Dark and Light Martial Emperor Chapter 517

Episode 517

Death is fair to everyone (1)

“You’re leaving already?”

Kang Ryang entered, wiping his sweat.

Yeon Ho-jeong nodded.

“okay. “I need to get ready right away.”

“Tch, this was about to get interesting.”


“I was having fun dancing with Sojeo Jeongan.”

“Hoo, it must be hard to win, right?”

“We were fighting like crazy with only techniques and no internal strength. “I really almost died.”


Yeon Ho-jeong, who was stroking his chin, nodded.

“You stay then.”


“Stay and practice. “I’m going to go there with senior Paeyul.”

“Have you finally come to hate me?”


“You never hesitate….”

“Your spirit is unusual. It seems like an important moment. “Don’t be too greedy and practice hard.”

Kang Ryang’s eyes shone.

Yeon Ho-jeong does not joke during the training process. If so, it would mean that the time for a big change had come for me.

‘Well, even back then…’

If it weren’t for Yang Cheon’s interference in the past, he would have broken through the barrier.

Of course, I didn’t regret it. It was my own fault for losing focus to that extent. If you think about things like that, you won’t be able to survive in this world.

However, after listening to Yeon Ho-jeong’s words, I feel like I have another chance.

Kang Ryang asked.

“Are you okay without me?”

“Who is worrying about whom?”

“Kung. All right. “Then please take care of yourselves.”

“okay. “Don’t get into an accident.”

“Who is worrying about whom?”


After removing Kang Ryang, Yeon Ho-jeong wore military uniform and held a spear.

Paeyul glanced at his waist.

“Are you bringing the Kyoto Dragon Print to the Black and White Twin Dragon Club?”

“yes. “You never know.”

“I’m going to stab you with that spear, and if I have to, I’m going to cut you to pieces again.”

“I’m not going to fight… I’d like to say that, though.”

Yeon Ho-jeong’s expression became serious.

“I might have to see blood.”

“Is the situation very bad?”


“It’s the first time in a while that I’ll be able to properly warm up.”

“You will have to be careful.”

“You’ll hear more details as we go.”

The two people left their residence and went straight to the headquarters of the Mukryongbu.


Paeyul’s eyes narrowed.

“Isn’t that the Iron Team?”

“you’re right.”

After a while.


About a hundred horsemen stopped in front of the two men with a rough roar.

In the lead was Hwang Seok-tae. Unlike usual, the figure wearing solid light armor and holding a red long spear was full of majesty.

Yeon Ho-jeong tilted his head.

“Do you want to go sober?”

“The vice leader will provide good training.”

“Is that okay?”

Hwang Seok-tae snorted.

“It’s an order from above. “He told me to go with him.”

Yeon Ho-jeong chuckled.

“I won’t decline.”

Hwang Seok-tae handed over two horseback horses.

Yeon Ho-jeong and Paeyul rode on horseback. It must have been a well-trained horse, but it didn’t move even though it was carrying someone I had never seen before.

Hwang Seok-tae said.

“I only received orders in a hurry. “I don’t know in detail where the destination is or what the mission is.”

“I’ll explain as I go.”

Yeon Ho-jeong’s eyes deepened.

It was the ghost eye of the Black Emperor that never flinched, yet contained more passionate anger than anyone else.

“The situation has become urgent. “In many ways.”

* * *

“Huh! “Huh!”

The sound of breathing was heavy.

It was his own breathing, not anyone else’s.

Although the situation was serious, he felt more absurd than a sense of crisis.

‘I can’t believe my breathing is already disturbed. ‘It was truly a terrible experience.’

Isn’t it fun?

What I didn’t know when I mastered only one weapon, I realized when I mastered ten weapons.

The purpose of every weapon lies in its shape.

Then, I was able to use all the weapons I could get my hands on as naturally as breathing.

That’s how hundreds of soldiers are. He was a man who handled white weapons and had grown to the point where he could show the best skills with any weapon in the world that was in his hands.

However, it was a mistake to limit the range of the weapon.

‘Poison was also a great weapon. I finally realize it.’

Puff puff!

At that time, colorful fireworks exploded all over the sky.

I had an eerie feeling. Even though I knew that such behavior was a ploy to make the target, myself, nervous, I felt a shiver run down my spine.

And Makwon couldn’t hide his bitterness as he felt that way.

‘In the end, I am also a weak human being who is afraid of death.’

A warrior skilled in hand-to-hand combat.

Even though he could not stand on par with the Immortal Emperor, he was an absolute expert who was associated with the same name of Seongcheon.

Excluding the Immortal Emperor, there is no shortage of things to discuss as the best in the world. Because of his nature, he was not overly concerned about fame, but at least he was confident in his martial arts achievements.

That confidence was shattered by this incident.

‘Let’s move for now.’

I tried to take a strong step forward, but for a moment my eyes started spinning.

“Damn it…”

I keep swearing, something I don’t normally use. It probably means that he has become very nervous.


The rising miasma was quelled by using the Heavenly Martial God Weapon.

It was hard. The toxic air was increasing qualitatively and quantitatively as time passed. And it was his own inner strength that became the prey for that poison.

The poison is getting stronger, but the internal power is getting weaker. Moreover, the injuries sustained so far were serious. It’s not like you’ll die right away, but after a few days like this, you’ll be on the brink of death.

In that situation, even the pursuer followed.

The future was daunting.


However, I had no choice but to move forward just because the road ahead was difficult. Makwon used up all his stamina and started running.

The forest scene was instantly pushed back.

‘My legs are still fine.’

There is no major problem with teasing the body itself, except for the occasional surge of poison that causes dizziness.


At that moment, Makwon’s eyes lit up.


He dodged the dagger of the masked man who approached secretly and broke the opponent’s arm.


The masked man whose neck was stabbed by his own dagger trembled and fell down. It’s dead.

Makwon took a breath again.

‘The reaction speed is slowly slowing down.’

This was also due to miasma. The miasma gradually grew in size, and the moment I let my guard down even a little, it consumed my internal strength and grew even further.

The growing miasma tried to spread to the limbs as if exploding, and care had to be taken to prevent its spread.

‘There’s nothing I can do.’

He put down the thick iron pipe on his back.


It was an iron pipe weighing twenty pipes. And in that iron coffin were twelve folded pieces of his favorite weapon.

A light of determination appeared in Makwon’s eyes.

Chiri ririn!

He pulled out a five-foot long iron bar from the center of the head of the iron pipe.

Although he handled white soldiers as if he were hand and foot, the first thing he learned was club and spear skills. It can be said to be the most convenient weapon even in crisis situations.

‘Life comes first now.’

It took a lot of hard work to make that iron pipe.

However, it was impossible to give up one’s life to save valuables. As soon as I took off the iron pipe, my back felt refreshed and my walking became lighter.

Boom! Boom!

After swinging the iron gun a few times, he started running again.


It was much faster than before.

Normally, there would not have been much difference in speed even if the iron pipe was removed. This probably means that his stamina and endurance have been greatly consumed.


The good news is that the lighter the body, the easier it is to drive with power.

I drove it all to a place where miasma exploded. Then the miasma was noticeably reduced. To be exact, it was close to condensation, but it was able to prevent seizures for the time being.

How long did it run like that?


Makwon’s eyes brightened.


At that moment, I felt intense heat far to the left.


The fired artillery destroyed three beautiful trees.


The hot flames greedily devoured the broken prey.

Makwon’s face distorted.

“This is crazy…!”

Canvas? They even mobilized artillery to capture me?!

‘How on earth did they mobilize artillery?!’

It is a time when the power of the imperial palace and government has weakened to an unprecedented degree.

But still, there is a degree and there is a line. No matter how crazy the martial arts world may be, the government’s artillery cannot be mobilized without permission.

Quaaaang! Quaaaaaaaaa!

It didn’t even seem like it was a single door. The artillery was fired several times with loud bangs, mercilessly destroying the front and back of the makwon.

Buuuuuuung! Paaang!

Makwon’s rush was dazzling.

Rotate the iron gun with one hand and rush forward, scattering flames and smoke in all directions.

Pabababak! Quang!

A huge flame engulfed the place where Makwon was standing.

Before I knew it, Makwon was flying high in the sky and was moving by stepping on tree branches.

It was a light technique that reached divine skill. Makwon’s sense of reading and evading death and fire shined even in a situation where he was seriously injured.

But that didn’t last long either.


A curtain moves through the forest faster than the movement of artillery.

At that moment, he felt a murderous sensation running down his spine.

‘Attack… frontal…? come!’

Makwon stabbed the iron gun straight in the face. It was an instinctive judgment.


With an explosion of alcohol, Makwon’s body staggered and retreated.

The opponent was also the same. Although he carried out the surprise attack with all his might, the seriously injured Makwon’s strength was still that of a monster.

“That’s amazing. At this point, I thought there was a good chance of winning in a head-to-head match, but this will be close.”

The opponent, who got up on one knee, was not wearing a mask, unlike the assassins who had previously attacked Makwon.

Makwon’s face distorted.

This is because you know very well who your opponent is.

“It was you, after all.”

“Did you guess?”

“I didn’t know. “Until now.”

“I guess so.”

“If it weren’t for someone of your caliber, we wouldn’t have been able to mobilize artillery.”

“Wrong. Even if it’s not me, there are many people who can mobilize the government’s artillery.”


The man smiled.

He had different hair, different skin, and a different appearance from the Jungwon people. Bright yellow hair that shined like gold, skin as white as snow, and long limbs proved that he was from the West.


The golden flames spewing out from the man’s hand slowly died down.

“Do you want to know who else can mobilize artillery besides me?”


“Then I will make one last suggestion. Come to us. “If you come to us, not only will your life be spared, but you will also gain a higher status than me.”

“He said he wasn’t interested in things like that.”

“The people in this neighborhood, the so-called Murim people, are really special. “There are many people who are greedy for money or women, but they especially risk their lives for their reputation.”

The man tilted his head.

“But when you know it, it’s also arbitrary. “Sometimes he risks his life for something that doesn’t matter, and other times he refuses even if I give him an armful of treasure.”


“You probably know. In just a few years, we will be able to take control of the imperial palace and the entire government. If that happens, the owner of this land you call Jungwon will also change.”

Makwon glared at the man without saying a word.

The man nodded.

“No matter who you fight, war will break out. All you have to do is stick to the winning side.”

“Is that so?”


Mak Won smiled coldly.

“If the battle is to be won by the tribes who risk their lives with a single sword here on this earth, is there any need to join in with cultists like you?”

It was a fierce provocation.

The man chuckled.

“It’s a shame. “I thought you would understand us, even though you are not a Jungwon person, but now you have become a Murim person.”


A golden flame burned from the man’s body. It was truly the flame of a golden emperor with tremendous fire power.

Cold sweat broke out on Makwon’s forehead.

The way forward was so difficult that I couldn’t see ahead.

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not work with dark mode