Dark and Light Martial Emperor Chapter 274

Episode 274

Welcoming Guests (6)

When we got to the top floor, it was a complete chaos.

“Moyong Daehyeop! I’ll raise you a drink! Take it!”

“Oh no, I’m not Daehyup…”

“Moyong Daehyup! Try some of this! This is the most expensive snack on the base! It just came out! “I haven’t even lifted a finger yet!”


“Huh!” Are these people from the Army of Death and Death? “It says death on the breastplate?!”

“That’s true… No, that’s not true, we’re going to eat now…”

“Please join us! “We will treat you with the best!”

Like any other base, the top floor of this base could not be climbed without money.

Although it was a county quite far from Chengdu, it was a short distance from Hanam, and to the west was Yangyang, Yongzhong Mountain, the home of the Zhuge family. As it was a place visited by many wealthy people who did not like crowds, most of those on the top floor belonged to famous families or merchants.

Mo Yong-woo said in embarrassment.

“Thank you for your kindness, but we are in a situation where we need enough rest. “I hope you understand.”

Although his embarrassment was evident, his tone was strong in its own way. Combined with his unique good voice, he has the power to make people walk away on their own.

Soon, embarrassment appeared on the faces of the people who were making a fuss.

“A risk! Well, if you look at the fact that people who should be in the group have come all the way, it must be because they have something to do.”

“Do you feel like we were being a bit mean-spirited?”

“Because he was such a famous person, I was rude without realizing it. Please forgive me.”

Mo Yong-woo smiled.

“no. Rather, I apologize. “I’m just grateful that you all understand.”

People smiled embarrassedly and returned to their seats.

Yeonhojeong whistled softly.

‘It’s definitely different.’

Mo Yong-woo knows how to make people withdraw on their own, even without getting angry or using force.

It was a charm as a human being that Yeon Ho-jeong did not have. The nature that was unknown when he was oppressed in Zhejiang was awakened with a strong will to pioneer his own future, and was developing into a charm that leads people’s hearts.

Yeon Ho-jeong can’t do that. Because he was a person who had spent his entire life fighting, his quick and intuitive words and actions were ingrained in him as a habit.

‘As expected, I was good at seeing people.’

A person who can manipulate the crowd at will.

It is an innate talent that is more valuable than martial arts. Whether he becomes the Murim lord or the head of the Mo Yong family, Mo Yong-woo will be a great leader.

“Huh! older brother!”

Kang Ryang waved his hand.

No matter how fast he recovered, his wounds wouldn’t have completely healed, but I thought he was a really strong guy.

Yeon Ho-jeong waved his hand and approached the group.


“…Wall coral coop?”

“He is the commander of the Mortal Army!”

“The ax is enormous.”

Everyone looked at Yeon Ho-jeong and laughed.

It was completely different from when I dealt with Mo Yong-woo. In their eyes as they looked at Yeon Ho-jeong, there was a hint of fear in addition to envy.

If it was natural, it was natural. As he is a master of reversal and has lived through great battles, the atmosphere is different. In particular, when Yeon Ho-jeong appeared in Kangho, he was sharpening his blade so that he could respond to any surprise attack at any time, and was spewing out prayers like a natural blade.

Yeon Ho-jeong sat down.


When the Gwangryongbu was set up next to it, it made a bloody sound that resonated throughout the entire floor.

Mo Yong-woo said with a calm face.

“Did you have a good trip, Commander Yeon?”

It was in front of people. He was the one who called me by his title in case any rumors started to spread.

Yeon Ho-jeong nodded.

“They say he is staying in Sanggo County, Gangxi Province. “I think we should rest here today and move a little faster starting tomorrow.”

“Well, was there anything unusual?”

“There was nothing personal unusual. However, it seems like they are having trouble because of the coalition of lawmakers.”

“A coalition of lawmakers?”

Yeon Ho-jeong briefly conveyed the information he heard to the branch manager.

Mo Yong-woo frowned.

“How can these people, whose business is fixing people’s bodies, act like petty people?”

“That’s right.”

Mukbi, who was eating somen, suddenly said.

“I guess I’ll get the job done.”

“hmm? “What do you mean by that, Director Mook?”

Mukbi pointed to Yeonhojeong with chopsticks.

“Even though it may seem like I don’t care about other people’s business, I’m the kind of person who can’t see that kind of thing. “I don’t know if they are going to destroy the Gangseo-seong assemblyman’s coalition.”

Yeon Ho-jeong snorted.

“Our mission is to safely escort the West Station Priestess to Maeng. “I’m not interested in anything else.”


“If you touch us, you won’t know.”

Mukbi chuckled.

“You know the practitioner, right? “It’s fate that fights will break out wherever we go.”

“I don’t know?”

“Then let’s check it this time.”

“It seems like you really want a fight to break out?”

“That can’t be right.”

Mukbi stuck out his tongue.

Yeon Ho-jeong said coldly.

“There was somen residue on my tongue.”


Mukbi, with a red face, turned around and finished eating somen. It seemed like he was very hungry as he was eating deliciously.

Kang Ryang asked.

“But no matter what the alliance is, it’s a place where powerless lawmakers gather, so if you say it’s the Murim League’s business, I think they’ll immediately pull out, right?”

Mo Yong-woo shook his head.

“It’s not a simple matter to look at.”


“If it were a problem that could be solved through force, they wouldn’t have dared to do that. Moreover, we are a Baekdo political faction. “It’s hard to just tell people not to do that without clear evidence, as they might not know it if they touched it directly first.”

Kang-ryang scratched his head.

“Honestly, I don’t know why it’s so complicated.”


“There may be many political problems, but isn’t the greatest value of the White Path anyway, loyalty? “Patients are dying because of those guys, and politics and all, we need to punch them in the face first.”

Mo Yong-woo’s eyes widened.

“It is the greatest value of Baekdo….”

Kang-ryang shook his head.

“If something is wrong, we will correct it. Isn’t that what white people always say? Well, if I heard something like this, I would get so angry that I would go see him right away.”


Mo Yong-woo nodded.

“What Prosecutor Kang said is correct. “It looks like I’ve been exposed to a very bad light.”


“There are people suffering from illness, and that should have been the first thing we thought about. “It will not be too late to think about various political issues after they have occurred.”

Mo Yong-woo smiled.

“Thanks to Prosecutor Kang, I was able to reflect on myself. Thank you.”

“…Can I be thanked for something like this?”

Kangryang, feeling embarrassed for no reason, also stuck his nose into the bowl of somen noodles.

Yeon Ho-jeong chuckled.

“Sometimes you need to look at the world simply. What Kang Ryang said makes sense.”

Mo Yong-woo sighed.

“Looking at things like this, I feel like I still have a long way to go.”

“It’s more prudent than far-fetched. “I said you shouldn’t move carelessly, but Commander Moyong probably wouldn’t have tolerated those guys if they were in front of him.”


“But, as I said, our mission is to guard the Western Station Divine Maid. “Let’s consider mission as our top priority, regardless of the values of Baekdo or anything else.”

“Commander Yeon is right.”

“There was a lot of unnecessary talk. “Let’s eat first.”

Yeon Ho-jeong and Mo Yong-woo soon stuck their noses into the bowl of somen.

Omani dishes such as stir-fried vegetables and braised pork filled the table. They, who had only eaten beef jerky and dry food, gorged on dishes that they had tasted for the first time in a long time.

In particular, Kang-ryang ate a particularly large amount. Not surprisingly, a lot of nutrition was needed to heal a wounded body.

After feasting, the group went to their respective places to rest.

A time past midnight.

A cleanly washed Yeon Ho-jeong came out to the back garden and looked up at the sky.

“The moonlight is nice.”

Perhaps because it was a cold day, no one came out to volunteer.

There was still a lot of noise coming from the bases. Even though it was late, many people seemed to be enjoying a drink.

Yeon Ho-jeong smiled.

‘It smells like people.’

Every day, whether it was missions or training, I was keeping an eye on Moyong.

No matter how steel the frame was, it was impossible not to get tired. Of course, Yeon Ho-jeong’s mind and body were healthy, but there were times when he needed this kind of leisure.

Yeon Ho-jeong, who was quietly looking up at the sky, picked up the Gwangryongbu.

“Leisure time is a mess. “Let’s hit the ax one more time.”


Gwangryongbu let out a sleepy cry.

‘For the first time in a while, let’s try some herbivorous training.’

The place is too small to practice by holding each angle and pouring out all your inner energy. Of course, since his ability to control real energy was at a high level, he wouldn’t cause any damage to external objects, but he didn’t necessarily want to make a fuss.

‘It’s a dull sword.’

Suddenly, Yeo-guk came to mind.

He said that because he had been training with a dull sword for a while, his sword speed slowed down slightly. Although there was a risk of poor practicality, it was also evidence of complete immersion in blunt swords.

‘I’d like to try some dull sword training after a long time.’

A blunt sword was literally a slow sword.

Swinging a sword slowly may seem easy at first glance, but it takes tremendous effort and sincerity to train a dull sword to the point of perfection.

In order to freely use precision and change in sword intention, there is no better training than a dull sword. When the dull sword reaches its level, it is possible to subdue a thousand changes with one sword.

I was already aware of the martial arts principles, but a perfectly mastered martial arts skill can provide another enlightenment at an unexpected moment.

Yeon Ho-jeong held the Gwangryongbu with both hands and swung it.


The Gwangryongbu moved slowly.

Even if the speed is slow, it is too slow. Even the weight of the Gwangryongbu was over 80 pounds. Whether it’s strength or endurance, much more power is needed than swinging quickly.

How much time has passed like that?

Pop. Pop.

Yeon Ho-jeong’s body was drenched in sweat.

Even the winter east wind could not cool his body. In the first place, wielding an 80-pound heavy weapon is itself a miracle. Moving it this slowly and at a constant beat was difficult even if you were born with natural strength.

‘This is better than I thought.’

Yeon Ho-jeong let out a shout of joy inwardly.

‘The slower you slow down, the more the load on your muscles and joints increases exponentially. I knew that, but it works much better.’

Yeonhojeong’s martial arts is one-hit killing. Because the focus was on rushing in and killing the enemy in one blow, his strength was also good at producing explosive power.

However, as I practiced blunt sword training at a speed that made it seem as if I was moving, my strength quickly ran out.

‘Why didn’t I practice this sooner?’

The answer was clear. This is because there was no need to practice dull swords.

But not now. His strength, which had been trained to its limit, was about to advance to the next level thanks to blunt sword training.

‘Very good.’

Although her legs were shaking due to the tremendous pain, Yeon Ho-jeong had a smile of joy on her face.

‘With this, my body can become stronger.’

Is there anything more welcome than new stimulation coming to someone whose daily routine is training?

Yeon Ho-jeong, who had been training with a blunt sword for more than half an hour, sat down, breathing heavily.

“Huh! Huh! “Do you think this will become a habit?”

After repeating my breathing a dozen times, my shortness of breath soon subsided. Because my basic physical strength is so good, my breathing returns quickly.

“I guess I’ll have to do it tomorrow too.”

Yeon Ho-jeong stood up and placed the Gwangryongbu on his shoulder.

He looked at the large tree next to the base.

“Did you enjoy the sightseeing? “Are you going to come out now?”


The person who appeared as if he had been waiting was an elderly man who appeared to be in his fifties.

Yeon Ho-jeong’s eyes grew cold.


The elderly man spoke briefly.

“I meet the leader of Byeoksan, the leader of the Murim Alliance’s deadly army.”

“So who are you?”

“My name is Gayeokso, the head of the Hubei branch of the Medical God Association.”

Yeon Ho-jeong chuckled without realizing it.

Mukbi: You were right. I guess I was destined to be like this.

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not work with dark mode