Dark and Light Martial Emperor Chapter 464

Episode 464

Obtaining Darkness (4)

“It seems to come quite often.”

Yeonhojeong, who was heading to Daejeon after passing through the huge basin, whetted his appetite.

He looked at Kang Ryang.

Kangryang was looking around with his mouth wide open.

“Isn’t it huge?”

“…It looks like this is where the three-headed-yukbi monster lives?”

“Vigilance has become much stronger than before. From the moment I entered, I felt a sense of discomfort that I had never felt before. “It is likely that an organ ceremony that was invisible to the human eye was erected.”

“It’s huge. Considering the scale of this place….”

“It must have cost an astronomical amount of money. However, no matter how underground it is, the security is too strict. “If this is enough…”

Yeon Ho-jeong muttered to himself.

‘It’s not a castle, it’s like a prison.’

No one can know what Yangcheon will do in the future.

But one thing was certain.

‘Yangcheon will never intend to end here.’

It was not because of the geographical feature of being underground. It was because of Yangcheon’s desires and aspirations.

‘I will build a fortress that is as good as the Murim Alliance. I don’t know when that will happen. If that happens, this place…’

It seemed like it might really turn into a huge prison.

Yeon Ho-jeong, who was lost in thought for a moment, then turned his attention to Jeong An.

Jeongan’s face was seriously set. As if wearing a hard mask.

Yeon Ho-jeong smiled.

“Are you okay?”


“Are you okay?”

“Ah yes.”

Jeong-an, who answered without hesitation, soon sighed and shook his head.

“Honestly, it’s not okay.”

“Of course it is.”

Jeongan sighed.

“Now that I think about it, what the boss said is right. I was a fool who didn’t know anything. “If the manager hadn’t helped me, I wouldn’t have been able to come in here.”

“At the same time, the master of the Mukryongbu, who could not ignore your unrestrained anger, may have tracked you down and killed you.”

“…That could be possible.”

“So do you regret it?”


Jeongan laughed bitterly.

“I have no regrets about my decision. “I just realized that there really is a lot to learn in the world.”

“The world was created by people. In other words, if you want to know the world, you have no choice but to start by knowing people well.”


“To get to know people well, you have to meet a lot and talk to them a lot. That is relationships and people see the world through relationships.”


Yeon Ho-jeong shook his head.

“It’s just my opinion. “Everyone thinks differently.”

With those words, Yeon Ho-jeong closed his mouth. Because he also had a lot to think about.


What he had been thinking about all night was not whether he could just ignore Bothaam’s work.

Botha’s matter must be resolved. There is only a difference in timing and method.

What he was worried about was Yang Cheon’s remarks.

‘As you said, the black and white swordsmen will have to join hands to deal with the three religions.’

‘Of course.’

‘But there has never been a proper story about him until now. That’s why I asked you that. ‘Can you throw everything to destroy the Saeumgyo?’

‘What do you mean?’

‘I like you. Your martial arts skills, vision, wit, and drive are everything. But what I like most is the strong spirit that knows how to run without limits to achieve one’s goals.’

‘Thank you for the compliment.’

‘Let dispatch come.’


‘I am saying to send you to the headquarters not as a minister like before, but as a proud messenger of the Murim Alliance.’


‘The Murim Alliance can never be the main character in this war. The reason is that they will stop considering interests and move only after the fire is over.’


‘Don’t say no. ‘I know you find that frustrating as well.’

‘It will change once the leader is elected.’

‘When is the leader chosen? ‘Isn’t it next year at the earliest?’


‘Even if we assume he is selected early next year, there is still half a year left. As you know, that amount of time is enough for the enemy to go on a rampage.’

‘That’s not a reason for me to be dispatched as an ink dragon.’

‘You are the nucleus of Murim League politics. However, you do not have the power to unite the Murim Alliance as the nucleus of politics. How do you unite the interests of so many factions in a short period of time? Well, that would be impossible for anyone.’


‘Leave that field to trustworthy people. Instead, stop putting effort into useless things and come to Mukryong. Let’s come and take a good look at Saeumgyo first. If you are so determined, I will give you enormous authority to use the headquarters’ troops and resources as needed.’

‘It’s a shocking proposal.’

‘That’s what I wanted to say the most here today. Think about it carefully and come back when you feel like it. I hope it doesn’t take too long.’

Yeon Ho-jeong’s eyes deepened.

‘That’s not entirely wrong.’

Yang Chen, who was freed from the Yin Huang poison, became a completely different person from the Yang Chen of the past.

No, maybe this is Yangcheon’s true face. The insight of a great giant who fought against the world for decades and eventually achieved victory and earned the title of King of Fighting was second to none.

Yangcheon is speaking like that. The protagonist of this war is not the Murim Alliance.

Yeon Ho-jeong thought that may or may not be the case.

At least the current Murim Alliance cannot be the protagonist. As Yangcheon said, so many factions have gathered together that they cannot be free from their own interests.

However, if Yeon Ho-jeong becomes the Murim Alliance that he thinks, then he can become the main player in this war.

‘older brother.’

Mo Yong-woo also still has many shortcomings.

However, Mo Yong-woo has insight and brains that are comparable to any Noh Kang-ho, and he has a much more intuitive and clear consensus than their worn-out and slow definitions.

He is also excellent at leading people, and in particular, his virtue and reputation are outstanding, making him extremely suitable for establishing the Murim Alliance even after the war is over.


‘The question is whether the name Mo Yong-woo will be accepted by those who think that authority and position are the minimum qualifications.’

Of course, history and location are important. But it is not absolute.

However, even though many people know this, they cannot accept it deeply.

Yeon Ho-jeong laughed bitterly.

‘They would all be surprised if they knew how old I was when I built the Black Emperor Castle.’

Is this possible because it is a black island? To some extent, this is true.

However, if you have sufficient ability, there is no problem in leading an organization, whether black or white.

‘Damn, I really don’t feel like what’s going on in the world.’

Yeon Ho-jeong scratched his head.

Kang-ryang said with a grumpy expression.

“Let’s take a shower.”

“Cleaner than you.”

“If you can’t even talk.”

Soon the group arrived in front of Daejeon.

Yeon Ho-jeong asked Jeong An.

“Are you mentally prepared?”



Yeon Ho-jeong said to Baek Seo.

“Let me know.”

Baekseo did not even turn his gaze towards Yeonhojeong.

“My lord. “We have brought you a guest.”

“Take it in.”


As soon as he finished speaking, the huge stone wall moved.

Considering the width and thickness of the stone wall, it was surprising that this heavy stone wall could move as an organ. Jeong-an and Kang-ryang’s mouths widened at the magnificent sight.

‘Those stairs are familiar.’

The group climbs the stairs guided by White Paper.

For a moment, Jeongan flinched.

Yeon Ho-jeong shook his head.

“Calm down.”


“know. “There are people at Yeonhwamun.”

Jeong An’s face was filled with turbulence.

“No way, really… In the Mukryongbu….”

“Get your mind right. “Go and don’t say anything.”

Soon, the group stood up on the long carpet.

“Are you here?”

A voice full of joy was heard from Taesa Temple in the distance.

Yeon Ho-jeong chuckled.

“I didn’t expect to see you so soon.”

“That’s right. So it’s better. “I think you made up your mind quickly.”

Yang Chen pointed in front of himself with his hand.

“Please come.”

The three walked on the soft carpet and reached the foot of the royal temple.

It was then.


A terrifying force shook the group.

When I turned my head, there were two women with shocked faces. One was a woman who looked older than middle-aged, and the other seemed to be about the same age as Jeong An.

“That Jeongan?!”

Jeongan looked at her with trembling eyes.

“Lord Yeonhwamun.”

Jeokyeon, who was looking at her blankly, immediately shouted.

“You b*tch! “How did you creep all the way up to Ye!”

It was a much more violent reaction than expected. So much so that even Yeon-sim next to him was embarrassed.

Jeongan thought while listening to that angry, life-like voice.

It’s over.

Bothaam, at least the Botaam of its time, will no longer regain its former glory.

Jeongan closed his eyes.

Sparks flew from Jeokyeon’s eyes.

“You b*tch! You are a descendant of Cheonan who has not learned much! If you saw an adult as a recluse, wouldn’t you be quick to bow your head? “Not even as good as this beast…!”

At that time, a fierce wind blew.


A frenzy of extreme intensity blocked the enemy’s mouth.


The rotating Yeongasindan radiated tremendous energy.

And that miracle was pushing the output of the main weapon to its limit.


Incredible anger and unimaginable killing power entangled Jeokyeon’s body.

Jeokyeon’s complexion turned pale.

An uncontrollable energy wave was pouring out from the red-eyed young man glaring at him. The air waves were so terrible that it was difficult to even breathe properly.

Yeon Ho-jeong said calmly.

“Close your mouth.”


“He’s a guy who hasn’t done anything wrong to be scolded by someone like you. “If you mess up our feelings again, I’ll blow your worthless head off.”


Jeokyeon’s face turned bright red.

“It’s like Tiananmen! “Where are you holding hands with the devil’s head…!!”

At that moment, Yeonhojeong’s wind exploded like a beam of light.


With an explosion, the enemy staggered and was pushed all the way to the wall.

Surprisingly, it was not Jeok Yeon who blocked Yeonhojeong’s wind. In front of her was Yeonsim, who was staggering around with her sword drawn.

Even though the wind was blocked, the aftereffects were so strong that they were pushed all the way to the enemy coast.

It was a martial art that could be said to be truly monstrous.

Yeonsim’s eyes wavered.

‘Great martial arts!’

The power felt in just one day was truly beyond imagination. Although it was an act of swordsmanship carried out unknowingly, the amount of shock still made no sense.

A strange look appeared in Yeon Ho-jeong’s eyes.

‘It’s him.’

Looking much younger and fresher than before.

‘This guy was Geomhu.’

The swordsman I had a conversation with when I met him during the time of the Emperor of Darkness was that Yeonsim.

But that surprise was only momentary.

Yeon Ho-jeong smiled coldly.

“You don’t apply. Go away. If you don’t back down, you too will die.”

Yeonsim swallowed her saliva without realizing it.

The other person’s words were not just a threat. It felt so cruel that they seemed to sincerely intend to kill each other together.

At that moment, Yang Cheon’s mouth opened.

“Isn’t that enough to say hello?”


“Stop killing that momentum. “Isn’t the atmosphere too scary?”

Yeon Ho-jeong, who was quietly glaring at Jeok-yeon, took control of his life.


When it spews out, it is like Mount Tai, and when it disappears, it is like smoke.

The supply and demand of momentum is free. It was a miraculous exercise of skill shown by a monster more than a genius.

Yeon Ho-jeong said with a frown.

“Why don’t you clean up before welcoming guests?”

Yang Chen smiled.

“Is there even a need for that between us?”

“What is our relationship?”

“Well, I’m not sure yet, but I think we’ll become a great relationship.”

Yeon Ho-jeong chuckled.

“Give me alcohol first. Something good, not white liquor.”

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not work with dark mode