Dark and Light Martial Emperor Chapter 254

Episode 254

Time of the East Wind (4)

Sabak. Sabak.

A man climbing a mountain path looked up at the sky.

“Is it snow?”

When you breathe in the mountain breeze, you often feel cool even in summer.

Needless to say, it’s winter. The wind that blows through the wind makes even the world’s greatest masters tremble.

But for today, the harsh mountain wind was calm.

Instead, it snowed.

The snow falling one by one resembles fluttering flower petals. Quite thick snowflakes were dyeing the entire mountain white.

“It has charm.”

I saw this scenery last year too, but today the scenery of Daebyeolsan Mountain was particularly beautiful.

When I opened it one by one, there was nothing special, but it was strangely new. Maybe it’s not because the mountain changed, but because I myself changed.

The man closed his eyes.


A ray of lightning flashed in the quiet mountain.


Snow on the ground splashed everywhere.

Para la la rock!

The stylishly pulled collar fluttered in the wind. It was a particularly calm day, but the air was turbulent due to the man’s rapid movement speed.

And after a while.


The man, Prince Moyong, landed softly and looked up at the huge fortress.

Even if you look closely, it was a huge fortress. If you look down from high up in the sky, it will be so wide that it will be reminiscent of the walls of a small country.

Moyong suddenly felt dazzled.

‘Yes, the Murim Alliance is no different from a nation now.’

Since when did it start?

Due to the non-aggression treaty between the government and the government, the government and the military did not invade each other’s territory.

It was difficult to understand that we could share the same world but not invade its territory. In fact, I heard that after the treaty was signed, all kinds of troubles continued for ten years.

However, as time passed, the official and the martial artist came to a point where they no longer paid attention to each other. Two groups that seemed absolutely incompatible finally achieved coexistence.

‘Gangho Martial Arts may seem plausible on the outside, but there is no clear control agency.’

Mo Yong-gun’s eyes grew cold.

‘The Murim Alliance was founded in such a powerful group. The Murim Alliance will soon become a sacred place for all the martial arts beyond the Baekdo Murim, so the Murim Alliance can become the emperor of the Murim and a free-spirited ruler of the powerful world.’

Prince Moyong imagined himself as a leader.

I see myself ascending to the great throne of Taesa, receiving the blessings of all people. I feel like I have the power to change the world with a single wave of my hand.


It is drawn. My appearance.

And countless processes to get there.

“omg! “What about you?”

Moyong opened his eyes.

The face of the gatekeeper guarding the castle gate turned pale.

“Moyong Family Lord?”

That’s right now.

Moyong said with a smile.

“Open the gate.”

“ah! “I’m sorry, but… could you show me your card?”

This may mean that the identity is already known, but the procedures cannot be ignored.

Prince Moyong obediently gave up his card.

“Confirmed! Congratulations on your return!”

“Thank you.”

Googoo googung!

The huge castle gate, White Tiger Gate, opened.

Before entering the open gate, Prince Moyong looked at the top of the gate.

The floodgate, very nervous, cautiously opened his mouth.

“Do you have any plans to leave school separately?”

Prince Moyong shook his head.

“What is your name?”

“It’s called a full lecture.”

The Heavenly Moyong family asks your name. Although he didn’t show it outwardly, Jeon Gang didn’t know what to do.

Moyong-gun smiled.

“You are the face of the Murim Alliance. Although it may be difficult, please continue to adhere to the principles as you do now and make an effort to prevent the dignity of the Murim Alliance from being undermined.”

“Thank you!”

I had no way of knowing whether this was a compliment or sarcasm. Jeon Kang’s face was very reminiscent.

Prince Moyong took out a small pouch from his arms.

“Take it.”

“What is this?”

“I have a lot of trouble in the cold winter. “After work, have a nice drink with your colleagues.”

“omg! “It’s okay!”

Moyong-gun burst into laughter.

“This man, even though he looks like this, he is the head of my family. Could it be that the money he is giving is a bribe?”

“Oops! That’s not it…”

“Don’t worry about it, just take it. Even so, the higher-ups are discussing welfare for the security forces and the water gate committee. “I should have paid attention to it sooner, but I’m just sorry it’s too late.”

Jeon Kang’s face was filled with emotion.

That wasn’t all. All the warriors standing on the left and right, as well as inside the castle gate, felt moved.

Jeon Gang bowed his head.

“If you do… I will be grateful.”

“There is nothing to be thankful for. Rather, we should be thankful. “Isn’t it all thanks to you that we can discuss important matters of the alliance with peace of mind?”

Mo Yong-gun’s eyes became serious.

“Don’t forget. “It’s a world where there are people of high status and low-ranking professions, but at least what you do is as difficult and difficult as what we do.”


“Please continue to do your best.”

Not only Zhenjiang, but everyone on the floodgates bowed their heads.

“We are all ready to give up our lives for Meng at any time.”

“Hahaha good.”

Prince Moyong, who patted Jeon Gang on the shoulder, then entered Maeng.

His gait was full of dignity, but his back was full of majesty that was at odds with his noble dignity.

A look of envy appeared on Jeon Gang’s face.

“How thorough will the warriors of the Moyong family who operate under such a leader be? “A master like that would be truly worth following.”

“It is said that the head of the Moyong family is deaf!”

“The Moyong family head is back!”

“I heard that b*stard came?”

“Hmm, you came back sooner than I thought.”

The news of Moyonggun’s return quickly spread throughout the province.

Prince Moyong, who came in proudly, did not stop by his residence and headed straight to the conference hall. It was to report what had happened so far.

After the half-visit, officials gathered in the conference hall.

“Hehe, thank you for your hard work.”

Prince Moyong smiled at the simple praise of Ambassador Gong.

“Is there such a thing as hardship? I didn’t do anything. “It was the working-level team members who actually suffered.”


“Furthermore, the ability of the working-level leader was so outstanding that there was nothing else to do once we arrived in Honam. “Except for a few adjustments.”

“I see.”

“The mission is a mission, but the most important thing is that we returned safely without anyone getting hurt. “You’re welcome.”

Ambassador Gong Gong grinned.

“I feel really happy to hear Bong Moyong say that. That’s right. “People are more important than the mission, so it is fortunate that there were no casualties.”

“ha ha ha.”

Prince Moyong looked around at the Dukes and said.

“Anyway, since everyone is busy, I will briefly report on what happened so far.”

He briefly and coherently explained the series of events that occurred in Honam.

Of course, the details about the evil he had committed were completely left out. A war of nerves with Yeon Ho-jeong and even a meeting with Yang Cheon.


Yonghwajinin burst out in admiration.

“This is truly amazing. To be honest, I thought his reputation as the leader of Byeoksan was a bit excessive at such a young age, but he is truly an amazing talent.”

Moyong-gun smiled.

“Isn’t this a later index that talks about being the best in the world? Martial arts are martial arts, but the base of response and boldness in attacking Yangcheon deserve praise.”

“Hehe, that’s right.”

“A genius who freely uses martial arts and resourcefulness in actual combat. “Honestly, who would have imagined that such an absurd genius would exist in the world?”

Zhuge Wenhu’s eyes deepened.


Prince Moyong praised Yeonhojeong as if he truly admired her.

‘Although he is an enemy, Gaju Moyong recognizes the commander of the Mortal Army more than anyone else. But I feel like the praise is a bit excessive.’

Of course, he is a talented person for whom even praise upon praise would not be enough.

However, it is suspicious that the praise was given by Prince Moyong. If others heard it, they wouldn’t find it particularly strange, but for Zhuge Munhao, who knew the relationship between Prince Moyong and Yeonhojeong, it was difficult to believe that his intentions were pure.

Zhuge Wenhu looked at Yan Wei.

Yeon Wei was expressionless, but Zhuge Munho, who had built up a close relationship with him, was able to read the doubt and anxiety in Yan Wei’s eyes.

‘Yeon Ga-ju is also feeling strange. ‘What is it?’

Some time passed like that.


Zhuge Wenhu noticed that the complexions of several Dukes were gradually becoming more subtle.

‘No way…’

Zhuge Wenho’s expression hardened inconspicuously.

‘I see.’

For a person who is very thirsty, a glass of water can be very rewarding. However, if you keep giving water even after the thirst has been quenched, it becomes painful from then on.

‘A small number of public servants who do not belong to any faction are feeling uncomfortable.’

A laugh escaped me.

‘Only slandering is not an attack. Excessive praise creates anxiety and leads to internal strife…’

Even so, Yeon Ho-jeong’s reputation spread throughout the Baekdo martial arts world.

It was worth it. In his early twenties, he not only broke through the barrier of martial arts, but was also appointed as the leader of the Murim Alliance’s first Confucian army unit, and before that, he even served as a leader in destroying the Nine Zhou Myeongga.

Age, martial arts, resourcefulness, family, and even a generous personality are lacking in anything.

It was an ability and background that anyone could envy.

‘Moyong family head. ‘It’s been so long since you came back that you’re already such a charlatan?’

It was the moment when Zhuge Munho was about to intervene.

“Chief Tangma is also great.”

Everyone’s eyes turned to Yeonwi.

Yeonwi quenched her thirst with a sip of tea and continued speaking.

“Didn’t Mo Yongwu, commander of the Tangma Army, break through the Wuzongji Wall not long ago? “If he can reach that level at a young age, he is a genius who can rival the commander of the Mortal Army.”

Surprise appeared on Mo Yong-gun’s face. Even Lord Mo Yong of the world could not hide his feelings this time.

“Are you saying that it was Wu, or Commander Tangma, who broke through the Wuzongji Wall?”

“That’s right.”


Even the uncomfortable Bonggongs finally relaxed their expressions.

“Congratulations, Moyong Bonggong.”

“General Tangma’s talent is also other than Wulin’s Hongbok.”

“It can truly be said to be the two-headed chariot of the Murim Alliance combat unit. As the name Tang Ma-Mul-sa suggests, they are talented people who will become the sun that brightly shines on Baekdo Martial Forest in the future.”

Each of the Dukes said something and praised Mo Yong-wu.

Moyong’s face, which had been frozen with surprise and joy, instantly relaxed.

He looked at Yeonwi.

Yeonwi was quietly sipping tea.


Moyong-gun smiled.

‘How a tiger gives birth to a tiger. ‘Isn’t this just as good as my son’s wife?’

Yeonwi saw Prince Moyong.

“Is there something on this person’s face?”

“It can’t be. “I thought once again that Bonggong Yeon’s face was very bright.”

“thank you.”

At that time, Zhuge Munho came forward.

“I have received all top secret information from the Ink Dragon Club. “There were many characters that were difficult to interpret, but I think I will be able to interpret them all within 15 days.”

“Oh oh!”

“It would be better to hold the Bonggong meeting again then. “You must be tired, Master Moyong, so how about we end the meeting for today?”


Prince Moyong’s surprise return.

The time of the winter east wind has arrived.

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not work with dark mode