Conquering the Academy with Just a Sashimi Kn*fe Chapter 95

Episode 95 Final Exam (5)


I touched the back of my neck for no reason. The hairs stood stiffly for no reason.

An unknown, unidentified eerieness enveloped my entire body and then disappeared.

‘Is it magic?’

But it was a strangely alien feeling. It felt like someone was calling me from afar. It was like a ripple in the still water.

As I was wiping the goosebumps off my arms, Rachel asked me.

“What’s wrong? Why are you so stiff? Did you drop something while crossing the bridge?”

“… No, that’s not it. I think I heard a voice somewhere. Rachel, didn’t you hear it?”

Rachel nodded in agreement.

“Voices? I didn’t hear anything like that. Isn’t that just the sound of blisters bursting on that crazy lake? Just looking at it, it looks like there were more than one or two people who drowned… … . Why, on the internet and stuff, there are a lot of horror stories like ‘I heard a dead girl’s voice in the third bathroom stall… … .’! Hehe. You, Geomma, are you a coward? Whenever you’re scared, tell this older sister.”

“… … .”

Rachel muttered, pointing down the bridge we had just crossed. I sighed.

‘Did I mishear?’

I shook off my distracting thoughts and looked ahead. Rachel was just wiping away sweat, as if her condition had completely returned. Likewise, Senior Hana was wiping her glasses while wearing them. Only Instructor Choi Seol-ah was lying down, panting, with her long arms and legs stretched out like the letter ‘大’.

“Ughhhhhh. I can’t go on any longer!”

Choi Seol-ah let out a long groan and then started throwing a tantrum. She flailed her arms and legs, as if she didn’t even care about the cadets’ gaze.

It closely resembles a cartoon where Rachel bursts into tears, shouting, “Danbi, turn it off! Woof woof!” Rachel looked at Choi Seol-ah with disgusted eyes.

“Is that an instructor? The way he speaks and acts is like a total brat.”

I also agreed with Rachel’s words, but I didn’t show it on the outside. Regardless of my pathetic behavior, thanks to Choi Seol-ah’s courage, I arrived within the time limit.

Well, that doesn’t mean that Choi Seol-ah’s actions will be liquidated.

Besides, there’s no way this guy truly repented. He has no conscience or shame, so he shouldn’t be reflecting on anything. I plan on using him like a dog from now on.

The reason why Choi Seol-ah was so obedient was simply her obsession with not wanting to be harmed by me. That must have been the reason why she crawled on all fours.

Still, I plan to say something. I just learned that the driving force that moves people is appropriate compensation. I approached Choi Seol-ah and quietly opened my mouth.

“Thank you for your hard work.”


Choi Seol-ah stared blankly for a long time without saying a word. Her purple pupils became perfect circles.

“Are you deaf? I said it was hard work.”

“… … .”

As she said that, Choi Seol-ah’s lips and eyes began to twitch. The tears in her eyes looked as if they would drip down if she were to touch them.

‘…Why is he like this?’


Choi Seol-ah closed her eyes tightly, then opened them, and stood up with a powerful shout! She shook her body once and shook off the dirt stuck to her body.

“Just trust me, Master Geomma!”

As she said that, she passed me and took the lead with brisk strides. Choi Seol-ah, who had advanced 20 meters in one stride, gestured loudly and urged me to hurry.

Rachel looked puzzled by my sudden change in behavior and asked me.

“You, what did you say to him that made you suddenly go crazy like that? I saw you flustered at your words earlier. Did you secretly give him a note?”

“… Do you think I have money to send him a note?”

“Hehe, that’s true.”

“… … .”

Rachel, who surprised me with an awkward smile. A knife with no malicious intent actually stings more.

When I glared at her sharply, Rachel ran away, her blonde hair fluttering in the wind as if she felt a sting. She waved her arms next to Choi Seol-ah.

Choi Seol-ah glared at Rachel. Rachel glared back.

Sparks flew between the two women. Soon, they both turned their heads simultaneously, snorting and groaning.

“These two people secretly have good chemistry.”

At that moment, a senior came over to me and said that. I nodded.

“Well, that’s all because you’re a sinful man, Geumma.”

“… … ?”

As if he was wondering what she was talking about, Senior Hana walked out lightly. There was a strange smile on the corner of her mouth.

I blinked and looked at his back. The words, ‘I am so sorry,’ were a bit on my mind, but I shook off the thought and moved my legs.

We’ve already passed two checkpoints. Now the last one is left.

“Oh, my, what is it? Why do I feel so uneasy?”

My heart was filled with excitement and anticipation, but somehow I felt uneasy.

* * *

That moment.

The area outside the special room was filled with cadets with pale faces. Those sitting were noblemen, while most were slumped to the side, just catching their breath.

Among them, a male student with two-toned hair was breathing shallowly. A speed weapon with a strong physique but a weak stomach. His cheeks swelled up and then his lips, which had been closed, opened like a flood.


Starting with Speed Weapon, the cadets around him also quickly finished their breakfast with a “Wow!” expression.

The banquet of such vomit spread quickly along the torrent. This was a common sight for those who had no magical resistance.

“Haa, haa.”

Speed Weapon emptied his insides cleanly and collapsed on the ground. He nervously pulled at the tie that was strangling his neck.

“Oh, shit.”

I spat out a slice of pizza and felt empty inside. It was when Speed Weapon was sweeping away my chin and quietly looking around.

“Speed what time!”

“Oh, what? Chloe, your group is already out?”

“… Yes, I ran out of time before the first checkpoint.”

“Still, that’s amazing. Our group just wandered around in the forest and got eliminated. Oh my, thinking about that crazy forest makes me shiver again.”

Weapon pressed his nose and slapped his head. The cool air made his stomach feel even more uncomfortable. It was because of the motion sickness caused by the gap between the inside and outside of the special exhibition hall. In the meantime, Chloe turned her head around and looked around before opening her mouth.

“It looks like Kenma-kun and Saki-san are still inside?”

“Yeah, I came to my senses and looked for them too, but they weren’t there. I don’t know about Saki, but the manager has black hair so he stands out. Since I can’t see him, I guess he hasn’t come out yet.”

Speed Weapon shrugged, and Chloe’s expression changed into a series of emotions.

“… Sir Sword Horse, is everything okay?”

“Chloe, you’re the one who’s been with the manager the longest, and you’re saying something like that! You know that there’s nothing more useless than worrying about him. The manager will take care of himself. But… … .”

Speed Weapon stopped talking. For someone who loved explaining things, this was a difficult thing to do.

Even if that were the case, when I thought of Ryozo Saki’s face, incomprehensible thoughts began to swirl around in my head.

She was assigned to Leon’s group, a candidate for the warrior. Leon’s reliability was famous from the beginning, but for some reason, that part felt even more suspicious.

Speed Weapon thought deeply about Leon.

A giraffe of the era who suddenly appeared one day. Even to a man, he is handsome, and his personality and conduct are also neat and clean.

Speed Weapon summed up his character in one word.

Blank sheet of paper.

It is unstained and does not belong anywhere. It looks dangerously like it could lean towards light or dark depending on what paint is applied.

The weapon raised its eyes. Ding- ding- When the top of the tower let out a sound, the stone gate opened its mouth and pushed the cadets out all at once as if spitting them out.

They, who had just returned to reality, were also struggling and vomiting like they had just done. Weapon wrinkled his nose at the sight. He was about to turn his head, but soon changed his mind and stood up, shaking his butt.

A month or two with Kang Geum-ma. I learned something from him.

Rather than worrying about useless things, I clear my head and move my body first. And Weapon had work to do.

“Chloe, let’s go.”

“Yes? Where?”

“We have to find the villain. It’s a shame that we got eliminated early, but thanks to that, we have some free time. Let’s do what we can.”

Chloe stared at the smiling weapon for a moment, then let out a small laugh.

“Speed, you’re starting to look more and more like the Sword Demon.”

Weapon scratched the back of his head, feeling somewhat embarrassed. Then Chloe spoke with a clear face.

“There are only 30 minutes left until the faculty office closes! I’ll go first, so you, Mr. Speedy, hurry up and come too!”

Chloe, who had not finished her sentence, jumped up and down the tree branch. Weapon stared blankly at her, who had become a dot in his vision in less than a minute. He muttered bitterly.

“… Chloe, when will she learn my name… … .”

* * *

It takes 30 minutes to climb the stairs to the third gate.

Now, the end was in sight, but looking at the stairs lined up so quickly to the top of the tower, I sighed.

‘Damn, why are we hiking at this late hour?’

I turned my head back.

“Ugh, ugh. It’s fucking crazy here.”

“Just try a little harder, Rachel.”

Rachel staggered around as if her soul had been taken out. Senior Hana grabbed her shoulder and tried to console her, but his condition was also not good. Both of them barely managed to move their feet with their faces drained of blood.

That’s understandable. Just when I thought I was getting used to this kind of environment, as soon as I entered this place, an enormous amount of magical power hit us like a tsunami. Even Choi Seol-ah let out a voice that was out of breath due to the excessive magical power.


Balor Joaquin, that man is quite a character. To this extent, he not only restored the magic tower located in Gehenna, but also uprooted it and planted it. To this extent, it is not sincerity, but madness.

But in the meantime, I’m the only one who’s not having any problems. My lips are parched from the dry air, but I can just moisten them with my tongue. I don’t know what kind of body it is, but it’s not ordinary.

Thud, thud.

We climbed the tower at a leisurely pace. Whenever we saw a new floor, we took a five-minute break and then continued on.

Before entering the tower, I saw that there were only four people’s footprints leading up to the entrance. That meant that our group was in second place.

It’s a bit disappointing that I didn’t get first place, but I’m satisfied that I managed to get this far. Besides, everyone else’s condition is not good. Rather than kicking my butt and pushing myself too hard, I’ll just be satisfied with second place.

Premature impatience invites trouble. If you are alone, it may be okay, but there is no need to overwork the bodies of all your crew members.

As I was emptying my head and just rolling my feet, I remembered the thousand-mile march I took in the military. I remember shouting out military songs while carrying full military gear on my back.

‘Compared to that time, this is just a walk.’

As I was moving only my leg muscles, with all the branches of my thoughts cut off, I heard a thud-thud noise and felt something sticky on the soles of my feet. It was a familiar, unpleasant texture.

I slowly lifted my feet off the floor. Then something caught my eye. A dark red thread was tangled stickily between the sole of my shoe and the step.


The relaxed state of mind suddenly tightened with tension. I lifted my gaze involuntarily.


As if in response, a roar came from above. It echoed ominously inside the tall and spacious tower. My intuition was faster than my perception. I reflexively ran forward.

“Hey, Mr. Sword!”

Choi Seol-ah called out in a panicked voice. She stomped her feet in place for a moment, then quickly followed me after telling Rachel and her senior to stay here.

I jumped up four steps at a time. If I had made even a slight misstep, I would have fallen to my death, but I didn’t think twice. My heart was pounding.


I see the next set of stairs. I take a big step and jump up high.

He climbed about 100 stairs in less than 30 seconds.

Ugh- Ugh-

I raised my head, leaving behind the hot breath that was being exhaled.

At the same time, my pupils dilated widely. My heartbeat, which had been beating loudly, froze for a moment.

A pink-haired female cadet and a squinty-eyed male instructor stand alone in the midst of the chaos.

“Oh my, what is this? There are guests already?”

The one with the pink hair slowly turned her head towards me while grabbing Leon’s right arm. Her eyes met mine and a loose smile appeared on her lips as she spoke.

“Just a moment, finish what you were doing~.”


When she pressed down on Leon’s forearm, the flesh burst open with a “P-“. Leon let out a scream and soon lowered his head. Blood clung to the pink-haired man’s cheek. She wiped it away with her index finger and licked it.

At that moment, my consciousness unconsciously turned to the corner of my vision. A girl with light blue hair was looking at me with her eyes blurry.


My pupils, which were shaking violently as if an earthquake had occurred, slightly lowered. A short knife was stuck in Ryozo’s collarbone, up to the handle. There was a sense of desperation in his trembling voice.

“… Please… save… me.”

With those words, Ryozo lowered his head.

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not work with dark mode