Dark and Light Martial Emperor Chapter 806

Episode 806

Cheonmyeong (6)


Gangryang and Mukbi looked at Yeonhojeong with dumbfounded expressions.

“Why do you look at me like that?”

The voice is somehow a bit muddy.

Mukbi asked as if throwing a tantrum.

“What kind of guy are you?”


“He is the one who made it like that.”

“…Who could it be?”


A solemn energy rose from Mukbi’s body. It seemed like they were ready to protest at any moment.

“Arthur. Don’t you remember that time before you passed out before you could even lift a finger? “You will be on your knees before you can even hold your bow.”

“No matter what, why do you ruin people like this?”

ruin it

Gangryang thought that Mukbi’s words suited him very well.

Yeon Ho-jeong’s body was literally covered in bruises. His face was full of small wounds, and the blood vessels in his left eye had burst, so the white of his eye was not visible.

I had a splint on my left arm, and my right hand was torn and swollen to the point where just looking at it made me frown. His leg seemed to be injured quite badly as he was walking with a limp.

It’s literally a mess. It was not the appearance of an absolute expert who had reached the level of a martial god.

Yeon Ho-jeong stroked her face with her swollen right hand.

“It’s okay. Because it’s been a while since it ended, it’s like this. “If it takes just one night, he will return to his human appearance.”

In fact, the broken bones were healing at a rapid rate. If you pour out all the internal energy of your whole body and the expended internal energy is replenished, recovery will also be more resilient.

That’s why Yeon Ho-jeong’s words that it would be okay in one night could have been said.

“Why on earth did it become like that? No matter how strong Yang Buju is, it seems like this was too one-sided.”

Kang Ryang quietly received the words of silence.

“If your brother was like this, wouldn’t he have suffered a lot no matter how much he fought?”

“That guy is fine.”

Kangryang, who was shocked with his mouth wide open, shook his head.

“You tied me up and beat me? “How can I be treated so one-sidedly?”

“If I have to fight to the death, I have no choice but to suffer. Isn’t it natural? “It’s a different level.”

“Looking at you, my brother, it looks like he was fighting to the death?”

Yeon Ho-jeong smiled bitterly.

“There are a lot of things to learn.”

Kang Ryang’s eyes shone.

“Have you learned Tuwang’s martial arts?”

An unexpected light appeared in Yeon Ho-jeong’s eyes.

The same was true for Mukbi.

“A practitioner learns Tuwang’s martial arts?”

“Wouldn’t you have done that? “If even non-life and death victims were treated this harshly, it means that there was something to be learned.”

“why? “The martial arts skills of Confucius are already comparable to those of King Tu.”

It was not about the state, but about martial arts itself.

In fact, Yeonhojeong’s martial arts skills were the best martial arts skills of all time and all times. There is no law that says a great martial artist must learn the highest level of martial arts, but Yeonhojeong’s martial arts were clearly among the best of all time.

In other words, there is no need to learn new martial arts skills from others. What you have is more than enough, so is there any reason to practice another skill?

“How did you know that?”

Mukbi looked at Yeonhojeong in surprise.

On the other hand, Kangryang nodded as if it was natural.

“My brother is the successor of the Mukryongbu. As the next Vice Lord, you have great martial arts skills, but who knows that? It’s not a world where you can be known by a nickname or a name. “Unless you’re actually going to stick with it.”


“The authority of the martial arts people, or the black people, comes from strength. “In order for you to be truly recognized as the successor of the Mukryongbuju, it is natural for you to learn the martial arts of the King of Fighters.”

This part is definitely different.

Yeon Ho-jeong lived as the leader of the Black Island for a long time, learned their characteristics, and learned invisible rules.

However, unlike Yeonhojeong, Gangryang was a black island from its roots. So, I thought I would be able to interpret the essence of blackness and the characteristics of the group as a person of blackness better than anyone else.

“You are right. It’s not all yet, but I’m learning Master’s martial arts. So it exploded like this.”

Mukbi stuck out his tongue.

“What kind of martial arts is this… or are you saying you are learning it for authority?”

Kang Ryang said.

“If you had dark roots like me, it would have been okay to take more time. “If he came from a clan that everyone recognized, even though he might have been jealous, he would not have felt dissatisfied with being the successor.”


“My brother is different. My brother comes from the Yuk family, one of the most prestigious families in the political sect. “I think Mukryongbuju must have done something like this so that he could put more pressure on other dissatisfied members of the Black Island.”

Yeon Ho-jeong smiled.

“Your insight is amazing. “I didn’t know you would read that far.”

“This is not what you would call insight. This is natural for me as someone from Heukdo. “The black sword is power, and the successor is the successor to that power.”

Mukbi felt like he finally understood the concept of blackness that Kang-ryang was talking about.

“Anyway, let’s have a drink later. “If you eat it like that, it will only harm your body further.”

“You can’t do that.”

“We’re just having a drink together, right?”

“It’s a drinking party with you guys. Not just that. Besides, now that I have become the successor of the Mukryongbu, no one knows when a time like this will happen again.”


“There are no unavoidable circumstances, so there is no need to postpone the date. “I also want to have a drink.”

In fact, just by his appearance, he seemed like a person who clearly had unavoidable circumstances. To that extent, Yeonhojeong looked like a mess.

However, as if Yeon Ho-jeong was used to it, he grabbed the bottle with his swollen hands and filled the two people’s glasses.

“There were a lot of hardships. “In many ways.”

Mukbi shook his head.

“There are no snacks at all. “Let’s get some from the restaurant.”

“Yes, please.”

After emptying his glass, Mukbi left the room.

Kang-ryang laughed bitterly.

“You are truly amazing.”

“What do you mean?”


Kangryang thought as he filled Yeonhojeong’s cup.

‘You’re always ahead.’

After taking care of the affairs of the imperial palace, he returned and changed Yang Cheon’s thoughts. Not long after, he was crowned as the successor, and at the same time took care of himself and received training as the next Mukryongbulord.

And now I’m having a drink with myself.

I once again felt like I was living a really busy life. It was like that before, but as time passed, I felt like Yeon Ho-jeong’s personal time was disappearing.

‘Is it possible to grow faster thanks to this way of life?’

Each person has a different method of development. Talent is important, but I also thought it was important to create an environment where one’s talent can blossom.

Yeon Ho-jeong rose to the top position in a powerhouse in a shorter period of time than anyone else throughout history. We discuss the peak of the Central Plains not only in martial arts but also in social status and influence.

Someone will say Even that is impossible unless you are blessed with great luck.

Kang Ryang was able to speak confidently to such a person. This is by no means due to luck. Luck may have been the last helping hand, but it was entirely thanks to Yeon Ho-jeong’s efforts and attitude toward life that he was able to reach that level.

Of course, if he hadn’t been watching Yeon Ho-jeong from the side, he would have just been jealous.

But now Kang Ryang was no longer envious of Yeon Ho-jeong. I just thought it was amazing.

‘I will never live like you.’

This was not a question of whether Yeonhojeong was superior or not.

‘My brother is different from me.’

Yeon Ho-jeong has already pioneered his own life. For one purpose, the best methods and efforts were put into practice whenever necessary.

So what about me?

How should I work and what kind of environment should I create to become a person like this?

“Why are you staring at me so intently?”

“Because you look good.”

“Okay, make fun of me a lot.”

Yeon Ho-jeong drank alcohol. Even he, who was patient, frowned upon strong alcohol. This was because the inside of my mouth, where the wound was located, was incredibly sore.

Kang Ryang filled his cup again.

“Now that you have become the successor to the Black Path, you will have a lot of work to do in the future.”

“Of course it is.”

“But don’t you have a lot of things to take care of in order for you to focus here?”

Yeon Ho-jeong’s eyes lit up.

The serious expression on his scarred and swollen face made him laugh out loud, which didn’t suit the situation.

“Yes, the Murim Alliance is probably the problem.”

“You sent a separate letter to Commander Zhuge, right?”

“It did.”

“Your brother is also amazing. “Didn’t you tell the head of the family what you told the Zhuge soldiers?”

A bitter smile appeared on Yeon Ho-jeong’s face.

“You probably didn’t expect him to become the successor, but you probably expected him to do something unimaginable.”

“That’s right. “You should have discussed such matters first.”

“yes. But I didn’t.”

“Why did you do that?”

“I don’t know.”

Yeon Ho-jeong touched the glass.

“For some reason, I felt like it would be okay without having to explain it in detail. “I just felt that way.”

“Are you more emotional than I thought?”

“When was there a time when you weren’t emotional?”

Kang Ryang’s face became serious.

“You will be very tired.”

The son of Yeonwi, a member of the Murim Alliance and a member of the Kanghoyuk family, became the successor to the Black Island Alliance?

This was truly a world-changing event. Many families and clans will point fingers at the Yeon family, and even if the feudal lords try to protect the Yeon family, it will not be easy to calm the waves of public opinion.

“I guess so.”

Kang-ryang, who was looking at Yeon Ho-jeong, asked.

“Do you have any other measures?”


White smoke rose from all over Yeon Ho-jeong’s body.

At the same time, my swollen face and hands gradually began to return to their original state. The Gwangmyeong Shrine, which had naturally grown in size, is now starting to heal his body in earnest.

Yeon Ho-jeong said as he took off the splint on his left arm.

“there is.”

It was a calm and trustworthy answer.

Kang-ryang smiled.

“Then that’s it.”

I wanted to hear that one word. A word that says it’s okay. A word that there won’t be any problems in the future.

“They say that ‘heavenly destiny’ means something that is innate and a destiny given by heaven. “If there really is such a thing, I don’t think my brother’s life will end here.”

“Is that so?”

“I heard that it is also the power of people to change what they are born with. “Whether you live according to your destiny or even change your destiny, I have no doubt that you will move forward without giving up, even though the future may be difficult.”

“You’re good at saying strange things.”

“Wouldn’t that make my life less difficult after taking advantage of my brother?”

Yeon Ho-jeong chuckled.

“I don’t think this is something a bird that has already left its nest and is flying in the sky would say.”

“You’re really good at saying strange things.”

The two people coolly emptied their glasses.

Kang Ryang picked up the bottle again.

“Now that this has come to an end, let’s get really drunk today!”

“It’s good.”

It was then.

“Is the owner of the small department there?”

A cautious voice came from outside the room.

Kang-ryang chuckled.

“It’s extremely awkward because I’m a small business owner.”

Yeon Ho-jeong scratched his head and said.

“What’s going on?”

“We received a report that Mr. Sobu’s friend was having trouble in that restaurant.”


Cycles were released from the bodies of the two people.

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not work with dark mode