Dark and Light Martial Emperor Chapter 582

Episode 582

Scent of Rebellion (4)


Dang-ho’s face hardened when he saw his son rushing in.

Tang Yeosun swallowed her saliva and said.

“It is said that a person believed to be my uncle has entered Sacheon!”

Just hearing that story makes my heart rate soar for an instant.

Tang Hao asked with a calm face. I knew the officer was coming anyway.

“Where did you come from?”

“It is said that it appeared in Daechung County, western Sacheon.”

“Was it a report of the black eye?”

“That’s right.”

“In that case, the information collection period would have been short. “It will take several days to enter the vicinity of the capital.”

That’s enough.

Even after ascending to the rank of Gajuwi, Tang Gwan did not neglect his martial arts training. No, rather, in order to surpass my father, I slept less at night and combined training and work.

It must have been a practice that risked his life, as he even ingested the Five Great Poisons of the Tang Dynasty and became a master of poison. The current party officials were the best in active duty, and even if they were veterans of the previous generation, no one except a very few would dare to compete with them.

It is not a martial arts level, but the skill itself in handling poison and memorization is excellent.

‘But it’s okay.’

In the past few days, he has completely captured the Presbyterian Church.

Of course, there were many who vehemently opposed it or showed absolute loyalty to the party officials. Most of them were currently locked up in the family prison.

Although his immediate power was reduced, most of the family’s power was now in his hands.

Even if the elite troops of the Murim Alliance, rather than the party, attack, they will be able to easily block it.


Tang Hao’s eyes became sinister.

‘If you bring even a part of that vision, you are dead.’

I didn’t know until I took control of the family. I wouldn’t have guessed that our institution was hiding such numbers.

Perhaps it is a secret known only to generations of family heads.

And now Tang Hao knew the secret.

Although he has not been officially appointed as the head of the family, he is no different from the actual head of the family.

“What about the secret line?”

“It is said that they were chasing a person who is currently believed to be Yeon Ho-jeong.”

“A presumed person? Are you saying you’re moving alone?”

“That’s right.”

“He’s moving alone…”

Tang Ho frowned.

‘What are we doing?’

I had long ago given up hope that he wouldn’t know about Paradise Cow.

Furthermore, Yeon Ho-jeong was a very smart guy. There was no way he wouldn’t have known that the moment he touched Paradise Cow, they would have found out his identity as well.

‘They’re planning something.’

Dangho said.

“Understand Yeonhojeong’s movements at every moment. And where are the troops who entered Sacheon with him?”

“It is located at the western end of Sacheon. Probably…”

“It looks like he will join the party.”

Tang Ho chuckled.

“It’s not bad. Wouldn’t it be better to bury all the cats at once rather than catching and killing them one by one?”

Tang Yeo-seon smiled. That smile, which looked exactly like my father’s, looked very insidious.

“Of course.”

Tang Ho took a deep breath.

“I should also give the elders who joined hands with me a chance. Those people crossed the line. “Once a person crosses the line, he or she begins to strictly consider benefits.”

Once the board is properly laid out, a competition for loyalty will begin.

The temperament of the Tang family itself was like that, but especially the elders of the Presbyterian Church were all people with strong pride. They also recognized Tang Gwan’s abilities and treated him as the head of the family, but few people liked him personally.

People who will turn their backs whenever they get the chance. However, those who do not want to break their principles because of their pride.

Such people gave up their pride, broke away from their principles, and became their own people.

The Presbyterian Church, whose power was reduced after the party took power, will explode like an active volcano the powerful desires that it has suppressed.

“I’m curious. The face of our hotel. “How does it feel to be denied and attacked as the head of the family by the elders who ruled over you?”

* * *


Dang Gwan, who had closed his eyes and was in meditation, opened his eyes.

At the same time, Moyong and Eonjabang also opened their eyes.

“You’re here.”

One by one, they lifted their cross-legged posture and stood up, and before they knew it, Yeon Ho-jeong appeared behind them.

“Are you resting well?”

Prince Moyong asked directly.

“What did Yongdu Ark say?”

Yeon Ho-jeong revealed the conversation he had with Yongdu Ark.


The group’s faces became gloomy.

“Even to the opening…”

Although it is only limited to Sichuan, it can be said that it was Yongdu Ark’s mistake to not manage them properly.

The official asked with a calm face.

“In the end, as expected, Cheongseong and Ami, including the main family, had ties to Saeogwa Murim.”

“It turned out that way.”

The official nodded.

“Whatever it is, the priority now is to pull out the seeds of evil that have grown in the family.”

“That is correct.”

That’s true, but I couldn’t imagine how intensely he thought about it and suppressed his burning emotions in order to think like that.

There is no one here who does not hate the Three Religions.

However, the person with the most complicated feelings is probably the party official.

“Don’t look at me like that.”


The official said bluntly.

“I am the owner of the Tang clan. “You may have heard the stigma of not managing your family properly, but you will never hear that you failed to correct the family members who ran amok.”

Yeon Ho-jeong, who was quietly looking at him, smiled.

“Yes, you should.”

Prince Moyong frowned.

“Let’s leave the conversation at that.”

It was a sound that broke the mood, but from the moment he became convinced that it was related to the Three Religions, his mood was also at its worst.

“From now on, we have to deal with the dangerous party. Time is gold. “We’ll have to quickly plan a strategy or something.”

Yeon Ho-jeong nodded.

The official looked at Dangata in the distance.

“At first glance, it looks like any other city, but the eyes of the Party are drawn over the entire area. “More than seventy percent of the people living there are members of the Tang clan.”

“I knew this, but this is surprising.”

“In other words, before we enter the outer garden of the main house, we have to break through from there without causing any damage.”

“I guess so.”

“I know the side road. I know someone I can trust. “You can get to the front of the outer circle without anyone noticing you.”

Moyong-gun intervened.

“The problem starts with the outpatient clinic.”


“The party probably already knows your and our travel routes. “By now, you know that the Hoshitamtam family is being targeted around here, so you should have prepared for that.”

The official nodded.

At that time, Yeon Ho-jeong spoke.

“You don’t have to worry about that.”


“I heard that the dragon head ark took care of it.”

“What does that mean?”

“Yongdu Ark was keeping an eye on Sacheon long before we entered Sacheon. Eventually, I learned of the elders’ change of mind and even figured out the identity of Paradise Cow.”

Since the matter was a matter of fact, even the dragon head ark of the world would not have been able to move hastily.

I know that the elders of openness were involved, but it would have been difficult to know how many ways were involved with them.

He knowingly selected and ordered those who were not connected to Nakwonso one by one, shaking up Nakwonso’s information network after the group entered Sacheon.

“By now, I will assume that we are moving separately, and you will be convinced that Lord Tang is still on the outskirts of Sichuan. “I’m guessing they’re going to meet up with my group and attack in earnest.”

If that’s true, this was an unexpected help.

Mo Yong asked.

“Can you trust the Dragon Head Ark?”

Yeon Ho-jeong smiled bitterly.

“Even if it is a possibility that is infinitely close to nothing, I have not completely ruled it out. However, the dragon head I saw didn’t seem crazy enough to join hands with those idiots.”

“I can trust your insight, but…”

Prince Moyong trailed off.

Yes. He trusted Yeonhojeong’s abilities. In particular, I thought that his insight was enough to discuss the best in the world.

However, the other party was too dangerous to proceed with the work simply relying on one’s eyesight. Even if one assumes a power war between families, it would be right to be careful and cautious if the opponent is a party family.

Yeon Ho-jeong looked at the party hall.

“That’s why I need the Lord’s forgiveness.”

Everyone looked at Yeon Ho-jeong with puzzled faces.

Forgiveness from our hotel? What does this mean?

“Open is a faction that is at the forefront of information power in the central region. So, from generation to generation, anyone who did not prove their agreement could not sit in the Yongdu Ark’s seat. “Some of the openings may have been corrupted, but there were very few cases where Yongdu Ark was tainted by the evil evil way.”


“To become the Dragon Head Ark, you must have a pulpit more than anyone else. “Even if you are hated by everyone in the midfield, you have to persevere.”

“That’s a long story. “Get to the point.”

“Because it is the best intelligence group in the central region, if the opening is shaken, the information network of the powerful martial arts group will be paralyzed. So Yongdu Ark planted people in several of the major sects.”


“Even in the worst-case scenario, informants who have been ordered to suspend their activities indefinitely have been planted in organizations deemed most important in each region so that the Central Intelligence Agency’s intelligence network can breathe.”

The official’s eyes wavered.

That wasn’t all. Not only Moyonggun but the entire party was shocked.

“A person with the ability to lift the paralysis of the information network at once for each region. “A dark person who is inactive even when there is a war in the central plains, but wakes up and begins to act when openness is in crisis.”


“That cancer person was also in the Tang family.”

“This damned old man…!”

A terrifying, deadly force surged from Tang Gwan’s body.

His reaction was very natural. Wouldn’t he be angry to hear that there is a Sejak of openness hiding in his family who walks the same white path?

“That was the reason the Dragon Head Ark called me. Currently, in Sacheon, the opening cannot be used to its full potential. Just by disrupting our current location, the Yongdu Ark is doing a great deal of harm.”


Yeon Ho-jeong took out a small gold bag from his arms.

“There is powder in this. If you set it on fire, trained dogs will sniff it out. If the signals are passed in succession, the cancer person will soon resume its activities.”


The officer’s face looked as if he had seen a murderer. It was so infuriating that his relatives were causing such a mess that even the third step of opening up was hidden.

It was a mind-boggling reality. There will never be another situation as shocking as this for the head of the Tang family.

Nevertheless, the party maintained its rationality to the end. I felt like my insides would explode with extreme anger and murderous intent, but even so, I did not let go of reason until the end.

“If you burn that powder, the cancer people will resume their activities?”

“That’s right.”

“Aren’t we sure whether the cancer man will help us or inform our location to the traitors from our home family who wouldn’t mind changing his name?”

“Yeah I’m not sure.”

“Then what the hell!”


Yeon Ho-jeong’s eyes deepened.

“I poisoned the Dragon Head Ark.”


“I poisoned Yongdu Ark with the poison given by the head of the family. “I only used a small amount.”


“We are holding on with great strength, but it will last two months at most. “If you don’t come and decipher it within two months, Yongdu Ark’s life will be at risk.”

The group looked at Yeonhojeong with tired eyes. I had no idea that they had such strong feelings for each other.

“Do you understand? The intensity of our fight this time is that intense. “This is a fight that even high-ranking members of Moorim are putting their necks on the line.”

Yeon Ho-jeong laughed bitterly.

“Now we too must risk our lives. “Whether it’s porridge or rice.”

Half a day later.


The smoke from the burning powder dispersed and disappeared with a puff.

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not work with dark mode