Dark and Light Martial Emperor Chapter 345

Episode 345

Union (5)

The divine law of the three men and women running through the Daebyeol Mountains was secret and fast.

The official glanced at Yeonhojeong.

Yeon Ho-jeong was running down the mountain path with a peaceful face. Although he had left behind his noisy Gyoryongswae for covert maneuvers, he proudly wore his Gwangryongbu on his shoulder.

Even though he was armed like that, I thought he was able to kill the enemy and run well. An ax of that size is subject to a great deal of air resistance, so it is just as bad for stealthy maneuvers as an iron chopper.


The official, who was quietly looking at Yeonhojeong, suddenly remembered something and asked.

“Where on earth did a guy like you come from?”

“What are you saying all of a sudden?”

Even though it was a speed that even a decent climax expert could barely keep up with with all his might, their expressions were full of composure.

“Wasn’t Byeoksan Yeonga well-versed in swordsmanship? But how did you end up carrying such a vicious object?”

Yeon Ho-jeong smiled.

“This is better for my temperament. “Just because you belong to a sword family doesn’t mean you have to only swing a sword.”

“What a funny guy. Not fitting in means not having talent. “If you don’t have talent, you should try to carry on your family’s tradition, even if it means shedding blood and sweat.”

“The party family may be like that, but the main family is not like that. “My father is strict about addition, but he is flexible in this area.”

“…You Yeon clans are truly a difficult people to understand.”

“In our opinion, the Tang clan is even stranger.”


Yeon Ho-jeong babbled in a voice so low that even the official could not hear. If I roughly interpret the meaning, it means ‘Ji starts talking first and makes a fuss.’ ‘Anyway, the Tang guys.’ etc. were said.

The party did not pay attention to Yeonhojeong’s mutterings. I couldn’t hear it in the first place and I didn’t want to hear it.

I just wanted to ask you this one thing.

“No matter how different family customs are, there are lines that must be followed.”

“That’s right.”

“A person who has not mastered the family’s traditional martial arts is not qualified to be a successor. “There’s no way a smart-ass guy like you wouldn’t know that, right?”

“I know.”

“if? “Are you saying that you learned Yeonga’s sword techniques without your father’s knowledge?”

“What are you looking at me for? Still, I am the eldest son of the Yeon family. “I know most of my family’s swordsmanship by heart.”


“However, I have never been able to properly transform it.”

The official frowned.

“Are you trying to joke with me now? “With a mentality like that, how can you say it’s your family’s heritage?”

“Isn’t there someone else besides me who has the right ties?”


“Rather, Jipyeong probably knows more about the Yeon clan’s sword techniques than I do. “Maybe he’s better than me when it comes to swordsmanship.”

A look of bewilderment appeared on the official’s face.

“What does that mean?”


“Are you really planning to give up the position of successor to your younger brother?”

Yeon Ho-jeong said with a sour face.

“Then did you think that a dog-baekjeong like me could take over as the heir of the family?”


“Even if he was well-versed in swordsmanship, an unqualified person should not continue the family line. Jipyeong is more suitable as the head of the main family than me.”

Yeon Ho-jeong stroked his chin.

“Jipyeong is better. Maybe he could become the best head of the family in the history of the family…”

“Are you serious?”


The official’s face was distorted in a way that was difficult to describe.

“I asked you if you were serious when you said you would give up the succession position to your younger brother.”

“Then why do you go to such lengths to lie?”


“Jipyeong will do well. “I have that much faith.”

“Are you saying you have no desire to be the head of the family?”

Yeon Ho-jeong snorted.

“If you become the head of a samurai family, who will give you money? Or does your martial arts skills increase just by playing around? Or is it just that heaven will take care of it?”

Holy crap.

The party was so dumbfounded that they couldn’t even open their mouths.

Yeon Ho-jeong continued speaking in a monotonous voice. His voice sounded leisurely at first glance.

“I do not look down on my position as the head of a family. No, I think it’s actually amazing. That’s why I say Jipyeong is better than me.”

“Are you saying you have no desire to sit in that great seat?”

These words were meaningless to Yeon Ho-jeong, who, as the lord of Heukje Castle, had already commanded tens of thousands of Black Island factions.

And that’s why Yeon Ho-jeong knew. What it means to be the head of an organization.

Perhaps, as the official said, it may have been more difficult and valuable to become the head of the Byeoksan Love House rather than the head of the Heukje Castle.

Yeon Ho-jeong said with a bitter smile.

“I am a person who knows my subject. It is impossible to become the head of a family, let alone the head of a group of scoundrels. “I think it would be more comfortable to aim for the best in the world.”

The official’s eyes sparkled.

“Is your dream to be the best person in the world?”

“Becoming the strongest martial artist in the world. That would also be meaningful. Because it’s special. In fact, people who do not know the compatibility between martial arts and actual fighting will not know that the true best in the world can never exist.”


“That’s just the way it is. “To me, it seems easier to aim for the top in the world than to become the head of a prestigious organization.”

If you listen carefully, you could hear that he is truly an arrogant person.

But that was Yeon Ho-jeong’s sincerity.

Heukjesung was not an organization created with purpose. As he made his way through the bloody chaos, the strong gathered by his side, and the organization he created to rule the Black Island with them and engage in a fierce battle against the world was called Heukjeseong.

Of course, Yeonhojeong also grew greatly in the process. I don’t know how much I learned about the knowledge and responsibility that a leader of an organization must have.

But that’s it.

This was only possible because he was a black swordsman whose greatest virtue was strength. Yeon Ho-jeong truly thought so.

So he thought that he was absolutely not suitable for the position of head of the Yeon family.

If he becomes the head of the family, he will turn into an extremely arrogant fighting organization, no different from the current Sicheondang family.

“What a funny guy. “I don’t know whether to call him the most greedy person in the world or a half-hearted idiot with no ambition.”

“It doesn’t matter what you call me. Whatever it is, my opinion that Jipyeong is more suited to the position of head of the main family remains unchanged.”

Tang Gwan’s eyes deepened.

“How can that be?”

“What do you mean?”

“Brother is just a word that defines a relationship. You are just a competitor you face for the first time in this bloody world. “Your temperament is not normal, so what do you owe your younger brother to give in like that?”


Yeon Ho-jeong’s smile became bitter.

It was an expression that seemed to have a story, so much so that even the party official, who had been scathing at him harshly, kept his mouth shut the moment he saw his smile.

“I didn’t know that.”


“I didn’t know that before being the first competitor I encountered in this world, I was the object of affection that I should protect, cherish, and even hope would surpass me.”


“For once, I hated my brother, who I should have cared for. So, I just want to do a few times better than that.”


“Well, that’s how I feel, but it wasn’t easy at all. Because I’m so busy. “Maybe being busy is just an excuse.”

The official shook his head.

“I really don’t know you.”

“That’s right. “I don’t understand myself sometimes.”

“I understand one thing. “You’re half crazy.”

Yeon Ho-jeong chuckled.

“Isn’t this a world where you have to be crazy to survive? Lol.”

“Don’t laugh.”


“What is that undignified sound?”

“You can’t grab hold of the Lord of the Tang Family of the world, right?”

“Crazy guy.”

“I know.”

How long did it run like that?


The official’s eyes deepened.

He looked back at Yeonhojeong. Yeon Ho-jeong nodded silently.


The three people went down the mountain path twice as fast as before.

After a while, a full statue appeared from behind a large rock.

“Do you see it?”

The place where Full Sang’s gaze was directed was a huge forest surrounded by trees that had not yet budded.

The corner of the official’s mouth rose.

“Are you there?”

“That’s right. “I checked the area and found that he had not moved from there yet.”

The official saw Yeonhojeong.

“Then I am sure. “He is expected to be a high-ranking official at the level of Provincial Commanding Officer or higher, so he must be from the Shinhwa Church.”



“Why are you doing that?”


The hotel didn’t bother to say anything. How gorgeously your eyes are burning right now.

Yeon Ho-jeong asked Gaeun-sang.

“First, we must cut off Henan Province. “I trust you know what I mean.”

“Of course. However, once this operation begins, the Shinhwa Church will be put on alert in some way. Furthermore, even the imperial palace and government offices.”

“I know.”

“Rather than cutting off Henan Province first, we must finish everything within Henan Province.”

“Don’t worry.”

Full-sang nodded.

“Yeon Gongja and Muk Sojeo. “I wish you good luck.”

Yeon Ho-jeong, who showed respect with his gun, looked at the party hall.

“I’ll go first.”


“Perhaps. Even if it’s just one thing, it’s too much…”

“It’s noisy. It won’t happen like you think. “Go now.”

Yeon Ho-jeong grinned.

“All right. Then we will wait for news of victory.”


Just like that, Yeon Ho-jeong and Muk-bi raced west along the road below the mountain.

It turned out that the new law so far was not the best. The man and woman were running at a faster speed than when they came here, and before they knew it, the two people had disappeared into the darkness, and their movements were so fast that they were tongue-in-cheek.

Full-sang took a deep breath.

“You can start when the head of the family wants.”

The corner of the official’s mouth rose.

“Why are you procrastinating just because it’s such a big deal? “I have to get rid of it quickly.”

* * *

It was better to go out into the yard and look up at the sky than to stay in the base. The tree branches were so dense that he couldn’t even see them clearly, but Yorei’s eyes looked through the gaps between the countless tree branches and saw a sky full of stars.


White steam rose from the lightly exhaled breath.

“There is definitely something special about the cold in the midfield. “It’s completely different from the cool, desolate atmosphere of my hometown.”

Ugh. Ugh.

The pupil of the fairy light emitted a faint red light.

“Actually, I was planning on staying for a few days, so I thought I might get some sleep.”

There was no one around. Nevertheless, he continued speaking in a calm voice, as if he was talking to someone.

“But it felt a bit strange. It’s hard to pinpoint, but it felt like something interesting was going to happen. “That’s why I was wandering around here without sleep or anything to do.”

Yo-rei slowly closed his eyes and slowly lifted his eyelids again.

His magical eyes turned red like blood.

“As expected, my intuition was right. “I never thought such a fun toy would appear.”

Where he looks.

Far away, beyond the bushes, a middle-aged man wearing dark green clothes was approaching with arrogant steps.


A smile spread across Liao Lei’s lips.

“It’s a unique prayer. I must have engraved at least three names on the world. “What is it?”

The middle-aged man’s answer was overwhelming.

“It’s a pity that your name has two letters. It’s a name you’ll soon forget anyway, so I advise you to at least try to run away while you have time to worry about useless things.”

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