Dark and Light Martial Emperor Chapter 928

Episode 928.

Grand Master (3)

“Master Master!”

It seems that he somehow survived even in the half-destroyed Daejeon.

Hyeokryunhwi’s last disciple, Bang Wonhu, walked out unsteadily.

His face covered in stone dust is truly pitiful. The left arm was covered in blood and the sight of the man limping, as if he had sprained his ankle, was enough to elicit sympathy from the viewer.


Hyukryunhwi’s eyes, which had been shining with five colors, gradually returned to their original state.

As if Hyeokryeonhwi’s soul had become visible, the huge hellish beast that stood tall behind him slowly disappeared.

Bang Won-hoo’s face, which was full of fear, gradually turned into a tearful expression.


“Prime Minister.”


Bang Won-hoo burst into tears and ran to Hyeokryun-hwi.

The running was like that of a child who had not yet learned a single martial art. The way he looked so frightened and even his breathing was shaking was no different from that of a typical 10-year-old child.

It was then.


Bang Won-hoo, who was running, was startled and hit his butt on the spot.


There was even a look of self-reproach on Hyeokryunhwi’s face as he aimed his Pacheonwoldo at Bang Wonhu.

Bang Won-hoo’s face turned pale.

“Buy, buy…!”

I can’t even speak properly.

Hyeokryeonhwi, who was quietly looking at Bang Wonhu, shook his head.

“Stop it now.”

“yes yes?!”

“I’m telling you to stop acting like that.”



Pacheonwoldo trembled faintly.

The sound of an animal was heard from somewhere.

It was not the cry of an animal living in this mountain. To begin with, there are no wild animals living around here.

The cry was a roar that erupted from within Hyeokryeonhwi’s body.

Like a hellwater created by the gathering of spewing fragments of true energy, a gigantic beast that did not disappear even after death was alive and breathing within his body as he opened the five-color hell ball for the first and last time.

Hyeokryeonhwi said, ignoring the sound of the beast.

“Ten Master Cheon Yo-myeong said: The ultimate goal of the Gwanghyeolgyo is to reach heaven as a demon, but this is impossible unless one escapes the human body, so in the end, what the Gwanghyeolgyo dreams of is nothing more than an illusion…”

It was a word whose meaning I could not understand. Bang Won-hoo gasped and trembled.

Although I didn’t feel alive, the person I had treated as a teacher for three years was pointing a sword at me. Since the teacher was naturally a man of few words, my fears could not help but be doubled.

“Master Sa. Help me!”

The human survival instinct is great.

Even in a situation where it was difficult to even open his mouth, Bang Won-hu was asking for his life. And that too in front of Hyeokryeonhwi, a major servant of the Demonic Martial Arts.

“Help me! Yes, I was wrong! Please save me!”

At that time, an urgent voice was heard from afar.


The owner of that voice was the party official.

Hyeokryeonhwi slowly looked back at them.


The first to arrive were Yeonhojeong and Okcheong. Even during this brief movement, measures were taken so that Dang-gwan and Muk-bi, who are good at long-distance attacks, could follow from the rear.

The official shouted.

“What can you do to a child! “Can’t you put away your sword right now?”

Although he is the head of a party that says there is no blood or tears, the children are the ones who make an exception.

Moreover, in a place called the headquarters of the Demonic Murim, a master with strange magical energy is pointing a sword at a trembling child, so anyone will have no choice but to stop him.

It was then.


Yeon Ho-jeong raised his hand and stopped everyone’s movements.

Mukbi’s eyes wavered.


Yeon Ho-jeong looked at Hyuk Ryeon-hwi in silence.


My heart was beating strongly.

I felt the yellow dragon inside my body running wild. He was glaring at Hyeokryeonhwi with sinister eyes that had never been shown before, and the intensity of his true energy was increasing to the point that even Yeonhojeong was embarrassed.


A white haze rose from Yeon Ho-jeong’s body.

It was an independent movement of Jingi, whose spirituality was contrary to the will of the owner. Just blocking it took a huge amount of mental strength.


The situation was no different in Hyeokryeonhwi.

The beast of hell hiding inside his body was glaring at Yeon Ho-jeong, blooming with thick murderous energy.

Hyukryunhwi was also surprised by the unintentional amplification of demonic energy and hurriedly suppressed it. However, it was a strong pulsation that could not be easily suppressed even if one tried to suppress it.

However, he was able to control Jinki much more easily than Yeonhojeong. Yeonhojeong’s Hwangryonggi was an energy that grew along with his spirit, but Hyeokryeonhwi’s Hellbeast was only half made of crude demonic energy.


Hyeokryeonhwi completely sealed the beast of hell for a while.

He brought the energy of Sang Sang-jeon into a pile and suppressed it with force. For a moment, I felt like my mind was getting dark, but my body actually felt freer.


Surprisingly, when the energy of the hell beast was completely sealed, the yellow dragon, which had been growling fiercely, gradually lost its momentum.

No matter how spiritual it was, at times like this it felt like I was raising a creature with a very clear will.


Yeon Ho-jeong took a long breath and looked at Hyuk Ryeon-hwi with eyes full of caution.

Hyeokryeonhwi’s mouth opened.

“Are they people from the Murim Alliance brought by the Third?”

Yeon Ho-jeong, who was quietly examining Hyeok-ryeon-hwi’s face, sternly took control of the Gwangryongbu.

“Yeon Ho-jeong, the eldest son of the Gangdong Byeoksan Yeonga and Sobuju of the Mukryongbu of the Black Island Alliance, meets senior Demon Lord Hyeokryeonhwi.”

For a moment, the group was startled. I had no idea that the old man with such bizarre attire was Hyeokryeonhwi.

Hyukryeonhwi was also a little surprised. I had heard about the eldest son of Gangdong Byeoksan Yeonga, but I never imagined that he would be this expert.

Even more so, the Sobuju of the Mukryongbu? How did the eldest son from a prestigious martial arts sect become a minor master of the Black Island League?


Hyeokryeonhwi’s face looked bitter as he looked around.

‘Isn’t this a world where it wouldn’t be strange no matter what happens?’

He nodded.

“I am Hyeokryeonhwi.”

“It is an honour.”

“It’s an honor…”

Hyeokryeonhwi laughed. It was a self-deprecating laugh.

“Do you consider the person who was the leader of the Demonic Murim a warrior rather than a demon?”

“That’s right.”

“It’s okay. “Unlike the martial arts he possesses.”

Yeon Ho-jeong nodded.

“That’s something I hear sometimes.”

Tang Gwan and Mukbi glanced at Yeonhojeong. It was absurd to hear this sometimes.

Hyeokryeonhwi, who was examining Yeonhojeong’s eyes and chest, shook his head.

“Let’s talk about the things hidden inside the body after work is over.”

“That’s right. But…”

Yeon Ho-jeong looked at Bang Won-hoo.

Bang Won-hoo was shocked and shed tears and snot. Even an expert with an ax the size of a human body appeared. For a child, it was a sight that would make his eyes turn in horror.

Hyukryunhwi’s eyes changed.



It was such an incredible event that it felt as if all the air within a radius of several dozen walls would explode.

A voice so strong that it made not only Dang-gwan and Ok-cheong, but also Yeon-ho-jeong, flinch.

Bang Won-hoo was truly distraught. The arms covering his pale face were trembling, and he looked truly sad.

Hyeokryeonhwi said with a stern face.

“A human body cannot reach heaven while containing demons in the flesh… Then, there are two choices for Gwanghyeol. “You either give up or you continue to challenge.”

“Master Sa.”

“But it becomes a problem if external methods are brought into the challenge. That’s not magic. “It is simply the evil path of someone who does not know good.”

Hyeokryeonhwi mentioned lines. This was the line that Yeonhojeong and Yeonwi emphasized so much.

“It was only about ten years ago that I learned that Gwanghyeol was walking the path of non-humanity. I was furious at the crazy actions of the fanatics, but unfortunately I did not have the power to catch them. That wasn’t even the case. “I had to waste my energy on a false day to save my children.”

Hyeokryeonhwi’s past.

It could also be said to be a secret story that only he knows. He was saying it.

“The soul that has left this world should go to the universe called the afterlife. It is an absolute law that cannot be called the Tao of Heaven. But you did not.”

Hyeokryeonhwi looked at Bang Wonhu and said, “You.”

What does that mean? Could it be that this little boy, who is only ten years old, is a member of the Gwangblood Church?

“The soul of a dead person ascends to heaven, and the soul returns to earth. The two are different yet the same. “You can’t just pick one and move on your own.”


“But you did it.”

Sparks flew from Hyeokryeonhwi’s eyes.

“The souls of the deceased priests of the past were taken and embedded into the bodies of their rotting corpses, allowing them to live a second life not permitted to humans. How can this be said to be normal?”

Second life.

When Yeon Ho-jeong heard those words, he felt an eerie feeling.

Speaking of second life, it was a phrase that suited Yeon Ho-jeong more than anyone else. He even transcended time and space and returned to the past, so it could be said to be a second life in the true sense of the word.

Hyeokryeonhwi’s voice gained strength.

“Stop letting me go now.”

Yeon Ho-jeong nodded without realizing it.

Aside from Hyuk Ryeon-hwi, he was the only one here who felt a sense of alienation from Bang Won-hu.

“It’s ridiculous to bring in the bright-blooded squadron masters! But are you taking the soul of a child who should be heading into space in the name of achieving immortality and forcing him to walk the outer path? “Can you really call yourself human!”

Hyeokryunhwi’s stern voice gradually became filled with harsh demonic energy.


Hyeokryeonhwi, who achieved the Pacheonwoldo, stretched out his left hand.

The devil’s hands were grotesquely twisted, like the paws of an animal with black fingernails.

“Just let me go! I knew your identity from the beginning! “Nevertheless, the reason I pretended not to know is because I had no idea what you guys would do with that child’s soul!”


“Let me go! Don’t you feel sorry for the child? If you try to dream of immortality with that kind of inhumanity, true immortality is absolutely impossible! In what realm of immortality can one find the splendid greatness of life!”

It was then.


As if Hyukryunhwi’s extremely heightened emotions had touched him, black flames began to rise from Pacheonwoldo Island.

The flame immediately penetrated Hyeokryeonhwi’s veins and was transmitted to the tip of his left hand.


Terrible pressure.

By drawing out the power of the Holy Demon tied to the Pacheonwoldo and unleashing it into ultimate enlightenment, even the bright-blooded doll that has achieved the pinnacle of non-humanity can no longer withstand it.


Bang Won-hoo looks at Hyeokryeonhwi with a blank face.

The sound of bones breaking came from somewhere in his body.

Crump! Crump patter!

Once the dislocating sound started, it quickly spread throughout the body and began to change Bang Won-hu’s skeleton.

Quad Deuk! Uduk! Yikes!

The skeleton grew larger and the skin tore.


Surprisingly, the torn skin was stitched up in an instant thanks to an unknown force.

In that way, Bang Won-hoo grew bigger and bigger.

A doll moving into a body that can no longer be called a child.

Hyeokryeonhwi’s eyes began to turn five colors again.

“Come out, Lord of Light Blood.”

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