Dark and Light Martial Emperor Chapter 373

Episode 373

Yugun’s sortie (3)

The sight of Mo Yong-wu, unsheathing the Tangma great sword, sinking it into the ground, and placing both hands on the handle, gave off the appearance of a great general of a nation.

Heavy armor that tightly covers the entire body.

But it was not ordinary heavy armor. Unlike other armors, the heavy armor used by the Tangma Army was improved to fit the martial arts dragon, so the joints were soft, so there were no restrictions on movement, and each part could be attached and detached.

However, he was not dressed in uniform. All of Tangma’s army, including Mo Yong-wu, were dressed to go on a campaign.

And it was the same for the Mortal Army.

Mo Yong-woo looked up at the sky.

“The wind is nice.”

The cold winter had passed and now spring was in full swing. It was the perfect season to take a step toward a new beginning.

Mo Yong-woo, who was quietly looking up at the sky, closed his eyes.

‘older brother.’

He recalled his conversation with Prince Moyong.

‘sorry. They did this without saying a word.’

‘Are you talking about that fisherman? From the moment I came to my brother, I promised myself that I would humbly accept anything. ‘This is nothing.’

‘Still, I’m sorry. ‘I don’t feel good about having someone younger than you as my superior, no matter how far-sighted the decision may have been.’

‘it’s okay. As you know, Commander Yeon’s abilities are real. In other words, he is not a person I can embrace.’

‘Don’t say that. Of course, it is certainly true that Yeon Ho-jeong’s abilities are outstanding. But I don’t think you are worse than Yeon Ho-jeong.’

‘That’s too much praise.’

‘However, just as you have things that Yeon Ho-jeong does not have, Yeon Ho-jeong has many things that you do not have. Even though I’ve been fighting with him for a long time, he’s definitely a guy I can learn a lot from. ‘Stay with him and learn a lot.’

‘I will do so.’

‘And I have a special favor to ask of you.’

‘Please speak.’

‘As you know, Yeon Ho-jeong is the eldest son of Yeon Ga-ju. And the Yeongaju is building close relationships with the military and the Danggaju. From what I heard, Gong Gong Daesa and shaman Seung Hyeon-jin also seem to be looking at Commander Yeon with quite an admiration.’

‘He’s a worthy talent.’

‘Among the other six families, there are two that do not sharply conflict and remain neutral. Namgung and Pangaji. Among them, Namgung maintains a good relationship with me, but he has a child from the Paeng family under Yeonhojeong. Perhaps Pangaju will also be more concerned about that side than ours.’


‘I’m not talking about advantages and disadvantages in power. It means that a lot of information can go in there.’

‘Are you saying to steal information?’

‘There is no need to actively seize it. Yeon Ho-jeong is a quick-witted person. If you overdo it, you could be in danger, so just let me know what comes to your ears.’


‘why? Does it bother you?’

‘It would be a lie if I said no. Before I am a martial artist, I am a member of the Murim Alliance, and before I am a member, I am the commander of the Tangma Army. And now I am a member of the Tangma Murderer Joint Force.’

‘Before being a member of the Tangma Murderer Joint Force, he is also a member of the Moyong family.’


‘If it really bothers you, I won’t recommend it to you anymore.’

‘no. That’s just my opinion. It’s not difficult for me to tell you the information I heard.’

‘Thank you.’

‘You’re welcome. I just hope this will help my brother become a leader.’

‘Of course. I never forgot my dream goal. But there’s just something that needs to be done before that.’

‘You’re talking about the three religions.’

‘Yes. The mere fact that lowly people other than me were targeting the midfield made me so angry that smoke came out of my ears. But no matter their origins, they have the power to inflame the central plains. No matter how important our dreams are, they cannot be more important than the work.’

‘That is correct. So, I also have something to tell you.’

‘What is it?’

‘Ink Dragon Club.’


‘I don’t like the fact that my brother joined hands with the Lord of the Ink Dragon. But if you’ve already got his hand, it would be best to use him as much as possible.’


‘However, I heard that an organization from the Three Religions provided great help in establishing the Mukryongbu.’

‘Yeah, I guess I’ll have to organize that part too.’

‘I haven’t seen it in person, but if the rumors are true, Ink Dragon Vice Lord Yang Chen is one of the most dangerous people in the river just because he is a member of the Holy Heaven Thirteen Seas. The Three Religions gave such a person power and authority and further allowed him to establish the Mukryongbu.’

‘They’ll think they took advantage of each other. Yang Cheon definitely thinks so.’

‘Yangcheon is free to think that way, but the important thing is that the Three Religions are a very capable and dangerous group.’


‘In order to bring the Inkryongbu solely under my brother’s command, conflict with the Three Churches in other areas is inevitable. If that happens, the fact that you joined hands with Yang Cheon may be revealed to the world.’


‘I think we need to sort out the three religions before fighting them.’

‘I have it in mind. But it won’t be easy.’

‘Of course I will. However, just because it is not an easy task, we cannot put it off forever.’


‘So, I suggest you. I hope that the target of this joint military expedition is fixed on Heukdo.’

‘Black sword? Are you saying we should attack the Mukryongbu side?’

‘That’s right.’

‘no! It’s too dangerous!’

‘I’m not asking for an invasion. However, the idea is to alert Yangcheon and provide a reason to bring him into our ranks.’


‘Here’s what I think. When you hit the black sword…’

At that time, a powerful energy wave spread from afar.

Mo Yong-woo opened his eyes.

“Power Alignment.”


The soldiers lined up straightened their posture again.

The sight of five hundred warriors wearing dark heavy armor and fifty warriors wearing light armor that emphasized mobility more than those in front of them was truly the most spectacular of all.


Yeon Ho-jeong sighed inwardly as he looked at them.

‘It’s stiff.’

Two Yu soldiers with different personalities suddenly merged into one.

The orders from above are absolute. Since the order has been given, it is natural that it must be carried out.

However, even though the two Yuguns had different personalities, they were very different.

In order for two units with distinctly different personalities to merge into one, a process of its own is required. It may have been the superior’s ability to make the process short and smooth, but it was still a very sudden order.

‘It was Prince Moyong who first suggested this. Regardless of his intentions, he also knows. ‘The power is stronger when united than when separated.’

Yeon Ho-jeong’s eyes deepened.

‘There must be no ulterior motive at all. He probably ordered his brother to do something. Using his life as bait, he drives snow into the enemy’s heart… This is truly a behavior worthy of Lord Moyong.’

Because she knows that, Yeon Ho-jeong cannot treat Mo Yong-woo carelessly. Of course, I didn’t intend to do that, and I wasn’t in the mood to do that.

‘But other than that, there will come a moment when the Yu army will also have to join forces to fight the three religions. What it means is that you should try to get it together from now on in preparation for that time.’

Yeon Ho-jeong smiled bitterly without realizing it.

‘Moyong-gun was also anxious.’

After a while, Yeon Ho-jeong climbed onto the podium. Mukbi, who came with him, stood behind Mo Yongwoo and looked up at Yeonhojeong.

Yeon Ho-jeong, who was looking down at the Yu soldiers who had become one with the Gwangryongbu on their shoulder blades, opened his mouth.

“There is a name given by the higher-ups.”

The faces of the soldiers who were looking up at Yeonhojeong with complicated feelings were filled with puzzlement. From the first word, what does that mean?

Yeon Ho-jeong said with a grin.

“They said they would call us the Righteous Army, a combination of the Tangma Army and the Immortal Army. Isn’t it fun? Isn’t it a classic name that makes you laugh? haha!”

Yeonhojeong may have said this as a joke, hoping to ease the tension among the soldiers.

But unfortunately, his non-joke joke failed miserably. It was the same during Yeonjipyeong, but he was a person who returned to the past after living for decades, and was even a person whose emotions were worn away by all kinds of wars. There was no way a joke like that would work.


The soldiers looked up at Yeonhojeong with embarrassed eyes.

And Yeon Ho-jeong, who saw those eyes, was also embarrassed.

He glanced at Mo Yong-wu and Muk-bi. The two sighed and shook their heads.

Yeon Ho-jeong smiled sheepishly.

“Yes, I acted uncharacteristically and only ruined the mood even more. “Let me just be myself.”


“From now on, we will move as one. “We, newly united, will be called the Uijeonggun, and the leader will be me.”

Yeon Ho-jeong looked around at Tang Ma-kun with coy eyes and said.

All of the Tang Ma Army maintained expressionless expressions, but even from a distance, the eyes of some of them were distorted.

“Some people will be embarrassed because it is so sudden, and some people will have their pride hurt. “I daresay that there will be some people who are so suspicious that they will chew on me behind my back.”

It was a fairly straightforward statement. At least that wasn’t what the captain had to say at the founding ceremony.

Yeon Ho-jeong spoke frankly.

“Whether I curse, lose motivation or anything else, I don’t care. “I don’t want to get involved, and even if I did, it would be meaningless.”


“I just want one thing from you. When given a command, react immediately as trained. “That is all.”

In an instant, Yeon Ho-jeong’s eyes changed.

“I have no confidence in giving you honor. But I am confident that I will not let him be killed. “That’s one thing I can promise.”


“Just disperse. “I had a hard time organizing things for no reason.”

Yeon Ho-jeong came down from the podium and spoke to Mo Yong-woo.

“Commander Moyong, would you like to disperse the soldiers and take a look at me for a moment?”

Mo Yong-woo took the reigns with moderation.

“I follow your orders.”

He turned and shouted.

“Everyone disperse. “There is no training today.”

Tang Ma relaxed his stance. A muttering sound spread among them who were closing their mouths.

At that time, Yeon Ho-jeong shouted.

“Lord of death!!”

There was a fearsome majesty in the loudly resounding voice.

The intimidating feeling of that shout was so great that it drowned out the murmuring.

All of the Tang Demon Army and the Immortal Army looked at Yan Haojeong nervously.

Yeon Ho-jeong’s face became distorted.

“Can’t you hear Commander Moyong’s orders? “I’m sure you heard the call to disperse, right?”


“React immediately to your superior’s orders. “In my absence, Commander Moyong is the supreme commander who can command the government army on my behalf and is the superior of all of you.”


“This is your first time, so please take a look. “If you show such an unseemly behavior again, I will severely punish all of you.”

The atmosphere in the training hall became tense due to the harsh threats.

Yeon Ho-jeong looked at Mo Yong-woo and nodded.

Mo Yong-woo shouted.

“Everyone disperse!”

Only then did the Tang Demon Army and the Mortal Death Army relax their posture and disperse.

Yeon Ho-jeong snorted.

“The children are missing.”

Mo Yong-woo, who came to his side, licked his lips and said.

“I’ve had a huge headache since broad daylight. Would you like a drink?”

“what? Creepy. Just do what you do.”

“Good. “Let Yeon-je buy the alcohol.”

“That’s so informal. “It’s missing.”


“let’s go.”

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