Heavenly Inquisition Sword Chapter 110

110 times. You won’t have any regrets if you do it generously.

The Jungwon Sangbang is a powerful Sangbang in Jeongju.

Of course, they also have several inns, restaurants, and bars that they directly operate.

As the name suggests, the Jungwon Spot is from the upper part of the Jungwon area.

It is not unusual for Lim Hae-su, the agent of the Central Plains, to visit this place. However, today he was accompanied by Baek Mi-ju.

As expected from the agents, a sumptuous feast was laid out on the table of Im Hae-su and Baek Mi-ju.

Im Hae-su picked up a dumpling filled with soup and placed it on an empty plate in front of Baek Mi-ju.

“It’s the specialty of this house. Even Madam Baek will fall in love with its taste.”

“Haha. Thank you.”

As Baek Mi-ju tore the dumplings on the plate with her chopsticks, the soup gushed out.

“Oh my. This is fun. It smells good too.”

Baek Mi-ju put the dumpling filling in her mouth and munched on it.

A smile appeared on Im Hae-su’s lips as he looked at her.

As I look at her slightly quivering red lips, a part of my body feels strong. She has a charm that is different from sexiness, something difficult to describe.

“Oh, I heard the news. You’ve set up a new residence in the palace. Why didn’t you tell me? I wanted to help you out, even if it was just a little.”

“The house repairs aren’t even finished yet. And I’ve already received enough help from the landlord. If it weren’t for the landlord, I wouldn’t have even started.”

Baek Mi-ju was grateful to Im Hae-su.

If he had not told us about Paljuling, the reconstruction of Waryongjang would have been impossible.

“The funds were borrowed from Baekgajang?”

“Half of it came from Baekgajang, and the rest came from Yanggajang.”

“I see. The Yang family isn’t the type of people who just help out. Is that okay?”

“Do you know what they want?”

“I heard that the disciples from the Yang family have been having a hard time recently. Since the Yang family can’t handle everything on their own, they will ask the Waryong family for help as well.”

“If that’s the case, then there’s no problem. After all, it’s something I’ve experienced enough in Luoyang.”

“It’s different from Luoyang.”


“That’s right. There are more than one or two sects that are targeting the disciples of the Yang Family. However, they are all Sapa, so their methods are cruel and vicious. Has Waryongjang ever fought against Sapa?”

“There’s nothing special besides Nokrimdo.”

“Compared to Sapa, Nokrim is rather pure. Sapa, uh… … .”

Im Hae-su shook his head.

The Central Plains have also fought against Sapa several times in the past.

What was the result?

Suffered terrible damage.

If we had not asked the Jeongju Sapha Alliance, the ‘Sakpunghoe’, to mediate, we would have certainly failed. Of course, a huge amount of money was lost in the mediation process.

Since the Jungwon Sangbang was in that state, it was obvious what the Waryongjang would be like without even looking.

“Hearing what Mr. Im said, I feel a little uneasy.”

“If you ever need mediation later, please contact me. I will help you bridge the gap.”

“Thank you. I can’t trust anyone else but you, Mr. Im.”

Baek Mi-ju stretched out her delicate palm and gently covered the thick back of Im Hae-su’s hand.

There is a saying that even ten years can change the course of time.

Fourteen years ago, when he was six years old, Yeon-jeok-ha had changed beyond recognition.

But Baek Mi-ju, as an adult, is different.

Moreover, since she was a public figure, her face was almost the same as it was fourteen years ago. Thanks to this, Yeon-gak recognized who she was as soon as he saw her.

My heart, which had been pounding so hard it felt like it was going to burst, calmed down.

But just like when I was six, I had no idea what to do.

Naturally, the conversation between Yeonjeokha and Simtong disappeared.

In the heavy silence, the conversation between the two middle-aged man and woman was conveyed to both of them intact.

Slurp. Slurp.

Simtong focused on eating without saying a word. No, he pretended to.

‘Madam’, ‘Warongjang’, and Yeonjeokha’s stern expression as if he had seen a ghost.

‘no way…….’

I kept shoving things into my mouth, but I couldn’t taste anything.

Did about half an hour (about 7 minutes) pass like that?

I hadn’t even eaten half of it yet, but Yeonjeok-ha quietly got up and went outside.

Simtong put down his chopsticks and hurriedly followed after her.

A tall pavilion appeared in front of the two people who had been walking along the street for a while. Judging from the writing on the entrance that said ‘Jeongjujeilru’, it was either a main building or a tower.

It is as high as seven stories.

After checking the height of the room, he strode inside with brisk steps.

Even though it was broad daylight, the first floor was full of customers.

He climbed up to the seventh floor, the highest level, without stopping, in one breath.

As we went up, the number of customers decreased and the seventh floor was almost empty.

As Yeonjeokha and Simtong sat down by the window, a woman in her forties approached them with some young ladies.

“Hohoho. Welcome. It seems like it’s our first time meeting, but let me introduce myself. My name is Jang Bo-ok, the owner of Jeongjujeilru. I don’t know if you know, but the seventh floor is… .”

Jang Bo-ok trailed off slightly.

It was only later that the swords hanging from the waists of the old man and the boy were discovered.

The price of alcohol on the seventh floor is difficult for the average person to afford.

As such, most of the guests were either high-ranking officials or the owners of martial arts clubs.

‘Let’s see. Do these people have any money?’

Of course, if there’s an argument over the price of alcohol, you can call the guards.

The breakwater that protects the rear of Jeongjujeilru is Saphain Tongcheonbang. In case a fight breaks out, three warriors from Tongcheonbang are stationed there.

“Haha, what are you guys just standing there for? You’re not serving me.”

Jang Bo-ok slapped the back of the gisaeng next to her as if scolding her.

As soon as permission was granted, the gisaengs walked briskly to the seats next to the old man and the boy.

Jang Bo-ok disappeared after leaving behind four gisaengs.

Following this, the waiters brought out food and drinks without us even asking for them.

Simtong, who was in this kind of place for the first time, asked the gisaeng sitting next to him with a curious face.

“Do you just bring it out here without taking an order?”

“Yes, Nari. These are the basics. If you need anything else, just ask.”

“Hmm, hmm, it’s not that I don’t have money, but how much does alcohol cost in a place like this?”

“It’s forty nyang worth of silver for everything.”

“Wow! Forty nyang? Just four bottles of alcohol and a meal cost forty nyang?”

“Haha. Nari. Instead, aren’t we here? We will serve you with all our heart, so please look upon us kindly.”

Simtong glanced at Yeonjeokha’s expression.

He showed no interest in alcohol or women, and just stared out the window with a sullen face. Looking closely, it seemed like he had come up just to see the view.

“You guys, go ahead and go. Our lord wants to be alone.”

“Oh my, Nari… … .”

“I will take good care of you, sir. Yes?”

Although the gisaengs tried to be charming, Simtong flatly rejected them and sent them all away.

After a long time, Yeonjeokha’s mouth opened.

“When Waryongjang was destroyed, I felt bittersweet. I thought my revenge was over. But, you know, when I saw someone today, I realized. It hadn’t even started. Did you hear, old man Sim? That Waryongjang was being reestablished in the palace.”


“I think it was a really good decision to come to Jeongju.”

“Kuhhhhhh… … .”

Simtong laughed grumpily, shaking his shoulders.

Looking at Yeonjeokha’s cool eyes, it seems like it’s finally time to step on it properly.

“Your Majesty, just speak. I will chew you up and eat you, even the bones.”

“Remember? I told you before that no one should have anything to do with Waryongjang.”

“Yes, that’s right.”

“I hate Baekgajang and Yanggajang as much as I hate Waryongjang.”

“You’ve thought it through well. When taking revenge, you should be generous so that you won’t have any regrets.”

“Oh yeah?”

“Yes, my first teacher found all the families of my enemies and cut off their balls… … .”

“Oh! That’s not it. This old man has no middle ground. Are all the madmen like that?”

Yeonjeokha frowned and grumbled.

Only when Yeonjeok-ha started talking more and more did Simtong finally feel at ease. Just a moment ago, he had been so stiff that it was embarrassing to look at him.

The two of them left after finishing lunch, so they filled their stomachs with food rather than alcohol.

Maybe because it was winter, we sat and chatted for about two hours before the sun began to set.

As the sun set, the empty seventh floor began to fill up with guests little by little.

“Your Majesty, don’t you think it’s time to start looking for an inn?”

“It’s already like that.”

The lover stood up without hesitation.

The guest house had to hurry because it was difficult to get a good room the later it got.

As the two walked towards the stairs, Jang Bo-ok and the gisaengs approached them.

“Hohoho! Ladies and gentlemen, are you leaving already? Did you have a good time?”

“How much is it?”

At Simtong’s question, Jang Bo-ok covered her mouth with her hand and laughed.

“Haha. Maehyang taught me, so why are you asking again? It’s forty nyang for silver.”

“What nonsense are you talking about? You want me to pay forty nyang when I don’t even have any gisaengs?”

“The price is already determined when you sit your children next to you… … .”

“Huh! What the hell! You’re the one who made me sit down. Tell me how much the drinks and food cost.”

Shim Tong coldly cut off the woman’s words.

If Yeon-jeok-ha hadn’t been next to me, I would have thrown a punch first, but I tried to hold it back, and my lips were trembling.

“Oh my, why are you acting like this after having a good time at such an expensive restaurant? Maehyang, this is no good. Go and bring the brothers from Tongcheonbang.”

Then, the gisaeng named Maehyang quickly disappeared.

There was not even the slightest hesitation, as if this wasn’t the first or second time this had happened.

When the other guests glanced at him, Yeonjeokha, feeling sorry for no reason, stepped forward and tried to resolve the situation.

“Excuse me, we don’t know the rules either, so let’s compromise a bit. I’ll pay half the price of calling a gisaeng. Isn’t that enough for the price of sitting down for a moment and then getting up?”

Kiru, who was the first to be in a relationship, suggested a reasonable compromise. He believed that if it was to that extent, it would end quietly without any further arguments.

But that was just a passing fancy.

Broadly speaking, there are two types of people in the world: those who are weak with the weak and strong with the strong, and those who are strong with the weak and weak with the strong.

If Yeonjeokha was the former, Jang Bo-ok, who only took care of special guests on the seventh floor, was the latter.

Jang Bo-ok felt insulted when a boy who seemed to be the old man’s superior came in bowing.

She mistakenly thought that the boy was afraid of the ‘Tongcheonbang’. Even the drunken and noisy people would become quiet when they heard the sound of the ‘Tongcheonbang’.

A contemptuous smile appeared on Jang Bo-ok’s face.

“Look, young Confucius. You should pay the bills accurately. If you don’t have money, you shouldn’t even be in such an expensive place. It feels good to drink while looking down from the seventh floor, right? But that’s for the rich. Children, where are you if you don’t have money?”

Then the gisaengs laughed and answered,

“It’s the floor!”

“Did you hear? If you don’t have money, you can just squat down on the first floor and drink. People drink according to their means… … .”

“Hehehe. So you four are determined to die. How dare you act like that in front of the prince.”

As curses burst out of Simtong’s mouth, Jang Bo-ok hurriedly stepped back.

At that moment, Maehyang came up the stairs with the warriors of Tongcheonbang.

Jang Bo-ok, who had been startled and stepped back, started to fuss.

“Oh my! Why are you guys here now! When I asked for money for the drinks, these guys threatened to kill me… … .”

Musa raised his hand as if to say, ‘Stop,’ and then spoke to Simtong.

“I am Yang Jin-saeng of Tongcheonbang. This place is managed by Tongcheonbang, so let’s pay quietly and leave.”

As Yang Jin-saeng spoke, he glanced at the old man and the boy’s weapons.

He belatedly noticed the leaf blade and the antique sword and thought diligently.

‘Who is the old man and the boy in Jeongju who use red-leafed swords and swords?’

I tried to think of the famous masters in Jeongju, but there was no one like that.

Then it’s done.

This is when Yang Jin-saeng was secretly relieved.

“Kikki kick.”

Yang Jin-saeng’s gaze turned to the old man’s side at the slightly twisted, frivolous smile.

The boy lowered his head and suppressed a laughter.


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not work with dark mode