Dark and Light Martial Emperor Chapter 682

◈Episode 682.

Where does the blood flow? (7)

“Get ready to open up the examination!”

“left side! Watch out for the side road that leads to the cliff over there!”

“Throwing weapons may be used! The enemies have a history of using fire bombs! “Be careful of explosives!”

“Light up!”

A loud voice rang out from around Jongnamsan Mountain.

But the uproar did not last long. As preparations for opening the examination were completed and complete preparations for external attacks were completed, everyone held their breath and began to look in all directions.

“That’s strange.”

The center of Jongnam’s main mountain.

Yeon Ho-jeong gazed toward the north with widened eyes.

‘It’s definitely coming.’

The spirit of life was transformed into a military spirit, and they were moving forward little by little but surely.

It was still the same now. The distance was still too far to determine the exact number, but I could still feel the intimidation of the enemy that I had felt before.

‘But what’s taking so long?’

Yeon Ho-jeong, who was quietly glaring towards the north, fired an electric signal at the Hwageomja who was far away.

[What do you think, senior Noh?]

Hwageomja shook his head.

[I am different from you. I can see that someone with equal power to you is moving, but I don’t have the eyes to grasp the enemy’s forces.]

We talked about that a little while ago.

A person who learned the teachings of Seondo through martial arts. It was certainly a great study, but it had its limitations as it did not reach this level in the end.

I could only sense with my heightened senses that the enemy was coming, or that the enemy leader was moving.


Yeon Ho-jeong was lost in thought.

‘It’s approaching quickly. I have no intention of turning off the sound. Since they know about the invasion anyway, there is literally no need to hide it.’

At that time, Hwang Seok-tae, who came from behind, spoke.

“The enemy is coming?”

“That’s right.”

“…No matter how much I open my energy, I don’t know. “Being without a play is truly amazing.”

Yeon Ho-jeong looked at Hwang Seok-tae with puzzled eyes.

“By the way, why did you come here? “He will keep his position.”

In this large-scale battle, Hwang Seok-tae showed off his capabilities better than anyone else. In other words, if Yeon Ho-jeong had not had experience during the time of the Emperor of Darkness, he would have entrusted command of this matter to Hwang Seok-tae.

Hwang Seok-tae frowned.

“I have one problem.”


“It seems to you that you know quite well the geography of the Jongnam faction, right?”

“I think so.”

Even though I said that, it was an almost certain thought.

Although it is common sense, he was especially certain because of his past combat experience during the time of the Emperor of Darkness.

At that time, Saeumgyo was much more elaborate than it is now. What is natural is that at that time, there was no history of recognizing the noble precepts of the three religions and defeating them one by one like Yeonhojeong does today.

What was important was the perfection they showed at the time.

Although they did not know each individual’s special mission, in large-scale battles, they had an almost accurate understanding of the enemy’s terrain and strengths and weaknesses.

There were many victories and many defeats, but most of the battles waged by Saeumgyo were of a type that would not be dared to be attempted unless one was familiar with this region.

That experience and current common sense gave Yeon Ho-jeong confidence.

“Hmm, if you say so, then so be it. Even if it is different from the facts, it is right to assume that they know this place well and prepare for it.”

“Yes, that’s right. But why is that?”

“If you think so, there are a few places that could be weak points.”

Yeon Ho-jeong’s eyes sparkled.


“Yes, weakness.”

“Where is it?”

“That place…”

That was then.


With an intense explosion, the peak opposite Jongnam’s main mountain began to be engulfed in red-hot flames.

Everyone was surprised and turned their attention to that place.


It was a terrifying sight. The speed at which the fireworks rose from the tip of the peak and spread forward, backward, left and right was amazing.

Even if you are looking at it from this side, it is quite fast. I even thought that if I had been in there, it would have been difficult to escape from the spreading flames.


“It’s not just a flower world.”

Of course.

If the intention was to unleash a real fire, there was absolutely no reason to burn the opposite peak. They probably approached as if they were dead and concentrated their fire in this direction from the moment of attack.

It is rather a loss for them to show something like that. This was because all it did was confirm to this side that they had a difficult means called fire attack.

‘There is a reason.’

The hand holding the Tongcheonbu turned white.

‘There’s definitely a reason. ‘That guy I saw half a day ago is definitely not an idiot.’


At that time, a gentle vibration echoed from a distant peak.

It was not a vibration with a steady beat. It was a small but chaotic vibration caused by numerous things going crazy.



More than one-third of the peak has already been burned. Countless mountain animals were running like crazy in fear to avoid the fire.


Yeon Ho-jeong’s pupils turned red.

It is a main fire energy that burns with the power generated by the Light Shindan, the source of power. In an instant, my heart rate rose and an exhilarating feeling of tension lingered throughout my body.

‘Advancing Hwagye. They are sending wild animals here, but that only serves to add to the confusion. Moreover, even that chaos is no big deal in front of this many troops.’


My heart rate went up and my head felt hot.

The large amount of blood that rushed into the upper chamber after receiving the firearm stimulated the brain like crazy.

The speed of thinking increased and numerous cases came to mind in an instant.

But no specific thoughts came to mind. Threatening operations certainly existed, but they were only ones that had a slim possibility of being realized.

‘…I can’t help it.’


His pupils, which had been burning red, soon radiated pure light.

“Hwang Danju.”

“Say it.”

“I told Elder Guyun in advance. When I leave the battlefield, I want you to be my soldier from then on. “Not only Elder Guyun, but also other elders and even Fire Sword Master Noh Seon-bae were accepted.”

Hwang Seok-tae’s face was filled with surprise. He couldn’t have imagined that such a conversation would happen without his knowledge.

“Other than me, you are the only one skilled in this type of combat. “You take care of it.”

“And what about you?”

Yeon Ho-jeong slightly turned his shoulders.

“I think I should go.”

“In enemy territory?!”


“That’s not allowed! Did you know there was some kind of trap over there? “Did you forget that it is the biggest shield that will block the enemy’s offensive in times of emergency!”

“At the same time, it is also the most powerful spear.”


“Something is strange. The enemy is definitely approaching. That’s for sure. But…”

Yeon Ho-jeong shook his head.

“It’s hard to explain in words. “I have to see it with my own eyes.”

Hwang Seok-tae spoke in a calm voice.

“It won’t end with just confirmation. “Do you think the enemy commander will leave you alone?”

“Of course I won’t leave you alone.”


“I’ll have to fight to kill myself too.”

Yeon Ho-jeong placed his hand on Hwang Seok-tae’s shoulder.

For a moment, Hwang Seok-tae flinched.

Yeon Ho-jeong said with a smile.

“I was a little nervous at first. sincerely.”

“What do you mean?”

“But now I’m really grateful. “I’m telling you that you came with me on this trip to Murim.”

Hwang Seok-tae’s eyes wavered.

“I’m sorry for passing on this burden to you. But because of you, I was able to prevent more blood from being shed.”


“Be sure to serve expensive alcohol. “Please take care of me this time too.”

Hwang Seok-tae, who was quietly looking at Yeon Ho-jeong, chuckled.

“This time too? “I guess you plan to use it again next time?”

“It’s only sharp like this.”

Yeon Ho-jeong turned around.

“Don’t tell me about that weakness. From now on, you are the commander of this battlefield. “Do whatever you decide is right.”

He shouted to the Hwaseomja who was far away.

“Senior Noh! I’m going to the enemy commander! From now on, follow Hwang Danju’s orders!”


With those words, Yeonhojeong ran towards the burning peak.

Hwang Seok-tae turned around.

“Damn, I’ve been busy. “Open, those damned b*stards need to come quickly.”

* * *


Yeonhojeong saw quite a few wild boars running at a frightening speed.

The wild boars living in the Shaanxi area were of unusual size. All of them seemed to be half the size larger than average.

It wasn’t just the wild boar. From deer with horns to rabbits, even a pack of wolves were running towards each other like crazy in the distance.


Yeon Ho-jeong, who broke through the beasts with Hyeok-ik Hwi-cheon, arrived at the bottom of the peak at once.

‘Let’s see what the plan is.’

It was then.

A split second.

Yeon Ho-jeong felt that the anxiety he had been vaguely holding was revealing its true nature.


Another loud explosion rang out from the top of the peak.

The explosion was so strong that the entire mountain shook. The air is booming! Looking at the ringing sound, it seemed to have created a much more powerful shock wave than the explosive that was first exploded.

‘It’s not a fire bomb.’

Even the fire energy was not amplified.

Yeon Ho-jeong’s eyes sparkled.

‘Could it be a signal?!’

Quad deuk!

I stopped moving forward and quickly looked back.

For a moment, Yeon Ho-jeong’s eyes wavered.


The headquarters of Jongnam is now a long way away.

The fierce military spirit was rising like a wave not from the front of the main mountain, but from the rear.

‘It’s them!’


Surprisingly, the enemy was pushing in from far behind the headquarters where Hwang Seok-tae was in charge.

Although it is invisible to the eye, it can be read as the flow of military discipline. So to speak, it was a stab in the back.

‘But how?!’

The military spirit of the enemy commander and his subordinates was clearly felt even beyond the peak.

‘You split the troops in two?!’


At that moment, an absolute figure rushed from the top of the peak, creating a gust of wind.

The speed was indeed fast. The moment Yeon Ho-jeong was able to assess the situation, he was already running, and by the time he read the situation and tried to move, he was already close enough to be caught in Yeon Ho-jeong’s field of vision.

It was too late to avoid it. It was not a question of speed, but a question of tempo. If you step away from here, you will lose momentum from the beginning.


Yeon Ho-jeong swung the Tongcheonbu with a fierce spirit.


Yeonhojeong and Myeonggeuk were each pushed back with a huge shock wave that felt like an earthquake.


The impact was so strong that the flames that had been pushing down flew back up to the top of the mountain peak! was pushed up.

“That’s amazing!”

Faba Park!

Myeonggeuk stepped through the air and came down behind Yeonhojeong and looked at Yeonhojeong with admiring eyes.

“Welcome. As expected, one sensation is amazing.”

“…you waited for me to come.”


Yeon Ho-jeong’s eyes deepened.

“I read the military discipline of the troops with you?”

“You mean that?”

Myeonggeuk grinned and stretched out his hand into the air.


It is invisible to the eye. I couldn’t hear any sound, but somehow I felt like I heard it.

Yeon Ho-jeong’s eyes wavered.

The signs of enemies who were thought to be running with Myeonggeuk behind the peak disappeared as if in a wash.

“It’s a technique called spirit energy. It is one of the highest-ranking techniques of our school that materializes the true energy of an illusion and the number is ridiculous. “Maybe there’s something similar in light blood?”


“Actually, I didn’t think this would be enough. That’s why I even resorted to fireworks. I thought you might be able to see through Youngkijin’s artificial presence, so I used fireworks to add to the confusion.”

This meant that by starting a huge forest fire and using the dizzying fireworks, even the slightest doubt that Yeon Ho-jeong had was hidden.

Yeon Ho-jeong let out a double sound without realizing it.

“Don’t you f*cking think this is a real foul?”

“It’s because of you.”

Myeonggeuk lowered his posture.

“We have been preparing this troublesome task for over half a day just because of you, including the highest ranking magicians and painters of our school.”

“You crawled all the way here to work hard and make a living abroad with that passion, you b*stards.”

“Now, let’s have the captains stick together and the soldiers stick together among the soldiers!”



The two super experts rushed towards each other.

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not work with dark mode