Dark and Light Martial Emperor Chapter 592

Episode 592.

One who sinks into darkness (3)

“It’s really frustrating.”

Six Elder Tang Xiaogang grumbled softly.

“What happened to the three elders was astounding, but even the Jeokgaldan and the Hoseongjo were destroyed.”

The roof of the building with a clear view of Noksujuru.

Below, more than four hundred warriors had collapsed in a heap.

It wasn’t a terrible sight, with blood bleeding or body parts flying off.

He lies down quietly as if he were sleeping. It’s hard to be sure from a distance, but it looks like the person is breathing properly and deeply, like a person actually sleeping.

Elder Lee Dang Hyo-bak’s eyes became cold.

“Museonseonsimgongpa (舞眠心空波).”


“It’s a case of impunity. “It’s the name of the method they used.”

Tang Xiaogang tilted his head.

“What is that? “It’s my first time hearing martial arts.”

“It’s a secret technique from the King’s Poison Sutra. “It is a type of poison spell rather than a martial art, but it is safe to call it a martial art since creating an environment by increasing the internal power to perform the poison technique also requires the caster’s enlightenment.”

“The Emperor’s Sutra? “What is that again?”

“This is a special piece that the previous head of the family completed before handing over the family name to our government. “It is the perfect form of all poisonous techniques in the world and a legendary martial art that encompasses all self-study in the world.”

“…Was there something like that?”

“It’s quite possible that you don’t know. Because it is a fact that is not known except to a very small number of people. “You were busy with foreign missions at the time.”


“The head of the previous generation wanted to create an absolute martial arts skill that encompasses both poisoning and memorization. “The first one to be completed was the King’s Sutra.”

“I see.”

“I have never read a word of that level, but I dare to be proud. “If you practice the Emperor Sutra to its peak, you will be the best in the world.”

A subtle greed appeared on Tang Xiaogang’s face.

“You mean you created such a great martial art?”

“But as great as it is, the level of difficulty is also enormous. They say you can’t even get started without some knowledge and skills. “To learn the Emperor’s Sutra, you need a certain level of skill and insight.”


“I think the previous head of the family would have created a cancer technique comparable to the Emperor’s chanting by now.”

Tang Xiaogang shook his head.

“That’s something we don’t know, and there’s no need to think about it leisurely right now.”

“Yes, you are correct.”

“Please explain to me what kind of poisonous technique is the ‘Mumyeonsimgongpa’?” As many as four hundred masters fell without even using their strength. “If you have countless secret arts like that, who among us will be there to stop you?”

Tang Hyo-bak’s eyes deepened.

“Mumyeonsimgongpa is a poisonous technique, but it is different from other poisonous techniques. For a German who has mastered poison techniques to the extreme, even the extreme poisons of his family will not work. “I heard that it is a martial art created to subdue such an opponent.”


“I’m putting it to sleep.”


him to sleep….” “For poisonous people, sleep medicine or sleeping pills rarely work. But that doesn’t mean it never works.”

“It is the Mumyeonsimgongpa that maximizes the effects of a dreamlike medicine.”

“That’s right. I don’t even know what the principle is. But….”

Chiri Ling.

The end of a whip with iron scales slipped out from the end of Tang Xiaobok’s sleeve.

“I know that it’s one of those secret techniques that once you open it, you can’t open it again for half a day.”

Tang Xiaogang smiled crookedly.

“I said it’s not the time to discuss such things, but I want to ask this. “Who on earth did you hear that from?”

“Jeondae matriarch.”


“It was a private meeting. This was before the Emperor Sutra was created. “I was just lucky enough to hear that such methods were discussed with family experts.”

“I see.”


Before he knew it, Tang Xiaogang’s fingers were fitted with iron gloves cast from steel. The iron gloves with sharpened fingertips were called blood-iron gloves and were Tang Xiaogang’s unique weapon for maximizing manual skills and fishing techniques.

“Anyway, this means that the current government cannot use a secret technique like that again.”

“That’s right.”

“Will the two of us be enough?”

Tang Hyo-bak shook his head.

“Bimu would be enough. But if it’s a matter of life or death, it won’t be enough.”

“So you didn’t take this?”

What Tang Xiaogang took out from his pocket was a cone-shaped club shorter than the length of an adult male’s forearm.

Tang Hyo-bak’s eyes lit up.


“Take it.”

Tang Xiaogang, who handed the item to Tang Xiaobak, took a deep breath.

“I will dig in as soon as it explodes. “If the officer is not dead, please provide rear support.”

“Don’t worry.”



Two people put on their black long guns at the same time.

They had sufficient resistance to poison. Since it is also surrounded by a shattering membrane, it will be safe from corrosive poisonous attacks such as Balgyeong or Hwagolsan.

“Let’s go.”


The two men unfolded the divine law without regard for who was first.

It was a great new law. I was standing at the top of Noksujuru when I felt like I was going to hit the roof, but there was not even the slightest sign or sound.

It was an amazing shinshinjutsu and overwhelming movement ability. Even if you search through the Presbyterian Church and past veterans, it is difficult to find anyone as proficient in divine law as these two people.

This was the reason why the two people, who were the children of former Lee Ga-ju residents of the party, were dispatched. This is because there is a belief that they are sensitive to poison and have quick magic, so they will be able to escape any unexpected situation.


Dan Hyo-bak took out a cone-shaped object.

Tang Xiaogang nodded slightly. Then, Dang Hyo-bak slowly turned the tip of the pointed cone three times.


The moment he heard the sound of something catching, Dang Hyo-bak threw the object inside the window on the top floor.


The two people rose high in the sky and wrapped themselves inside the Shroud.

After a while.


With a huge explosion, the fifth and fourth floors of Noksujuru Building collapsed one after another.

It didn’t end there. In the rubble of the building that exploded and scattered, countless needles were shot in all directions.


Dozens of feather needles were also lodged in the two people’s shrouds.

It was only prevented because it was protected at the right time, in the right direction, and with strong internal energy. Otherwise, the two of them would also have become a beehive.

This was the power of the improved heavy rain 梨花針. It is much more powerful than the internationally known heavy rain fire needle, so the leaders also called it a fierce blood needle.


Tang Hyo-gang, who escaped from the ruin and landed inside the collapsed Noksujuru, looked around.



“Avoid blood!”

“People are crushed! “Save me!”

There was literally no mess.

The range of the Woomo needle fired from the Heavy Rain Fire Needle was enormous. Several civilians far away from Noksuzuru were also hit with acupuncture needles. As soon as they were hit, their skin turned blue and they collapsed.

Is it just that? There were many people trapped under the rubble of the shattered building. Dozens of warriors of the Red Gal and Hoseongjo who were lying unconscious were unable to resist and were crushed to death.

Incredible power.

No expert in the world would be able to survive a surprise attack like this.

However, Tang Xiaogang was confident that Tang Guan was not dead.

‘Where is it?’

All that was visible was bleeding people and the remains of collapsed buildings.

‘Did you hide? ‘There’s no sign of me.’

Tang Xiaogang, like everyone else, recognized Tang Guan’s capabilities. Tang Guan, who was taught directly by the person who is said to be the greatest master in the history of the Tang Dynasty, may have suffered a fatal wound, but he would not have died to this extent.


“…what? “Has he really died?”


Dang Hyo-bak, still wearing his ghostly shield, got down on the top of the building next to the main base and looked over Noksu base.

In his eyes, he saw the image of his younger brother and fellow elder, Tang Xiaogang.

‘Can’t you see it?’

There was no sign of the hotel from this direction either. There was no sign of any distinctive German presence there.

‘Is he dead? That can’t be possible? I couldn’t believe I let my guard down…’

That was back then.


The back of my neck became cold due to a sense of crisis that couldn’t be explained in words.


Dang Hyo-bak immediately turns around and swings his iron scale whip.


Dan Hyo-bak’s eyes widened as if they were torn.

Suddenly, a man appeared behind him. And the whip he had swung was wrapped around both of the man’s forearms.

There was not a single drop of blood from the man’s forearm.

The iron scale whip blood dragon’s body was extremely sharp. It was a hideous object that could grind not only human skin but even stone pillars.

And yet there is no wound, let alone blood?


The man raised his arm and pulled the whip. Then, Dang Hyo-bak’s new form was sucked into the man.


It was tremendous power. For a moment, my vision became dizzy. It seemed as if all the joints in the arm holding the whip were ripped out.

At that time, the man’s two fists burst into flames.

Burbubbuk! Quack! Quack! Quack!

Instinctively, I burst the poison sac, but even that was useless. Dang Hyo-bak’s ribs and jawbone were completely crushed by the repeated blows that struck like lightning through the poison sac.

It was an incredible power. It wasn’t loud, but it was strong.


Tang Hyo-bak’s eyes became blurry.

A black fist quickly flew in front of his blurred eyes as if it were enlarging.


With a terrible sound, Tang Hyo-bak’s head was crushed.


Tang Xiaogang was surprised and turned his head towards Tang Xiaobok. The moment I heard the strange hitting sound, my brother’s prayers completely died.


The black tornado curtain spread widely.

“Elder Lee?!”

Dang Hyo-bak could not be seen because of the wide spread curtain.


Tang Xiaogang quickly approached and removed the ghost screen fluttering in the air.

“omg! older brother!”

The corpse of Dan Hyo-bak, whose entire upper body had been crushed into blood clots, was hanging on the roof of the building.

It was a speed beyond imagination. It is clear that Tang Xiaogang was also a transcendental expert, and although the surroundings were bustling, he beat Elder Lee to death in the moment he sensed something was wrong.

Tang Xiaogang’s face turned pale.

‘Could it be the hotel?!’

At that time, I felt a secret prayer.

It was a poisonous prayer. Perhaps that’s why the flowing air waves themselves were shaking slightly.

Tang Xiaogang quickly turned back and swung his blood clot.


A middle-aged man was seen holding the gaping barbed wire with his fingers crossed.

Tang Xiaogang’s eyes wavered.

“What is it? who are you!”

“…I am.”

The man’s face was as pale as a corpse.

And he was expressionless.

“It’s an English room.”

For a moment, his hands, which were covered with barbed wire, were filled with terrifying power.

Quad deuk!

The barbed wire was completely crushed.

* * *


There was chaos everywhere, but despite this, the floodgates guarding the gate strictly held onto their positions.

For the first time, they regretted their mission.

Jump and jump.

There was a majestic man walking leisurely as if he were taking a walk.

“As expected, this guy has no ups or downs. A higher-ranking person called you that, so why send your subordinates even though you can’t rush to them? Haha….”


The hem of the long cloth fluttered in the wind.

The dignity of an emperor revealed through the fluttering hem of his clothes.

“That’s why you brought the family to this point through something like treason.”

The in-house officer asked with an indifferent expression.

“Don’t you think so?”

“Go, matriarch!”

“So, you are calling me to go.”


“But what are you doing? The landlord is here, so you have to do what you have to do.”

The official raised his chin.

“Open the door.”

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not work with dark mode