Dark and Light Martial Emperor Chapter 902

Episode 902.

Quickly and quickly (2)

Originally, there were seven types of Bubeop that Yeon Ho-jeong created and acquired. But he added two herbivores to it.

In fact, the two added types of herbivory were closer to the realization of enlightenment.

Whether it’s an axe, a sword, a spear, or a sickle, each ultimately reaches the limit that suits its characteristics.

So, there was no need to use an ax to spread those two types of herbivores. In the end, martial arts did not make any distinction after ascending to heaven.

The existing seven herbivores also boasted such simple routes that it would be difficult to call them herbivores.

It had to be that way in the first place. Regardless of the severity of the illness, the original purpose of the ax was to swing it and chop it down or cut it down with more force.

Whether it is the light dragon or the black and white double dragon, it is the same ax with only a difference in length and weight.

Rather, Yeon Ho-jeong swinging the three axes by melting them into Sasinmu was something unusual. It is said that only the Twin Dragonbu can do this, but what expert in the world would be able to swing a Gwangryongbu weighing over 80 pounds like a master of the quick sword?

Also, Yeonhojeong did not always wield the Gwangryongbu too aggressively. If it could be finished with a single blow, there was no need to use a flashy attack.

Hundreds of battles that have unfolded everything from complex herbivory to simple blows and techniques.

All of that came together and Yeonhojeong exists today.

And because it was Yeonhojeong who had gone through everything and reached the level of Hwangryong, he was able to create the extremely simple yet most powerful martial art, Gwangpungguryongsal.

A simple and powerful ax strike.

The will to put your own momentum and imagination into it.

The rare weapon called the Gwangryongbu wielded the martial arts of Gwangpungguryongsal in one second.


A huge ray of light split a radius of five squares wide.

It was a very simple slash, but somehow Yeon Ho-jeong’s movements as she released the strike looked beautiful and dynamic, like a dancing dancer.


Only after it bounced away did a terrifying resonance sound emerge. Even though he raised his true energy to the limit by covering the hand holding the Dokgojeo with his other hand, the blood monk’s body ended up being thrown over a dozen sheets.


Unfortunately, Daegeumbul could not be blocked like a blood monk.

Although he was able to block it with the red stone sword he had pulled out, Mucham’s attack power ended up pushing the stone sword away and leaving a deep wound on his right arm.

It didn’t end there. The shock wave that exploded along with the slash sent Daegeumbul’s body flying over twenty pages.


Just one dynamic swing.

The aftermath was enormous. There was no longer anything in front of the swung Light Dragon.

There is no need to increase the destructive power through Qigong, but simply throw it out with the power best suited to an ax as a weapon, and a shock wave follows, blowing away everything around it.

This was the first moment of the Gwangpung Guryong Slaughter.

‘It’s huge.’

Even Yeon Ho-jeong, who had used Gwangpung Guryongsal for the first time in actual combat, was embarrassed.

I thought it would be enough to throw the two people away, but it wasn’t something that was thrown away, it was just sent flying.

‘No matter how excellent Hwangryonggong is, can he produce this kind of power?’

It was then.


I felt a spark fly in the corner of my head.


Hwangryongshinwanggong is the best divine ball in the world.

However, learning the best new skills in the world does not mean you will become the best in the world. It is martial arts that even those who have learned the magic of the world’s third rite can die.

There may be several factors. Experience, physical condition that day, mental strength, environment, mistakes, luck, etc. all kinds of factors come into play.

These were factors that Yeon Ho-jeong, who had fought more than anyone else in the world, knew well enough to get tired of.

But it was different now.

You need to check your physical condition. Mistakes should not be made. It’s good if luck favors you, but if it doesn’t, there’s nothing you can do about it.

So what about mentality and environment?

‘The wind, the golden dragon, and the dragon’s appearance all originated from the yellow dragon.’

It was thanks to enlightenment that I was able to ascend to the Yellow Dragon.

Enlightenment mentality.

The reason why Gwangpung and Geumryongimu’s herbivory has become simpler is because they have accumulated enough experience and enlightenment to not need complicated herbivore operation, but it is also because mental power is now more important than combat.


Just one swing.

What kind of determination do you have when swinging an axe?

What kind of imagination do you have when wielding it? Why is this Chosik’s name Mucham?

Yeon Ho-jeong finally realized. At that moment, I completely understood what my body knew but my mind did not.

‘I have already deviated from common sense.’

The power of Dan Sangjeon and Hwangryonggong resonate.

Originally, Hwangryonggong would not have been like this. The operation of this Hwangryonggong is a martial art entirely interpreted by Yeon Hojeong.

‘How do you swing it with what force? Depending on my spirit and concentration, my martial arts skills become completely different.’

There is much greater variation than other people.

You can generate power that cannot be seen at this level, or you can implement martial arts that are so crude that they are not suitable for this level.

So, environmental factors may or may not result in victory or defeat. If your concentration is strong and your will is firm, a fight in any complex environment will be no different from a fight in this grassland.

In the end, everything depends on Yeonhojeong’s will.


Just by unleashing a second of the martial arts he had created, he gained great enlightenment. You have seen the direction in which you should move.

If this is not enlightenment, what is it?


That moment of realization felt like an eternity. I had so many things in my head alone, but the time that passed was only a blink of an eye.

Before I knew it, the blood monk was running towards me, holding Dokgojeo. Just blocking Yeonhojeong’s overwhelming blow caused an internal shakedown, but even so, the presence of the blood monk who had pushed the blood-eumbori magic to its limit was a tremendous threat.


The blood monk who had flown in through the thunder-yin-cheonbo-gyeong opened his fist.

For a moment, Yeon Ho-jeong felt as if his entire vision was turning red.

Yeon Ho-jeong’s eyes widened.


I had the illusion of an evil fire with red skin and huge fangs sticking out of its lips. The evil fire seemed to be groaning in a cave-like voice and holding out its right hand.

It was a fearsome martial art. It was Soreoeumsa’s strongest technique, Hyeolsu Daejanggong (血樹大掌功), used by a blood monk who finally came to his senses after receiving a blow from Yeonhojeong.

There was nowhere to escape. It wasn’t easy to take a single step. The force emanating from the entire palm was reminiscent of a tsunami.

Yeon Ho-jeong took the lead. It was the head of the Golden Dragon Bundle.


Tension versus tension combined to create a huge storm.

A fierce battle between martial gods that surpass humans. I could feel the ground in a radius of about a dozen pieces cracking and sinking little by little.


Yeon Ho-jeong, who offset the remaining shock with the dragon-shaped lacquerware, looked at the Daegeumbul.

An expression of surprise was also evident on the face of Daegeumbul, who suddenly grabbed the stone statue and rushed towards it. It seemed like the two super experts didn’t know that they would face each other and achieve a tie.


Yeon Ho-jeong pursed his lips.


Gwangpung Guryongsal Sedge Gwangpung Island.

It was the secret technique of Igigeom (以氣馭劍).


A terrifying gust of wind rose above Yeonhojeong’s head.

The moment the thought occurred to me, the black and white twin dragons rotated independently, creating a huge whirlwind.

Wind is invisible to the n.a.k.e.d eye. The sandy wind in the grassland soared along with the gusts, creating an earth-colored dragon fist wind.

The two rays of the dragon fist bent and flew towards Daegeumbul.

Blah blah blah blah! Fuuuuuuu!

I managed to block the two crazy spinning axes with a stone sword, but I couldn’t stop the shock wave brought by the gust of wind.

Faced with a true natural disaster, Daegeumbul was unable to overcome the aftermath and was thrown away once again.

The distance was close to twenty pages. If I hadn’t made my body heavy with internal energy, I would have flown farther.


Before I knew it, Dokgojeo was blocked by the spear of the Gwangryongbu.

Blah blah blah!

He swung the short dokgojeo like a dagger, and I had never seen such fast and flexible dagger technique before.

There was no bird to swing the ax. Hyeolseung, who blocked Yeonhojeong’s opportunity to attack with simple but overwhelming speed, extended the index finger of his right hand.

Peeing! Pow!

The power of Hyeol-eumji (血飮指), which grazed Gwangryongbu’s ax blade and flew away, pierced the ceiling of the Mandoksipbangwall and disappeared.

If you are an expert of the level of a blood monk, you can break through the Ten Thousand Defenses with Qigong.

The blood monk who confirmed it shouted loudly.

“Great Geumbul, together with the Arhat Rakshasa, get rid of that poisonous cloud first!”

Even before that shout, the Hongnahan and Raksha soldiers who had already reached the Ten Walls were unable to advance easily.

No, instead of moving forward, I kept going backwards. This was because the moment they entered the bowels, the intangible poison that flowed out poisoned them all.

It’s not like I read it again. There is a section where the toxic air flowing out from the Yonghae Samsaeng-gong gradually dissipates for five hours, and if you enter it, you will naturally experience symptoms of poisoning.



About a dozen Rakshasa, who had weak stamina, collapsed on the spot. Although he did not die, the poison in his body penetrated his internal organs and he could no longer move.

The blood monk could not believe it.

‘That’s terrible!’

Is there a king of cancer in there?

“Attack! “If it’s Daegeumbul and your Qigong, it will break through…!”


After speaking, the monk stepped back with a frustrated groan.

The Geumryongjinakkwon, which was struck with a single blow, sucked in the air and interrupted the blood monk’s breathing. In addition, the wind that exploded at the mid-point hit even blew his body backwards.

‘This is crazy!’

The blood monk could not believe it.

The powerhouse of the Eastern Continent in front of him was no different from himself in terms of realm. That alone is daunting, but he is putting pressure on himself with martial arts that cannot be seen at that level.

The blood monk gritted his teeth.

Once Cheon Hyorak was intercepted, there was no reason to fight with these guys. But once my pride was hurt, I felt like I couldn’t let go of my anger without somehow killing this guy.

“this guy!”

He, who made Yeon Ho-jeong retreat with his blood vessel blacksmith, cut off the prayer beads around his neck.


Even when the string broke, no beads fell. She was the Baekpaljeokgongju (百八勣功珠), following Dokgojeo, the blood monk’s German weapon.

“I’ll kill you within ten seconds!”

It was then.


I felt the blood pouring out of me as the Princess of Baek8jeok suddenly break in the middle.



Yeon Ho-jeong, who turned his waist elastically with a scary advance angle, threw out an honest strike.

The tour was honest, but the power coming out was like a mountain. The blood monk was taken aback and tried to evade with the Noeumcheonbogyeong, but even that did not work as intended.


Blood burst from the nose and mouth of the blood monk who blocked the Geumryongjinakkwon with a single sword.


Smoke with a foul smell rose from the blood that fell on the ground.


The blood monk’s face hardened in embarrassment. Have you already decrypted it once?

“That is the poison of Tang family that has reached its peak.”

The blood monk was surprised. Before I knew it, Yeon Ho-jeong appeared from the rear room and turned the Gwangryongbu over his shoulder.

Yeon Ho-jeong said coldly.

“What is ten sum?”


The slash that fell like a thunderbolt split the blood monk’s Dokgojeo in half.

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