Dark and Light Martial Emperor Chapter 1104

Tiger Horse Soldiers (4)

“Oh my!”

Yongseonjinin was taken aback when he saw the mounted troops coming down the slope.

Of course, the enemy’s mounted troops had to come down the slope. However, I had no idea that the Murim Alliance troops would be so helpless.

The 3rd corps and 4th corps that Mo Yong-woo personally led were units that had grown through numerous battles. In other words, it can be said that the Icheon army is sufficient to engage in a decisive battle with Hwasan.

However, he was retreating without even being able to fight.



The elders were also embarrassed and the moment they called Yongseon Jinin, Mo Yong-woo’s signal came from far away.

Yongseonjinin shouted.

“All troops march! “Let’s show those ruthless bastards the power of Shaanxi Wulin!”


Fortunately, the morale of our Icheon troops did not die. Among them, there were quite a few people who mocked the urgent retreat of the Murim League troops.

Whatever it was, the important thing was that they had the will to fight.


The two thousand troops of the right army rushed out.

Although they ran with a sufficient distance between them, they nevertheless kept a constant speed. Just by not running past the leader just because they were excited, you could tell that they had good discipline.

‘Over there too!’

Even in a situation where the spirit of even the world’s greatest warrior would be shaken as he rushed forward shouting, Yongseonjinin was able to see that the left army led by Jongnam was also moving.

The fighting spirit welled up on Yongseon Jinin’s face.

He was very worried when he saw the Murim Alliance forces withdrawing, but even though it was a coalition of political factions, the Murim Alliance did not even think about protecting Shaanxi with only the military power of the alliance.

Shaanxi’s crisis must be resolved by Shaanxi. Even if the Murim Alliance troops had not come, they would not have retreated.

‘I will definitely win!’

Yongseonjinin, who was newly appointed to the position of Jangmunin after the dishonorable death of Yonghwajinin, who was executed, was a person with the power and spirit sufficient to become the Jangmun of Hwasan, although he was evaluated as a political figure.

When the 2,000 troops of the friendly army led by Yongseonjinin narrowed the distance to the retreating Murim Alliance troops to close to 300 pieces.


The Murim League troops, who had retreated in a large open field, suddenly turned around.

Then, each danju and daeju shouted in loud voices.

“Combined attack! “Push them left and right!”


The Murim Alliance troops, who seemed to be randomly torn apart and fleeing, suddenly merged and split into left and right.

That rapid battle line maintenance was a sight not easily seen anywhere else. Yongseonjinin was impressed by the movements of the Murim League troops.

‘It’s that fast! ‘This is truly amazing!’

As the commander of an army and not a military man, Yongseonjinin could not help but be surprised.

At the same time, I was nervous.

Looking again, the movement and momentum of the Murim League troops were truly amazing. The enemy’s ability to rush those troops in such a short time would be much greater than we had vaguely imagined.

Yongseonjinin shouted.


The Plum Blossom Swordsmen of Hwasan who followed behind him rushed out with explosive magic.

Dozens of plum blossom inspectors performed the Eight Plum Blossom Inspection (八梅花劍陣), a symbol of the volcano. It was a top-notch swordsman that put pressure on the enemy while thoroughly defending it.

Doo doo doo doo! Slurp.

A cavalry unit charging at terrifying speed.

Surprisingly, the Murim League troops did not even look back and split their camp into small pieces to reveal Hwasan’s sword.

It was a combat ability that had been strengthened through tremendous combat. Yongseonjinin pledged victory once again after seeing the flexible advance of the Murim Alliance forces.

In this way, the advance guard of the Silver Horse Soldiers and the Murim Alliance troops clashed.

Kwa-kwa-kwa-kwak! Puff!

With a terrifying roar, dozens of warriors flew into the sky.

Blood explodes like firecrackers. Pieces of broken bodies and weapons decorated the air like stars in the night sky.

Most of them were soldiers of the Murim Alliance. They died too horribly and too many people to say that it was a noble sacrifice.

“Kill! “Kill me!”

“Aim for the legs!”

“Equestrian legs are strong! “Kill the cavalry first!”

All kinds of shouting were rampant. Those in the middle of the battlefield felt their ears ringing from the sound of horses’ hooves, various swear words, fighting spirit, and clashing weapons.

I raise my voice even louder to open my hearing ears. In the middle of the battlefield, a noise that was difficult to imagine led the knights of the underworld.

Bub bub bub! Puhwaak!

The charging power and spear skills of the Silver Tiger Horsemen were amazing.

It truly shows overwhelming destructive power. In particular, each horse was worthy of being called a monster, so even in the face of an ignorant sword cut, it was not even cut well, let alone killed.


The elders of Hwasan, led by Yongseonjinin, flew through the sky and charged at the horsemen.

Flash! Flash!

Although they made a misjudgment in their initial tactics, their will to protect Shaanxi was as strong as anyone else.

The sight of them wielding plum swords on the front lines was like seeing immortals descending on the battlefield. They exquisitely roamed the air, making full use of the volcano’s proud dark scented food, and unleashed all of the volcano’s sword techniques to ravage my horsemen.

That wasn’t all.


The left army, which had twice the power of the right army, attacked the front and sides of the Silver Tiger cavalry in a gentle diagonal line.

Yongseonjinin, who was frantically cutting off the horseman’s neck and arms, was momentarily startled.

‘Diagonal lines!!’

This is a method of sweeping the enemy by moving the ends of a straight formation at intervals. The left army was charging in order from the left wing to the middle wing to the right wing as if to surround the enemy.

The terrifying destructive power of the Silver Tiger Horsemen can destroy any formation in an instant, but their destructive power is largely due to their simplicity as well as their cavalry characteristics.

In other words, in order for the Silver Tiger Horseman to instantly crush the enemy, he must perform a straight charge. In the first place, using a variety of tactics with horseback was difficult even with considerable training, so the mounted horsemen focused on pushing the enemy with overwhelming weight and speed.

However, against such a cavalry unit, the left army uses a diagonal line and engages the enemy in a form that embraces them, causing internal chaos.

‘That’s amazing!’

Yongseonjinin could not help but be impressed even though it was an urgent situation.

It’s easy to say, but in order to correctly form a formation that moves in a diagonal line, not only countless exercises were needed, but also people with excellent military capabilities were needed.

Moreover, because it charges from the end, the area where it first encounters the enemy is narrow. The fear of soldiers who rush first and hit the enemy is bound to be more extreme than when they rush straight ahead.

Nevertheless, the fact that the diagonal line was successfully deployed is evidence that the morale of the left army was superior to that of the right army, and it also means that the relationship between superiors and subordinates was thorough.

Fuwaaaaak! Awesome!

The moment I decapitated one of the cavalrymen, I was almost hit by an arrow coming from the left.

Yongseonjinin, who quickly struck down the arrow, pulled out the dead cavalryman and mounted the empty horseback.

Hee hee hee!

The horsemen went on a rampage.

Sensitively understands those who are not the owner. It was not a simple difference in weight, but it seemed to be understood through the true energy and atmosphere emitted by the rider.

Yongseonjinin shouted loudly.

“this guy!”

Whi profit!

He somehow broke the horse’s head, but the horseman never followed Yongseonjinin’s words.


One of the arrows that came from afar hit the horseman’s right eye.

The horseman, who let out a dragon sound, raised his front leg and changed direction.

At that moment, Yongseonjinin faced the crowd of enemies.

Numerous long spears were aimed at Yongseonjinin.

Yongseonjinin immediately kicked the saddle.

Kaga-ga-gang! Plop!

Most of the long spears were not stuck on horseback. However, the horse fell due to the shock, and was trampled by other horsemen who came after him and turned into fish meat.

‘This is terrible!’

Yongseonjinin, who was flying high in the air, felt dispirited by the cavalry’s brutality.

These guys seemed to have no emotion at all about their ally’s death. Just rush, rush again. Enemies within their territory tried to kill them using spears, machetes, and arrows, but even if one corner of them collapsed in the distance, they ran towards the front without any worries.

It seemed like they were trying to dig in and escape the enemy’s troops.

‘You can’t do that!’

I didn’t feel an ounce of fear from these guys.

Only deep life and quietly burning excitement is conveyed. If the cavalry were to penetrate the friendly forces, the well-formed camp would be broken into several pieces.

If that happens, the formation itself becomes disadvantageous. If you split it and start pushing left and right, the sacrifice of your allies will increase exponentially.

“Don’t break through! “To all the swordsmen of Hwasan, repel the enemy’s offensive with Palmaehwa checkup!”

It is a harsh order to only defend against such an aggressive charging cavalry unit.

But I couldn’t help it. If one part breaks through while attacking and crushing each other, countless holes will be created behind it.

Of course, the opposite is also possible. This means that if the left and right armies of Shaanxi, centered around the Murim League, break through the cavalry camp, they can push back to the left and right equally.

The problem is that horsemen are not easily cut by even the most expert swords, and they are not easily pushed around due to their enormous weight.

Crucially, once the left and right armies are breached, the provincial capital and each city in Shaanxi must receive mounted troops. It would be better if they rushed in after settling the fight here, but the moment they ignore the battlefield and run towards the city, the Shaanxi Wulin will be no different from losing this battle.

‘Damn it! ‘We misjudged!’

While a fight is going on, it is pointless to think about anything other than the fight.

Still, Yongseonjinin had no choice but to do it.

‘So Mengju was right.’

Topographical advantages, and the power of Shaanxi Wulin itself.

I thought that alone would be enough to stop the enemy. Although he said that the number of cavalry was as high as 10,000, he thought that if he took advantage of the open ground to deal with the enemy’s cavalry, the enemy would be in disarray.


Their horsemen have bodies like steel that are resistant to cuts even with the swords of masters who have learned internal skills. In order to cut down a horse with a single sword, you had to be at least a top expert.

It was even heavier than Joongwon’s horse, and there was no fear of what kind of trick was used. It was no exaggeration to say that it was truly an improved monster, as its two red eyes were filled with demonic energy.

Also, what is that speed? Don’t you think it would be a good idea to have a battle of divine law with a peak expert?

‘I should have prepared thoroughly! ‘We should have been thoroughly prepared and met them, whether it was poison, traps, or any trick!’

Since we did not know the enemy well, we should not have chosen any means or methods.

Yongseonjinin looked back at the elders.

The elders’ faces were also flushed with life and excitement, but they had a look of embarrassment in their eyes that they could not hide. They also never imagined that the fight would proceed this way.

Quack! Fuuuuuuu!

Binge drinking and binge drinking, death and death.

Yongseonjinin’s gaze was directed to the rear of the ally.


Several horsemen were riding across the middle of the right army to the rear.

They will be caught. However, if the enemy forces had already crossed the center of the friendly army, it meant that the friendly army could soon be breached.

Yongseonjinin shouted.

“Compress the formation! Take it with strength! It must never be breached!”

Wouldn’t that really break through? Yongseonjinin was not confident.

‘Even if I give up my head, I will never let you go!’

It was then.


Far beyond the hill.

A purple sword energy filled the air, destroying the rear of the cavalry unit.

Yongseonjinin’s mouth dropped open.

“Master Taesajou!!”

The squadron experts, led by the Hwageomja, pushed in from the rear and flanks of the Silver Horse Soldiers.

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