Dark and Light Martial Emperor Chapter 1106

Tiger Horse Soldiers (6)


Five Shaman warriors rushed towards the cavalry that had penetrated the rear.

It was truly a life-threatening rush. The three kicked off the ground and flew up, grabbing the horseman’s head and body, and the horseman’s neck.

Plop! puck!

The cavalry pulled out a machete and cut off the nape of the Murim man hanging on the horseman’s neck. He seemed to care more about the horseman than himself.



The young Murim man who had grabbed the cavalryman’s head stabbed the cavalryman’s eyeball with his finger.

The finger that opened my eye went all the way inside. The cavalry screamed and swung their spears and swords wildly.


The heads of the two warriors who came to stop the charge were crushed by the horse’s hoof, which was running wildly.


The spear wielded by the cavalry killed two warriors on horseback, leaving only one who stabbed his eye.


As I fired with all my energy, a part of the cavalry’s head was blown off. The attack that penetrated the inside shattered his brain and the right side of his skull.

“this guy!”

The spear and sword fell from the hands of the dead cavalryman.

But the straight back remained the same. The young Murim man climbed onto the back and grabbed the forearm of the cavalryman holding the horse’s reins.

Hee hee hee!

The horseman let out a harsh cry and changed direction to the north.

If a dead cavalryman had fallen, the horse would never have changed direction. The vitality was suddenly disappearing, but in this chaos, the horseman could not even feel it.

“let’s go!”

Doo doo doo!

The young martial artist, who had galloped his horse to avoid the place where his allies were gathered, had his eyes shining for a moment.

I could see enemies charging mercilessly in the distance. Even though they didn’t look like humans, they seemed excited and were making strange noises and cutting or stabbing their allies.

The martial artist hit the horse’s butt with force.

The startled horseman lowered his stance and rushed at top speed.

In an instant, the martial arts warrior rushed his horse through the enemy soldiers and took off with great force.

Doo doo doo!

A horse charging like a battering ram.

Only then did the cavalrymen, who saw the dead ally charging towards them, scream and turn on their horses, but it was already too late.


The horseman’s charge, not even caring about his life at the command of his master, was like a rock rolling down a slope.

As it charged from the side with its heavy weight, two of the silver horse cavalry fell, and the ranks of other cavalry that were running along with them also collapsed one after another.

The cavalry charging south realized the situation and showed off their magical horsemanship to avoid being swept away, but thanks to this, part of the left column was completely paralyzed.


“Kill! “Kill me!”


The number of fallen cavalry was nearly twenty. The martial people, blinded by madness, rushed forward and attacked the fallen cavalrymen without even caring for their lives.

Considering the total strength of the enemy, disrupting the ranks slightly and killing twenty cavalrymen may not be a big deal.

However, that one change ignited the spirit of the Shaanxi martial arts people and played a decisive role in reviving their dying morale.

War always creates heroes. The young martial artist was dumbfounded by the achievements he had made.

It made the difference between life and death for him.


An arrow that flew from afar took the life of a young warrior who had not yet bloomed.

The life of a young man who sowed a big seed and it oxidized. However, the morale that rose through the young man’s sacrifice awakened the spirit of the martial arts people who were dealing with the enemy without their souls.

“catch! “Bring out the cavalry!”

“Create chaos!”

“We have to stop it even if it means dying!”

Among the warriors who were pushing back the enemy in square formation, those at the forefront flew up powerfully and threw themselves at the cavalry.

Many of them were killed by the cavalry’s spears and arrows. However, thanks to them risking their lives, the Murim people who jumped up after them were all able to sit on top of the horsemen, hugging their torsos or strangling their necks.

When the situation became like this, even the Silver Horseman of the world could not help but be embarrassed.

It felt as if a swarm of ants were rushing towards me and attaching themselves to my body. The problem was that these guys were not ants but heavy people.

Of course, it would not be difficult to shake off the martial artists with the strength of cavalrymen who had practiced first-class martial arts, but the power of those who charged in with the mindset of killing the enemy even if they died, rather than living and killing the enemy, was by no means easy.

The commander of the Silver Horse Soldier, Second Army, sensed that the situation described was taking an unusual turn.

‘You opened your eyes.’

No one in this world wants to die.

The Silver Horse Soldiers are trained to risk death for victory, but if you think about it the other way around, they undergo such training because they have no choice but to hesitate in the face of death.

Of course, any combat organization trains people to risk their lives and fight. What made the Silver Horse Soldiers greater than them was that they were so insensitive to fear that they could risk their necks without hesitation at any time and at any moment.

But what about those guys?

‘It’s like fire.’

To Gyu-ha’s eyes, trained through long battles, the enemies, who only looked like pale smoke, seemed to have instantly turned into forest fire.

This is not good. I knew very well that the life-threatening battle of those without the skills to describe could sometimes pose a serious threat to an elite organization.

Gyuhaha shouted.

“Slow down! “The middle ranks are in a kill formation!”

It seemed like the damage to our allies would be too great to ignore and push forward. Even if it meant stopping the advance, the enemy’s morale had to be broken again.

His thoughts were reasonable.

Blah blah blah! Fuwaaaaak!

The cavalrymen charging at the front stopped in place and swung their spears and swords indiscriminately.

What was surprising was their posture.

So many horsemen sit down as if they had been waiting. Then, there was no hesitation at all, as if it didn’t matter if he died in the attack of the martial arts people.

Burbubbuk! Quang!

As soon as the advance was stopped, the offensive of the Shaomseo Murim people took off. They launched a hand-to-hand assault on the cavalry, who were in a low posture.

Plop! Suddenly!

The heads of the warriors who had been hit by the cavalry’s spears flew off, spattering blood into the air. The necks and limbs of the cavalrymen who were hit by the martial arts swords were torn like rags and turned red.

“They stopped! “Charge!”


The martial arts people, whose morale was boiling, rushed in excitedly.

Yongseonjinin’s eyes wavered.

“no! Scatter left and right! “Arrows are flying!”

Yongseonjin’s orders, which he had grasped the situation of the war while he was frantically killing the enemy, were somewhat late.


Three thousand arrows fired from the enemy’s middle formation rained down on the right army’s middle formation.

“Stop it!!”

Burbubbubbuk! Tiding!


There was a terrible scream and blood splattered everywhere.

Fortunately, the majority of people deflected the arrow or were hit in the critical area, but the shooting did not end with just one shot.

The rain of arrows flying in, blackening the air once again, was terrifying.

Even if you are a first-class martial artist, it is not easy to dodge or attack a rain of arrows while charging while maintaining formation. Even if it were an arrow from an army that had not learned internal energy, it would be dangerous, so it goes without saying that an arrow from a combat unit fired with full internal energy would be dangerous.


The sight of blood rising like a cloud of dust seemed incongruously dreamy.

Fortunately, this time too, many people avoided or hit the shots, so the number of Murim people killed by the second shot was only 30% compared to the previous shot. This was also due to the increase in space due to previous casualties.

The problem was that it was impossible to know how long the enemy would continue shooting.

It was a time when the spirit of the martial arts people of Shaanxi, which had once been blazing, began to falter.


In the noisy battlefield, an explosion rang out loud enough for anyone to hear.

Three horses were flying in full force. Cheon Hyo-rak, a martial artist with inhuman strength, gathered all his strength and swung his double sword to destroy the enemy’s blow.


Flash! Flash!

The moment the horsemen flew away and blocked the view, Hwahyang, who moved like a ghost, cleanly cut off the heads of the horsemen in front of Cheon Hyo-rak.

In this breathtaking battlefield, the two finally found the right strategy. When Cheon Hyorak shook the enemy with a powerful tactic, Hwahyang took advantage of the opportunity and cut down the enemy.

Although it was a very simple tactic, the two were supreme experts and knew each other’s martial arts skills well.

Add one to one to get four or five powers. It was the power of true experts who steadily destroyed a corner of the enemy while reducing energy consumption.

“Tear it!”

However, Cheon Hyo-rak and Hwahyang’s struggle was only a struggle as masters, and it did not change the flow of the battlefield.

There was someone else who changed the flow. A person who holds a treasured sword called Tangma God Sword and scatters thunder energy, which is said to boast the most destructive power among the sixty-four trigrams.

A minor master of the Tanggeum Murim Alliance and a pillar of strength who will rise above the next Murim Alliance leader.

“Tear the firing squad to the left and right and pierce the flanks of the archers!”


It was a movement like a thunderbolt.

The corps retreated to the left and right as if possessed, formed an assault line, and rushed to the left and right of the archers at incredible speed.


The formation of 3,000 cavalry was distorted at an alarming speed.

The Silver Horse Soldiers were those who silently carried out their duties even when their comrades next to them died, but if their formation was shaken and their posture was distorted, they could not make an effective attack.

Pipi Piping!

The archers on the flanks fired arrows at the troops.

Tea teating!

Surprisingly, the warriors of the Four Dynasties breathed energy into their blood-soaked clothes and swung them to hit the arrows.

The arrowheads were sharp and they were fired with full force, so it wasn’t enough, but there were still very few deaths. This is because the speed and penetrating power of a thin and long arrow could be reduced by sweeping from the middle, and the arrow with reduced power could be easily broken.

Burbubbuk! Hee hee hee!

The seasoned warriors of the four generations thoroughly targeted the eyes and noses of the horsemen.

Even if the body is harder than a rock, the mucous membranes in the eyes and nose cannot be as hard as the living organism.

A very sophisticated attack was needed, but just being attacked in the face was enough of a threat. Even horsemen who risk their lives for their masters cannot eliminate even the smallest instincts inherent in living creatures.

The horsemen shaking their heads wildly were out of control, and the warriors who took advantage of the opportunity attacked the horsemen.

Little by little, little by little.

Against the enemy’s cavalry, which boasted overwhelming attack power, the Murim League soldiers and Shaanxi Murim people also began to become accustomed to battle.


Mo Yong-woo, who penetrated into the chaotic formation of 3,000 cavalry, used the Heartless Thunder style.


The eerie brain energy immediately penetrated the cavalry’s spears and roads, shaking even the bodies of the horsemen.

There is no need to use a powerful herbivore. The brain hole was enough. Mo Yong-woo also found a way to deal with the enemy with minimal strength after experiencing severe internal energy consumption.


The cavalrymen who had mixed weapons with Mo Yong-woo at least once were foaming at the mouth. This is because brain energy penetrates and paralyzes or completely burns the nerves in each area.

Attacking horsemen, not cavalry. Among the martial arts people gathered here, only Mo Yong-woo was able to use this tactic.


Mo Yong-woo’s body staggered.

Before we knew it, Mu Ha-suk, the commander of the three armies, had entered the unit and launched an attack.

“You’re using a strange magic trick. “I have to kill you first.”

“I’ll tell you why it’s impossible.”


Although he suffered damage from a surprise attack, he rushed like a thunderbolt and took off Muhasuk’s cavalry.


The horseman’s front feet rose into the sky.

Mo Yong-woo’s body rotated.


The horseman’s thick neck was completely blown away by Gichamroe’s merciless sword.

“First, your skills are not enough to catch me.”


Mo Yong-woo, who kicked off the dead horseman and flew up, hit Mu Ha-suk’s chest with a spear rising to the top.

“Second, thanks to the fact that we and our allies risked their lives to stop us, your formation also turned into a savage group.”


Immediately after Muhasuk’s head was blown off.


The left army, which had been holding a diagonal line, split into five columns and mercilessly tore through the formation of the Silver Tiger Cavalry.

Sunwoo, who was in the lead, let out a roar.

“Smash the formation!”

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