Heavenly Inquisition Sword Chapter 191

Episode 191. Why did you make me a bad person!


Justice League.

Medical office.

Until late at night, the representatives of the Chilpai clan and the people of the three martial arts families were unable to return to their quarters and remained in their positions.

The faces of the people sitting across from each other at the long table were all stiff.

The atmosphere was cold ever since I heard the report about the ten horse soldiers.

People were divided into those who thought it was ‘witchcraft’ and those who thought ‘It’s impossible for Cheongun Sword and Hwayong Doksim to not know that much.’

Because they were people with strong personalities, their opinions rarely came together.

Even the suffocated leader, Jang Gang-ho, passed the burden on to his general, Shin Gi-su-sa, Jegal Seung-un.

“What does General Zhuge Liang think about this matter?”

It was a wise decision, as Zhuge Liang was the wisest among his associates.

People’s eyes were focused on Jegal Seung-un.

“Even without that, there have been sporadic reports of the Sipdu Ma-byeong. They were all related to Yeon Jeok-ha, the Green Forest Patrol. It matches what the people of the Jeongju branch witnessed while accompanying them. I think that the Sipdu Ma-byeong’s abilities are likely sorcery.”

The people were in an uproar at Zhuge Seung-un’s words.

“Let me give you two reasons. First, Yeonjeokha’s age. A thief of only twenty-one years old, he skillfully dealt with the ten horsemen who couldn’t even handle the Cheongun Sword. In fact, it’s not surprising when you consider that there are many masters of the Left Way Sect in the Sapa. They are naturally skilled in magic.”

Even those who said it wasn’t witchcraft nodded their heads at Zhuge Seung-un’s explanation.

The reason they were shaken by Zhuge Liang’s words was because of the testimony that he ‘transformed into a thunder god and a demon dragon.’

Whenever something was done in the Left Gate, monsters like the Brain God and the Magic Dragon were always present.

As people nodded, a satisfied smile appeared on Zhuge Liang’s face.

“The second is that there is no mention of the activities of the Ten-headed Horsemen in the bloody calamity of the Milky Way and the Namgung Sega family. In other words, this means that the Ten-headed Horsemen’s power was minimal. The martial arts of the Ui-gi-dae and the Namgung Sega family were so great that their sorcery would not have worked.”

After finishing speaking, Zhuge Liang looked around the group with a calm expression.

When I see everyone nodding their heads in unison, my shoulders tense up.

At that moment, a bright voice was heard from the last seat.

“The General gave two reasons, but I cannot agree with them.”

It was Namgung Yeon.

An unnatural smile appeared on Jegal Seung-un’s face as he confirmed the speaker.

People used to say, “There are two mountains in Nanjing,” referring to oneself and the other.

One of those two mountains rose up in opposition.

The representatives of the Chilpai clan looked at Namgung Yeon and Jegal Seung-un alternately with curious eyes.

It is understandable that this is a fight between the Namgung family, who was recently exterminated and excluded from the Five Great Clans, and the Jegal family, who is rising to replace the Namgung family.

“I’ve heard a lot about Hwayong Doksim’s reputation. Please tell me which part you disagree with.”

Namgung Yeon calmly responded to Jegal Seung-un’s request.

“First of all, you heard that Yeonjeokha is young. However, martial arts rankings are not determined by the order of the strongest. It’s just the law of the jungle.”

Her words caused a great stir among the people.


Age has nothing to do with martial arts prowess.

To be honest, even within the Chilpa clan, the distribution and martial arts rankings were all mixed up.

People soon stopped talking and turned their attention to Namgung Yeon again.

“Secondly, you said that the Sipdu Horse Soldiers were not noticeable in the bloody battle between Eunhajang and Namgung Se-ga, but that is also a misunderstanding. The Baekdu Horse Army’s martial arts skills are comparable to those of the ten great masters, and the Sipdu Horse Soldiers are at the level of elders and generals. Eunhajang had the Honsegeomma Cheok Jin-gyeong, and Namgung Se-ga had Musan Nanrang Lee Mae-hwa and Wolha Seonja. It’s just that the Sipdu Horse Soldiers’ activities were not prominent because the famous sect was strong.”

“… … .”

People’s eyes turned to Zhuge Liang.

Zhuge Liang’s pride was hurt, but he nodded with an indifferent expression.

Her point is not wrong.

I’ve thought about that myself once.

But that’s all just ‘guess’.

He compiled the ‘results’ and made a more rational decision.

“What Lady Namgung said is not wrong. However, it is all just vague speculation and has not been proven to be true.”

Namgung Yeon did not back down and refuted.

“Isn’t the sorcery of the left-handed visit that the General spoke of also just a guess?”

“That’s right. However, behind my guess, there is a lot of information collected by the Justice Alliance. I don’t think the Justice Alliance’s report reached Lady Namgung.”

People burst into laughter at Zhuge Liang’s words.

There is no way that the information that the Justice League’s leader has access to is the same as that of the extinct Namgung family.

With those one words, the mood was set.

Namgung Yeon did not refute any further and quietly withdrew from the argument.

When there were no further objections, the leader, Jang Gang-ho, ended the meeting.

As people were leaving the hospital, Jang Gang-ho approached Jegal Seung-un.

“Thank you for your hard work.”

“Don’t worry. The hardships were done by the leader.”

“Now all that’s left is to form a raiding party and fight. Please take good care of us in the future.”

“More people than expected came to Nanjing. The Justice League will definitely win.”

“I heard that too. People who were lining up for the famous church are slowly leaving.”

“Yes. Isn’t the will of the people the will of heaven? I think there will be a good result.”

“Please take good care of me. By the way, is there no way to utilize Hwarong Doksim? They say her wisdom is no less than that of Zhuge Liang… … .”

Jang Kang-ho mumbled his words, thinking, ‘Oh no.’

It was embarrassing when Namgung Yeon said in front of the head of the Zhuge family that he was no less than Zhuge Liang.

“I have heard the story of Hwayong Doksim, but seeing it today, it seems worse than the rumors… … But since the leader mentioned it, I will consider it.”

“I trust the musketeer will take care of it. Well, see you tomorrow.”

Jang Gang-ho threw a large load on Jegal Seung-un and walked away staggering.

Jegal Seung-un, left alone in the medical office, frowned.

I’ve heard that ‘Hwayong Doksim doesn’t get along with people’, but seeing it today, it doesn’t seem to be the case.

‘You bastard. How dare you ignore me in front of the elders of the Chilpai clan… … .’

I would like to completely ignore him, but the leader’s words caught my eye.

Although I don’t want to admit it, Hwa Yong-dok’s reputation is high within the Justice Alliance.

When the Nanjing martial artists have a difficult problem to solve, they look to her first.

It is for the same reason that the leader left such words.

Thinking about her, whose presence remains intact despite the downfall of the Namgung family, makes me feel a little burdened.



After finishing breakfast, Yeonjeok went out to Suicide Rock.

I had no intention of giving up a spot I liked just because there was a green tea plantation there.

A hut-like structure appeared on the rock.

It’s clearly fall now, and the evenings are getting chilly, so it looks like it was made in a hurry.

The snoring was loud inside the hut.

That guy named Nokdampyeong was so lazy that he was still sleeping even though it was morning.

“Wow, he’s worse than me.”

I sat down on the edge of the rock without waking him up.

Beneath your feet, yellow water rushes wildly, and on the other side, a long stretch of mountains covered in colorful autumn leaves stretch out.

The color of the water is a bit heterogeneous, but it is a landscape that you never get tired of looking at.

For a while, I was lost in meditation, as if I was playing with my feet as was my habit.


Nokdam-pyeong opened his eyes to the sound coming from inside his stomach.

I didn’t realize it while I was sleeping, but as soon as I woke up I was so hungry I felt like crazy.

Today is the second day of the third anniversary.

I have to live like a dog for three years!

Despair was already creeping in.

Nokdam-pyeong, who had been tossing and turning, suddenly got up, unable to bear the hunger.

“Damn it! What the heck? Why isn’t anyone coming? Didn’t the Wan Dangju tell his father? There’s no way he’d be here.”

If my father knew I was being held here, he would have come out and seen me.

I felt frustrated because there was no obvious response.

Nokdam-pyeong, who was biting his fingernails, lifted the stick hanging at the entrance.

The first thing that caught my eye was a familiar back view.

A man named Yeon Gongja was sitting peacefully on the edge of a rock.

As I turned my gaze a little, I saw a sword lying next to him.

Are you letting your guard down?

Or are you testing me?

Nokdam-pyeong, who had quietly slipped out of the hut, called out to him softly just in case.

“Your Highness the Prince?”

“… … .”

Still, Prince Yeon did not look back.

I can’t hear any breathing or movement, so it looks like he’s in a coma.


Nokdampyeong wanted to cheer.

I, a master of qigong, do something called Yunqi breakfast every morning and evening.

This is because your internal energy will deepen.

But no one does this while keeping the enemy close.

During the morning ritual, it is vulnerable to external attacks, so it is essential to do it in a secret place.


During the morning rush, even a single hit to the back of a child’s head can cause serious injury.

Turning your true energy in front of a strong enemy and practicing fortune telling are on a different level. Whether it is the small or large circuit, you need to finish it so that your body is not strained.

If you forcefully stop without gathering your energy in the danjeon, the energy will disperse and a strong backlash will occur in your body.

Depending on the intensity of the impact, you may suffer internal injuries or even fall into a state of possession.

If your mind wavers during breakfast, the shock is doubled.

“Oh my! Are you doing this during the Yeon Gongja Fortune Breakfast? Why are you doing this in a quiet room? They say that the deeper your internal energy, the greater the recoil. This is a big problem.”

Nokdam-pyeong, who approached while making a fuss, snatched Yeonjeok-ha’s sword from his hand.

As expected, the breakfast is definitely a lucky breakfast.

Even at that moment, he didn’t react as if he hadn’t woken up yet.

Nokdampyeong pulled out his sword and spoke in a gloomy tone.

“Are you arrogant? Are you unfounded? Thank you… … . Huh? Huh?”

The sword won’t come out?

‘What is this?’

I grabbed the sword handle and tried to swing it, but it was no use.

While he was panicking, Yeonjeokha’s voice came to his ear.

“You, I see you can’t even tell the difference between meditation and exercise. Are you learning in vain?”

Nokdam-pyeong’s eyes grew as big as lanterns.

‘Meditation? But why doesn’t the sword come off?’

At that moment, the sword that had been stuck to its scabbard without moving at all suddenly fell out on its own.

The strength was so strong that Nokdam-pyeong’s hand was torn apart.


The sword flew into the sky with a clear sword sound and circled over the Yellow River like a falcon.

It seemed as if it would stop immediately, but then fell vertically toward the Yellow River.

A moment later, something soared into the sky through the muddy water.


Nokdampyeong opened his mouth wide when he saw the fish pierced by the sword.

I knew that Yeon Gongja was a master, but I didn’t know he could fish with a sword!

The sword returned and fell at Nokdampyeong’s feet.

Thump thump. Thump thump.

Looking at the fish jumping with the sword pierced, Nokdam-pyeong slowly put down the scabbard.

“Green Brothers.”


“I’m not a bad person.”

Nokdampyeong lowered his eyes and said nothing because he felt guilty.

“But why are you making me a bad person?”


Nokdampyeong raised his head, wondering what was going on.

In that moment, Yeonjeokha’s fist landed on his face.


As lightning flashed in his eyes, Nokdam-pyeong covered his face with both hands and crouched down.

He kicked his crouching body without mercy.

“Why! Why! Why! Are you making me a bad person? I thought that would make me feel better!”

Every time I spoke with force, there was a kicking.

Nokdampyeong’s pitiful screams echoed far and wide.


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not work with dark mode