Dark and Light Martial Emperor Chapter 823

Episode 823

Back to the Murim League (9)

Late at night.

Yeonwi, who was having a drink while looking at the moon outside the window, opened her mouth.

“Come in.”


The door opened and Yeon Ji-pyeong came in.

Yeonwi smiled.

“Have you gone to bed yet?”

“yes. “I had some luck.”


Yeon Wi, who was looking around Yeon Ji-pyeong’s body, nodded.

“Your entire body is full of sword fighting skills. “Has this progress been made again in just a few days?”

“I don’t know if it’s progress. “I don’t even have to think about that right now.”


Yeonwi smiled cheerfully.

“doing well. “The martial arts of the main family are all gentle, but if you train them with a stubborn and driven mind, they show a slow pace.”


“There is no need to try to empty your mind. All you have to do is live faithfully every day. However, it is only natural that the achievements you achieve will vary depending on how you spend the day.”

“I’m just focusing on the sword. “How far can a person’s soul be honed with a sword… It’s a bit vague, but it’s very enjoyable.”

“It will also be painful.”

“yes. That is also true.”

“You’ve really grown up too.”


Yeon Ji-pyeong’s shy smile looked much more mature than before, but she still retained the childish innocence of her childhood.

Yeonwi smiled and pointed across.

“Sit down, don’t stand.”


Yeon Ji-pyeong naturally sat across from Yeon Wi.

My father had been having a difficult time just a few years ago, but now it was different.

Yeon Ji-pyeong also gained the composure of a strong man and understood his father’s feelings well. Crucially, the change in Yeon Wi was also significant.

“Would you like a drink?”


Yeonwi asked, handing over the empty glass next to him.

“Is this your second time?”

“This is the third time.”

“Huh, I see. sorry. “I guess Abby has gotten older too.”

Yeonjipyeong and the third branch are drinking parties.

The drinking party before that was quiet. It was awkward to drink alone with my second son, and I was proud of my son who had already grown up so much. So there wasn’t much to say.

But today was different.

“Let’s drink it.”

Two people refreshingly emptying their glasses.

Yeonwi’s expression did not change, but Yeonjipyeong’s face slightly frowned.

“It’s so strong.”

“It looks like your body hasn’t accepted the alcohol yet.”

“I don’t think I’ll enjoy drinking in the future, even if it’s just three or four drinks.”

“Huh, that’s good too. In fact, there are not many things that are as bad for the human body as alcohol. “It is said that we can expel energy through internal energy, but it would still be better to reduce it to a certain extent.”

From the human body’s perspective, alcohol is no different from poison. If you don’t enjoy it, of course there’s no reason to drink it.

“I’ll pour you a drink.”


So the rich man drank two more drinks.

“Are you going to stop drinking?”

“Just rest a little.”

In fact, Yeon Ji-pyeong’s face was slightly heated. He didn’t necessarily try to prevent himself from getting drunk, but considering his level, he certainly didn’t seem to be prone to alcohol.

Yeonwi turned his head out the window.

“Not even your mother could drink a drop of alcohol.”

“Is that so?”

“One time, I found some good alcohol somewhere and asked him to come and drink it with me. It tasted really good. “But your mother passed out after one drink.”


“No matter how many times I tried, the result was the same. In the end, I couldn’t fix what my body wasn’t receiving. “There is no reason to fix it.”

“Still, it seems like my mother wanted to have a quiet drink with my father.”

“Yeah, I guess so.”

Yeon Ho-jeong drank often. On the other hand, Yeon Ji-pyeong had a constitution that did not tolerate alcohol easily. Yeon Ho-jeong resembles his father, and Yeon Ji-pyeong resembles his mother.

Yeonwi said calmly.

“Do you blame your brother?”

It was a random question, but Yeon Ji-pyeong was able to immediately understand what his father meant.

Right now, several experts were hiding around the residence. And at the main gate of the residence, two members of the Naeseong Combat Unit stood guard.

It was surveillance.

Unless there is a notice of cancellation from above, they will continue to monitor Yeonga’s blood relatives forever.

“I don’t hold any grudges.”

“Why is that so?”

Yeon Ji-pyeong smiled.

“For me, my older brother has always been an object of admiration. You could also call it an idol. “I just miss you and I don’t blame you.”

“As a father, it’s amazing that our brotherly love is so deep, but because Hojeong was so busy, we couldn’t see each other often. Of course, the bond between blood relatives does not deepen with the number of times they meet, but isn’t it still disappointing?”

“If it weren’t for my brother, my family would have had a hard time.”

Yeonwi looked at Yeonjipyeong.

Yeon Ji-pyeong stroked his cheek. It seemed like he was trying to cool off the rising heat.

“It’s the Nine Ju Myeongga. “Didn’t your older brother and father use their strength to capture Sejak, and later on, your older brother, who went out into the world, joined forces with the chivalry and completely crushed their ambitions?”

“It did.”

“Furthermore, we traveled across the world, driving out foreign enemies who tried to trample on our homeland and destroying their noble realm.”


“In a big way, you helped the world, but in a small way, you saved our family.”

Yeonwi’s smile became warm.

Yeon Ji-pyeong whetted his appetite.

“There is no other way to feel sad than not being able to see each other often. “I just want to be healthy.”

“I see.”

“Oh, there’s one more thing that’s disappointing.”

“What is that?”

“Contact. No matter how busy you are, you should probably ask how you are doing a couple of times a year, but that never happens. That was really sad. “Even if I wanted to contact you first, I can’t because you’re always wandering around.”

“Hehe, okay. “It’s one of your brother’s biggest weaknesses.”

Yeonwi looked at Yeonjipyeong with extraordinary eyes.

Even though he is kind by nature, it will not be easy for him to maintain this kind of sincerity even after hearing rumors of his brother wandering around the world.

As a military officer, you may feel competitive or jealous of his incredible talent and explosive growth. You may wonder if he is not recognized as a warrior and a member of the family because he is not with you.

Yeon Ho-jeong even became the successor to Heukdo Murim. This is truly an unforgivable act of betrayal, and since you have deep trust and affection, you may feel an even greater sense of betrayal.

These emotions were something that any human being could not help but have. It is not a question of good or evil, but a question of human nature.

However, Yeon Ji-pyeong has never had such feelings toward Yeon Ho-jeong.

I just believe the same as always. I love you as a brother and wish you a healthy future.

Of course, Yeon Ji-pyeong is not an idiot. Although he didn’t lose his innocence, he wasn’t young enough to not know the impact Yeon Ho-jeong’s actions would have on the family.

Where does this unrealistic belief, which is difficult to express even with the words absolute trust, come from?

“What made you believe so much in your brother?”


“This kid is such a petty person that he clashed with your brother a lot. Even if you are blood relatives, if you do not meet each other often and check each other’s feelings, you may become suspicious and sometimes lose affection. But you don’t have anything like that.”

Yeon Ji-pyeong smiled.

“Do you by any chance remember? “It was during an old ancestral rite.”

“ancestral rites?”

“yes. “When my brother was caught in an investigation due to unexpected behavior.”

Embarrassment appeared on Yeonwi’s face.

“Yes, I punished you.”

“At that time, I went to see my brother with rice balls.”

“I heard so.”

“Until then, I thought you didn’t like me very much.”


“But I found out that day. It’s not that he didn’t like me, he just didn’t have the time. “I realized that day that he actually cared about me more than anyone else.”


“At that time, my brother said this to the emergency manager. He said he ordered me to bring rice balls. “Make sure you make that clear.”


“I never mentioned it, but I was sure of it at that moment. “You truly think of me as a brother, and you threw yourself to protect me in the face of harsh family laws.”

Yeon Ji-pyeong closed his eyes.

“That one thing is enough. “For me, it was an irreplaceable act of kindness and touching.”


“After that day, I have never once doubted you.”


At that moment, Yeon Ji-pyeong opened her eyes again and spoke in a stern voice.

“Is it such a big deal that I risked my life for my blood and family and went to war, only to turn to the Black Path? “Whether he is the leader of Uijeong-gun or the minor head of Mukryongbu, he is just a reliable older brother to me.”

Yeonwi felt moved by those words.

Perhaps Yeon Ji-pyeong’s even excessive trust in Yeon Ho-jeong is due to an overly rigid additive method.

‘It was my fault in the end.’

It was just one act of kindness. That one act of kindness was everything to Yeon Ji-pyeong.

I regretted myself for creating such an environment, and at the same time felt sorry for my children, and I was proud of Yeon Ji-pyeong, who did not lose sight of righteousness even in such an environment.

And I couldn’t help but feel such a fool that I had no choice but to watch my eldest son, who went through everything and came back, suffer like this again.

“You are too much children for your ugly father.”

“Don’t say that, father.”

“If I could turn back time, if I could go back to the past…”

Just like the first child.

“If that were the case, I would now have the confidence to make your childhood much richer.”

“Haha, don’t even say that. I am still so happy. “When I was young… I was a little strict, but even then, I played everything I could without my father knowing.”

“Hehe, did you say that?”

“of course. “I drank alcohol a few times when I was young.”

Yeonwi’s eyes, which were wet with emotion, stiffened slightly.

“You drank alcohol?”

“yes. In fact, I probably drank a lot better back then than I do now. “At the time, it was amazing, good, and fun, but now it’s like this.”


“…Did I say something for no reason?”


“Haha, it was a long time ago, but is there anything special about it now? But there was no accident, right?”

It was Yeon Ji-pyeong who showed quite the appearance of a sly snake. Seeing her son like that, Yeonwi immediately burst out laughing.

“Every day, I realize how truly mistaken the confidence of parents who think they know their children well is.”

Yeon Wi filled Yeon Ji-pyeong’s cup.

“Punishment. “Take another drink.”

“It’s a sweet punishment.”

“Was it a lie that you said you wouldn’t accept alcohol?”

“That’s just the way it is.”

The rich man smiled and passed the glass.

How much time has passed like that?



Yeonwi’s face hardened.

Yeon Ji-pyeong also looked out the window in surprise.


“Yes father.”

“Please come back.”

“All right.”


Yeon Ji-pyeong, who pulled out the cycle in an instant, left the room.

After a while.


I heard the sound of the front door opening far outside the window.

Squeak. Squeak.

Soon, I heard someone climbing the stairs outside the room.

Although each step is heavy, it gives off a cheerful feeling as if nothing is rough.

“Can I come in?”

“Please come in.”


Moyong-gun appeared through the open door.

“I’m an uninvited guest late at night, but can I get you a drink?”

Yeonwi’s eyes deepened.

“If you like cheap white wine.”

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