Dark and Light Martial Emperor Chapter 671

Episode 671

Reversal (3)


Ji So-hyun opened her eyes and was breathing heavily.

My whole body was covered in sweat. One side of my head felt like it was being crushed by a large stone. I felt dizzy yet strangely refreshed.

“Are you awake?”



Ji So-hyun stood up.


“You might feel a bit dizzy now. “But I’m sure my body is feeling better.”


“It’s been almost a day since you collapsed.”

Ji So-hyun was dumbfounded.

“One day?”

“I lost my mind due to the murderous actions unleashed by the leader of the Saeum religion.”


Only then did Ji So-hyun realize. Why did you lose your mind?

So it was surprising.

‘You’ve lost your mind about living!’

Ji So-hyun felt embarrassed.

No matter how great your opponent is, how can you be so preoccupied with life?

Before she was a entertainer, she was a military person. I wondered if there would be another such shame as a military officer.

Ha Eungyo said calmly as he looked at his student who lowered his head in shame.

“It’s always been that way.”


“You have always put martial arts before sound. “Contrary to my wishes.”

Ji So-hyun was embarrassed.

“Master Shi.”

“I’m not saying this to blame you. Of course, you grew up differently from my wishes, but that was because each person’s interests are different. “But you’re not the kind of person to let go of a note, are you?”

Ji So-hyun lowered her head.


Ha Eungyo smiled.

“Even if it’s nothing to be sorry about. However, even though I know your true feelings, I tried to emphasize yin more than radish. “I guess I was needlessly stubborn.”


“Yin is not a formal field like martial arts. True sound comes even to children who have never learned to play an instrument. Anything in the world can become yin. Even if you don’t teach it, as long as you don’t let it go, you too will be able to approach the essence of yin.”

Ji So-hyun felt a strange sense of anxiety.

Although my teacher was a benevolent person, he was always putting up his own walls. Although he was someone I respected and loved more than anyone else, he did not allow more distance than a certain distance.

The teacher was now showing a wealth of emotions unlike usual.

“Master. “Perhaps…”

“I have taught you everything except for one martial art. Even if it is completed, it will be enough to be called the best in the rugged martial arts world.”


“I really want to know. “Even though I already know, I want to hear your true feelings from your mouth.”

Ha Eungyo’s face became serious.

“Do you want to reach the world through martial arts?”

My head, which had been heavy, felt a little lighter. My shaky vision also became clearer.

The teacher’s appearance has changed. I don’t know what the change meant, but Ji So-hyun knew that one day her teacher’s question would come to her.

Although she thought about it a lot, Ji So-hyun thought she should be honest. It is no one else but the teacher. If you are not honest with your teacher, who will you convey your feelings to?

“Music is an inseparable part of me.”

“Is that so?”

“But martial arts suddenly became everything to me.”

“Yes, that’s right.”

Ha Eungyo knew why his disciple had such feelings.

Even when he didn’t know much about the world, his student showed more interest in yin than martial arts. He was very talented in that field, and the thing he learned after being kidnapped was Yin.

But as time passed and I learned how harsh the world was.

When I realized that if I hadn’t met myself, I would have lived an unhappy life for the rest of my life.

Furthermore, when I learned what meaning my teacher’s name had in Gangho.

From that moment on, Ji So-hyun came to respect power.

In order to no longer be treated so unfairly, to help those who, like myself, have been forced into an unhappy life by the hands of others.

In order not to tarnish her teacher’s name, Ji So-hyeon’s eyes began to follow radish rather than yin.

Ha Eungyo nodded.

“He who teaches wants the good of those he teaches. But sometimes we misunderstand. “They mistakenly think that the person they taught will always be a child, a being they need to protect.”


“Apart from yin and martial arts, you already know about the world. “It’s still not good enough, but you know yourself well, so how can I force you to live the life I want?”


“I’ll pass it on to you.”

Ha Eungyo had a solemn expression on his face.

“I will teach you the true martial arts of Yin Emperor, which the martial arts people all over the world looked at with envy and feared at the same time.”

Ji So-hyun felt her heart pounding.

With just the martial arts skills he has learned so far, he was able to make a name for himself as a powerful expert. But even that is not the whole story.

And now I have finally been able to pass it all on.

“However, there will not be anyone watching your posture or explaining the meaning like you did when you first learned martial arts. “It’s because it’s a martial art that doesn’t need to be that way and shouldn’t be done that way.”


“Recite the precepts and teachings and suffer for yourself. The last martial art I teach is the martial art of enlightenment. It is up to you to bloom it properly.”

The martial arts of enlightenment. It meant that it was a supreme martial art that could not be reached through explanations and teachings alone.

Ha Eungyo spoke in a calm voice.

Ji So-hyun, who was surprised, straightened her posture and listened to her teacher. I memorized those words over and over again.

Time passed.

Even after half a day, Ha Eungyo did not stop talking. The precepts and teachings of the new technique are taught over and over again ten or twenty times until they are completely memorized.

Fortunately, Ji So-hyun was smart. As my lower and middle vocals were very strong due to my trained inner energy and sensitive music skills, my upper and middle vocal cords were naturally much larger than when I was young.

When Ji So-hyun sang the nine verses and the sermon for the 22nd time, she was able to memorize the complex letters without making a single mistake.

“As expected, you’re smart.”

Even if I memorized it right away, it was enough that I could have missed a few words after a day.

But Ji So-hyun didn’t do that. Looking at him spitting it out in a continuous line without any hesitation, it was clear that he had engraved so many phrases and teachings into his head in such a short period of time.

Ha Eungyo smiled.

“You were always kind and smart. “You have no idea how happy I am to have a disciple like you.”


Ji So-hyun, who had been dazed and dazed by the teachings and lectures, felt anxious again.

Ha Eungyo stood up.

“It will be somewhat sudden. But I have a job to do, and you will have your own destiny.”


“The time has come to part ways.”

“Master Shi!”

Ji So-hyun suddenly woke up.

Ha Eungyo shook his head.

“Just because it’s time to break up doesn’t mean it’s a complete breakup. I have work to do. “I’m going to take a break for that.”

“what brings you here…?”

Ha Eungyo smiled.

There was the smile of a great master who had finally begun to see himself properly, without any gloomy emotions.

“I am trying to correct the heavenly order that has been abandoned.”


“It will be difficult. Of course. But I don’t want to ignore it anymore. I ignored the sins I committed and made people in the world suffer, but not anymore. “I’m going to go do what I have to do and what I can do.”


Tears flowed from Ji So-hyun’s eyes.

I didn’t know what it was, but I knew one thing. Maybe this breakup could be my last time with my teacher.

Ha Eungyo wiped away the tears flowing down Ji Sohyun’s cheeks.

“Don’t cry. Why are you sad, afraid, and crying? “You already have everything from your ancestors within you.”



Ji So-hyun took a step back and bowed.

“I hope you have a safe trip.”


“Until the teacher comes back, I will flourish what the teacher taught me.”

Ha Eungyo laughed out loud.

“Your presence is already like a flower to me. “If you’re just living happily, there’s nothing more you can ask for.”

Ha Eung-yo sat down in front of Ji So-hyun, who bowed, and stroked the back of her neck.

“It will be a long time before we meet again. Until then, learn about the world from the side of Master Yeon Ho-jeong. Of course, if you wish, you can listen alone. However, if you want to reach the world through martial arts, there will be no other teacher like you.”


“Rest a little more.”

Ha Eungyo’s finger pointed at Ji Sohyun’s mixed blood.


Ji So-hyun lost consciousness on the spot.

Although he was unconscious, tears were still flowing from his eyes.

Ha Eungyo’s eyes also turned red as she looked at her student.

To her, Ji So-hyun was like another child.

However, at first, it was more of a replacement for the abandoned child. To put it bluntly, it wasn’t a very pure and clean relationship.

However, as he looked at his student who loved him and worked hard for him at a young age but had already grown into an adult, he gradually realized that Ji So-hyun’s existence itself was a great gift given to him by heaven.

“Even if we cannot meet again in this world, we will meet again in the future in a world other than this world. Until then, I hope you see and hear many things and live happily.”

Ha Eung-yo comes out after putting Ji So-hyun to sleep.

Yeon Ho-jeong was visible in her eyes.

Ha Eungyo asked.

“What brings a busy person here?”


Yeon Ho-jeong was silent for a moment.

Ha Eungyo also looked at Yeonhojeong in silence. That reassuring yet sad smile remained the same.

After a while, Yeon Ho-jeong opened his mouth.

“Do you really have to do that?”

Ha Eungyo burst out laughing.

Her smile was truly beautiful and pure. There was enough elegance to make you feel calm just by listening to it.

“Do you know what I can do?”

“Are you planning on going to Saeumgyo?”

Ha Eungyo just smiled.

She thought. That young man is truly amazing.

The first meeting wasn’t that good. Even that relationship had only lasted two days.

However, emotions can evoke the depth of ten years in just one day. Ha Eungyo felt like she had met a friend in Ilse who understood her heart and values well.

“I’m sorry. “Actually, I wanted to help you guys.”

Yeon Ho-jeong shook his head.

“It is the work of the world and our people at the same time. “My senior had some work to do right now, but I didn’t think about getting help.”

“okay. “You would have done that.”




“know. “I know what you’re going to say.”

Yeon Ho-jeong’s eyes wavered.

Ha Eungyo spoke in a more refreshing voice.

“It should have been like this a long time ago. But I couldn’t do that. Even now, I was trying to escape from the sins I committed. “He must have been scared of death.”


“I broke heaven’s law when I was young. “After that, my life was not lived even if I lived.”


“I’m glad I met you. If it weren’t for you, I wouldn’t have gotten out of my delusion yet. “Thank you, and… I’m sorry.”

Some people may find it frustrating.

He doesn’t even know where the headquarters of the Saeum Church is, but he recklessly tries to go there, leaves without helping Yeon Ho-jeong, and furthermore, tries to break up with his disciple without any preparation.

However, that is an overly rational view of the world.

Ha Eungyo has finally recovered herself. And she was trying to undo her own mistakes in her own way. There is no expression more unreasonable than the word rational.

Yeon Ho-jeong, who knew this, could no longer stop Ha Eung-yo.

Yeon Ho-jeong lowered his head.

“Please be careful.”

Ha Eungyo walked over to Yeonhojeong and hugged her.

“Don’t worry about the old man’s life and move forward without hesitation.”


“You can do it. You have done it before and you will do it again.”

Ha Eungyo let go of Yeonhojeong and comforted him on the shoulder.

“I hope we meet again, whether in this world or the afterlife.”

Yeon Ho-jeong smiled.

“I hope so too.”

The two people faced each other with selfless smiles.

After a while.

Haeungyo disappeared from the cliff.

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not work with dark mode