Dark and Light Martial Emperor Chapter 306

Episode 306

There is only one answer (6)

Yeon Ho-jeong sighed softly as he came out of Prince Moyong’s residence.

Kang Ryang asked.

“Are you okay?”

“Is there anything I’m not okay with?”

“What were you talking about so passionately? “There was a real uproar at the sound of something being filmed in a loud voice.”

“Could you hear it from outside?”

“It sounded bloody good.”

Yeon Ho-jeong chuckled.

“It wasn’t much of a story. “It made the old fox a little angry.”

Kang-ryang said with a worried face.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about, but you really have a strong heart. Still, the opponent is the Murim League Fonggong, so is it okay to be so angry?”

“The current Prince Moyong can never move carelessly.”

“Why is that so?”

“Right now, all that human eyes can see is the main throne.”

The reason why Yeon Ho-jeong stimulated Mo Yong-gun more than he should, of course, was to see his reaction.

And he was more common sense and calm than expected. This is not because he is looking after Yeon Ho-jeong, but because he is improving his own impression.

You will never do anything that stands out. At least in front of himself and his subordinates.

‘This is such a bad thing to do.’

In the meantime, every time I bumped into Prince Moyong, there was a reason.

But not now.

For the past few months, Moyong County has been very quiet. The point is that he didn’t do anything to get caught.

This was also the reason why the two had not met before. If something had happened, either Yeonhojeong or Moyonggun would have definitely moved.

In other words, it was as if Yeon Ho-jeong had slapped Prince Mo Yong in the middle of nowhere and run away.

‘He must have been quite upset. But still, I can’t move hastily. ‘You’ll never do anything that stands out.’


‘The story of capturing the informant of the Ink Dragon Club can never be passed over for nothing. The moment they are sent to prison, they will make every effort to kill that informant.’

Still, it won’t be easy to kill. If you move hastily, all the attention that was directed at the informant will return to Prince Moyong.

It is clear that one of two actions will be taken: either have someone you never associate with or approach them cautiously.


Yeon Ho-jeong’s eyes deepened.

‘If there is no response even though I said I was an informant, how should I understand it?’

Yeon Ho-jeong was convinced that Prince Moyong had joined hands with Yang Cheon.

But there was no physical evidence. In the worst case, all of this could have been Yeon Ho-jeong’s illusion.

Yeon Ho-jeong shook his head.

‘Let’s not be shaken. A person’s actions are bound to have intentions. After reading the intention and eliminating the illogical situations one by one, in the end only one obvious fact remains.’

That obvious fact is the truth and the answer.

You should not blindly believe in one assumption, but proceed with your work with enough faith to serve as an indicator. That way, you won’t be swayed by random reactions as you proceed with your work.

‘If you wait anyway, the answer will come out.’

The reason I intentionally let him know that I was going to work on a public ambassador was because I wanted Prince Moyong to move carefully.

If he moves carefully, he will definitely approach from the Mukryongbu side in the future. If you read it just at that moment, you can send Moyong-gun into the abyss.

‘Now you can hand this over to the soldier. I have to look elsewhere.’

Yeon Ho-jeong looked around at Mo Yong-gun’s residence.

‘One of Moyonggun’s two sponsors must belong to the same faction.’

I won’t use both. It was a similar problem to the one in which the party appointed one of its sponsors as a Western priestess.

However, he had no choice but to register as a sponsor a party member who would help him anyway. Because I have to pay attention to what the public thinks.

‘One of Moyonggun’s sponsors must be connected to the Mukryongbu.’

Of course, we don’t know who that will be yet.

In that case, we must first shake up Moyonggun’s faction.

It was a time when Yeon Ho-jeong continued to think for a while.

“older brother.”


Kang-ryang scratched his head.

“But. Why did you bring me here? “You didn’t even let me inside.”

Yeon Ho-jeong smiled.

“I’m going to use you for a bit. “Moyong-gun needs to read your energy to increase the chances that my lie will work.”

“Oh, is that so?”

“why? “Do you feel bad that you brought me here to expand your horizons, but now you feel like you’ve been used as a consumable?”

Kang-ryang chuckled.

“What am I? “It’s not a child and I don’t feel bad about it.”


“I’m just curious.”


“Using others to eliminate political opponents is close to street murder.”

“yes? “It’s a bit of a monster because it’s not easy to kill.”

“If you’re going to do that, why don’t you use me properly?”


Yeon Ho-jeong blinked.

Kangryang smiled without realizing it, seeing how innocent he looked, which was unusual for him.

“Do you want to use it properly? “What does that mean?”

“After all, am I not a prosecutor from the Black Island?”


“If you were planning to make me feel my spirit, I can assume that the head of the Moyong family also knew my origins, right?”

“uh. “It was all exposed?”

“Then this rumor will soon become known to the entire leadership.”

“Not only the leadership but also the outer castle may become known. So what do you want to say?”

“Regardless of whether he actually knows it or not, anyone who is the successor to the Guicheolgeommun would be considered to be well-versed in the Black Island martial arts.”


“Can’t you just tell me that you will send me to Ganja to the Mukryongbu? “It’s in the name of checking to see if there is anyone who has joined hands with a member of the Murim Alliance.”


Yeon Ho-jeong’s face hardened.


I never even thought of this method.

Kang Ryang whetted his appetite.

“Of course I know. That I am not trustworthy. Actually, even though I think about it, I don’t know if I can do Ganja work properly. “I’m not good at deceiving people by nature.”


“But isn’t the important thing not to actually send me, but to make the leaders aware of the ‘trust’ that they can send me and find out? “I also keep an eye on Moyong-gun’s movements.”

Yeon Ho-jeong’s face was filled with surprise.

“How did you come up with all that?”

Kang-ryang shook his head.

“I heard that the head of the Moyong family is an old fox? “The old fox is a monster and will not come out of its den if a pack of wolves surrounds it.”


“To get him to come out of his den, you have to make him think that it’s safer outside than inside.”

“This b*stard is crazy?”


Yeon Ho-jeong looked at Kang Ryang with admiring eyes.

“You know how to use your head too, right?”


“But that’s not possible.”


I thought I had finally paid for the meal, but they said they would not accept this offer. There was a look of puzzlement on Kang Ryang’s face.

Yeon Ho-jeong smiled and shook his head.

“Obviously, that method is a very attractive method considering the headaches that will arise in the future. “Maybe it’s the easiest and surest way to protect Moyong-gun in the current situation.”

“That’s right. So…”

“But you are dangerous.”


“I have no intention of sending my people to death even though there are other, safer ways.”

Kang Ryang’s face hardened.

“older brother. “I don’t know what you think of me, but I’m also a guy who risks his life with a sword.”

“know. “I know, but there’s nothing more ridiculous than risking your life for something that doesn’t need to be done.”


“Of course, if your martial arts skills and ability to judge situations were as good as mine, you would have thought about it at least once. “I wouldn’t have used that method though.”

“Why is that so? “Is it simply because you are friends with my brother?”

“That’s true too, but that’s because it’s the line I drew.”

“A line?”

Yeon Ho-jeong filed a complaint.

Ever since Kang Ryang met Yeon Ho-jeong, he had never seen her so bitter.

“Do you think that the political fight I have waged so far has been a fair fight?”


“Most of what I have done so far has been a trickster, deceiving the other person, exploiting their weaknesses, and making even the truth look like a lie.”

“older brother.”

“If you do something like that over and over again, you start to think like this at least once.”

Yeon Ho-jeong looked up at the sky.

“How deep into the abyss will I fall?”

The river gave strength to my eyes.

“It is about eliminating political opponents for the sake of the Murim League and the world. There is no need to set limits there….”

“What if you eliminate the static like that? “In a clean world, if I wash my hands, which are covered in mud and blood, the musty smell will disappear completely?”


“I don’t know what you think, but if I can, I want to eliminate the enemy without my people having to see blood. “If I use my people to get rid of my enemies just because the method is easy, then in the future I will become a real monster that I cannot even control.”


“I came back home after a difficult time. “I don’t want to disappoint my precious people.”

Yeon Ho-jeong patted Kang Ryang’s shoulder.

“Anyway, thank you for even considering risking your life for us. “I will gratefully accept that friendship.”

“older brother.”

“Even if things go wrong in the future, I won’t regret not using this method. “Because that was my choice.”

Kang-ryang sighed.

“But the situation is too complicated, isn’t it? “If the Moyong family joined hands with the Mukryongbu, the entire Murim Alliance would be shaken even if they did not become the leader.”

Yeon Ho-jeong burst out laughing without realizing it.

“It’s really funny when you say that. Hey, is the little master of Gwicheolgeommun worried about the Murimmaeng?”

“I’m serious.”

“I know, man. Well, it’s exactly as you said. The situation is complicated, but nothing has been properly resolved. Rather, I feel like I am falling further and further into the quagmire rather than being able to resolve anything that has become twisted and twisted.”

“That’s right.”


Yeon Ho-jeong looked south. This was where Ki Woo-hee’s residence was located.

“The answer will always come. Trying to avoid multiple answers and end up with only one complete result. That alone makes this dirty trick have its own charm.”


“We’ve roughly gathered some firewood, so now let’s throw a spark. Do you know anything? “That ember will not only catch fire in the furnace, but may even cause a forest fire.”

* * *


Moyong opened his eyes.

“An urgent meeting was held. “A letter has arrived asking all servants to attend immediately.”



“That’s interesting.”


A cool smile appeared on Mo Yong’s lips.

‘You’re an informant of the Ink Dragon Club? Nonsense. If I was going to send an informant, Yang Chen would have contacted me first. There’s no way a guy named Tuwang would shake hands like that, sending an informant without even kissing him in advance.’

In other words, there is a high probability that Yeon Ho-jeong’s words are false.

However, seeing as the Bonggong meeting was caught, it seems that they sent someone who could be mistaken as an informant of the Mukryongbu.

‘He’s probably my enemy that I don’t know about.’

The problem is how you should show up at the meeting.

‘I’ll have to push hard. Rather, so that Yeonhojeong’s name can come out.’

Just because you came out strong on the other side, there is no need to bow your head on this side.

That’s how Prince Moyong attended the Bonggong meeting.

But the situation was moving in a direction he had never imagined.

“We’re in big trouble!”

Zhuge Wenhu’s eyebrows twitched.

“This is the conference hall where all the public servants are gathered. “Why are you raising your voice like that?”

Jie Jjang, who suddenly burst into the conference room, swallowed his saliva.

“The prisoner has been assassinated!”


Everyone stood up in surprise.

“Currently, members of the resistance unit are moving to track the assassin! As a result of the tracking, the direction in which the assassin is currently fleeing is estimated to be south!”

Mo Yong-gun felt his eyesight turn dark for a moment.

It was as if Yeon Ho-jeong was whispering in his ear from an unseen place.

“You can never escape my hands.”

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not work with dark mode