Dark and Light Martial Emperor Chapter 659

Episode 659

False Murderous Intention (1)

Ha Eungyo’s eyes wavered.


It was an extremely secretive approach.

Her hearing was twice as developed as that of an expert at the same level. Her sense of hearing was so keen that she could tell a person’s age or gender just by looking at the slightest difference in sound.

‘No matter how distracted I am.’

A martial arts master is also a person. If your mind is distracted and your attention is focused on one place, you will inevitably become insensitive to the surrounding situation.

Even taking that into account, the other person’s secrecy was truly remarkable. Even the legendary Spraying Spirit would not be this secretive.

Hoenjong said.

“Is this correct?”


“As you know, it’s from over there.”

Even so, he cherished the term “Samhobeop” of Saeumgyo.

Hoenjong chuckled.

“I heard you were going to be quiet, but were you here meeting an unknown person?”

“It’s not like that.”

Ha Eungyo said in unknowingly embarrassed.

“I just…”

She couldn’t continue.

What to say? Are you going to say that that young man named Yeon Ho-jeong kidnapped your student and that you came all the way here to find him?

What next? How would the other side view you as you behave so quietly? In the end, it was a meaningless explanation.

Hoenjong’s eyes became sharp.

“Okay, go up. “We will discuss this later.”

Ji So-hyun shouted hysterically.

“That’s not it! “Master just…!”

Ji So-hyun, who was speaking, collapsed in her seat for a moment.


It felt like an invisible snake was crawling up my body and gaping wide open beneath my jaw.

The eyes of Hoyeonjong staring at him. The moment Ji So-hyun met those extremely cold eyes, she fell into indescribable fear.

“Oops! “Wow!”

A cough mixed with a groan that breaks out without me even realizing it.


My body trembled and my complexion turned pale. The Hoyeon Sect’s insane killing was cruelly trampling her mind and body.

At that time, Ha Eungyo waved his hand.


With heavy drinking, Hoyeonjong’s life suddenly stopped in the middle.

Ha Eungyo hugged Ji Sohyun.

“are you okay. Okay.”

“Huh! “Huh!”

Ji So-hyun, trembling and hugged by Ha Eung-yo, soon lost consciousness. It was the result of being exposed to a life I couldn’t handle.

Ha Eungyo glared at Ho Yeonjong.

“If you use my hands on my disciple again, I will tear everyone here to death, starting with you.”

The deadly force that poured out was not as evil as that of the Hoenn sect, but it wrapped around the area with twice the density.

Hoenjong chuckled.

“It’s like the guy who hit me gets angry. “Have you forgotten your own location?”


“Get out of here. “I’ll come find you after I get rid of this guy.”

Ha Eungyo, who was relieved of his anger, looked at Yeonhojeong.

Yeon Ho-jeong, who was kneeling on one knee and covering his face and part of his upper body with a huge ax, did not move a single inch.

There was a look of sadness on Ha Eungyo’s face.

In her heart, she wanted to defeat that ruthless Hoyeon Sect, but she had no choice.

“…I’m sorry.”

In the end, that was the end of the words.

Ha Eungyo, who held Ji Sohyun, disappeared from there in an instant.

Hoenjong frowned.

‘Damn b*tch.’

He unconsciously stroked my shoulder.

‘They say it’s Seongcheon, and it’s incredibly strong.’

When Ha Eungyo’s murderous spirit exploded, the cancer group went out without her knowledge.

Armongpa was a technique unique to Ha Eungyo, which was more advanced than Gyeoksan Tau (隔山打牛) and was a technique that struck the opponent’s body by causing vibration without warning.

If Ha Eungyo had not instinctively controlled his strength, Ho Yeonjong would have broken his shoulder blade. This is because he couldn’t even react to the cancer attack.

‘I thought they were people who showed off with strange nicknames because they were the new kings, but they were really not normal.’

I can’t win with my current martial arts skills. If a Yin Hwangjang blow is used, it may be a complete loss. Otherwise, it will be a sure defeat.

‘The competitive spirit is burning.’

In recent times, when I had been confused and lethargic, my greed was rising again.

Ho Yeonjong, who controlled his surging spirit, looked at Yeon Hojeong.

“Before I kill you, I will hear three names. “What is your name?”

Yeonhojeong still didn’t move a muscle.


Subtle yellow smoke was rising from his body. It was the smoke of Balgyeong that evaporated while crushing the tension of the Hoyeonjong.

Hoenjong frowned.

“It seems like he has reached a certain level. Even if that damned b*tch had warned me, it wasn’t a blow that could have been easily prevented. “He seems like a guy who throws around names.”


“Those who get caught in the middle of the damn thing always do stupid things like that.”


A faint yellow energy appeared in Hoyeonjong’s hands.

It was similar to the color of dry yellow sand. It was yellow, but far from golden, the true nature of the wilderness was gathering there.

“Leave the head alone. “I will send the rest of your body to the hell of sin.”

It was then.


A huge ax cut through the air and cut into the ground.

The speed was truly indescribable, so much so that even Hoenjong’s body reacted first and dodged it. It was a quick and sharp surprise attack that would have left me helpless if I had thought before moving.

Hoenjong’s hand moved like a thunderbolt. This was also an instinctive counterattack.

Yeon Ho-jeong’s hands swung together.


There was no binge drinking. However, a huge wind rose and dozens of new models of the Hoenn Sect were blown away.

‘What is this guy?’

It was full of life, but had no power at all.

There was no need to avoid it, so I just let the wind blow me and I ended up flying in the sky. It was truly a great wind.

‘I have no power, but you make me float in the air?’

The two eyes of the Hoenn Sect radiated blue brilliance.

Sara la la rock!

Hoyeonjong stepped on a tree branch, blew away the blowing wind, and looked straight ahead.


Hoenjong’s face hardened.

About a dozen pages away, there was a person just like him, standing on a tree branch and looking at this place.


He had an ax the size of a human body hanging on his shoulder and was glaring at himself. The look in his eyes was truly murderous.


The red-stained eyes were closer to the color of blood than fire.

And yet it burns. It was blood fire. The blood-stained eyes were burning like crazy after receiving Suzaku’s killing blow.

“…He wasn’t an ordinary guy. “Did you at least do anti-romanization?”


Hoenjong released his wrist.

“Who are you? “Reveal your identity.”

Yeon Ho-jeong’s answer was simple.



At the same time as he said that word, the tree branch was kicked and fired, and the sound was extremely loud.

It was clear that with this level of sound and this level of vibration, it would be heard all the way to where reporter Shin was.

‘You b*stard!’

I thought it was going to rush in, but before I knew it, it was right in front of me.

For a brief moment, Hoenjong had no choice but to admit it. Knowing that the other person is in danger and that if you make a mistake, you may end up in trouble yourself.

I could see that the other person was also a half-seon expert who had reached the level he had achieved.

grasp! Crumbling!

The fire of Tong Tian Bu, who flew high into the sky and swept over the place where he was, shattered five or six trees.


It seemed like it was rising, but then it started to fall.

Create a wall of true energy in the air and push forward. It moves freely even in the air. It wasn’t a question of whether it was possible or impossible, but it seemed extremely familiar to that method.

It was proof that Hoenjong was a true expert. It turns out that he is a flawless strongman who is not satisfied with the level he has achieved and has acquired great fighting power through constant struggle.

‘I don’t know who it is.’

The enemy’s face expands.

The eyes were filled with a much more bloody and destructive life than when seen from the outside.

It was my first time living in a way that felt burdensome just to face it. An eerie feeling filled my heart, as if the eyes themselves were another form of martial arts.

‘This guy is dangerous. It must be killed.’

Ho Yeonjong’s fist poured into Yeon Hojeong’s face.


Although it was a single hand, the scriptures contained within it were overlapped in a series.

Yeon Ho-jeong’s body broke the giant tree diagonally and fell to the ground.

Faba Park!

Ho Yeonjong, who arrived at the place where Yeon Hojeong was imprisoned with a ghost-like speed, was momentarily startled.

‘does not exist?!’

At that time, he felt as if someone was mercilessly stabbing the nape of his neck with a needle.


A flash of light split the air.

This time too, the instincts of the Hoenn Sect saved him. The body of the Hoenjong, floating high in the air, was like a hawk freely roaming the sky.

It was then.

Churrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! Chiri ririn!

Hoenjong’s eyes wavered.

Before he knew it, a chain of iron chains was tightly binding his waist. I was tied up with no time to escape, and it was an incredibly fast capture.


He held the iron chain with both hands and raised the yin and evil energy. The intention was to tear off the iron chains by force.



The body bound by iron chains falls to the ground in an arc.

The speed was truly incredible. The speed was such that it was difficult for him, an expert in the world of swirling strong winds, to even open his eyes.


Yellow energy rose again from the body of the Hoenn Sect buried in the ground.


The Gyoryongswae, which was filled with white true energy, suddenly began to be stained with Yinhwang evil.

Pajik! Pajik!

The power of the Yin Huang Qi, which flew out strange flames and pushed out the white true energy, was truly overwhelming. Excellent at penetrating, it has both powerful strength and softness. The seventy percent of Gyoryongsae, which was full of the power of the King of Tigers, was stained with Yinhwang fraud.

It was then.

Grrrrrrrrr!! Fuuuuuuu! Fuuuuuuu!

The trees around Gyoryongsae were swept away by the firestorm and shattered as if they were exploding.


The wings of flame behind the Tiger King’s back increased in strength, creating a storm of flames.

Ho Yeonjong’s eyes were bloodshot.


The heat coming from the end of the iron chain held with both hands instantly pushed away the yin-hwang sword and penetrated into the palm of my hand.

‘Damn it!’


Hoenjong quickly turned around and loosened the iron chain that bound his waist.


The lost Gyoryongsoe skimmed the floor like a snake crawling on the ground and disappeared into Yeonhojeong’s sleeve in an instant.


White smoke rose from Yeonhojeong’s right shoulder. It was smoke coming from the right arm where the Gyoryongsae had been sucked in.

Hoenjong shouted.

“What is this b*stard doing…!”


For a moment, Ho Yeonjong was startled. Before I knew it, the opponent was swinging a huge ax at the bottom of the left room.

Even though it didn’t run as loudly as before, it was extremely fast. It was a dark and sharp movement technique that literally felt like a snake.

‘This is inevitable!’

The speed is enough to bend the sack.

Ho Yeonjong filled both hands with Yin Huang Qi and struck down.


Due to the enormous shock wave, the surrounding trees fell in concentric circles.

The radius alone was well over twenty sheets. The shock wave created by the fierce battle between the super experts was beyond imagination.



Blood flowed from Ho Yeonjong’s palm as he blocked the ax blade. His hand, which had not even scratched against any new soldier in the world, burst when he blocked an ax blade made of ordinary steel.

“What are you, you crazy guy!!”

Yeon Ho-jeong grinned.

The scarred, noble murderous intent of the Lord of the Dark Castle appeared on his brightly smiling face.

“It is darkness from now on.”

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