Dark and Light Martial Emperor Chapter 205

Episode 205

Nangjungjichu (5)

“I succeeded!”

Mo Yong-gun’s eyes lit up.

Zhuge Wenhu rarely showed signs of excitement.

“Yangcheon responded to the working group’s request. “I received a call saying it was on the move, so it should have already entered that direction by now.”

“It’s real from now on.”

Mo Yong-gun’s expression became serious.

“It’s real from now on. “If anything goes wrong, the entire working team could die on the spot.”

“Of course you can.”

Prince Mo Yong glanced at Zhuge Wenhu. For some reason, he didn’t seem too worried.

“Aren’t you worried?”

“Worrying doesn’t save people who will live or die. “Now is the time to be reassured that what could have been a bit drastic was handled more smoothly than expected.”

Moyong-gun chuckled.

“He is like that too.”

I definitely thought that Zhuge Liang was also a character.

There is a daughter in the working group whom he cherishes. Still, he looks so happy.

Whether he is serious or acting on purpose, it is clear that he is an unusual person.

“Still, it’s right to be worried. “Because none of the Thirteen Saints are human.”

“That’s true.”

“If you have a martial arts skill of their level, just by looking at your opponent once, you will be able to know what martial arts they have learned, the characteristics of that martial arts, and even for what purpose they were created.”

Zhuge Wenhu, who was clearly excited, slowly calmed down.

“I still can’t understand this person, but I heard that’s definitely the case.”

It was the same for Moyonggun.

These are two people who have broken through the barriers of all kinds and ascended to the realm of transcendence, and have reached their current state after countless trainings and trials in that realm.

However, even if one has achieved such a high level of achievement, there is no end to the path of martial arts. Not only Mo Yong-gun but also Zhuge Wen-hu could not understand even a small part of Sheng-cheon’s state.

It certainly was still that way.

“I don’t know what the others are like, but there are two who are the most dangerous.”

Zhuge Wenhu’s eyes sparkled.

“She is the eldest daughter of the latter and the Tang family.”

“You saw it correctly. Furthermore, if I had to pick one of the two, the risk of getting caught is greater.”

A look of puzzlement appeared on Zhuge Munho’s face. In that respect, our thoughts were different.

“What do you think? “I actually think that child is more dangerous.”

“The martial arts of the Tang family are not well known to the world. Martial Gongmyeong is so famous that everyone knows it when he mentions it, but in reality, among those who have seen Mr. Tang’s martial arts, there are almost no survivors. Especially if you are a black person.”

That was correct.

Mo Yong-gun’s eyes deepened.

“On the other hand, there is no place where openness has not spread throughout the central plains. “The martial arts of ordinary methods with a small number of knots are extremely trivial, but the trivial martial arts are accumulated and accumulated to create the current open martial arts.”

“Of course.”

“The martial arts learned by ordinary swordsmen and the martial arts learned by later generations are worlds apart. However, with the eyes of a fighting king, you will be able to read the core of martial arts hidden in such extreme differences.”

Zhuge Wenhu nodded.

“That makes sense.”

Mo Yong’s face showed interest.

“Looking at the military’s reaction, it seems like they don’t care much about such issues.”

Zhuge Wenhu smiled.

“Because we prepared for that in advance.”


“It is not difficult to read the prayers and guess the opponent’s martial arts school even if you are skilled at it. Even more so when it comes to fighting kings.”

“I see you’ve come up with some kind of plan.”

“There are many mysterious objects in the world. And my family is very interested in objects filled with mystery and legend.”

“That again is unexpected. “Do you mean that the Zhuge Dynasty, who pursues intelligence and seeks the full flowering of wisdom, paid attention to such an incomprehensible object?”

Zhuge Wenhu smiled bitterly.

“If it’s difficult to understand, it’s because of the curiosity of scholars at home who have to dig into it until they understand.”

Moyong grinned.

“But I feel a little sad. “If you have such an item, shouldn’t you have informed me, the person in charge of this operation?”

Zhuge Wenhu lowered his head.

“I’m sorry about that.”

He doesn’t give any other reasons and just says he’s sorry.

Prince Mo Yong was secretly surprised by Zhuge Wenhu’s reaction.

‘You’re quite proud. ‘I don’t think it was intentional.’

Zhuge Munho is a person who clearly distinguishes between public and private affairs. You didn’t tell the other person because you didn’t trust them? This is someone who would never do something like that.

Mo Yong-gun, who was curious, tried to touch him one more time.

“Maybe you don’t trust this person?”

Zhuge Wenhu shook his head.

“Gaju Moyong is clearly not a person you can personally trust. However, now that I have entrusted everything to the head of the house, I have no intention of interfering with my duties as housemaster.”


“As the head of the family said, this person’s daughter is lacking in the working group. “I plan to do whatever I can to help ensure my daughter’s safety.”

It was a sincere voice.

Prince Mo Yong, who was looking at Zhuge Munho, smiled.

“Whether such items were present or not, there would not have been much change in the operation. “I just hope something like this doesn’t happen in the future.”

“I will listen carefully. “I apologize once again.”

This should be enough.

Moyong-gun smiled and stood up.

“Okay then, I’ll be back for a bit.”

A look of puzzlement appeared on Zhuge Munho’s face.

“Where are you going?”

“Oh, I guess I didn’t tell you this.”


Moyong-gun looked out the window with his back turned.

“When… right, right before the working group went to war. “At that time, Commander Yeon said this to me.”


“Would you like to go together? “He said that if we join forces, the chances of success in the mission will be much greater.”

Zhuge Wenhu chuckled.

‘Really, distribution is a work of art.’

It was probably half joking and half serious.

In fact, he would never have thought that Prince Moyong would follow him. He probably said this as a warning, fearing that he might take advantage of his absence from the Murim League and shake it up with some unnecessary trick.

‘No matter how much of an enemy he is, it’s not something you can easily say to someone who is the head of a family. This person, you must not speak or act too dangerously.’

At that time, Prince Moyong opened his mouth.

“But now that I think about it.”


“Wouldn’t Commander Yeon have a point?”

For a moment, surprise appeared on Zhuge Munho’s face.

“Can you say that…?”

“Hehehe, it was already a frustrating car. “Even if we can’t provide proper help, there is no harm in having a faster and more reliable command and reporting system.”

“Are you sure you want to go there?”

Moyong grinned.

“I don’t know what you think of this person, but I learned a lot from traveling across the world in my own way when I was young.”


“I don’t think it would be a bad idea for this person to go and see it in person to feel like he was younger and to give his strength to the working group.”

It’s not that bad.

It is a great benefit in many ways for the person in charge of the operation to work together near field personnel. However, it was not easy to suggest it because of the location of Moyong-gun and the value of the name as a Murim leader.

But you want to go in person? Prince Moyong of the world?

‘The situation couldn’t be better.’

A ray of tension appeared in Zhuge Li’s eyes, which were full of surprise.

‘That makes it even weirder.’

Prince Moyong was never the type to go to the front.

This is someone who had no intention of coming forward in the first place. However, how can we not be suspicious when he suddenly changes his mind and says he will go directly to a place where black power is crowded?

Perhaps because he had read Zhuge Li’s suspicions, Mo Yong spoke in a cheerful voice.

“Don’t worry too much. Like the military, this person also plans to do his best for this operation.”

Zhuge Mun-ho, who had been quietly examining the complexion of Prince Mo Yong, stood up and took the gun.

“Thank you for your decision. Just in case, I need an attendant from the blind dimension…”

“No, that’s not necessary. “If we increase the number of people for no reason, it will only attract the attention of the black people.”

Prince Moyong turned around.

The look in his eyes as he turned around was truly mysterious. It was filled with countless emotions such as excitement, anticipation, ambition, desire, and tension.

“We will leave at half past midnight. “Please provide the military with a permit in advance so that there are no problems with departure.”

* * *


Yang Cheon, who was sitting in the royal palace, slowly opened his eyes.

‘Is it a dream?’

It’s really been a long time since I had a dream.

And that dream gave me a really dirty feeling as soon as I woke up.


Yang Cheon unconsciously stroked his chest.

‘It’s still hot.’

An intense pulsation that only Yang can feel, not visible on the skin.

A force whose origin is unknown was running particularly wildly today.

A fiery murderous spirit flickered in Yang Cheon’s eyes.


The bright smile of a person who introduced himself as the god of evil spirits.

And the ferocity of pure evil and absolute martial arts hidden in that innocent face.


The left hand crushed the armrest of the royal prince.

‘Have you still not escaped?’

The power of the self-proclaimed god of adultery was tormenting him to this day.

If it was an internal injury, it could be said to be an internal injury, but it also could not be considered an internal injury. Because it does not cause any harm to martial arts or health.

However, the unique sticky and unpleasant heat threw his mood into the mud from time to time.

‘Nice guy.’

Yangcheon, who recalled that time, had no choice but to admit it. That he is still obsessed with that victory.

And that obsession-filled mind is the cause of chest pain that cannot be considered pain.

‘Where on earth did he, or rather he, come from?’

Did it come down from the sky or come up from the ground?

After Yang Cheon came out into the world and embraced his will, he studied and memorized the entire history of the Central Plains, as well as the foreign powers and major figures.

Since even the smallest variables could not be tolerated, I put as much effort into building knowledge as I did into perfecting my martial arts skills. I was confident that his efforts at that time were better than those of the famous scholars of the Zhuge Dynasty.

In the knowledge that accumulates again and again.

The moment I reached out into a world that was extremely dangerous, they appeared.

‘…You will make me king?’

Yang Chen’s face was filled with ridicule.

‘They’re funny guys. In just a few months, he became the king of the Dark Island and took control of a region, so did you think he would need your equal strength?’

Originally, I had no intention of executing the plan this quickly.

However, the Murim Alliance was suddenly founded, and in the aftermath, the Black Island clans shrank. Meanwhile, pressure was also applied from that evil religion.

I didn’t particularly want to pay attention to them, but the financial support that was far beyond my imagination was attractive enough. Moreover, as they said, as time passed, the unity of the Black Islands itself would become more difficult.

So Yangcheon took the first great step toward unifying Heukdo, which had been planned for decades.

Or rather, it could be said that they started planting flags on the road they were already walking on.


Yang Chen smiled.

‘I feel like I’m finally living a life.’

He was a very ambitious man. He had great patience and studied for decades to achieve his great ambition.

Now is the time to achieve that goal.

The meaning of becoming the master of the world through three stages of division, control, and unification of the world.

At that time, I heard a voice outside the door.

“Master Bu. The descendants of the Mu Zongmun have arrived in Bu.”

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