Dark and Light Martial Emperor Chapter 713

◈Episode 713.

A treasure trove of enlightenment (3)


Yang Chen’s eyes sank deeply.

“I can’t believe how many times in the world things go the way I want, and I never thought that the sound would fly out on its own.”

White Paper bowed his head.

“I have no idea. “I think there are circumstances, but the letter I sent did not contain detailed information.”

“Deputy Yeon’s reports always state the facts clearly. However, the fact that the reason was not written down means that it is difficult to explain even in a letter.”

“It seems so.”

Yang Chen sighed.

“Whatever the reason, you are such a foolish woman. What on earth would make you go to that ugly place in person? “Do you even know where it is?…”

There was a strange sadness in his sigh.

It wasn’t just because of the absence of an absolute expert who could be an ally. Although Yang Cheon is the king of the dark island with great power as the head of the Ink Dragon Club, not many people have actually been with him in his life.

Seongcheon Thirteenth Place. Yang Chen had barely met any of them. However, as these people who had reached the pinnacle of an era, they felt a certain sense of familiarity.

It was truly a pity that one of them had thrown himself into a future where he had no idea what would happen.

“Now that it’s time to come back, I’m looking forward to seeing how big it will be.”


Yang Chen said in a cheerful tone.

“Isn’t it written in the letter? There was a brief conflict with Eumje Ha Eungyo. “No matter how genius he was, it would have been close to impossible to bridge that gap.”


“I don’t know how much he has grown.”

White Paper’s face hardened.

“By any means… Vice Lord, do you think that Deputy Yeon has grown to the point where he shares hands with the masters of Seongcheon?”

Yang Chen shook his head.

“That can’t be possible. No one can grow that much in such a short amount of time. Even for rare monsters, it is impossible. However….”


“What is written on the second page of the report. “He even used his disciple as bait to summon the Yin Emperor… This part bothers me.”

White Paper’s eyes wavered.

He also burst into laughter when he read that part. He may have had to think of his own way, but it would have been a nonsensical action without taking the risk of facing the power of the enraged Emperor Yin head-on.

Yang Chen’s eyes narrowed.

“No matter what kind of ghost world you come up with, the strong people of Seongcheon have absolute power enough to defeat it all. Deputy Yeon doesn’t know that either. “Then it must be one of two things.”


“Either he had grown to the point where he could take on Seongcheon’s power, or… although it is unlikely, there was a preparedness plan to offset that absolute power.”

The white paper was unbelievable.

“No matter how good of a lieutenant Yeon is, he probably wouldn’t have accumulated that level of skill already.”

“Even if it is not a force comparable to that of Seongcheon, I don’t think it is impossible to develop the skills to take on that force.”


“This guy’s martial arts skills have reached their limit. “We have reached a level where infinite possibilities can be unleashed just by someone pricking us with a needle.”

Yang Chen chuckled.

“I’m really looking forward to it. “I wonder how much he has grown through this trip to Sacheon and Seomseo.”

Yang Cheon stood up.

White Paper bowed his head.

“I will prepare dinner.”

“No, it didn’t work out.”


“I have to go to my student. “He must be wrapping his head alone even now, but thinking about Deputy Yeon makes me want to force enlightenment into his body.”

Yang Chen looked up at the ceiling of the cave.

“It can be said that my student’s talent is truly amazing… but it must be very difficult to have to live with such a monster for the next generation.”

The floating ship came to mind.

He made up for his lack of talent with hard work and quickly emerged as his successor.

That alone proved the disciple’s worth. However, it is difficult to control this extremely rough and dark island with its potential value alone.

‘Can you surpass Deputy Yeon?’

Yang Chen’s eyes darkened.

‘If it’s really hard to catch up with him, when I go in the future, I will clear away the obstacles in front of you.’

He didn’t want to kill Yeon Ho-jeong. This is because the relationship between the two was not bad, even if it was just hateful.

He hoped Bu-seon would reach zero as soon as possible.

Even though I know that it is not easy, no, it is close to impossible.

* * *

“older brother!”

In the middle of eating, Gangryang came to Yeonhojeong.

Yeon Ho-jeong said with a smile.

“How are you?”

“I was fine. “Anyway…”

Kang-ryang shrugged his shoulders after examining Yeon-ho-jeong’s body.

“It’s still unstable, but this is pretty good.”

“I know.”

“It looks like you weren’t as shattered as I thought?”

Yeon Ho-jeong chuckled.

I know that’s a joke. Kang Ryang is not a stranger to war. That’s how we express the joy of reunion.


“long time no see.”

A look of joy appeared on Kang Ryang’s face when he saw Muk Bi.

“It’s been a very long time. “How are you?”

“of course.”

“As expected, you are so cruel. The feeling of prayer is different from then. “He ran farther while I wasn’t looking.”

Mukbi shook his head.

“Your change seems to be much greater. I am a completely different person than when I left. “It’s amazing that you broke through Mujong, but you’ve gone even further.”

Aside from Yeon Ho-jeong, it would be rare to find someone who talks this much. Kang-ryang scratched his head.

“Compared to my older brothers and sisters, I still have a long way to go.”

“That’s great enough. “I haven’t even reached that level at your age.”

“Haha, just because it’s been a while since we last met, you even put gold on your face.”

After clearing his mind, Kang Ryang suddenly saw a young man standing next to him.

His appearance was more suited to a scholar than a warrior. Yeon Ho-jeong also sometimes looks like a stiff scholar, but when all is said and done, it is hard to say that this young man was a warrior.

Nevertheless, he was holding a bangcheongeuk in his hand. It seemed like the first time I had seen someone with such a mismatched weapon.

A doubt appeared on Kang Ryang’s face.

“this person is…?”

“So Jeong-gwang.”

Yeon Ho-jeong said while wiping his mouth.

“He is the division head and military officer of a sect called Hwaungmun.”

“Oh yeah.”

So Jeong-gwang took the gun.

“It is an honor to meet the descendant of the Demon Sword.”

“Huh? Do you know me?”

“It’s because it’s a sect that has a hard time surviving if they don’t get information quickly. “You can make an inference just by looking at their face and their unique prayers.”

“You’re so amazing, aren’t you?”

I meant it. No matter how much information you knew, it was impossible for an ordinary person with keen eyesight to figure out the identity of the other person just by appearance and atmosphere.


Kang Ryang looked at Yeon Ho-jeong secretly.

“What happens? Are you a new member of the group?”

“For the time being.”

“…What do you mean by that?”

Yeon Ho-jeong looked at So Jeong-gwang.

So Jeong-gwang scratched his head.

“I think our Lord Moon will come too. “I think we will be able to judge then whether it will be for a while or for a long time.”

“Of course. But if you’re going to come, you’d better come quickly. “Because we have to go to the Mukryongbu.”

Su Jeong-gwang’s face stiffened.


“Weren’t you expecting it?”

“To some extent.”

“For you, it would be more convenient for the Mukryongbu than the Murim Alliance.”

“Is that so…”

So Jeong-gwang sighed.

Yeon Ho-jeong turned his head and looked at Ji So-hyun.

Ji So-hyun’s face was quite dark. All of the internal injuries I suffered from exposure to the living things have healed, but I probably won’t feel good.

“Can we take the fact that you came all the way here with Gangryang to mean that Sojeo will also be with us?”

Ji So-hyun shook her head.


“Emperor has left the central plain.”


“You won’t be able to come back until you finish your work.”

I had a guess, but it seemed like that.

Ji So-hyun was resentful of Eum-je. And I missed my teacher so much that I could easily cover up that resentment.

Ji So-hyun sighed.

“I don’t know. “The reason I came with Prosecutor Kang was to get confirmation from Master Yeon that Master had really gone far away.”

Yeon Ho-jeong shook his head.

“I’m sorry.”

There was nothing else to say.

Ji So-hyun closed her eyes.

This situation where the teacher left alone. As a disciple, it is inevitable that you want to see your teacher, but it is not right to live like a doll without any purpose.


“Isn’t the view nice?”


Yeon Ho-jeong looked around and said.

“The view of Jongnam Mountain. “Isn’t that pretty good?”

“Ah yes.”

Ji So-hyun was dumbfounded. I suddenly couldn’t figure out why I was talking about the scenery of Jongnam Mountain.

Yeon Ho-jeong smiled.

“I don’t know when, but if Emperor Yin returns, wouldn’t it be highly likely that he will return to this area where he last stayed?”


“I’ll tell Jang Moon-in, how about you stay at Jongnam Mountain in the meantime?”

Ji So-hyun was surprised.

“My name is Jongnam Mountain?”

“Even if you don’t become a disciple, it wouldn’t be a bad idea to live with them. From what I see, all Jongnam people are people who know righteousness and have deep affection. Even though he is an outsider, if he is a disciple of Emperor Yin, he will be well received.”

“Well, I…”

“If you’re at a loss to live alone, it’s good to rely on people who can be with you. “If it’s not uncomfortable, I don’t think it would be a bad idea to form a relationship with Jong-nam.”

Ji So-hyun’s face was full of confusion.

But even for a moment.

“I learned martial arts from my teacher, but that’s it. “I still have a lot to do.”

“I know.”

“Even if we join together, we will only be a nuisance to Professor Yeon. “If Jongnam’s adults allow it… it would be the perfect choice for me.”

It was an honest statement. I don’t do things like wasting time out of needless humility.

Yeon Ho-jeong smiled.

“I will tell Jang Mun-in.”


Ji So-hyun lowered her head.

“Even though I don’t know much about the world, I know that it is not easy to ask Jongnam Jang Moonin such a favor. “I will work hard to sharpen myself, so in the future, if there is anything that requires my help, I will go to you wherever I am.”

“It’s good to be honest. “I don’t know if that will happen, but if something like that happens, I will contact you without hesitation.”

“thank you.”

“It was nothing.”

Yeon Ho-jeong looked around.

He looked at the faces of Silence Hwang Seok-tae, Paeyul, Kang Ryang, and So Jeong-gwang in turn, and stood up smiling.

“They will take care of Jongnam’s affairs now. “Let’s go to Jang Mun-in together to resolve the issue of Ji So-jeo’s whereabouts.”

So Jeong-gwang asked.

“Are you leaving right away?”

“There’s nothing better to do here, so if you just mess around, won’t you just get noticed? “Those who are going must go.”


“There are things that need to be done along the way to the Mukryongbu, so you can send a message through the opening. “If Jinyang isn’t an idiot, he could come find me before he enters the Inky Dragon Club.”

Yeon Ho-jeong clapped his hands.

“Now let’s move again.”

It has been several months since I left the Mukryongbu and came into the world.

Finally, the cold winter weather saw them off as they returned to the castle of Black Island.

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not work with dark mode