky and damp air, it seemed like winter rain was coming. Everyone looked embarrassed because the weather was like this right after leaving the city.

He spoke as if he had remembered the name of the debtor, Tak Go-myeong.

“Wait a minute! There used to be an old shrine somewhere around here. Does anyone remember?”

Gumilbokgyeom Simyanggak let out an exclamation of ‘Ah!’

“That’s right. If you go about 2,500 meters further, you will find the Possi Shrine.”

“That’s right! I remember seeing it as I was passing by. Come on! Let’s hurry. We can’t get wet on the street.”

At Tak Go-myeong’s urging, the five Bong-sip-geol’s steps quickened.

Fortunately, the five Bongsipgeol were able to find the shrine before the raindrops started to fall. The only thing that was intact were the four pillars that supported the shrine, but at least there was a roof and walls!

As soon as Tak Go-myeong discovered the shrine, he shouted to the five men of the Five Bongsipgeol, “Go and gather some wood first!” This was because he knew the need for dry wood after having been sleeping out in the open for so long.

The owner ran all the way to Pungyeon Elementary School and picked up some wood.

Thanks to this, a huge amount of wood was accumulated in a short period of time.

The firefighters continued to pick up and carry firewood without stopping.

As he was carrying the third pile of wood, suddenly a heavy rain poured down with a ‘thud’ sound.

Swaaaahh …

Lee Cheol-san and Han Chae-yeon, who had gone a little far, came back looking like drowned rats. Still, the two of them giggled at the sight of the piled up trees.

The diligent Lee Cheol-san made a fire with flint.

As if they had been waiting, the five great warriors gathered around the campfire.

Poongyeoncho looked at Po’s memorial tablet on one side of the shrine and made a joke.

“Still, thanks to you guys, I was able to rest well and go to work.”

Tak Go-myeong, who had been nodding his head, frowned as he looked at the heavy rain.

“By the way, this rain isn’t going to stop anytime soon. I’m not sure if it’ll stop no matter what.”

“There’s still a lot of dry matter left, right?”


“Okay then. Since we’ve already seen the rice cake, let’s hold a memorial service. Let’s rest well and then go. Chae-yeon and So-baek suffered from blisters on their feet. There’s no need to rush.”

Han Chae-yeon spoke while poking a fire with a stick.

“Ah! It should have rained when I was at the inn in the tower. What a pity, what a pity.”

“I know…….”

Everyone nodded.

As the warmth of the campfire spread, the five men began to nod off.

Yeonjeok, who had been sleeping curled up, opened her eyes at the sound of a light noise.

It was still early evening, but it was dark outside the window, perhaps because it was raining.

Still, the inside of the temple is filled with embers from a bonfire.

Thanks to that, I was able to see things, albeit dimly.

Perhaps tired from their long journey, the Five Bongsipgeol were scattered here and there, sleeping.

Next to him, Hasobaek groaned softly and rolled over.

It seems that he was awakened by her movements.

He considered adding more wood to the embers, but decided not to, fearing that he might wake the crowd.

As I was blankly staring at the sparks, Hasobaek suddenly raised his upper body.

“Umm. Brother, when did you wake up?”

“Just now.”

Hasobaek glanced around with a secretive expression before speaking.

“You know what? One day, my brother will come down the mountain.”

“Maybe so.”

“Hey, it’s true. Just wait and see. It’ll happen as I say.”

“I never said I would live on Mt. Obong for the rest of my life.”

“I admit that.”

Hasobaek nodded.

Certainly, there has never been a single conversation about a future where they are in love.

“When will I ever be able to do what I want to do?”

Hasobaek glanced at Yeonjeokha.

If he were with me, I could live the life I want tomorrow, but I can’t bring myself to say it.

“Hmm, if you train for two or three years, you won’t be defeated easily. Then you should start saving money diligently, right?”

“Oh my. It’ll take ten years?”

“You’re still young, what are you worried about? Even if you become a teahouse owner in ten years, wouldn’t that be too fast?”

“Ha! That’s true. You’ll help me, right?”


Yeon-jeok nodded without thinking too deeply.

Ha So-baek bit his lips tightly as he looked at Yeon-jeok-ha.

That’s not the answer I want. I want a more intimate relationship. But it seems like I have no interest in romantic relationships.

“Um, brother… … .”


“What kind of woman do you like, brother?”

“Not specifically… … .”

A sigh escaped Hasobaek’s mouth.

As expected, I guess I’ve never thought about it.

‘They say there are people who are slow in that direction… … .’

Isn’t seventeen the age when you’re really interested in women? I think being innocent isn’t always a good thing.

I hate men in the mountains who look at me with suspicious eyes, but at this moment, Yeonjeok-ha felt suffocated.

“What about me?”

Hasobaek stared at Yeonjeokha intently.

A while ago, Han Chae-yeon said, “If a man is dull, a woman should lead him.” She said this about herself, who always lingers around Yeon Jeok-ha.

“You will make a good tea shop owner.”

“… … .”

A bitter smile appeared on Hasobaek’s lips.

Aside from being an expert in male-female relationships, he did not see himself as a woman.

Ha So-baek, who had been sitting with a tired face, got up from his seat and came carrying a bundle of tree branches.

Just as she was about to lift a branch over the dying embers.

“for a moment.”



I focused my attention on the ear that was listening.

Swish- thud. Thud.

Through the noise of the raindrops, the sound of hurried footsteps could be heard.

The sound became louder and clearer.

Whoever it is, it seems like they are coming to the shrine to avoid the rain.

‘In the middle of the night?’

Yeonjeok said to Ha So-baek, who was tilting his head and looking at him with puzzled eyes.

“Don’t light the fire yet. People are coming.”

Only then did Hasobaek quietly put down the branches.

Through past experiences, I have become accustomed to being cautious.

Boom. Boom.

The intruders rushed in noisily.

The sound of the door creaking apart suddenly woke the sleeping Oh Bong-sip-geols up.

There were five people in total who entered the temple.

One of them shouted in a sharp voice.

“What kind of guys are they!”

The five Bongsipgeol looked at the intruders with bewildered eyes.

There were five young men in all, two of whom were carrying large sacks on their shoulders. At first glance, they looked like thieves running away after robbing someone.

I could have overlooked it since they are in the same industry, but this is a different story. It’s like a double standard to have a fight, and you’re talking big after barging into someone else’s bed!

The third son, Ma Hyeong-do, who was quick-tempered, suddenly lost his temper.

“We were resting first, and you guys who came late are talking like some kind of open-air idiot! Judging by the sacks you’re carrying on your shoulders, you look like thieves. Where do you belong? Tell me, you punks!”

Just then, lightning struck outside the window.

The moment the bright light illuminated the room, the sack of the gun moved.

“What the hell! Is this kidnapping?”

At Ma Hyeong-do’s words, the men put their sacks of ammunition on the floor.

At the same time, two people blocked the entrance to the temple.

A middle-aged man who appeared to be the leader of the intruders clicked his tongue.

“What a bunch of idiots. Why did they have to meet us here of all places?”

Along with the horse, the middle-aged man, the bloodthirsty Baek Su-beom, pulled out the leaf-leafed sword he had on his waist.

Then the remaining four people each took out their weapons.

The faces of the five great heroes hardened.

Why are you pulling out your sword without even asking who it is?

I don’t know what it is, but I have a feeling I’m caught up in something huge.

Even in the midst of chaos, the Five Bongsipgeol immediately gathered around Yeonjeokha.

It seems that Yeonjeokha naturally came to the forefront.

Only then did Baek Su-beom look at the boy with a strange gaze.

It seems that ten people moving in unison is not ordinary.

“Who are you?”

When did Yeonjeokha pull it out? He asked while scratching the floor of the shrine with his hand.

“Why? Could you please set up a memorial tablet here?”

Baek Su-beom frowned at the sight of him, who looked like a street thug.

Looking at the ten men and women who led the young man, it seemed like they had some kind of faith, but I couldn’t figure it out. Among the masters, there was no one who acted so lightly.

I looked up and down at the boy again, but there was nothing out of the ordinary.


With a short shout, Baek Su-beom ran to the boy.

Since I plan to kill whoever the opponent is anyway, there is no need to waste time.

That’s right.

A strange sound echoed throughout the temple.

Baek Su-beom’s eyes widened as he raised his sword high and was about to strike it down.

The moment the boy scratched his brow nervously, the stone slab on the floor of the shrine burst loudly. Immediately afterwards, a piece of pottery flew in like a bolt of lightning.


Baek Su-beom screamed without realizing it and blocked the sword with his leaf blade.


Baek Soo-beom’s body was thrown backwards with a heavy sound.

Meanwhile, the other three intruders weren’t doing so well.

The people who are now crossing swords with them are Sim Yang-gak, Pung Yeon-cho, and Tak Go-myeong.

The temple was too small for all ten people to fight, so only three went forward.

Even if Simyanggak was a very famous madou, Pungyeoncho and Takgomyeong were not easily defeated.

While Poongyeoncho and Takgomyeong held out, Simyanggak cut down his opponent in five seconds.


The man fell backwards, clutching his chest.

From then on, the tables were turned completely.

When Sim Yang-gak supported Poong Yeon-cho and Tak Go-myeong, the two men kept taking steps back.

Baek Su-beom looked at his subordinates who were cornered with bewildered eyes.

I never thought that I, a soldier of the ten-headed cavalry, would be cornered like this in a place like this.

Now, it is not a situation of murder, but rather a situation where one must find a way to survive.

‘Damn it! If only it hadn’t rained so hard I wouldn’t have come here.’

They say that if an unlucky person falls backwards, their nose will break, and that’s exactly what happened. Why are there so many martial artists swarming around the long-abandoned Po’s shrine!

‘I think I’ll have to give up the offering to the church.’

Honestly, I didn’t have the confidence to take the sacrifice and run away from that scary monster’s hand.

Baek Soo-beom rolled his eyes from side to side.

Then, in an instant, he swung his favorite dagger at the boy and ran out the door.

A desperate scream was heard in the ears of the white-faced man crossing the yard.

But Baek Su-beom didn’t even look back.

He can get his men and sacrifices back, but he only has one life.

I fiddled with the dagger my rival had thrown at me.

I didn’t even feel like chasing after the opponent.

If you’re not curious about who he is, why go through all that trouble?

And on a rainy night like this!

Yeonjeokha’s attention was completely focused on the dagger.

The dagger, which was encrusted with jewels, was too valuable to be thrown away after just one use. I couldn’t understand the opponent who threw away such a precious item and ran away.

Meanwhile, Poongyeoncho and Simyanggak searched the corpse’s chest, but found nothing special.

Meanwhile, the other five men of the Five Bongsipgeols untied their sacks.

Surprisingly, a Taoist priest and a monk came out of the cannon.

The five Bongsipgeols, who had naturally assumed that she would be a pretty woman, frowned.

Why would they want to capture a useless Taoist priest or monk?


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not work with dark mode