Dark and Light Martial Emperor Chapter 266

Episode 266

Confession (4)

“Would you like to eat this?”

“Yes, Commander.”

“…it’s private right now.”

“All right.”

Mo Yong-woo filled Tang Sang-ah’s cup.

Tang Sang-ah emptied the glass as it was. In the first place, it seemed like he had no intention of pouring a drink for the other person.

Mo Yong-woo awkwardly filled his glass.

Tang Shang’er just sat quietly and looked at him. If I had had a drink, I would have poured it, but I didn’t say anything.

It was definitely a pretty embarrassing moment. However, Mo Yong-woo did not turn his head or drink to eliminate the awkwardness.

“Would you like another drink?”


Tang Sang-ah, who received the glass, did not drink first this time.

So the two people sat facing each other.

Mo Yong-woo opened his mouth.

“So, why did you ask me to buy you a drink?”

“I want to ask you something straightforward.”


“You know? “The two matriarchs wanted to pair us up.”

We brought up things that we both knew about but had never mentioned openly.

It was a bold attack. However, considering the age of the two people, it wasn’t that awkward.

Mo Yong-woo nodded.

“Of course I know.”

It was a calmer response than expected.

Tang Sang-ah smiled and said.

“It’s nice because it’s refreshing. Honestly, I thought you would be a little embarrassed.”

“I was embarrassed enough. “They just don’t want to vote.”

“You can pay for the ticket. “That’s not something to be embarrassed about.”

“Of course it is. “But I don’t easily show my sincerity to people who don’t accept me with my heart.”


As he said those words with a calm face, Tang Sang-ah felt his heart calming down.

“You are correct. It’s amazing. “You were a much stronger person than I thought.”

Mo Yong-woo smiled bitterly.

“I didn’t have time to get to know you, but anyway, I am the commander of the Tangma Army. “If you work with soldiers for that long, even a fool is bound to learn something.”

Tang Sang-ah smiled.

Her smile was very charming. Although it was a short period of time after experiencing what happened with his father, Dang Gwan, he seemed to have grown in his own way.

Although there was no definite opinion about that confident smile yet, the possibility of shining even brighter in the future was open.

“So you came to talk about that?”


Mo Yong-woo nodded.

“I think this is a conversation we should have had at some point.”

“that’s right. “That’s why I came.”

“So what do you want to ask?”

“What do you think about me?”

Mo Yong-woo smiled.

“I think he is a skilled soldier.”

It meant that she was not seen as a woman yet. It also meant that this state would remain as long as there was nothing to do with each other in the future.

Tang Sang-ah nodded.

“I also think of Commander Moyong as a superior with outstanding skills.”

“Thank you for the generous review.”

“I wonder what you think about our marriage.”

Mo Yong-woo rested his chin and was lost in thought.

It was a look that oozed seriousness. It wasn’t something I put together to show off.

Tang Sang-ah could tell just by looking at him. Mo Yong-woo’s character.

‘At least I’m not the kind of person who would lie in a situation like this.’

I evaluated it intentionally low, and that’s about it. Just looking at his personality, I could tell that he was a serious and upright man.

After a while, Mo Yong-woo opened his mouth.

“I don’t know if you think so too, but I am against marriage without affection.”

“is that so?”

“exactly. Some people may laugh at what I say and call it fattening. But you only live once, right? “I’m going to spend the next few decades with my life partner, but I can’t be with someone who doesn’t have affection for me.”


“Even though we live by giving for each other, I think I will regret it every day because I regret not being able to do more. “I don’t want to give the love and passion that I will spend my whole life to someone who has no love for me.”


“It may not be possible in the first place.”

These were words that clearly revealed Mo Yong-woo’s values.

He was always sincere to others. He was a person who drew the line when it came to relationships that weren’t sincere, and gave his all when it came to relationships that were sincere.

His personality was so naive that it was hard to believe he was the head of an organization. Tang Sang-ah was secretly surprised by Mo Yong-woo’s words and actions, which were much more serious than she expected.

Mo Yong-woo said with a smile.

“Did you get the answer?”


“I’m glad you were satisfied.”

Tang Sang-ah tilted her head.

“Aren’t you asking about me?”

“I was already going to ask. “What do you think about this marriage?”

“I would have felt a little sad if you hadn’t asked.”

“No way. I am also a man. “I can’t help but be curious about the other person.”

It was truly honest.

However, it is difficult to find someone who speaks so honestly in front of a woman. Dang Sang-ah liked Mo Yong-woo’s character.

“There is nothing better than being able to marry the man you have feelings for.”

“Of course I do.”

“But I think it’s ridiculous to just passively wait for your destined partner to appear.”

Mo Yong-woo’s eyes widened.


“Only I can take responsibility for my life. If so, we should actively pioneer it.”


“I’m going to look for it myself. The person who will be my spouse. So, if I like something, I will reach out without thinking about it.”

Tang Sang-ah smiled bitterly.

“It wasn’t until recently that I realized that patience isn’t everything.”


“I’ve spent my whole life holding back and suppressing it. I don’t want to do that anymore. The main character of my life can only be me. In that case, we should decorate the stage as splendidly as possible.”

You are a bold woman.

Mo Yong-woo was surprised by Tang Sang-ah’s change, but couldn’t help but admire it.

When I first saw Tang Sang-ah, she wasn’t like this. Rather, he was closer to the timid side, and was always busy looking out for people around him out of fear that he might cause harm.

She was no more. Although she still looked a little uneasy, the female leader who had set her own firm and unwavering principles was here.

“That’s why.”

Tang Sang-ah grinned like a prankster.

“First, I want to find out about the commander.”

Mo Yong-woo narrowed his eyes.

“Me me?”


“…Why did you think that?”

“Of course, I’m not a crazy person because I can’t find a partner. But people said that. “It is said that Mo Yong-wu, the commander of the Tangma Army, can be said to be the best soldier in the world.”

“This is ridiculous praise.”

“I don’t know if it’s excessive praise, but at least I know he’s a good person.”


“So I’m going to take a look. Is this person a good person? Then, if I develop feelings for the military commander, I may not decide back and forth.”

Mo Yong-woo’s face instantly turned red.

This level of boldness is scary. It is said that martial people are much more open-minded than ordinary civilians, but it is still difficult to find such people.

A female figure that is hard to find in the midfield. Tang Sang-ah’s appearance like that was very refreshing to Mo Yong-woo.

Tang Sang-ah burst out in laughter.

“You seem really embarrassed this time?”

“I was very embarrassed.”

“I just wanted to let you know my honest feelings. “I apologize if I was rude.”

“That is absurd. “Rather, I would like to emulate that honest side of Sojeo.”

“Commander Moyong is also honest.”

The conversation, which was full of tension, turned into quite amicable one.

“Anyway, can I ask you something?”

“What do you mean?”

Tang Sang-ah stroked her chin.

“What kind of relationship are you with Commander Yeon?”

Mo Yong-woo narrowed his eyes.

“How can you ask that?”

“I don’t know much about politics, but I think the Yeonga and Moyong families are in quite a sharp conflict. But I thought the relationship between the two of you was quite good the last time I saw you.”

“Did it look like that?”


Mo Yong-woo, who was quietly looking at Tang Sang-ah, spoke in a more subdued voice.

“There is no relationship yet. “I’m just trying to get closer.”

“Hmm, is that so?”


“…all right.”

Tang Sang-ah held out a glass.

“Please give me another drink.” “Ah, would you like me to follow you first this time?”

“I will accept it gratefully.”

Mo Yong-woo thought as he received the drink that Dang Sang-ah poured for him.

‘I should be more careful.’

I definitely felt like I was relaxed.

Of course, Tang Sang-ah’s eyes may be particularly sharp, but there are many people in the martial arts world who have better eyesight and quicker thinking than her.

‘Did he think he had no one to rely on? So, did you want to protect your relationship with Yeonje?’

I couldn’t figure that out.

The important thing is that if we continue to treat Yeon Ho-jeong like we are now, something could happen at any time.

Yeon Ho-jeong probably knew. Dang Sang-ah is not the kind of person who would spout nonsense to others. That’s probably why it’s still being left alone.

However, the line should not be crossed any further than this.

‘Just being careful won’t do it. I must be the subject. ‘You must live with the mindset that you are in charge rather than relying on someone else.’

Mo Yong-Woo kept an eye on Tang Sang-Ah.

I remembered what she said.

‘I can only be the main character in my life…’

I learned a lot from my conversation with her.

Mo Yong-woo, who was quietly looking at Tang Sang-ah, soon lowered his head.

“Thank you.”

“Eh? “Suddenly?”

“Thanks to you, I learned something big. “I can’t tell you, but if it weren’t for you, I would have made a mistake later.”

Tang Sang-ah cleared his throat.

“I’m embarrassed that you speak so grandiosely.”

Mo Yong-woo raised his glass.

“Let’s have a drink.”

“is it so. Sniff, but I’m curious. “What did you realize?”

“It’s a secret.”

“Who said a man with a lot of secrets isn’t attractive?”

“There is no problem in living even if you are not attractive.”

Mo Yong-woo coolly emptied his glass and looked at the window.

‘Yeonje. Really, you’ve had a lot of trouble because of this ugly brother.’

I missed Yeon Ho-jeong today.

* * *

“Whoa, this winter is really not normal. “There are more than two months left, and if things continue like this, an accident will happen.”

Zhuge Mun-ho, who cleared the snow from his head and shoulders, knocked on the door.

“It’s me. “Can I come in?”

“…come in.”


Zhuge Wenhu was inwardly puzzled. Yeonwi’s voice had calmed down considerably.

‘Is something happening?’


Zhuge Wenhu opened the door and entered.

He bowed his head.

“I’m sorry it’s later than expected. “I have a lot of work to do.”

“It’s okay.”

Yeon Ho-jeong and Muk-bi stood up and took the gun.

“Thank you for your hard work coming.”

“Is there such a thing as hardship? Please sit down.”


So everyone sat down.

Zhuge Wenhu looked at the faces of the three people.


I felt like my doubts were growing at an alarming rate.

‘Did something really happen?’

The atmosphere is quite gloomy.

A look of skepticism was evident on Mukbi’s face, and Yeonwi’s face was so stiff that anyone could tell.

On the other hand, Yeon Ho-jeong’s face was expressionless. Contrary to his calm expression, his eyes were somewhat bloodshot.

Zhuge Wenhu cleared his throat.

“Huh! “Anyway, we’re both busy, so I’d like to get straight to the point.”


“Okay, now tell me. About the secret you’re hiding.”

Yeon Ho-jeong said in a hard voice.

“Do you know about the group called Gwangshinsamsyo (狂信三敎)?”

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not work with dark mode