Dark and Light Martial Emperor Chapter 603

Episode 603

Clash (3)

“This is amazing.”

Paeyul stuck out his tongue.

Fire bombs were fired from the iron armor. I couldn’t even guess by what principle that was possible.

‘If you don’t know and get hit by one shot, even if you are a world expert…’

It is less powerful than actual artillery. However, it was several times more dangerous than an actual artillery piece in that it could be fired at any time from the armor it was equipped with.

I was able to realize once again how great the power of the Tang family was in mass producing such an item.

‘The good news is that it’s not finished.’

I could tell just by looking at it. That small artillery piece is not complete.

The arms of the members who fired the guns were all broken. No one was fine.

It was worth it. Even a decent amount of internal strength would not be able to offset the impact of the artillery. It would be better if it ended up just breaking.

‘Thank goodness…’

Paeyul frowned.

thank god. He thought so.

That was too much. Even though the world is blindfolded, it is absolutely not normal for a single military family to even produce artillery.


Although it was not normal, the loss rate was actually not something to be bitter about.

For the majority of civilians living on the continent, the existence of martial artists would be considered more harmful than artillery.

‘Let’s not think about useless things. ‘I need to focus on the current situation.’


Along with heavy drinking, the black blood band stirred once again.

In front of him was a flaming warrior swinging a black and white hatchet and running wild.


Paeyul threw himself away.

He did not help Yeon Ho-jeong. He had something else to do.

* * *


Dangho felt his heart pounding as the life flowing in lowly.

The death emanating from the body of the party approaching at high speed from afar. As time passed, life became so harsh that it was difficult to even move my arms and legs.


It would have been nice if I could have killed him with just the black blood belt.


Tang Hao’s body retreated to the rear.

It seemed like an insignificant movement, but before I knew it, I had moved back about twenty pages. The movement was amazing as the new model disappeared from sight the moment it seemed to be shaking.

The official’s eyes lit up.

‘Seomyeongbo (閃影步).’

It is one of the methods of the party’s vision. Although it was not stealthy, it had the advantage of low energy consumption and high speed.

From ancient times, Tang Hao was particularly talented in the art of spiritual science. The Seomyeongbo just used may not be secretive, but it shows a mysteriousness that can disturb human perception.


As soon as the party leader stopped, the party official also stopped approaching. There was a distance of about a dozen sheets between them.

The party official said.

“It’s time to make things right.”


“Kneel obediently.”

Tang Ho raised his chin.

“That’s absurd. “If you surrender now, I will spare you a terrible end.”

There is no more respect or anything.

The official raised his hand.


A dagger was dyed dark green.

“This situation itself is the worst for me.”

“If you kneel quietly, I will not send your children to paradise.”


The official’s face distorted.

I didn’t even dare to ask if that was possible. Now Tang Hao said that he would send his nephew to Paradise and make him neither live nor die.

“Rotten b*stard!”


Even though he couldn’t hold back his anger, Tang Ho’s remarks took away even the slightest bit of sympathy.

“You are no longer human!”


The dagger flew from Tang Gwan’s hand and instantly reached the front of Tang Hao’s neck.

It was as fast as a beam of light, and it felt like it would pierce Tangho’s neck in an instant.

It was then.


The dagger that bounced hit the outer wall of Gajujeon.


The arm that had deflected the dagger was trembling slightly.

Soft blood armor exposed under the sleeves. I expected an attack and raised my arm to block it, but the shock went deep into my bones.

I knew the difference in power would be big, but I never thought it would be this much.

“I admit it. “I have no choice but to admit it.”

Tang Hao’s face distorted.

“I will admit that you have reached a different level than me.”

The official said coldly.

“There is nothing to do but admit it. “I will no longer consider you a brother, so I will destroy everything you have.”

“I’ll give it back exactly as it was said.”


Subtle yellow smoke poured out from inside Tang Hao’s sleeve.

It didn’t seem like a large amount, but it soon covered the surroundings like a cloud.

‘Seven days of soul and death (七步斷散).’

It is one of the five great polemical readings of the Tang family. It was a poison that was famous even in the rivers and lakes, and it was a vicious object that could kill even the world’s greatest expert before he could take seven steps.

The official snorted and waved his hand.


The yellow smoke that formed a huge cloud was sucked into the heart of the hall.

Even if you have achieved the level of a poison master, even if you have mastered the emperor poison technique, once you have reached the level of the Five Great Poisons, you cannot handle it carelessly. Because life is in danger.

This was an exception for our institution.

He was a person who practiced life and death by inserting the Five Great Poisons into his body to improve his level of poison. There was no way he could have lost his life unless it was at the level of intangible violence.

“Is all you can do is deal with the owner of the Tang clan and unleash extreme poison?”

Tang Ho smiled.

“No way.”


At that moment, I felt my heart beating strongly.

“I don’t know anything else, but it seems like that arrogance is still there. “You shouldn’t think that the Chilbodanhonsan Mountain that I deal with is the same as the Chilbodanhonsan Mountain that you know.”


Black blood flowed from the doctor’s nose and mouth.

The complexion becomes pale in an instant. His eyes were bloodshot and his fingertips were trembling slightly.

It was a symptom of poisoning.

“I prepared a lot for you, but I didn’t know it would fall apart so vainly…”

“I’ll say it again.”


The blood flowing from the patient’s nose and mouth instantly turned into red-brown smoke and dispersed.

Color returned to his pale face and his bloodshot eyes returned to their original state.

Tang Hao’s face hardened.

“If you thought you could do anything to me to the point of extreme poison, you were mistaken.”

There was yellow moisture on the tips of Danggwan’s fingers.

Pop. Pop. Chi-ik!

The moment the moisture that fell from my fingertips hit the floor, the ground burned.

It was not a simple process of mixing and matching. Using the poison spread by Tang Hao as a medium, even the toxins in the body were extracted.

Although a little bit of my energy was used up, my physical condition was actually better than before.

The official clenched his fists.

“Just because you change the symptoms and the penetration route through miscellaneous techniques, you cannot change the fundamental toxicity.”

The officer shook his fist.



The rock that had stood there for hundreds of years exploded due to the wind that shot through the air.

Cold sweat broke out on Tang Hao’s face. I’m glad I jumped out of instinct, but if I had been a little late, I would have been fatally injured by this blow.

“I will kill you.”


The smoke flowing from the fist obscured the official’s expression.

“But you can’t just die. “You will have to die after everyone sees your filthy bare face.”

Tang Ho said with a grin.

“You talk like you’re holding my life in your hands.”


Before we knew it, the party hall had reached the front of Tanghu’s main street.

The speed was blinding. The speed was enough to make even Tang Ho, who was confident in his divine law, startled for a moment.

The official’s hand was aimed at Tang Ho’s shoulder.


Tang Hao’s collar near his shoulder was torn.

At the level of dangho, the energy of the whole body is so flexible that even the slightest impact will not cause any scratches on the clothes. However, the clothes were torn off very easily.

If he had been caught by the shoulder, one of his arms would have been torn off and blown away.


Dangho made excellent use of Seomyeongbo.

‘If you get caught, you’ll die!’

Papa papapang!

The two people’s new forms filled the air dizzyingly.

As a member of the Tang Dynasty, Tang Ho is more confident in the divine law than anyone else, and his accomplishments in spiritual arts are far superior to his accomplishments in reading and memorizing the doctrine.

The movements of the two brothers were so fast that even the eyes of a peak expert could not follow them.

‘That’s amazing.’

Regardless of the rising murderous intent, Tang Guan had no choice but to highly praise Tang Hao’s credulity skills.

‘It’s comparable to the speed of a cheap person.’

If you look at just the explosive speed of the moment, Yeonhojeong would be slightly faster.

However, in terms of sustainability, Dangho was clearly superior.

This is truly amazing. Unlike other martial arts, Gyeongshinjutsu is quite far from the state, but showing this level of speed even without reaching the extreme level proves that one is born with a genius talent.

‘With such talent.’

Tang Gwan’s eyes darkened.

‘Why on earth did you fall into the evil way?’

Tang Ho has been saying since he was young that his talent is limited.

However, in the view of the party, Tang Hao’s talent was not at all trivial. Even though he was worse than me, the difference was never that big. Because it was possible to overturn it with simple effort.

If he had believed in his talent and steadily progressed step by step, he would have become an expert by now, no less inferior to himself.

The official stretched out his hand vigorously.


An explosion occurred in the air, and Tang Hao’s new model stumbled.


Before he could attack, Dang-gwan recognized where the opponent would avoid and stretched out his fist toward Dang-ho’s chest.



In a split second, I bent my back and avoided the blow. At this moment, even the world’s most powerful magistrate could not help but be impressed.

Puff poop!

Although they were not inferior in speed, the difference in force itself was clear.

Even while moving at this speed, Dang Gwan was able to use the technique naturally as if he were breathing. But for Tang Ho, that was impossible.

Tang Hao’s new form was in jeopardy. Although I was somehow able to evade the momentary surprise attack by the factory and the party hall, my vision was becoming increasingly dizzy and my mood was becoming exhausted.


Finally, finally.

It was a party official who accurately captured the loopholes in the party name that led to the collapse of the movement.


A dagger flew and struck Tang Hao’s abdomen.

If you were planning to kill it right away, you could have killed it with a recommendation loaded with extremely poison. But otherwise, it took time to subdue Tang Hao with delicate poison techniques.

The same goes for memorization. Unless you intend to kill him all at once, the infinite Tang family killing methods must be sealed.

A person who can be sufficiently suppressed without using such things. That is why our institution is the head of the family.

“Let’s just get this over with… hmm?!”

Tangho, who was falling to the ground at high speed, twisted his body in an instant.


A ray of daggers flew towards the party hall.

The official caught the dagger with a gentle hand.


This dagger was the one that was stuck in Tang Hao’s stomach.

But surprisingly, there was no blood on the rainy day.

‘It definitely went through the ship?!’

What’s even more surprising is.


A faint shock remained in the hand holding the dagger.

It was not a power that could be unleashed with Tang Hao’s skills. The attack power was enough to overwhelm even a group of investigative gunsmiths.



Tang Ho, who got down to the ground, swung his double pole towards Tang Gwan.


There was surprise on the officer’s face.

The power of the rising tension was truly amazing. It was a power that even the world’s most powerful officials were reluctant to accept.


The party hall, which escaped the tension by rotating, landed on the ground.


Dangho exhaled lightly. His eyes turned red.

The official said coldly.

“What kind of trick have you pulled?”

“Why would I tell you that?”

Tang Ho grinned.

His blood-red pupils made his smile look sinister.

“It’s just as expected. After all, you are not a vessel for the head of the family.”


“Welcome to my kingdom.”

Quad deuk!

Dozens of black shadows appeared from all over the surrounding ground.

* * *


Danghyung’s eyes, which were filled with confusion, were filled with surprise.

“Ghost door?!”

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