Dark and Light Martial Emperor Chapter 232

Episode 232

Conflict (2)

“Did you get the message?”


“Good job.”

“Yeon Gongja.”

“Please speak.”

“I know that Mr. Moyong crossed the line. But do we really need to do this?”

“Is there any other problem?”

“There is a problem. clearly. “You know that, right?”

“Even if there are problems, I will go ahead with it.”

“Yeon Gongja!”

“This is an order from the task leader. We will not tolerate differences of opinion.”


“I’m sorry. By asserting his authority in this way.”

“Oh shit. “You did that last time too, and you keep using special moves.”


“Let’s hear the reason. Of course he made a big mistake, but shouldn’t we complete our mission successfully? I even went so far as to press his back…”


“Please speak.”

“Moyong was originally that kind of person. I knew it too. And it may seem like I’m bragging, but I’m not the kind of person who gets stabbed in the back by someone who has already figured it out.”

“I know.”

“Still, I got hit hard. “Do you know what the reason is?”


“Moyong thinks I am the biggest obstacle to the future. So his attacks were always directed at me.”


“But not this time. “I put off the obstacles until later and just moved aggressively for my own purpose.”


“Do you understand? It doesn’t matter if you were targeting me. But he was bringing the chess pieces to the checkerboard and removing the stones.”

“…In other words, we have to get rid of the organ eggs?”


“That’s what I meant by crossing the line.”

“He trusts us. More precisely, we believe in our abilities. “You know that although you are the one in command, it is the field agents who actually determine the success or failure of the mission.”

“That’s why you were able to do something like that. “Because talented people who can sufficiently compensate for their mistakes have been brought in.”

“You can do it this once. But he won’t stop here.”

“In the end, the reason the practitioner is pushing himself so hard is to bring his consciousness back to you?”

“It’s not about turning it around, it’s about tying it up. “Forever and ever.”


“It’s worth taking the risk just for that one result.”


“I’m sorry. “I apologize again.”



“Why is the practitioner apologizing? “It was Prince Moyong who issued this order.”


“I hope the mission will be successful, but I am afraid that our troops will die because of this mission. Mission accomplished and fiercely killed? That’s bullshit. “It is certainly a mission with a lot at stake, but it is not a mission more important than human life.”


“But Prince Moyong brought a live person to this mission and killed him. He didn’t even get his hands dirty. “I didn’t tell my teacher, but this is something only a magician does.”


“Do whatever the practitioner wants to do. “Just do me one favor.”

“Please speak.”

“Please don’t become a more dangerous and vicious monster in order to kill it. “Now that’s all I want.”

“After a while.”


“I’m sorry. “I am already becoming a more petty and vicious beast than Prince Moyong.”

* * *

“Oh, are you here?”

Yeon Ho-jeong knelt down.

“See you, Vice lord.”

“Okay, come forward.”

Unlike usual, Yang Cheon was drinking in his residence inside the corridor.

Yeon Ho-jeong walked over and sat down opposite him.

Yang Chen said mischievously.

“I told you to come, but I never told you to sit down?”

“Are you kidding me when you took out a glass for me to sit down?”

“ha ha ha!”

Yang Chen laughed loudly.

Really, the more I saw of Yeon Ho-jeong’s ambitious and confident attitude, the more I liked it.

It wasn’t just because of Yeonhojeong’s abilities.

Yangcheon was lonely. Although he had many trustworthy subordinates and had the greatest reputation in the world, there was no one he could open up to.

In that respect, Yeon Ho-jeong was a truly refreshing opponent. He was difficult for himself, but he was not afraid.

‘I got the sleeping dragon of all sleeping dragons. Haha, is the hard work of wandering around the central plains for years finally bearing fruit?’

Yang Chen grinned and picked up the bottle.

“I’ll take a drink.”


The alcohol that filled the empty glass had a beautiful jade color.

“It smells good.”

“It’s called songpungju (松風酒).”

“Did you soak it yourself?”

“I don’t know how to make alcohol. “It’s just a liquor made in a region I know, but it’s not yet known in the central region.”

“It is an honour.”

“Let’s have a drink.”

Yeon Ho-jeong emptied his glass.

Yang Cheon burst out laughing.

“It’s really exciting.”

“My master poured me a drink, so should I leave it before I use it?”

Yeon Ho-jeong picked up the bottle.

“I’ll pour you a drink.”

“It’s good.”

Several rounds of alcohol were exchanged between the two.

“So you’ve been very busy these past few days?”

Yeon Ho-jeong smiled.

“Even if you have made great achievements in civil service and martial arts, a trust is still a trust. “If I want to fulfill my duty, I have to put everything in this small head as quickly as possible.”


“It was a bit of a struggle, but it was worth the sleepless nights.”

It was a confident voice.

Yang Chen smiled in satisfaction. Just by listening to him, I could see how confident Yeon Ho-jeong was in getting things done.

“The patient stuck his tongue out. “He worked without stopping for a moment.”

“Senior Hwansa is in a bit of trouble.”


“He’s a senior. “If it’s a public place, you’re older than me, and you’ve been serving the Vice Lord for longer than me, so it’s only right to call you my senior.”

“Hey, you know something. The more outstanding a person is, the easier it is for them to become arrogant. Such people are usually subject to unexpected threats. However, since you planned to go in so crookedly from the beginning, sooner or later their eyes on you will become softer.”

Yeon Ho-jeong smiled.

“The task I have been given is too heavy to carry out according to my nature. “In order to become a pillar that supports this huge organization, you need to keep your back and knees flexible.”


Yangcheon, who was bursting into laughter, filled Yeonhojeong’s cup again and spoke.

“Well, anyway, I’m glad you’re doing well. By the way…”

“Please tell me.”

“You must have seen and felt a lot from the information source.”

“That’s right.”

“How was it? “I am very curious about what kind of organization the Mukryong Club is as you see it and how it can move forward.”

Yeon Ho-jeong’s eyes deepened.

‘I shouldn’t have joined hands with Saeumgyo in the first place.’

Actually, there was a mountain of things I wanted to say.

No, I wanted to argue. If he truly wanted to take over the world, he shouldn’t have accepted help from an organization whose identity he didn’t know. I wanted to push him away, thinking that his reputation as a fighting king was not a waste.

‘You’ve already come too far.’

Yeon Ho-jeong opened his mouth.

“Let me tell you one thing.”


“As it is now, even if we reorganize the organization, it will be difficult to narrow the gap with the Baekdo Murim Alliance.”

Yang Chen’s eyes sparkled.

“The reason is?”

“The Murim Alliance is literally an alliance, so it has clear pros and cons. However, one advantage is so great that it is bound to be burdensome to the hostile forces.”

“Is it an advantage?”

“It is a great cause.”


“No matter what the minds of the leaders who actually lead the Baekdo political faction are, they act for the sake of cooperation and morality. In other words, there are many cultural factions who will donate money and troops for the sake of cooperation and morality without any interest.”


“Funds are as important as force. In other words, they are making money for free under the banner of consultation and justice.”

Yang Chen nodded.

“That’s the way it is.”

“That’s right. Furthermore, there are far more people who want peace than those who want to control the world. “Just like the growth of the Mukryongbu, the growth of the Murim Alliance will also be significant.”


“If the growth rate is similar, the Mukryongbu will never be able to surpass the Murim Alliance.”

Yang Chen’s face hardened.

“Then what do you think we should do?”

“There are three ways.”

“Three things? “Tell me.”

“First things first.”

Yeon Ho-jeong raised his index finger.

“It’s a way to bring in external organizations to drive significant growth.”

“Do you mean that we can attract any more organizations than this?”

Yeon Ho-jeong had to put all his effort into not letting his voice contain any hint of murder.

“It is Saeumgyo.”


“There must be a clear reason why they support the Ink Dragon Club. “The vice-lord didn’t even tell me that.”


“Whatever the reason, if we can absorb them, we will be able to confront the Murim Alliance. “Even if we fall behind in terms of military strength, if we overwhelm them in financial power, we can achieve victory without shedding blood.”

Yang Chen shook his head.

“That is impossible.”

“Is that also the case?”

“That’s right.”

Yeon Ho-jeong did not ask why.

“Then there is a second way. However, I do not recommend this method.”

“Tell me.”

“It’s the public opinion.”

“Public sentiment?”

“Even ceramics made by master craftsmen in the world are bound to get dirty, and there is no one who doesn’t shake them off to remove dust.”

Yang Chen frowned.

“Are you trying to dig up the backs of the leaders of the Murim Alliance?”

“That’s right.”

“It’s not easy. Even if that were possible, it would require a huge amount of money. Furthermore, I don’t know if it’s worth investing that much money into.”

“It has value. That’s assuming you have enough patience. Moreover, we may have to release more money for the people south of the Yangtze River.”

Yang Chen shook his head.

“I am not a person who does not know the importance of public sentiment. But as you say, it’s a task that requires too much patience. In addition, although public sentiment is an indispensable factor, it cannot be said to be a decisive factor in determining victory or defeat.”

“You just have to be patient enough to decide whether you win or lose. However, as I said before, I do not recommend it.”

“I see. “I am also against it.”

“Then there is only one last option.”

Yeon Ho-jeong’s face became serious.

Yang Chen had a hunch. What Yeon Ho-jeong is about to say right now is the method I really want to recommend.

“What is the final method?”

“It has been less than a year since the Murim Alliance was founded.”


“The position of leader is still vacant.”

“That’s right. From what I heard, a leader will be elected next year.”


“…You can’t believe it?!”

“Yes, that’s right.”

Yeon Ho-jeong smiled coolly.

“Election Interference.”


“We just need to appoint the Murim Lord with a greeting that suits our tastes.”

“That is…”

“And surprisingly, it is said that a strong candidate for the next leader has entered Honam.”

Yang Chen’s eyes widened.

Yeon Ho-jeong raised his glass.

“How about using Moyong-gun, Moyong-gaju?”

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not work with dark mode