Dark and Light Martial Emperor Chapter 334

Episode 334

Aim for the brightness (2)


Mo Yong-woo leaned back in his chair.

“Today has been another day like this.”

Tang Ma’s training is quite difficult.

Aside from everything else, the number of people is only 500. It took a lot of mental strength to guide that many soldiers in detail. Even if the leaders of each group help, it is not easy to control the training without a leader.

Of course, I’m used to it now, but that doesn’t make it any less difficult. They are literally just getting used to it, and soldiers develop quickly, so appropriate training must be considered at every moment.

‘Now we also have to start training in Jinbeom.’

I heard a rumor that the Mortal Army is devoting itself to training.

‘The army of immortals has the daughter of the Zhuge Dynasty as a soldier. It is said that the Jinbeop was also dismantled and improved by the Zhuge Dynasty to suit the characteristics of the Mortal Army. As Sega’s strategy is taught directly by Sega’s master, the speed of conversion will be fast.’

Mo Yong-woo stroked his chin.

‘He is a person with an excellent understanding of Jinbeop… Would it be possible to find someone like him outside of Zhuge Ce’s side? ‘You will need training in a different way than the Mortal Army.’

The characteristics of the Tang Demon Army and the Mortal Death Army are completely different.

The Mortal Army is small in number and its soldiers have clear martial arts characteristics, so they are good at urban warfare and infiltration warfare, and can also play the role of an advance guard.

On the other hand, the Tangma Army is a group of 500 men and is armed with heavy armor. Therefore, battles that require mobility are somewhat difficult, but they can be said to be a powerful unit specialized in full-scale large-scale battles on the plains.

Of course, training in Jin method is more necessary for the Tang Demon army than for the Mortal Death army. In particular, since the groups are divided, each group needs a lineup that suits its individual characteristics and must also have a large lineup that is easy to use when combined.

“Whoa, my head hurts.”

At that time, a playful voice was heard from the window.

“why? “Is something bothering you?”

Mo Yong-woo smiled. I had already felt Yeonhojeong’s presence a little while ago.

“Why do you leave the door open and come in through the window?”

“It’s late at night. “No one will see it, but I’m scared that someone will misunderstand me.”


Mo Yong-woo turned his head to the window. Before I knew it, Yeon Ho-jeong was sitting cross-legged on the window railing.

“Come in and sit down.”


Yeon Ho-jeong, sitting on the soft chair across from Mo Yong-woo, smiled and tapped the armrest.

“It’s really good, isn’t it? Do you think there’s a lot of budget? “It’s a luxury product, a luxury product.”

“My brother gave it to me as a gift.”

“It’s big too.”

Mo Yong-woo smiled and looked at Yeon Ho-jeong.

“Are you finished with today’s work?”

“What else is there to do but finish it? “I got some rest today.”

“Good job. Yeon-je has lived a very busy life so far. “If you keep running without stopping, there will definitely come a time when you get tired.”

Yeon Ho-jeong, smiling, asked in a passing tone.

“Anyway, do you have any concerns? “Why is my head shaking all of a sudden?”

Mo Yong-woo quenched his appetite.

“Because of Tang Ma’s training.”

“why? Didn’t you listen? It’s not bad to hit your feet once in a while if you don’t listen to what you say…”

“It’s not like that. They are doing so well. Rather, there are many times when I feel that my capabilities are lacking.”

“How humble.”

“I’m serious.”

“But why are you training Tangma-kun? “You can just do it as usual, right?”

“It’s because of the rules.”

Interest arose on Yeon Ho-jeong’s face.

“Tangma-kun is also slowly starting his training in Jin method?”

“That’s right. “I heard through the rumor that the Forever Army’s training was very successful, but is that really true?”

Yeon Ho-jeong shrugged his shoulders.

“I missed out on the training. “I don’t know how they trained after leaving it up to Ah-yeon and Muk-bi.”

“It’s like a series.”

“I just tried it once. Earnestly.”

Mo Yong-woo’s eyes sparkled.

“How was it?”

“It was outrageous. “Under the assumption that both sides decided to fight together, it seemed like they would be destroyed without even being able to inflict any significant damage.”

There was surprise on Mo Yong-woo’s face.

“You mean Yeonje’s martial arts skills?”

He was one of the few people who knew how strong Yeon Ho-jeong was.

It wasn’t just that he was strong in martial arts. The reason Yeon Ho-jeong is truly amazing is because he uses his martial arts skills more efficiently than anyone else.

Extreme practical skills and unguarded personality.

It may be a hasty statement, but Yeonhojeong’s combat ability is enough to be considered the best in the central region. Of course, that and the strength of martial arts are different.

Yeon Ho-jeong shook his head.

“It was scary. It wasn’t just a matter of forming a formation and moving around. It feels like organically connecting each other’s true energy and amplifying the true spirit itself. “It can bounce off most attacks just by its momentum alone.”

It’s quite an attack, but if you’re an expert like Yeon Ho-jeong, even a casual attack can be fatal. If such attacks could be repelled with momentum alone, it could indeed be said to be a great strategy.

“That’s amazing. “The Mortal Army has developed even further.”

“It’s all thanks to meeting good people. Soldiers are also very thirsty for strength.”

Yeon Ho-jeong tilted his head.

“Anyway, if you’re worried about the starting method, you can just bring the Mo Yong family’s starting method, right?”

Mo Yong-woo shook his head.

“It’s not like I haven’t even thought about it. But that still wouldn’t work.”

“why? “I’m afraid Mr. Moyong will give permission.”

“Is that possible? Rather, you would welcome it. “You may think that the power of Tangmagun can be used as the real power of the Moyong family.”

“Well, that’s right. So, are you saying that the reason you are not teaching the military of the Murong family to the Tang Ma army is because you are concerned that the Tang Ma army will become a private army of the Murong army?”

“There is that reason, and crucially, I thought that the Tangma army needed a strategy befitting the Tangma army. At least, among the main family’s formations that I know of, there is none that is suitable for Lord Tangma.”

Yeon Ho-jeong chuckled.

“How can there be a strategy that is right from the beginning? “Even if it’s a little tight or a little loose, you adjust it little by little.”

“Yeonje is right. However, the main family’s method and the characteristics of Tang Ma’s army are very different.”


Yeon Ho-jeong stroked his chin.

“Shall we ask A-yeon to come up with a strategy that suits Tang Ma-kun?”

Mo Yong-woo’s eyes widened.

“Is that possible?”

“Please, there’s nothing I can’t do. Of course, whether or not it can actually be made is entirely up to Zinc’s ability.”


“how is it? Shall I tell you?”

Mo Yong-woo smiled.

“It’s okay. “I will find out this way.”

“You have great confidence, don’t you?”

“Rather than confidence, I think that’s natural. Besides, your relationship with me shouldn’t be known to other people. “If Zhuge Xiaozhe helps us, there is a possibility that various rumors will arise.”

“Well, that’s true too.”

Yeon Ho-jeong nodded.

“Except for Zhuge Sega, let’s find someone who is skilled in Jinbeop. “It may take some time, though.”

“I already feel reassured knowing that Yeonje will help me.”

Yeon Ho-jeong smiled.

‘You’re much calmer than before.’

Growth is not just about becoming stronger in martial arts or becoming more knowledgeable.

Changing your mindset differently to suit your environment. That too is one aspect of growth. In that sense, it can be said that Mo Yong-woo has taken another step forward.

“Well, that aside.”

Mo Yong-woo asked with a puzzled look.

“What brings you here at this hour? Of course, it’s nice to see the series.”

Yeon Ho-jeong quenched his appetite.

“Well, there’s no need to say anything. “I’ll ask you straight.”


“Could it be possible to remove soldier Tang Sang-ah from the Tang Ma army?”

Mo Yong-woo’s eyes widened.

“Our soldiers?”


“why? Is something happening?”

Yeon Ho-jeong scratched his head.

“It’s not so much what happened… well, it’s hard to explain with my own words.”

“Tell me. If you want to withdraw, shouldn’t you at least know the reason?”

“You know the head of the family, right?”

“Of course.”

“It seems like the head of the family wants to educate his daughter properly.”


“You know things weren’t going well between you two, right?”

“Ah yes. Because of that, soldier Tang Sang-ah suffered a lot.”

“My father worked hard in the middle. Thanks to this, the relationship between father and daughter has become quite cordial now. “I think we understand each other well.”

“That’s a good thing.”

“I don’t know what the head of the party is thinking. However, even now, I want to give my daughter a proper education, but the commander has a strong influence in Tangma Murderer’s Yu army unit, right?”


“So he asked me to do it. “I am also the commander of the same unit, and in any case, I am the one who semi-forced the party’s soldiers to join the army.”

Mo Yong-woo chuckled.

“It was really absurd.”

“You didn’t reject me either.”

“How can I refuse when you push me like that?”

“Sniff, that’s a good thing to say.”


Mo Yong-woo, with his back buried in the chair, was lost in thought.

After a while.

“Looking at the Tangma Army as a whole, there will not be a big problem if the Tang soldiers withdraw. In fact, if I were to withdraw, now would be the right time, before I start training for Jinbeop.”

“That’s a good thing.”

“Also, as Yeonje said, there will be no problem in withdrawing from the military unit due to the nature of the military unit where the military commander has strong influence. But…”

Mo Yong-woo’s eyes lit up.

“If the parties involved don’t want it, I don’t want to make them withdraw, no matter how much Yeonje asks. “What is more important than anything else is the individual’s will.”

Yeon Ho-jeong nodded.

“I also have no intention of forcefully forcing them to withdraw. As my brother said, one’s own opinion is probably the most important thing.”

“Thank you for understanding.”

“no. “I’m sorry I felt like I was asking an unreasonable request.”

“Haha, I think it’s been quite a while since the words sorry came out of Yeonje’s mouth.”

“is it?”

Yeon Ho-jeong stood up.

Mo Yong-woo said with a somewhat sad expression.

“Are you leaving already? “It’s been a while since we last met. Shouldn’t we at least have a drink?”

“I have to tell this to the head of the family. And I have a prior contract. It’s still late. “I think if it’s too late, I might get hit by an arrow.”

“It’s a shame. If you do, I’ll give you some time soon. “I will forget my brother’s face.”

“I’m going to kill you.”

Yeon Ho-jeong smiled and went to the window.

But even for a moment.

“Is everything going well?”


“Moyongse’s side. “You said you would take care of it, so you must be doing well.”

Mo Yong-woo chuckled.

“Are you worried?”

“I hope you think of it as simple curiosity rather than concern.”

“There is nothing worth mentioning yet. “I think you can rest assured for the time being.”

“I’m glad.”

“ah! But…”

Yeon Ho-jeong’s eyes lit up.

“why? Is there something wrong with you?”

Mo Yong-woo’s face became serious.

“Rather than saying I got caught… I guess I was feeling uncomfortable because I got caught.”

“What’s going on?”

“The lotus flower has started to move.”


“Brother scolded Yeonhwa quite loudly the other day. “After that, he was confining himself at home and had a private meeting with his brother today.”

Yeon Ho-jeong’s eyes grew cold.

“A conversation with the Inkryongbu would definitely have taken place.”

“I think so. But that’s not what bothered me.”


“Something… It’s hard to understand, but it feels strange. “If you think about it calmly, there’s nothing strange about it, but I feel like they’re plotting something.”

“It smells?”

“okay. “It stinks.”

Yeon Ho-jeong stroked his chin.

“The father and daughter met today… I’m sure the story from the Mukryongbu side came out… hmm.”

He smiled.

In that cool smile, the madness of the Emperor of Darkness, which had not yet completely disappeared, was slowly coming to life.

“I guess I have to be indebted to the beggar one more time.”

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not work with dark mode