Dark and Light Martial Emperor Chapter 439

Episode 439

The future on the sword (1)

“What do you think? “It’s very different from a temple, isn’t it?”


“A land so vast. In the Central Plains, the culture, customs, and weather vary from region to region. “It’s hot and humid here now, but if you go north, there are many dry areas and cool places even in summer.”

The eyes of the middle-aged woman who explained in a kind voice were filled with a strange desire.

The personality in his voice and the feeling conveyed in his glowing red eyes were completely different. When you hear the voice, there is no other Bodhisattva in heaven, but the eager eyes seem quite far from tranquility.

“Practicing and seeking to attain enlightenment are more important than anything else. But look at the world. “In this vast land, people who are very different from us live passionately each day, burning their lives.”


“There is a lot of goodness that we could not have imagined, and furthermore, there is a lot of evil that we could not even imagine. “My own enlightenment is important, but the sword I wield for the world is just as valuable.”

A middle-aged woman looked to the side.

There was a young woman there, wearing the same clothes as herself and wearing the same bamboo hat.

“Hyegeom (慧劍) is not something that exists only within me. “It is also important to look at the world and find unwavering wisdom within it to cut off everyone’s suffering.”


“Do you understand me?”

Only then did the young woman open her mouth.

“I do not know.”

“I don’t know?”

Once the woman’s mouth was opened, words flowed like clear water.

“Seeing the evil in the world and giving some weight to the good that has become lighter under the decision to commit true evil. Wasn’t it the spirit of Botha to teach the world about that one duty as politeness and to move forward and get closer to enlightenment?”

“It is a tradition that has guaranteed the hundreds of years of history of this temple, and it is also one of many wise perspectives.”

“Yes, that’s right. That’s botha.”

“It was ‘botha’. What I am saying is not to deny the past. The past was right as it was. However, even though I clearly know that those with power do not benefit the world and that the weak suffer, it cannot be considered right to live only for myself.”

“is that so.”

“Again, I am not denying Botha’s past. It was right at the time. However, as times change, values also change. We had to know that.”

There are also values that do not change even as times change.

The woman wanted to say that to her teacher.

‘Those who have power cannot be free from responsibility? that’s right. I was always troubled by that too. Did Master Hana and Sasago really come to the central plain to punish the evil in the world?’

I don’t know. It was difficult for Jeong An to understand the words and actions of adults. To be exact, I didn’t want to acknowledge their changes.

To Jeong An, Master and Sa Sa were wiser and better people than anyone else.

That wasn’t all. Although the tribes were different, both tribes were in competition, not competition, and were people who devoted their lives to the endless extinction of agony through self-practice.

I didn’t respect him because he was strong in martial arts. Jeong An truly thought that the adults in Botha were adults who deserved respect. So I invited him, followed him, and acted.

But now?

“Even if we realize that it is time for change, I think we need to proceed more cautiously. “Rapid change always leads to ruin.”

“There is a child drowning in front of me and struggling. However, because the temple’s rules were strict, they ignored the child and returned. “Do you think this is the right thing to do?”

“I don’t think it’s an appropriate metaphor.”

“In the end, it’s the same. “No matter how big or small, our community has ignored the good that suffers from evil.”

The middle-aged woman, Hwaun, continued speaking in a sad tone.

“I also want to say that our headquarters’ actions and history in the past were right. You have no idea how much agony I had to fight before admitting that mistake. “It will be difficult for you to understand our pain and anguish, having forgotten the world in order to challenge for the position of the next swordsman.”

That’s it.

This is precisely where Botha’s adults say they have changed.

Adults did not ignore or reject others because they were young or had limited learning. He did not force me to believe that only he was the truth and that what I said was right in the end.

Rather, it was the adults of Botha who encouraged and cared for us to look at ourselves instead of at us, saying that there was more to learn from the innocent gaze of a child.

Even if the sincerity was different, how could people who were wary of such remarks change so much?

Jeongan sighed.

“I really don’t know.”

“If you don’t know, leave it as is. “You just have to practice it day and night to become a divine sword worthy of the rank of swordsman like in the past.”

Hwaun’s eyes sparkled once again.

The eyes of a worldly person were glowing with a deep desire that should not be seen in the eyes of someone who follows Buddhism.

“We will handle the rest. “We will bear all the suffering, and we will not be pushed aside in the slightest by our rivals from other tribes.”


“Do you understand?”

Jeongan did not answer. Even though it was an accident, I didn’t want to lie.

Hwaun sighed as he looked at Jeongan.

“You will understand. “Definitely someday.”


“Let’s go.”

So the two walked in silence.

How long has it been?

“Are you here?”

Full-sang bowed his head briefly.

Hwaun’s expression hardened slightly. There is a difference in age and distribution between myself and Geun-sang. Although Moon Geun-sang is the successor to Open House, he is an active elder leading Bota-am.

Even though customs differ from region to region, isn’t this somewhat problematic?


Hwaun shook his head inwardly.

This is the disappointing side. Her tribe sent them here to receive help from the Murim Alliance. Moreover, the opponent was the actual leader of the Baekdo Martial Alliance intelligence battalion.

There is no need to worry about greetings. Hwaun responded with a kind voice.

“Is this here?”

“That’s right.”

“great. Please guide me.”

“All right. Ah, but what about this person?”

Hwaun looked at Jeongan.

Jeongan bowed his head.

“This is the true eye of Bothaam.”

It was a pretty stiff greeting. In some ways, it seemed like he had no manners, and in other ways, it seemed like he didn’t know what was going on in the world.

Hwaun said in a reprimanding voice.

“He is the successor to the world’s best 100,000 branches and an advisor to the Murim Alliance Intelligence Battalion. “Say hello again.”

Even though it is a reprimanding remark, what is the subtle satisfaction in that voice?

Full-sang waved his hand.

“it’s okay. What is the greeting? “There is no need to bow your head to a beggar like that.”


“Even if you are the successor to the beggar clan, you are ultimately a beggar. Beggars don’t know anything about manners. “Don’t worry about it, just go in.”

“If you say so… I understand.”

Hwaun bowed his head and entered the manor with Jeongan.

As he watched the backs of the two people walking away, his eyes narrowed.

“…Puuuu! There are many geniuses in the world. Is this a genius or a monster? “Oh, I can’t even go somewhere and put pressure on my stomach.”

Full-sang, who was grumbling, soon disappeared from the spot.

In a world where there are many geniuses and monsters, Moon Man-sang also continued to develop over time.

* * *

The two people who entered the manor stopped in their tracks due to the cool wind blowing in.


The heavy wind froze the humid air of Guangdong.

Hwaun and Jeongan’s eyes lit up at the same time.

Buuuuung! Buuuuung!

A huge ax split the air, leaving a remnant.

The person holding the ax did not move dynamically, but the ax that was swinging casually gave off a frightening dynamic.

It’s not even two hands, it’s one hand. With his other hand behind his back, he was swinging an ax the size of a human body so lightly that it looked like a whip.

And the swing slowly accelerated.

Buuuuung! Buuuuuuung! Buaaaaang!

The sound the Gwangryongbu made as it tore through the air was truly terrifying.

It was moving so fast that not only the ax but also the arm it was swinging could be seen as a blur. The speed was so great that if you looked at it from a distance, you would think one of its arms had been cut off and disappeared.


There was astonishment on Jeong An’s face.



The light wind blowing out from the ax did not cause any damage to people or external objects. This is because the moment it was emitted, it shook the atmosphere and disappeared.

However, the impact left behind by the heaviness created a strong wind.

And the traces of Balgyeong and the density of the true energy left in that storm shocked Jeongan.

‘Strength is strength, but each and every movement is being orchestrated with a magic that goes beyond imagination. If you hit back with a simple attack, your sword will immediately break and your body will be shattered.’


Cold sweat ran down the back of Jeong An’s neck.

It’s probably not sweating because it’s hot.

‘Oh my god… It’s not enough to handle such a huge soldier like a quick sword, and he’s pouring out such a complicated firing technique in that split second. ‘And at every moment!’

Jeongan was greatly shocked.

In her eyes, the age or appearance of the young man swinging the axe was not visible. The power radiated by the axe, the softness contained within that power, and the unimaginable Balgyeong technique contained in the gentle flow were completely captivating to her.

How much time has passed like that?


It didn’t stop gradually, but at some point it just stopped. The sudden braking caused the air to explode, creating a tremendous roar.

“As expected, it doesn’t seem to be working yet.”

The voice that came out calmly shook Jeongan’s head.

“It’s absolutely not enough. The formula is plausible, but Jinki is still following the movement. “The will must lead the True Qi, and the True Qi must lead the form, but since it cannot reach the ultimate intention of martial arts, the Will and the inner energy will lose their way, wander, scream, and disappear.”

Yeon Ho-jeong turned his head and looked at Jeong-an.

I didn’t even look at Hwaun’s side. His eyes were only fixed on her.

“Don’t you think so?”


“Or did you seem to be lacking more than I thought?”

Jeongan opened his mouth as if he was possessed.

“Far from being insufficient, it seems like too much.”


Yeon Ho-jeong smiled bitterly.

“It’s a shame.”

“Why is that so?”

“I hoped there would be one stronger than me between the two of you. Also, before today’s conversation, I hoped that both of you were passionate people who could look at martial arts purely. But…”

Yeon Ho-jeong glanced at Hwa-un.

“No matter how I look at it, it seems like the two swords have not reached my axe, and one of them is even bound by inner life and desire, not martial arts and enlightenment.”


“Anyway, I was rude from the first day. “I apologize.”

Yeon Ho-jeong, who had taken control of the Gwangryongbu, took power with great restraint.

“I am Yeon Ho-jeong, leader of the Murim League’s remaining troops. Meet the distinguished guests from Bothaam. “Let’s go inside…”

At that time, Jeongan took a step forward and said.

“Shall we try it?”


“Would you like to check whether my sword reached your axe or not?”

Yeon Ho-jeong saw Hwa-un.

Hwaun’s face was noticeably stiff. He felt dissatisfied with Sajil, who was so preoccupied with martial arts that he did not ask for his opinion.

The corners of Yeon Ho-jeong’s mouth rose.

I could immediately tell what kind of relationship the two people had just by looking at their eyes, words, actions, and prayers.

“Then, would you like to lightly mix it with your hands, thinking of it as an appetizer that will enrich the conversation?”



Jeong-an rushed at Yeon Ho-jeong without even looking back.

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not work with dark mode