Dark and Light Martial Emperor Chapter 478

Episode 478

Bottom preparation (3)

“I see you’re all gathered.”

Zhuge Munho’s face as he looked around at the Dukes was no different from usual.

“Thank you for gathering here despite your busy schedule. “I would like to take this opportunity to apologize for saying that I hoped that no one would be unable to attend because it was a very serious matter.”

Teng Tianqiao said bluntly.

“Now that we’ve given formal greetings, please tell us why you’ve gathered so many busy people.”

“Bonggong the back.”

Deungcheongyo licked his lips and turned his head at the soft voice of the ambassador. No matter how much he was, he couldn’t ignore the notice given by the Shaolin master.

Ambassador Gong Gong winked at Zhuge Munho.

Zhuge Wenhu nodded.

“Like you said, Master Deng, I won’t take too long. “I’ll tell you straight.”

My voice calmed down.

The difference between the appearance he shows for the first time and the mood he shows when he is serious is truly large. All eyes of the Dukes turned to Zhuge Wenhu.

After looking around the audience, Zhuge Lianghu opened his mouth.

“Thanks to Bonggong’s remarks in the past, everyone now knows. “In addition to Sae, there are people called Samgyo, their power is great, and they are targeting the central plains.”

The already calm atmosphere became even heavier.

“I am.”

The monks of the nine factions and the monks of the six families.

Zhuge Wenhu continued speaking, looking directly into the eyes of each person.

“I am sure that there is Sejak in Bonggong.”


The volcanic dragon hit the table.

“What nonsense!”

Yonghwajin was not the only one. The faces of some of the servants turned red, and even if it wasn’t that bad, they all looked uncomfortable.

“Do you really believe that the enemy’s intentions are here?”

“I’m sure I told you this before. “I didn’t inform you of the existence of the three religions because there might be a threat from the enemy.”

Zhuge Wenhu nodded.

“I am sure. “I don’t know if it’s one person or more than one, but there’s definitely a Sejak here.”

“That doesn’t even sound like a horse!”

Yonghwajin’s voice was louder than ever.

“The reason I didn’t show off my anger at what Ambassador Bang Jang and the military said the other day is because I was able to fully understand their situation! Especially military! The military kept quiet about the Mukryongbu without our knowledge! Even back then, you didn’t make the absurd excuse that Sejak might exist!”

“It was like that.”

“Everyone here is of high reputation in the river! “I’m just saying that they are not people who are doing the work of foreign b*stards whose origins they do not know!”

“If you remember what happened before, you probably remember what I said back then.”

Zhuge Munho said calmly, as if he had fully expected this kind of reaction.

“The military is something that not even the greatest charlatan in the world can trust. Even if the Murim Lord is elected, I do not completely trust him. “That’s military.”

“No matter what!”

“I completely understand Bonggong’s reaction. “If I were in a different position, I would also be uncomfortable and angry about this situation.”

Zhuge Wenhu’s eyes grew cold.

“Let me ask you one thing. Do you think I would play a prank on some of the most prestigious public servants in Gangho?”


“Even if what I say is true, if I don’t catch Sejak, I will bear the brunt of the backlash. “If you make a mistake, you could be dismissed from your military position, or in extreme cases, you could be imprisoned.”

This is a story about putting your own neck on the line. Zhuge Wenhu’s words contained that meaning.

No matter how angry I was, I couldn’t throw a fit in front of Zhuge Li’s extremely strong reaction. Yonghwajin had no choice but to control his rough breathing.

Zhuge Wenhu continued.

“Calm down and think. Even if you don’t believe it, please imagine it. “What would you think if there was really a Sejak in the middle of the attack and even this conversation was being passed on to the enemy?”


The atmosphere that had been heavy from beginning to end became cold.

Is there really a Sejak in Bonggong? Did that Sejak send all the major issues discussed at the Fonggong meeting to the Three Churches?

There will never be anything as scary as this. If so, they were handing over the top secret information of the Murim Alliance to the enemy without knowing anything.

What does that mean?

“We were losing. “And thoroughly.”


“Now that I know I’m losing, it’s time to change the relationship.”

Deungcheongyo said as if he was throwing it away.

“Do you really believe that?”

“That’s right.”

“I will ask again. “Are you truly sure that there is a conspiracy being carried out by the Three Qiaolan tribes among our troops?”

“That’s right.”

The corners of Deung Cheongyo’s mouth rose.

“It’s really fun. “Then, can’t you rule out the possibility that it is one of those three works?”

Zhuge Wenhu smiled.

“Even if you look at me like that, I have nothing to say.”

“You will have a lot to say. “If the military is a small business, we are being completely fooled.”

At that time, Peng Mu-gang opened his mouth.

“Bonggong the back.”

It was Peng Mu-gang who had never said more than ten words at most during meetings. When he opened his mouth, everyone’s attention was focused.

“It’s a serious situation, right? “Please refrain from saying anything that will ruin the atmosphere.”


“We are discussing the enemy’s plans. “In a situation where the military is convinced of Sejak’s existence, it would not be enough for everyone to gather their wits and find him as soon as possible, so we should not cause unnecessary trouble.”

Teng Tianqiao’s face distorted.

“Have you said everything now?”

“I haven’t finished everything, so listen more. If there really is a threat, we must drive out the enemy’s efforts through concentration through harmony, not through conflict. “I know you’re angry, but I hope you look at the situation more calmly.”

“Unity? Concentration? Who is breaking it now! We have turned a blind eye to what the military has been doing secretly without our knowledge! “No matter how unavoidable the situation was, it was a clear violation of authority!”

The windbreaker quietly intervened.

“Bonggong’s back. Calm your excitement for now. “This is not something that can be solved.”

Army’s recovery situation also nodded.

“I agree. “I think now is not the time to fight among ourselves, but the time to put our heads together.”

Teng Tianqiao’s face distorted.

“Is everyone like this?! If this is going to be the case, why are we holding a public meeting? “If the military is going to play drums and janggu alone, then what’s the point of all these meetings?”

He turned his eyes to the public ambassador.

“The Ambassador, please say something too! Yes, the Ambassador said this before, right? “You said you watched what the military was doing!”

Ambassador Gong Gong looked at Deungcheongyo in silence.

Flames spewed out from Teng Tianqiao’s eyes.

“You said you were responsible, so speak like someone in charge! “Do you really think this situation makes sense?!”

At that time, Seunghyeonjinin spoke.

“It’s natural.”

It was an unexpected remark. Starting from Deungcheongyo, everyone saw Seunghyeonjinin.

Seung Hyeon Jin-in said while looking at Zhuge Mun-ho.

“This level of reaction is not natural. It is no wonder that Lord Bong is so angry. “Isn’t that right?”

Zhuge Wenhu nodded.

“That’s right.”

“Also, although it is extreme, what Bonggong said is not completely wrong. Of course, the military ability and personality are outstanding, and there is no doubt about the Buddha’s heart of the great master here. However, if you look back on what happened so far, you two definitely crossed the line.”

“I just apologize.”

“The Murim Alliance is a huge organization. There are bound to be many enemies. However, it is difficult for things to proceed this way every time a crisis arises. “It’s something that can’t be helped because the position of Maeng Ju-wi is still vacant, but handling things in such a secret and radical way is embarrassing to many people.”

“I am aware of it.”

“There has to be a moment when it can’t be helped. However, I hope you will be more careful in handling such matters from now on. “Whether it’s Bonggong or the military, aren’t they people who ultimately walk the white road together?”

Seunghyeonjinin’s words had power.

A calm, unwavering voice. Moreover, they say that not only Zhuge Liang but also Ambassador Gong are at fault.

That was a clear fact. As I used a speaking method that made people aware of the facts without making the atmosphere violent, the atmosphere, which had been heated like an active volcano, cooled down smoothly.


Teng Tianqiao sat down with his arms crossed. With the atmosphere like this, I couldn’t stay angry forever.

Peng Wugang said.

“This person was also frustrated and his words were somewhat aggressive. “I apologize.”

Seunghyunjin smiled.

“There is no one who does not know the Peng family’s generous temperament. Didn’t Feng Feng also step forward for everyone? “There is no need to apologize.”

“It’s just embarrassing.”

When the atmosphere calmed down, Zhuge Wenhu spoke again.

“I expected this kind of situation, but now that I’m experiencing this situation, I feel more uneasy than I thought. “I would like to take this opportunity to apologize once again for taking arbitrary action as a soldier.”

Zhuge Wenhu bowed his head.

I don’t know how he feels on the inside, but at least on the outside, he seems to be offering a sincere apology. Teng Tianqiao snorted and turned his head away.


Zhuge Wenho’s face, straightening his back, was expressionless again.

“There are certain decisions that were made independently before the meeting. “I ask you to understand just this last part.”

Yonghwajin’s cheek twitched.

“What else?”

“By now, rumors are probably flowing from all over the Yangtze River. “Maybe within three days, the entire Central Plains will be sick with measles due to one rumor.”


“Rumors that an unknown force is looking to invade the central plains, and that that force may have planted Sejak in the Murim Alliance.”


There was astonishment on the faces of the servants.

Deungcheongyo shouted with an expression of bewilderment.

“Are you crazy?!”

It was something worth saying.

Even if it were an accident, it hit too hard. The eyes of the feudal lords who looked at Zhuge Wenhu suddenly became cruel.

“I tried to wait one more time, but this big accident happened without any discussion…!”

“Isn’t it better than going to war?”

Teng Tianqiao’s eyes wavered.

That wasn’t all. Most of the Dukes looked at Zhuge Wenhu in surprise.

“If we catch Sejak, there is a very small possibility that we could be subject to a deadly air attack. But doesn’t that mean we can’t avoid catching Sejak?”


“It is nonsense to engage in an all-out war with an enemy that exceeds the strength of the Murim Alliance when we are not properly prepared. “We can’t all die because of a single rat.”


“Speaking of which, let me say something to that rat.”

Zhuge Wenhu smiled.

That extremely cold smile was enough to send shivers down the spine of Teng Tianqiao, who had an unusual temperament.

“Don’t run wild.”

Zhuge Wenhu’s tone was languid.

“If you try to ignite the hearts of the people of Central Plains who have learned of the unknown fear of the Three Religions, you will only get glory and scars. Just leave it as it was until now. “The battlefield will be created here.”


“I’ll go catch you soon, so be quiet and prepare a rope. “If by any chance you surrender, I will do my best to persuade the officials so that you can save your life.”

Zhuge Wenhu lowered his head.

“That is all. “Thank you for your hard work during the meeting.”

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