Dark and Light Martial Emperor Chapter 616

Episode 616

Break down (4)


Dan Byeong-chan looked in front of him in surprise.

There was a person who blocked Hwang Myeon-in’s sword strike.

My whole body was covered in blood. His hair had become scattered and he had been cut here and there, and his clothes were no longer functional.

It looks like a war has been fought. The shoulder and upper arm muscles exposed under the cut and torn clothes were amazing.

“What the heck….”


My shoulder and upper arm muscles swelled significantly in an instant.

“Are you strong?”


The heavy sword was thrown back by the explosive force of the sword.

It was amazing elasticity and scary endurance. The density of the skill, which involves deflecting the sword with force while reducing its anticipation, exceeded that of any transcendent expert.

Mo Yong-gun’s eyes wavered.

“What about you?!”


The one who rushed like a beam of light and saved Dang Byeong-chan.

It was a strong river.

“Where have you been and how did you come here now?!”

“Sipa, don’t be so upset! “You deserve praise just for following me this far!”

It would be surprising if you knew the truth.

The time Kang Yang fought against the remaining Hwangmyeon Hana was actually extremely short. However, no matter how short the time was, the fight was extremely fierce, and the group did not even come this far on foot during that time.

Nevertheless, the fact that it arrived so quickly meant that Kang Ryang’s new method had reached a completely different speed than before.


Kang Ryang’s eyes as he looked around the battlefield were fierce. But he couldn’t shake the doubts about his condition.

‘Why is my body like this?’


Perhaps due to his anger at having been blocked from receiving a decisive blow, Hwang Myeon-in’s attack with the sword was even fiercer and more intense than before.

Kang Ryang gritted his teeth and swung his sword.


Kang Ryang’s body was pushed back like crazy. On the other hand, Hwang Myeon-in, who was wielding a sword, hesitated on the spot.



Kang-ryang, who had been pushed back, shot forward again like an arrow.

Even though the shock of being pushed must have been severe, I had no hesitation. At first glance, it seemed like he wasn’t shocked at all.

Murderousness exploded in Hwang Myeon-in’s eyes.

Blah blah blah!

Kang Ryang’s ghost killing sword was fast and irregular.

On the other hand, Hwang Myeon-in’s magic sword was strong and simple, but its speed was no less than Gangryang’s swordsmanship.

Naturally, Kang-ryang had no choice but to be pushed down in power. After a few collisions, Kang Ryang took another five or six steps back.


Hwang Myeon-in’s two feet were also slightly pushed away.

Surprisingly, Hwang Myeon-in was also shocked by Kang Ryang’s last strike.

Considering the level of strength, this was truly amazing. It is difficult for anyone to produce results like this in areas where the level is completely different, let alone a difference of one or two numbers in a similar level.


Kangryang took another step forward.

Hot blood was pouring out of his nose as if he had suffered an internal injury when he collided with the sword. Still, his eyes became more and more vivid. The density of true energy flowing out of the body also increased.

Kang Ryang’s sword gave off a dark, black-gray energy.

Damn it! Awesome!

Hwang Myeon-in also seemed to have made a plan.

The fact that he was more shocked by Ha Ha’s attack than he was, is something that anyone who has studied martial arts can’t help but feel angry.

Hwang Myeon-in, who had kept his strength in his pride, now began to pour out all his magical energy.


Blood spurted from Kang Ryang’s mouth.

Hwang Myeon-in’s sword was struck like an axe.

Whoops! Okay! bang! Quang!

It was ignorant power.

Even if I tried, I couldn’t avoid it. The impact of blocking the blow was so great that it was difficult to move my legs or even use my strength. Just standing there and blocking it was an incredible feat.

‘Damn you!’

I will crush you with force.

The intention of cutting was clear. The intention was to make a counterattack impossible in order to restore torn pride.

And Hwang Myeon-in’s judgment was right.

‘There is no avoidance.’


The force of the strike became stronger.

Every time I blocked it, the internal injuries got worse. Additionally, the load on the joints and muscles was more severe. The muscles all over my body were already ruptured. Whether the joint was misaligned or broken, pain arose in every area.

If it wasn’t for Demon King Jinki, it would have been split in half right away.


Even irregular attacks occur. The sword, which had been striking in a straight line, curved and suddenly rose from the bottom to the top.

Kangryang’s eyes widened.


The tremendous resonance caused even the members of the Black Blood Corps and Dan Byeong-chan to be pushed back.

I’m crying!

Blood burst out from Kang Ryang’s nose and mouth again.


It was amazing that he didn’t let go of his sword even during that time. No, it was surprising that he didn’t die in this attack.

‘Is everyone like this? Are there only monsters like this?’

Are the experts who have broken through the barrier of martial arts so different?


Hwang Myeon-in, who had narrowed the distance, raised his sword again.

“Just die.”

Hwang Myeon-in, who had not said a word, let out a murderous voice as if he was sick of it.

Kang Ryang’s eyes became blurry.

My body was in tatters and my energy was unstable. Where has all that inner strength gone? Now there is only an amount of millet left.

‘older brother.’

Yeon Ho-jeong’s face came to mind.

When I first met him, his face held out his hand to follow me as he blindly declared revenge.

‘I followed him somehow, but ended up dying before I could take revenge.’

It’s not like I never thought about this outcome. In the life of strong men who walk on the edge of a knife, how many of them survive to cut off their enemies’ heads with the utmost pride?

Like the floating Bupyeongcho, he thought that instead of seeking revenge, he could just wander around the river and lose his life to the blade of an unexpected enemy.

But I never thought that thought would become reality.


The sound of a sword cutting through the air was heard.

I didn’t even have the strength to lift my sword or even raise my head.

‘To die like this…’

That was then.

‘Is your sword broken? ‘Fight with a broken sword.’

A split second.

The image of Yeon Ho-jeong sitting next to me and grinning when I was exhausted after finishing the dance came to mind. His words came to mind.

‘Did you miss the broken sword? Then you can just punch it, right? Are both your arms broken? Then fight even if it means kicking.’

‘…You speak so easily. Then, if your leg is broken, can you bite it with your teeth?’

‘Isn’t it obvious?’


‘Then are you going to stay still while you clearly see the sword flying? ‘Don’t you think you’ll have to struggle?’

‘What if no matter how hard I try, the result doesn’t change?’

‘Because I resigned myself to the fact that the result would be the same, this match, which could have lasted ten more years, ended so easily.’


‘Even if the results are the same, we have to stick with it. Even if you end up dying, you’ll have to rip a piece of flesh off the forearm of the guy who killed you. Wouldn’t that make it a little less unfair?’


‘I’m not saying you should be obsessed with winning. Be obsessed with your soul. Death is a moment. The way to extend that fateful time even just a little bit is to not give up even in desperate moments.’

Venom, obsession, desire, madness, and greed for victory.

Yeon Ho-jeong’s words became like a revelation and brought the light of a new world into Kang Ryang’s eyes.

Hahaha! bang!

Charmado took the land.


Kang Ryang’s left fist was covered in blood.

Zhammado did not cut through Kangryang. The moment the blade struck, Kang Ryang’s left hand struck the blade surface and threw it away.


A terrible sound came from Kang Ryang’s left wrist and elbow. His fist was broken and his joints were misaligned from hitting the Zhamma sword, which was full of experience, with his bare hands.

But that was enough.

‘If you don’t have the strength to lift the sword…’

Kang-ryang raised his head.

My eyes met with Hwang Myeon-in. His eyes, shaking in disbelief, were no different from any other person’s.

“All you have to do is throw a fist. is not it?”

“this guy!”


Blood spurted from Kang Ryang’s mouth. Hwang Myeon-in’s angle struck his face.


At the same time, an image of a long sword was engraved on Hwangmyeonin’s chest. The moment he was hit in the face, he swung his sword and cut it down.

Wooooow. Wooooow.

Kangryang’s head slowly returned to its original position.

Hwang Myeon-in seemed to be momentarily dazed by the incredible counterattack. Although the examination was not deep, it had a huge psychological impact.

Even his face was fine. It’s a technique with the power to break even rocks. It’s not surprising if your head flies off. However, except for the fact that the inside of my mouth was burst, I was fine.


An even darker black-gray essence rose from Kang Ryang’s body like a cloud.


Hwangmyeonin shouted and swung his sword. It was from the bottom left to the top right.


The sword that split the air created a shock wave like a wave. It was not a cut, but a swinging blow.



Kang Ryang, who had dodged the magic sword, returned to the spot in an instant and struck Hwang Myeon-in’s chest with his broken left fist.


Blood spread out of Hwangmyeonin’s mask.

It was a sword wound that wasn’t deep, but wasn’t shallow either. When a fist full of baldness was inserted into the wound, the sensation of penetrating into the body for an instant vibrated the five organs and six parts.

Hwang Myeon-in’s eyes wavered.

‘Follow-up hit!’

Hwang Myeon-in, who quickly took his stance, was puzzled by the lack of successive attacks.


Kang Ryang’s left arm wriggled uncontrollably.


Gwiwangjingi rose up like an active volcano and started moving around the body, healing ruptured muscles and fixing broken bones.

Ugh! Woooooo!!

The demonic essence that permeated the scar-filled body restored the body. The true energy that recovered and escaped was equipped with even deeper internal power than before due to the lightning-fast speed of fortune.

A change that makes you doubt your eyes.

The dark pupils gradually invaded the whites of the eyes, and soon even the whites of the eyes were stained black.


A languid moan flowing from the open mouth.

There was not only a very small amount of Ghost King Jinki left. Before I knew it, it had penetrated into my muscles, joints, bones, blood vessels and nerves everywhere, and I was preparing to enter a new body and a new world.

And now.

The magic of the swordsman who broke through human limitations with all enlightenment lifted his master’s life from the depths of the earth to the sun-filled sky.

Hwang Myeon-in swung his sword in a fit of convulsions.


There was no resonance or resonance.

An extremely sharp flash of light cut the thick sword of the sword at an angle.


The body of the iron sword, which seemed ordinary, was stained with a light like ink. A white haze rose from the ink-stained sword body.

“Yes, this was it.”

A smile of joy appeared on Kang Ryang’s blood-stained face.

“This is the world you see!”


Hwang Myeon-in attacks once again with the cut yam blade.

Kang Ryang’s body is hooked! It passed by his body with a sound.


Hwang Myeon-in’s body was cut diagonally along with a large amount of fresh blood.

There was not a single drop of blood on the ink-colored sword body.

Kang-ryang shouted loudly.

“You can never leave this place!”

Kang Ryang, who advanced with an explosive divine technique, struck the sword towards the head of another Hwangmyeonin.

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not work with dark mode