Dark and Light Martial Emperor Chapter 990

Episode 990.

When I put it down, I saw the sky (7)

“Are you by any chance Namgung?”

Zhuge Wenhu did not answer right away.

He quenched his thirst by drinking ice-cold tea and opened his mouth again.

“There is something I would like to ask Mr. Sobu.”

Everyone knew that he was intentionally trying to deviate from the main topic, but no one urged him to answer first.

Yeon Ho-jeong nodded.

“Please speak.”

“So Buju hates the three religions, right?”

What does it mean to ask such a question?

Although he was curious, Yeon Ho-jeong answered obediently.

“That’s right.”

“Why do you hate the Three Religions?”

It was such a natural thing.

I don’t think he asked that question because he didn’t know Zhuge Li. He was also curious, but Yeon Ho-jeong answered silently.

“It’s simple. “Because it is so obvious that their invasion will plunge my home, my family, and my hometown into the abyss of hell.”

“As expected.”

“Furthermore, their methods are also problematic. There have always been foreign invasions, and we have always fought them.”


“From our perspective, whoever invades the central plains is an enemy. It is meaningless to answer questions such as broadening our understanding and accepting that they are human too. “It would have been better if they had officially declared that they would fight for power. They made society sick and committed all kinds of evil acts without even the slightest sense.”

A representative example was the Sacheon Nakwonso incident.

Those who fell for it are not only a problem, but they also kidnap people to satisfy their s.e.xual desires or provide human flesh, causing them to commit unspeakable acts.

Both the actual behavior and the thought itself are problematic.

There are no lines in war. If war means that you have to do anything to win, they just did whatever they could to win the war.

But war is also fought by people. If you cross an unconscious line that is invisible but of which all people are aware, this is something that definitely deserves criticism.

Therefore, war itself should not occur. That was important.

“That is why I hate the Three Religions. In fact, there is nothing more to say. “The moment an attack comes, it is an enemy to us.”


“You have to think about how to fight the enemy and how to end the fight. It is meaningless to ask whether that side is truly the enemy.”

Mo Yong nodded his head.

“I also agree. No, everyone must agree with this. Everyone wants to kill someone who has harmed them, but not many people actually do so. “The moment you really kill something, the relationship changes.”

In other words, the three religions are actually enemies because they have been attacking the martial arts in the central plains.

There is no other logic simpler and more solid than this. It is not worth discussing what the three religions did, what their ideas were, and how much they sacrificed for what they ultimately wanted.

The three religions chose to invade.

Therefore, they are enemies.

Those were Yeonhojeong’s words and Moyonggun’s thoughts.

Zhuge Wenhu nodded.

“Sobuju’s words are correct. What Mo Yong-ga-ju said is also correct. “For a long time, they committed numerous evil deeds to occupy the central plain without our knowledge.”

“That’s right.”

“Furthermore, there were numerous actual battles, and they declared through their own mouths that they would advance to the central plains, so there would never have been a more certain situation than this.”

Zhuge Wenhu’s eyes deepened.

“Then what about the Black Island?”

“From Baekdo’s point of view, he would be an obvious enemy.”

“yes. Also, from the black island’s point of view, the white island is the enemy.”

“That’s right.”

“However, since we call ourselves the Baekdo political faction, we will speak from our perspective. To us, the Black Path is actually a more dangerous enemy than the Three Religions.”

It’s not that they were enemies, it’s that they are enemies.

To be clear, Yeon Ho-jeong knew that Zhuge Wen-ho had not lost his cool. He was expressing his opinion, but at the same time, he was seeing the situation through the eyes of a third party.

“It is meaningless to ask when or where it started. The Black Island and the White Island were at odds for a long time, and their relationship developed into a relationship where they killed each other. “If you look at the entire Jungwon Wurim, it could be said that it was close to internal strife, but each other’s territory was so firmly established that they could not easily unite.”

Right now, there are many Black Islanders who died from the swords of warriors from the White Island clan, and many White Islanders who died from the spear blades of warriors from the Black Island clan. It has piled up, and now it has reached a point where we cannot control each other’s emotions.

Until now, it was unclear why they hated each other. Of course, those with deep personal grudges should be excluded, but the majority show unconditional hostility just because they are white or black.

“It’s something that can’t be helped. Prejudice is something that cannot be erased from human society. To be free from such things, you will need thorough self-discipline and infinite affection for this world.”

“I agree to some extent.”

“In other words, the idea that the White and Black Islands would unite to attack the Three Schools was truly dangerous and unrealistic.”

Prince Moyong frowned.

“Hey, soldier. I can’t believe it, the union of blacks and whites now….”

“But that seemingly impossible thing has come true. “It means that something that no one could have imagined has become a reality in the current martial arts world.”

Zhuge Wenhu looked at Yan Haozheng.

“It’s all thanks to you, Lord Sobu.”


“Of course, many people sympathized with it, accepted the reality, and made efforts behind the scenes. Among them, there is Lord Maeng and I, and the head of the Moyong family here was also like that.”

Yeon Hao-jeong looked at Zhuge Wenhu in silence.

Zhuge Wenhu sighed.

“I will confess. “I couldn’t sleep for days as I watched this seemingly impossible union come to fruition.”

“Is that so?”

“That’s right. It was that exciting. From a young age, I was also taught to stay away from and eliminate the black and evil factions, but to my young mind, they were just unknown beings. “At that time, I had never seen black people before, so I vaguely thought they had horns on their heads and long tails on their buttocks.”

It was his ability to keep the atmosphere from becoming heavier even while talking about serious things.

Zhuge Zhen smiled slightly and Yeon Ho Jeong chuckled.

“After coming out into the world, I saw many black people. Indeed, most of them were undignified, cruel, and committed all kinds of criminal acts as if it were natural. However, I have seen with my own eyes that there are quite a few people who call themselves black, but are brave and loyal, and are more warriors than any white people.”

“Heukdo Murim is also a world where people live.”

“Yes, if there are people like this, there are also people like that. But….”


“Not everyone can look at the world so calmly.”

Yeon Ho-jeong nodded heavily.

“I stayed up all night witnessing the accomplishment of something that seemed impossible, but after that, I couldn’t help but worry more than ever.”


“The union between white and black and black and white was accomplished so quickly and smoothly. Anyone who knew it would have seen that countless sacrifices had been made to ensure such a peaceful process.”

“Unfortunately, there are not only people like that in the world.”

“That’s accurate. “Even those who hate and hate others, even those they know, may have felt rejection in their hearts even though they thought rationally that it was the right decision.”

“Because people are emotional beings.”

“That’s right. I focused on that part. And then I thought.”

A shadow fell on Zhuge Wenhu’s face.

“If war breaks out soon, black and white will truly be able to join hands and fight against the three religions. However… if the war is not made visible enough to be felt, dissatisfaction will inevitably begin to build up on both black and white sides.”

Whatever it is, Zhuge Wenhu has been worrying about this for a long time.

Yeon Ho-jeong knew that Zhuge Mun-ho’s words were true. There is nothing to do other than consider the sincerity. Zhuge Munho is the commander-in-chief of the Baekdo Martial Alliance. He was a person who could naturally think that much.

“I was deeply worried. If war does not break out immediately, what problems will arise in this seemingly peaceful and gentle union? No, it is inevitable that problems will arise. So when will that happen? “How bad will it get?”


“But we couldn’t immediately declare an all-out war against our main enemies, the Three Religions. “Isn’t it possible to burn down all that thatch just to catch one bug?”

“Of course.”

“So how can we calm those complaints?”


“Actually, the answer was simple.”

Moyong-gun said as if he was throwing it away.

“Drawing public opinion.”

Zhuge Wenhu nodded.

“It’s the basics of military politics. The enemy of my enemy is my friend. To put it another way, only when I recognize the existence of an enemy do I have the will to join hands with another enemy.”


Moyong-gun’s eyes deepened.

“It’s dangerous.”

Zhuge Wenhu smiled.

Even though he was so thin, his smile was full of strength. Yeonhojeong, Moyonggun, etc. are people with outstanding insight and brains that can be discussed as the top of the midfield. After talking with these people, I couldn’t help but gain strength as a soldier.

“That’s right. The influence of public opinion is powerful, but if it turns out to be false, it will be a fatal blow. Not only will there be cracks in the black-white alliance, but in the worst case, it will create strong distrust towards the leaders of the Murim Alliance.”


Even if we fight as one, it is difficult to guarantee victory or defeat, so if we fight dividedly, defeat is certain.

Black and white, who were like enemies of Cheolcheon, joined hands. It was possible thanks to the efforts and sacrifices of many people, including Yeon Ho-jeong.

Zhuge Wenhu could never let this relationship break down. The bond between the two had to be kept strong, even by using immoral methods if necessary.

“When I was worrying about various things, someone came to see me.”

“Who is it?”


At that moment, Yeon Ho-jeong and Mo Yong-gun’s eyes widened.

Namgoongin. Namgung family.

He is the son of Namgung Seung, the sword emperor who was called the best swordsman in the world at the time, a member of the Murim League Fonggong, and an outstanding ingenuity who made a name for himself as the conqueror of Anhui Province south of the Yangtze River.

“It was late at night. “He came to me with anxiety and resignation in his eyes, as if he was being chased by someone and had given up everything at the same time.”


“He said. They said that the black-white union was not right and asked for a meeting to be held immediately. “We must discuss that agenda.”

In Moyong’s eyes, he was young to live.

On the contrary, Yeon Ho-jeong’s eyes were cautious.

Zhuge Wenhu sighed and said.

“When I asked him if that didn’t sound like something he said. He said that if the meeting was not held on that agenda, the Namgung family and other like-minded factions would all leave the Murim Alliance.”


“Now, I’ll ask Sobuju. “Why did Namgung family head Namgung-in suddenly come to me and make such unreasonable demands?”

Yeon Ho-jeong’s cheek twitched.

“You didn’t mean it.”


“Was the Namgung family head, Namgungin, under some kind of threat from the Three Churches?”

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