Dark and Light Martial Emperor Chapter 227

Episode 227

Return of the King (2)

There was a white paper in front of Yeonhojeong from Mukryongjeon.


The two people looked at each other with cold eyes.

White Paper opened his mouth.

“What is your position?”

“Director of Intelligence.”

“Three days later?”


“Where are you living?”

“Nothing has been delivered.”

Baek Seo, who was looking at Yeon Ho-jeong, shook his head.

“Your commission is in three days, so you’re not my boss yet.”

The position of the Zodiac under Yang Chen within the Mukryongbu was quite unique.

It was not specifically about leading a regular unit or holding an office job within the department. They were simply Yang Cheon’s subordinates, but at the same time, they were also the commanders of their own independent troops.

It is clear that it is the leadership, but it is ambiguous to determine the exact rank. They were people who only followed Yang Cheon’s orders.

However, the Intelligence Department was the core organization of the Mukryongbu, which was to be reorganized in the future. And since Yeon Ho-jeong is the head of the most influential organization in the Mukryongbu, he is naturally higher in rank than the zodiac in name only.

“I will guide you to the residence you will use from now on. Take a look around and let me know if you have any requests.”

“I understand.”

So the two walked down the wide open underground street.

thud. thud. thud.

The Mukryongbu was still noisy. It was loud, but it wasn’t enough to bother my ears.

Yeon Ho-jeong asked.

“Is it tracheal prolapse?”

The white paper did not respond.

It seemed like he wasn’t the type to mix things up unless he had to say something. Yeon Ho-jeong quenched his appetite and followed after him.

‘Anyway, this mission is slowly coming to an end.’

The head of the Intelligence Department oversees all information within the Mukryongbu. Now all you have to do is use your position to steal all important information and escape.

Yeon Ho-jeong’s eyes became cold.


Not long ago, I received a secret letter from Prince Moyong’s invisible subordinate.

The letter contained this content:

I showed myself. Yangcheon must have noticed by now. But the Mukryongbu will never touch me. So, you come up with a good reason and come catch me. All you have to do is fake your death by my hand and return to Mang.

It was an incredibly bold operation.

Perhaps Prince Moyong had been planning the mission from the moment he took command of this operation to its completion. He was a human being with that level of ability.

‘But there is a problem with this operation.’

Yeon Ho-jeong frowned without realizing it.

‘It means to inform the other party that the Murimmaeng has recognized the existence of the Mukryongbu.’

Yeon Ho-jeong is the head of the information department of the Mukryongbu. If I were to say that I just killed the head of the intelligence department, no one would believe me.

In other words, it is clear that as soon as Yeon Ho-jeong’s death is planned, the Mukryongbu will be put on alert. Since Moyonggun is a member of the Murim Alliance, this means that he will naturally assume that the Murim Alliance has discovered the existence of the Mukryongbu and move accordingly.

‘You wouldn’t know that.’

The Mukryongbu was an organization that did not exist externally.

Of course, it has been appearing all over Honam, but it was only possible to detect it because it had the power of the Murim Alliance. The world did not yet know of the existence of the Mukryongbu.

In other words, the moment the Murim Alliance realizes their presence, the Mukryongbu will hide deeper.

‘It doesn’t matter up to that point.’

it could be. In fact, Yeonhojeong didn’t care much about that either.

However, if one premise is met.

‘It’s okay as long as the quality and quantity of information I can extract is sufficient.’

In any case, the Murim Alliance was founded not long ago. If the Mukryongbu hides deeper, the Murim Alliance will also be able to buy time to store up its strength.

At the same time, the Murim Alliance will have a more solid system than the Mukryongbu, which had Yang Cheon as its leader. Of course, the gathered power will also become stronger.

‘Anyway, the Murim Alliance has to present a leader…’

At that moment, Yeon Ho-jeong’s eyes sparkled.


At that moment, a scary thought shook Yeon Ho-jeong’s head.

He touched his lips without realizing it.

‘The ascending team… the commander who infiltrated the enemy’s lines… Honam… Moyong…’

One assumption was quickly dismantled and a large map was drawn.

‘Moyong-gun hopes that this mission will be successful. So, he must have gone so far as to personally help us return safely. It’s a sure method, but is it really the best?’

The events that had occurred so far and the movements of the Mukryongbu, the plans of the Moyonggun, and the existence of unknown masters who replaced the ascending group were organically connected and began to produce several results.

‘There is not enough information. But what if you look at the situation?’

Prince Moyong’s position, his ambition, and the things he did.

A sharp murderous intent appeared in Yeon Ho-jeong’s eyes.

‘…Moyonggun is a man who will do anything to become a leader. And the leader selection will be next year.’

It’s next year, with less than three months left. After the year passes and the winter cold subsides, the leadership will definitely bring up the topic of selecting a leader.


Yeon Ho-jeong’s eyes trembled slightly.

‘Could it be that it was a side job?’

At that time, White Paper opened his mouth.

“Calm down.”


“I know this is a time of great enthusiasm, but we have no intention of starting a dispute with you.”

It seemed like he had read Yeon Ho-jeong’s murderous intent.

He has very sensitive senses. It wasn’t that he was openly showing his intent, he just changed his eyes, but he noticed the slight change.

Yeon Ho-jeong smiled.

“If you give it to me, it will be easier for me.”

White Paper, who was silent for a moment, opened his mouth as if he had made up his mind.

“I have served you for over ten years.”


“In all the years of service to the Vice Lord, there has never been a person with such talent that he wanted to acquire so much.”

This probably means that he liked Yeonhojeong that much.

“There is one monarch and many subjects. “If there is a subject who is favored by the monarch, it is natural for the subjects around him to become jealous.”

“I know.”

“There are many dangerous people at headquarters. But at least the zodiac has no intention of making trouble with you. “We only serve the Vice Lord, not to get closer to him.”

Yeon Ho-jeong nodded.

“Ideal. At least you.”

“It’s not just me.”

“That monkey was different.”

“A flower garden?”


“I have nothing to say about that.”

It was a neat admission.

White Paper spoke in a more subdued voice.

“I told the painter separately, so don’t worry too much.”

“Don’t worry. “He’s not someone that’s scary enough to warrant worrying about.”


“I also have no intention of causing trouble with you.”

“Then that’s a good thing.”

With those words, White Paper closed his mouth again.

‘He is a picky person.’

Baek Seo’s martial arts skills were amazing.

I don’t know what the level of skill is in actual combat. Because you can’t know something like that until you try it.

However, if you look at the prayers that were designed to perfection, you can see that his martial arts achievements were one level higher than the current Yeonhojeong.

That was truly a great thing. Because it takes more than effort to reach the level of master with the martial arts of the black sword.

Plus, that restrained attitude.

‘Yangcheon is very interested in me. But at least in terms of trustworthiness, this person cannot be surpassed.’

If it is natural, it is natural. It was truly unprecedented to treat someone with such talent who had only just met in the first place like this.

“It’s here.”

Before they knew it, the two had reached Donghyeol, about 300 yards away from the Mukryongjeon.

“The entrance to the leadership’s residence operates as an organ like the Mukryongjeon Hall.”

The white paper turned the round stone protruding on the right side of the stone door three times to the right and twice to the left.


The door opened and a fairly bright and spacious living room was revealed.

Although it had stone walls on all sides, it was very well decorated. There was a huge table and a study room, as well as a large room inside.

“Look around.”

Yeon Ho-jeong looked around the house.

It was a very cautious look. It’s not actually going to be used for a long time, but there may be a secret space for surveillance.


Yeon Ho-jeong’s eyes flashed.

‘There it is.’

As expected, it is like that. I could feel a slight flow of air in the center of the study’s ceiling, where the curtains were placed in a circle.

It was not a structure simply created for air circulation. I only took a quick look around for fear of White Paper seeing, but the secret space above the ceiling was quite thick.

‘If it weren’t for the Blue Dragon and Hyeonmugi, even I would have just passed by.’

I had investigated this entire place in the past, but there was no secret space like that at the time. It appears that the Mukryongbu established a new site here.

There was not just one such space.

‘There are three places in total. It’s not in the room, but in two places: on the central ceiling and in the corner of the office.’

Yeon Ho-jeong burst out laughing without realizing it.

‘I wish I had paid more attention to the outside world when doing pranks like this.’

Soon, Yeon Ho-jeong came out of the room.

“I saw it all.”

“Do you have any requests?”

“No. “You can fill it in later, step by step.”

“I understand.”

White Paper took out a black card from his pocket. It was an iron plate without any patterns engraved on it, but made of an unusual material.

“It’s called the Ink Dragon Squad. “It is a badge used when going to and from the headquarters, and can only be owned by those with a certain level of rank or those directly authorized by the Vice Lord.”

“Thank you.”

White Paper turned around.

“Take it easy for three days. “You will have to be here the morning the reorganization begins.”


With those words, the white paper disappeared like a ghost.

Yeon Ho-jeong leaned against the wall and crossed his arms.

“Three days.”

If it was short, it was short; if it was long, it was a long time.

Yeon Ho-jeong looked up at the ceiling.

It was bright thanks to the night light, but the air was strangely stuffy, perhaps because it was inside a cave.

‘If you’re going to come, come?’

He recalled the contents of the last part of the letter.

‘If you have any questions, come to me. Of course, there will be someone from the Mukryong Club as well. I believe you can handle that much.’

Yeon Ho-jeong smiled coldly.

‘Can you handle it? ‘It wouldn’t be good for you if you met me now.’

* * *


An unexpected expression appeared on Mo Yong-gun’s face.


“It’s called the loss rate. The youngest elder of the Jeomchang Sect as part of this working group….”

“I know that. “But my guy didn’t come in person and instead sent Paeyul?”

“That’s right.”


The corners of Moyong’s mouth rose.

“You seem very angry.”

Well, it’s worth it.

Neither Yeon Ho-jeong nor himself are the type of person to interfere with their mission just because they are angry. Furthermore, he’s not the type to create unnecessary trouble, so if he can’t stand it, he won’t even think about meeting him face to face.

However, Paeyul was sent as an agent.

‘Is there something up there?’

Mo Yong nodded his head.

“Let me take it in.”


After a while, the door opened and Paeyul came in.

Prince Moyong greeted him with a smile.

“Is this your first time seeing me like this?”

“I guess so.”

“Please sit here.”

Paeyul sat silently in his seat.

Prince Moyong asked directly.

“So, are you here on an errand for the working leader?”

It was a remark that could sound quite insulting. Even though Yeon Ho-jeong was the working-level leader, Paeyul was an elder of the Jeomchang faction and was much senior to Yeon Ho-jeong.

But Paeyul’s face didn’t show any signs of displeasure.

“If it’s an errand, it’s an errand, but before that, I have something to ask you personally.”

“Hmm? Any other problems besides that?”

Paeyul smiled coldly.

“Do you know about Mong?”

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