Dark and Light Martial Emperor Chapter 195

Episode 195

Back to my hometown (7)

Papa Pang!

Tang Sang-ah, who moved forward slowly like a snake, suddenly threw away an explosive move and gasped.

‘it’s tough.’

It felt as if the poisonous air emanating from my heart was going to flow back.

Due to excessive consumption of internal energy, the internal blood vessel became tattered. If I was determined and tried to recover, I would return to normal within three or four days, but there was no need to continue training so intensely that my body would be damaged in the first place.

Of course, Tang Sang-ah also did not think that his martial arts would improve even if he continued to train excessively.

‘It’s hard, but you have to persevere.’

What she wanted was a way to achieve maximum efficiency in extreme situations.

Tang Sang-ah recalled that time.

The madness of the gray wolves, who had accumulated malice in the wilderness for years and whose individual level was not that high, but who were strong as a group.

‘It was strong.’

Tang Sang’er’s face became tense.

‘I thought it was an insignificant enemy, but it was so strong.’

Tang Shang’er was naturally gentle and bright, unlike someone from a Tang family.

However, the Tang family’s unique venom and tenacity clearly remained in her veins. And in this battle, she unleashed the evil power of her blood without regret.


‘I was incompetent.’

The number of enemies killed by poison and memorization was in the dozens.

She did not regret the act. Regardless of their little or no actual combat experience, they were enemies and evildoers. Furthermore, if he didn’t kill him, he was going to die.

The problem was their response.

‘My ally died because of me.’

The corridor troupe thoroughly avoided Tang Shang’er and trampled Tang Ma’s army.

It was natural. Even a mere swipe of Dang Sang-ah’s poison and memorization is fatal. Since the Cloisters weren’t fools, there was no way they would have approached her.

Tang Shang’er fought between them until the end, but the Corridor was exquisitely able to only deal with the enemies around her.

In the end, the corpses of both enemies and allies piled up like a mountain around her.

Of course, it wasn’t her fault that her ally died. But Tang Sang-ah couldn’t think like that at all.

Because he was the only one who survived.


Even though his whole body is weak, he uses a resilient handshake.

The pain went beyond my muscles to my bones. Still, she didn’t stop.

‘What’s scarier is.’

Tang Sang-ah, who was swinging her arms vigorously, bit her lip.

‘It means I passed out like an idiot.’

It was my first time. There is no enemy who clenches his teeth and tries to kill an enemy with all his stamina and internal strength exhausted.

It was my first time. I was exhausted to the point where I couldn’t even bear it with my mental strength.

In the end, more colleagues were sacrificed to protect her.

Tang Sang’er’s eyes were bloodshot.

The faces of the soldiers who died because of him came to mind.


The tree’s skin was dented by the powerful punch.


Blood flowed from her fist. The internal attack operation was unstable and the fist could not be protected.

“Huh! “Huh!”

Dang Sang-ah, who was breathing heavily, collapsed on the spot.

Tears flowed from her eyes.

‘I’m sorry.’

During the entire memorial service, I couldn’t sleep and was busy crying.

Afterwards, there were no tears. So I started training. I thought I could escape this sadness if I overworked my body with rigorous training that would blow my mind.

Of course, the results were not good.


Dang Sang-ah, covered in sweat, tears, and blood, lay down on the spot.

I felt like it would be better now.

‘I was such a helpless being.’

She suddenly remembered her grandfather’s words.

‘In my opinion, the family needs a new wind. And I think you can be a great help to my family. Therefore, we must not ignore reality just because the evaluation process is complicated like it is now, but we must discipline ourselves.’

What my grandfather said was right.

Your family needs a fresh wind? That was something to think about later.

I had to train harder and deal with it more viciously. If necessary, he had to be able to become more vicious than anyone else in the party.

In order to live the way you wanted, a pulpit of that level was essential.

Tang Sang-ah closed his eyes.

The rough breathing gradually subsided. As I relaxed my body, my whole body creaked.

How long has it been like that?

“It’s a runny nose.”


Tang Sang-ah opened his eyes in surprise.

A young man was looking down at himself with a strange expression.

“A face covered in tears and sweat and even snot? “Is it a mess?”

Tang Sang-ah suddenly raised her upper body.

“Are you all?”

Young Yeon Ho-jeong smiled.

“It’s been a while, soldier Dangsang.”

Oh right. I’m a soldier of Tang Ma’s army, right?

Tang Sang-ah quickly got up from her seat and lowered her head. My back hurt like it was going to break.

“I meet the commander of the Mortal Army.”

Yeon Ho-jeong smiled.

“The military discipline was very tight, right? My kids should learn something from you too. “Even if it’s just a private meeting, these things are too much for me.”


“Well, anyway.”

Yeon Ho-jeong looked around the vacant lot.

“There is no such thing as a mess. “It doesn’t look like normal training, but were you venting your anger?”

Tang Sang-ah did not answer. I wasn’t in the mood to answer.

“But what happened here…?”

“Is it difficult?”


“I was having a hard time mentally, not physically.”

Tang Sang-ah bit her lip.

“are you okay.”

“You don’t look okay?”

“…What business have you come here for?”

Yeon Ho-jeong spoke directly.

“This time I was assigned a special mission. It’s a bit dangerous, so I thought it would be better to move in small numbers. So, we were looking for various talented people.”


“I came because I thought you might need me, but I guess it’s too much if you’re that crazy.”

Tang Sang-ah’s eyes wavered.

Yeon Ho-jeong turned around.

“Take care of yourself. “I’ll see you later when we get there.”

“What mission is it?”


“What mission do you need me for?”

This time, Yeon Ho-jeong spoke honestly.

“I have something to find out by infiltrating the Black Forest.”

“Is it that dangerous?”

“Because the two streams are intertwined.”


Tang Sang-ah, who tilted her head for a moment, opened her eyes wide.

“Hey, if it’s Yangcheon, it’s Yangcheon, the fighting king from Immortal Emperor?!”

“So it’s dangerous.”


Although it was only for a short time, Tang Sang-ah was able to escape from her extreme self-loathing and sadness.

Yeon Ho-jeong shrugged his shoulders.

“It’s just going to be thrilling, right? “It probably won’t happen, but if you’re not careful, you could end up facing one of the strongest players in the world.”


“Well, you’ve seen your grandfather a lot, so you might not be very impressed.”

There is no doubt that Tuwang Yangcheon was a dangerous person, but the prestige of King Am, who is discussed as the best in the history of the Tang Dynasty, was different.

In the martial arts world, King Danghyeong is treated on the same level as the Four Gods of Death. It is said that not a single blade of grass grows in the place where Danghyeong, the king of death who treats poison and memorization like limbs, passed by.

And Tang Sang-ah was a genius who was taught directly by the King of Darkness.

“Anyway, here we go.”


“…Well, before I go, would you like to give me some advice?”

“yes? Ah yes!”

Yeon Ho-jeong said with a serious face.

“I don’t know why, but if you ever feel like you lack strength, look to the world.”


“What I’m saying is that there is no need to be tied down only to Tangma-kun. If you want to become stronger, quit and go out into the world alone. “That would be better.”

Tang Sang-ah was embarrassed.

“You’re quitting Tangmagun?”

“why? You can quit. “Well, that’s not what I should say, since I was forced to tie him to Tangma’s army.”

Yeon Ho-jeong smiled.

“Whether it is a military organization or a martial arts organization, maximum efficiency is achieved when each individual member dedicates himself to the organization. But looking at your current condition, I don’t think it will be of much benefit to you or Tangma-kun.”


“Live wisely. “Isn’t it enough to have the experience of belonging to an armed group without a single acquaintance?”

Yeon Ho-jeong turned around.

Dang Sang-ah asked as she saw him walking without any trouble.

“Are you sure, Commander?”

“What confidence?”

“Be confident that you are doing well.”

“In addition, I know how to live and where to put effort.”


“That’s not difficult. The most difficult thing is the process of becoming convinced. “If you come up with an answer through that process, the rest will be solved naturally.”

“The process…”

Tang Sang-ah asked again.

“You came because you needed me, right?”

“Isn’t it obvious?”

“But if I don’t go, it won’t be ‘the best’.”

“But you can’t take someone who isn’t even healthy. “Everyone will be in danger.”


“Your body is broken. You can fix it with medicine, but only you know how to make a disturbed person feel better. That’s why I give up my regrets. “I don’t know how to make you okay.”

Tang Sang-ah bit her lip without realizing it. The words that everyone would be in danger pierced my heart like a dagger.

Yeon Ho-jeong glanced at Dang Sang-ah.

“It’s up to you how you take my advice. But don’t forget this one thing.”


“If you didn’t have the ability, would I have come all this way to say I’m sorry?”

With those words, Yeon Ho-jeong left the vacant lot.

Tang Sang-ah’s eyes wavered.

My already frustrated feelings became more complicated. But her hands, which were still covered in blood, were already clenched into fists.

Yeon Ho-jeong, who was walking through the forest, spoke in a calm voice.

“Are you going to come out now?”

As soon as he finished speaking, Mo Yong-woo appeared from behind the giant tree.

“I think about this every once in a while.”


“Perhaps Yeonje’s strongest weapon is not martial arts but speaking skills.”

“Does this mean that only the snout lived?”

“You know that’s not what I meant.”

Yeon Ho-jeong burst out laughing.

“They are willing to sell Yangtze River water if necessary. “I feel amazed every now and then.”

Mo Yong-woo also laughed at Yeon Ho-jeong’s cheekiness.

“Even that good will didn’t work to its full potential this time.”

“This is good enough.”

“I’m sorry. In most cases, I would give an order as a military commander, but given my condition, I cannot easily recommend it.”

Yeon Ho-jeong shook his head.

“Usually, the more severe the growing pains, the stronger the beliefs become. don’t worry. Because that person is just getting started.”

“is it.”

Mo Yong-woo sighed.

“Anyway, Yeonje must be frustrating. If you have any necessary qualifications, please let me know. “I will try to find someone as good as possible.”

“I saved everything, what are you talking about?”


“You just saved the last person, right? “There’s no one else to ask for now.”

Mo Yong-woo was embarrassed.

“You saved me? Surely Dang Sojeo….”

“He will come.”

Yeon Ho-jeong smiled evilly.

“Do you think I was really trying to console that man by telling him his hurtful words?”


“I need a capable Tang clan relative. However, since we can’t take the hotel away, we have to take me with them.”


Mo Yong-woo opened his mouth wide.

“Are you saying that you didn’t intend to comfort Tang Xiaoje, but rather make her follow you voluntarily?”

“Is there any more effective way to persuade someone who is suffering from self-destructive feelings of incompetence than telling them that they are a much-needed talent?”


“It was a bit cringy, but I have to endure this level of itch to recruit the necessary talent.”

Three days later.

Dang Sang-ah, somewhat haggard but with much clearer eyes than three days ago, came to Pagungak.

“See you, Commander.”

Yeon Ho-jeong tried hard to stop the clown from raising his eyebrows.

“Welcome soldier Dang Sang-ah.”

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