Conquering the Academy with Just a Sashimi Kn*fe Chapter 84

Episode 84 Festival: Encounter (2)

“How did you notice?”

Al’Tair asked with a hearty laugh. I muttered to myself, hiding my expression.

‘I can’t say I saw it in my past life.’

To be exact, I remember that cane, not the old man’s face. At first glance, it looks like an ordinary cane, but it’s one of the best weapons among S-class weapons, the Cain Sword Syndicate.

The wooden staff hides a sharp blade that has been sharpened to a crisp. It is a truly assassin-like weapon and has an impressive appearance, making it popular among users. Thanks to that, I was able to identify who this old man is.

I slowly looked him up and down. In ‘Miracle Protection M’, he always had his hood up and was full of charisma.

His eyes are half-closed and he’s wearing a Hawaiian shirt with the phrase “Love & Peace” written on his chest. He looks like a martial artist from Dragon Ball. The only difference is that he’s not wearing sunglasses.

‘The one called the strongest assassin was such a perverted old man… … .’

As I was drooling, Al’Tair nodded as if he understood.

“You’ve taken advantage of my presence detection, young man.”

“… … ?”

I blinked once. Al’Tair raised the corners of his mouth a little more.

“I completely blocked out any sounds with the crow’s protection. After all, I’ve been an assassin my whole life, so I guess I have a murderous streak in me. But you probably noticed because you couldn’t sense any sounds from me. And since I tried to summon you through Nox, the timing was perfect.”

What are you talking about? I just figured it out by the cane this old man was holding?

Since he had been lying down to the very end, Gaho’s sensitivity was not heightened. If he had planned a surprise attack, his reaction would have been delayed.

I just opened my eyes blankly. Al’Tair seemed to understand, shook his head excitedly and muttered.

“What a frightening insight at such a young age.”

I was about to ask a question, but I stopped. Since you are asking and answering questions on your own, there is no need to add an explanation. I realized anew how important it is to leave space in your words.

‘The saying that ‘if you keep your mouth shut, you’re halfway there’ is used in situations like this.’

I remained silent, thinking so. Al’Tair smiled slyly.

“You probably know why I’m looking for you, young man.”

“Yeah, whatever.”

To be honest, I don’t know.

“Then the story will be quick. There is a saying that old people have no tomorrow. Thank you for saving me useless time.”

He folded his handkerchief and placed both hands on the top of his cane. The air had become quite heavy. The shadows of the trees swayed in the wind.

“I didn’t come here because the Elders recently instigated your assassination.”


When I looked slightly flustered, he shook his head excitedly.

“The family takes care of its own affairs. Why bother bringing up a matter that has already been settled? If it were just for that, I wouldn’t have come all the way from Sicily to Korea. I came to you for more important matters.”

“… … .”

Auditore dismissed the elders’ hasty order. There was no way he would easily accept the order to bury a cadet without any evidence.

However, Auditore must have been keeping an eye on me because of that horoscope. And since I had dealt with the realm of the mind and defeated Mao Lang the day before yesterday, I thought his intentions would have become even stronger, and that was why he summoned me.

‘Is there anything more important than this?’

Al’Tair opened his eyes slightly. A light beyond his bloodshot pupils gleamed. He looked straight at me with half-closed eyes.

“young people…….”

A low voice. I instinctively reached for the sashimi in my pocket.

Al’Tair also held the handle of his staff tightly so that he could pull it out immediately if necessary.

He is an old man in a rustic outfit, but his opponent is the strongest assassin. A moment of carelessness can mean the end of your life.


The wind swept away the heat. Tension spread through my body. Al’Tair tapped the top of his staff with his index finger and spoke.

“What is your relationship with my granddaughter?”

“… … .”

My fingers, which had been groping in his pocket, stopped. Then he coughed and uttered his last words.

“Are you two dating?”

* * *

I explained my relationship with Chloe for about ten minutes. Al’Tair stroked his beard and pricked up his ears. He was a pervert old man with rosy ears.

“Just friends, nothing more.”

“Hmm, I see.”

Altair nodded repeatedly. He smiled brightly, revealing his teeth, as if his doubts had finally been resolved. I was secretly disappointed by his appearance.

‘… The head of the assassin family was this kind of person.’

In the game, he was a cool character whose lines were always ‘… … ‘, but in reality, he was just an old man you could find anywhere. I scratched the back of my neck and hid my feelings.

‘Still, he was quite intimidating when he picked up the weight a little while ago, so he’s not an ordinary person.’

Al’Tair took out his handkerchief again, wiped his face, and stood up.

“Anyway, since my questions have been resolved, I will now take my leave. Then, please take good care of my granddaughter as a ‘friend’. As you know, she has a soft personality. If she spends time with you, Chloe may change too.”

Al’Tair had a smile on his lips. I stared at him for a moment and then opened my mouth.

“…Do you really think that Chloe must become an assassin, Your Majesty?”

I didn’t want to meddle in other people’s family affairs.


Chloe’s face came to mind for some reason over the past two days. The way she was preparing the ingredients with a look of pride and joy on her face. Her personality was such that she felt satisfaction in such small things.

At my question, Al’Tair just stood there blankly, smiling faintly. Then, instead, he blurted out a word.

“You’ve seen another side of Chloe, right?”

Chloe in yandere mode. I swallowed dry saliva and nodded slowly. Al’Tair smiled faintly.

“That’s my granddaughter’s true nature. A wildness that is infinitely close to that of a beast. If you were me, would you be able to let such a thing out into the open?”

“Isn’t that a product of Auditoré-style education?”

Al’Tair shook his head as he spoke in a sharp voice.

“We’re not as shabby as the world thinks. Of course, since assassination is our main occupation, I admit that our educational methods are different, but before that, we’re family.”

He continued speaking with a long sigh.

“And Chloe is the opposite. The family has worked hard to hide Chloe’s inner self. They’ve instilled reason in her through the years, but when her emotions get too intense, she shows her teeth.”

“… … .”

“I know you care about Chloe as a close friend. But, I hate to say this to my granddaughter, but if you want to save your life, don’t get too close to Chloe. You never know when your head might snap.”

At first glance, these words make sense, but they also seem like the words of an old woman.


I listened silently and then opened my mouth softly.

“Please stop there and do your acting.”

“Acting? What do you mean?”

Al’Tair made a face that said he didn’t understand English. I uncrossed my arms and rebuked him.

“It’s fine to pretend to care. But if you’re going to lie, you should hide it better.”

As soon as I finished speaking, I pulled Murasame out of my pocket.


Passus, passus, passus.

Passus, passus, passus.

Soon, a bunch of new figures appeared from the gaps in the trembling leaves of the Parani. Each of them, wearing their hoods pulled down deeply, pulled out a sharp weapon.

‘The Assassins of Auditore.’

Beneath their hoods, their eyes glowed red. They seemed ready to attack at any moment. Al’Tair wiped the expression off his face and spoke in a mechanical voice.

“… Since when did you notice?”

The icy ranks begin to gather around me.

There was a murderous intent in their eyes. I looked around with calm eyes and said.

“Didn’t you tell me earlier that you had a good feeling? It’s along similar lines.”

“… … .”

Al’Tair, who had been staring at me motionless for a moment, raised one hand. With a single gesture, his men disappeared as if they were sucked into the shadows.

There was no sign of life at all, and an ominous silence settled in. Then Al’Tair chuckled and began to hum.

“You, you exceeded my expectations.”

I answered, putting Murasame back in my pocket.

“It was below my expectations.”

* * *

Thud, thud.

Al’Tair walked leisurely across the tree-lined street.

As an assassin, he had long since dried up his emotions, but for some reason, an emotion close to joy remained on his face.

He has been the head of the Auditore clan and the most powerful assassin of all time for over sixty years. Al’Tair suddenly touches his chest with his wrinkled hands.

It must have been worn down by countless killings a long time ago. Emotions welled up in his dry mind, and his heart began to beat.

‘Ganggeommara… … .’

An attitude of not being at all impressed even when placed in front of oneself.

A talent for dealing with the realm of the imagination at a young age, even a young age. An insight that offsets the lack of experience.

Isn’t he someone who can’t be described by the common word ‘genius?’ Al’Tair muttered the boy’s name a moment ago as if reminiscing.


Al’Tair, who had been walking for a while, suddenly stopped. He turned his gaze slightly. A shadow of a person rose from the shade of a tree like a mist.


“Yes, my lord.”

Knox fixed his gaze on the floor. However, he flinched at the slightest touch of the lord’s emotions. The lord, an iron-blooded assassin, was smiling with sincerity.

“It was worth coming from far away.”

“… I’m glad you’re satisfied.”

Al’Tair nodded slightly and continued speaking.

“It was the first time.”

“Huh? Which part… …?”

Nox trailed off in embarrassment. Al’Tair laughed quietly.

“It’s about feeling fear towards someone.”

Knox was speechless, unable to say anything. He simply shook his shoulders slightly, trying to ease the confusion that was coming his way.

“I hope to see that friend again soon.”

“… … .”

Al’Tair moved his legs again. Instead of pressing his staff against the ground like before, he held it firmly. The grip was soaked with sweat.

* * *

A few minutes later.

“Hey, Mr. Geumma! You’ve been waiting for a long time!?”

Chloe approaches, waving. Her hair is a little wet, as if she came out in a hurry.

“No, I just got here.”


Chloe’s eyes sparkled brightly. Her lips were filled with pleasant emotions. I looked at her like that and became lost in thought.

‘I guess it’s better not to tell anyone that you met Lady Chloe?’

She was just beginning to show signs of improving her relationship with Knox. I guess Knox and Chloe weren’t on bad terms to begin with, but rather drifted apart due to family traditions.

Such doubts were transformed into certainty after meeting Al’Tair. He tried to confuse me by mixing in many lies in his words.

The expression of emotions was more varied than I expected, and the clothing was loose, so I almost fell for it for a moment. But immediately after meeting him, I regained my senses, and sharp auras pierced my skin.

They used the ‘Protection of the Crow’, a protection that blocks presence. In fact, if I hadn’t brought Murasame, I wouldn’t have noticed it at all. However, even if it was a weak murderous intent, it was clearly detected because it was piled up layer by layer.

‘He was a truly disgusting old man.’

I finished my thoughts and made up my mind. Let’s not say anything.

I didn’t mean to hide it, but she seemed really happy, so I didn’t want to bring it up and upset her.

“What should we do?”

Chloe asked with a bright smile. I answered, scratching my cheek.

“Well, I looked at the schedule earlier and there’s a parade in the evening. There’s fireworks when the sun goes down. How about watching them in order?”

“Yes, I like it!”

Chloe nodded her head in agreement. I smiled faintly at her.

“Boss! Chloe!”

A familiar voice calling us from afar. Speed Weapon, who had a collection of souvenirs on his chest. Next to him, Ryozo with a dry face and Hana-senpai quietly accompanying him.

Chloe was taken aback by the sudden assembly of the members. She immediately turned her head away with her cheeks puffed out. She looked displeased, but it was not something she could push away.

“But didn’t you say you were all going your separate ways? Why are you all together?”

When I asked, Weapon tilted his head and asked back.

“Huh? The manager sent me a text. He said to meet me here at 4 o’clock.”

Weapon showed me his phone while saying that. There was indeed a text message on the screen with my number. Of course, I had never sent it.

‘… A kid who would do something like this.’

I narrowed my eyes and glanced at Ryozo. She stuck out her tongue sheepishly.

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not work with dark mode