Conquering the Academy with Just a Sashimi Kn*fe Chapter 72

Episode 72: The Best Swordsman in the Country (1)

It was absurd. I was silent for a long time while looking at the attached file.

“… What the fuck is this.”

Kanggeomma, that is, the information about me was excessively clean. Everything that should have been there, such as my place of origin, family relationships, and my parents’ names, was cleanly erased.

All of the information listed is from after he entered the academy. Before that, it was as if he had never existed.

Actually, I am not originally from this world. It is an undeniable fact, but I entered this world after spending more than a year there.

One day, when I was swallowed up by this world, my parents in this world warmly embraced me. After visiting Avalon Island, I tried to trace their appearances, but I couldn’t even remember their afterimages.


A hollow laugh escaped my teeth. Even as I was overcome with confusion and shock, I felt as if my intelligent reason had poured cold water on me.

There is no trembling in the fingertips, no cold sweat running down the spine. I just organize my thoughts one by one. I suppress my passion by eliminating unnecessary elements from my mind.

Has it disappeared from my memory? There is too clear evidence to believe that, as it is recorded on the screen of my cell phone.

My own delusion? Certainly, it could be, but as always, perception refutes the hypothesis.

I lifted my chin and looked up at the dark cloudy sky. The heavy clouds floated as if trying to hide the sky.

“You two are here to help me adjust.”

I didn’t bother to continue. Even if I tried to think about it differently, my thoughts eventually came down to one thing. I stood there in silence, and suddenly, I cleared my mind.

Until a moment ago, I had been praising my well-muscled body, but inside it felt empty and hollow. It felt like there was a hole in the pit of my stomach.

“This sucks.”

I threw my phone down on the desk. Even if I thought about it for a long time, it didn’t seem like it would lead to anything more. Furthermore, since there was almost nothing written on it, there was no need to look at it any further.

But as if I had been fooled by someone’s trick, something hot rose up from the bottom. Instead of embarrassment, I was filled with anger.

A blood vessel appeared on the back of his fist. He had clenched his fist so hard that blood flowed between his knuckles.


I exhaled deeply. The blood that had been bubbling in my veins gradually cooled down. Then I opened the notebook I had folded.

⌜God of Swords⌟


Two words written down immediately after waking up from a dream.

“…either one, or both.”

The two eyes that were glaring at them burned fiercely. Ugh, my teeth ground.

“Someday… … .”

At the end of the sentence.

Kugu Palace!

The gray-white clouds collided with each other, producing a thunderous sound. Lightning immediately struck the ground.


Yeah, yeah



The explosion was more violent than usual. However, I watched the scene without changing my expression. In one hand, I was holding Murasame. I stretched my hand forward and aimed at the tip of the sword.

The lightning seemed to stop for a moment, then struck with such force that it shook the air. As the deafening roar continued, a few cadets stuck their faces out of the windows to watch.

“… … .”

After imprinting the scene on my retina for a while, I headed to the bathroom to wash up. While I was showering, one corner of my mouth suddenly went up. The lightning didn’t seem to move very quickly.

* * *

Before morning classes, sex class.


Rachel, her face drooping, took a deep breath. She buried her face in her arms with a sullen expression. Abel was taken aback by this unusual sight.

Rachel, who was always extremely tense, was completely exhausted. Her half-closed heart-shaped pupils were ordinary circles today. Abel glanced at her and thought.

‘Why is he like this today? Is the weather bad?’

It was a particularly cloudy day with a lot of lightning. Some students in the Saint class even skipped class for religious reasons, claiming that the heavens were angry. Of course, most of them were joking.

Abel wasn’t very close with Rachel. However, she was the only person in the class who spoke to him in a friendly manner, so he couldn’t just ignore her.

While Abel hesitated, Rachel, who had buried her forehead in her arms, lifted her forehead slightly.

“Miss Abel, can you give me some advice?”

The voice was wet. Abel had a feeling that something was wrong.

After thinking for a moment, she adjusted her posture and nodded. Rachel added with half-closed eyes.

“I mean, my self-esteem is really low these days. To be honest, I don’t think I’m that bad. I’m confident in my strength, and my face is annoying enough for guys to chase after me. And most of all, my body.”

“… … ?.”

Rachel glanced at Abel without saying a word. Her heart-shaped eyes lingered on Abel’s chest for a moment before leaving. A little light returned to Rachel’s dull eyes.

Abel blinked for a moment, then burst into tears. Rachel’s curves were more than just seductive; they were as sharp as mountain peaks.

“Rachel, you, gee, now!”

Rachel continued mumbling, not giving her a chance to finish her sentence.

“Abel, did you know that Geomma created the club?”

Abel shrugged his shoulders at the sudden mention of the name of Ganggeomma. Rachel, who had spoken, seemed to think, “Oh no,” and just moved her lips.

“Ah, at that time, Abel, because of the matter of the sword master… … .”

“Uh, what.”

In fact, after returning from Avalon Island, Abel soaked her blanket with tears, because her grandfather, the sword master, had been badly injured. Only a very small number of people, even within the Academy, would know the details.

Abel didn’t bother to ask the inspector what had happened. Even if he did, she knew that he wouldn’t answer, as she was his family. However, it was his grandfather who spoke first.

‘Abel, I’m sorry I couldn’t tell you exactly. You’ll find out soon enough. And why I volunteer to take care of the sick student Kanggeomma.’

Saying that, Geomje walked towards the ward where Ganggeomma was hospitalized.


A mixture of emotions. However, there was no longer even a hint of negative feelings toward Kanggeomma. He was also completely accepting of the sword master’s extreme sincerity.

‘I don’t know for sure, but I think that guy Geomma ended up like that while helping his grandfather.’

Suddenly, the events that happened on Avalon Island flashed through my mind.

Since returning from the island, it’s her unspoken secret that a rabbit blanket has been replacing Abel’s comforter.

Abel nodded her head obliquely. A deep blush appeared on her cheeks.

“Abel, did something happen between you and the black horse?!”

Rachel suddenly straightened her waist and thrust her face toward Abel. Her heart-shaped eyes were radiant. Her growling expression was like that of a wild beast about to compete for food.

“Oh, no! What are you talking about!”


Abel waved his hand. His golden eyes shook left and right as if they were vibrating. Rachel frowned briefly at the sight and let out a short sigh.

“Yeah. Well, Abel isn’t the type to lie. I guess I was a little sensitive, sorry. Well, I told Kanggeomma before that I didn’t care even this much, not even as much as fingernails and toenails. I also.”

“…I never said that?”

“Huh? Then is Abel also interested in Geomma?”

“No, why is the story like that?!”

Rachel let out a short laugh and brushed her hair back, a healthy sheen running through her blonde hair.

“Well, people’s hearts can change at any time. There’s no such thing as absolute in human relationships, right? Anyway, what did you say…?”

“Kang Geum-ma, you even told me that he created a club.”

An exclamation mark appeared above Rachel’s head at Abel’s response. Even though they hadn’t exchanged a single word, fatigue had already spread across Abel’s face.

“Oh, right, right. Well, when I heard the news, I immediately told Weapon that I wanted to join, but they flatly said no.”

“Yeah, why?”

Rachel shrugged her shoulders in response to the question. Abel also tried to shake off the slight regret that was creeping up his face.

“I don’t know exactly, but I heard that Geomma said that he would not accept the club membership because it was burdensome. But then, while saying that, what do you mean the club advisor is the academy director?”

“But what does that have to do with your low self-esteem, Rachel?”

“Oh, that.”

Rachel leaned back in her chair and spoke again.

“I happened to pass by Starbucks a while ago and saw the travel club interview through the window. I still can’t forget the look on Geomma’s face as he looked at the new member… … .”

Abel listened quietly to Rachel’s grumbling.

“That guy, Geumma, the corners of his mouth were really up to his ears. What’s so good about someone wearing glasses and looking pale? Or maybe that’s just Geumma’s style.”

“… … .”

“Well, so I tried to vent a little… huh? Abel, why are you looking like that?”

Rachel finished speaking and blinked at Abel.

Her eyebrows were gently curved and her forehead was narrow. Her golden eyes were burning fiercely.

* * *

The stiff weather began to thaw as the last class ended. Perhaps because it had just rained heavily, the pungent smell of water permeated my nose.

‘Seafood is definitely appealing in this weather.’

My friends and I just walked briskly towards the sushi restaurant.

Chloe, who especially loved seafood, was light and quick on her feet. She walked far ahead and waved her hand as if urging them when the distance became too far.

‘It looks like it’s a delicious restaurant.’

I don’t know how popular this place is, but as dinner time approaches, the waiting time is said to be over an hour.

“I don’t think there has ever been a restaurant where you have to wait for food that was delicious.”

I clicked my tongue briefly. I don’t know about anything else, but since I’m serious about cooking, I was going to sharpen my sense of taste and judge each and every one of them. Then, suddenly, I blurted out a word to Weapon out of curiosity.

“Senior Hana?”

“Oh, my senior can’t eat raw fish. That’s why he said he can’t attend today.”

“Then there’s nothing we can do.”

I’m from Busan and I can’t eat raw fish.

Even among adults, there are many who dislike it because it has a mushy texture.

But why do I keep perceiving Senior Hana as an adult?

Maybe it’s because he’s only one year older than me but he doesn’t seem like a child at all.

While we were chatting about this and that, we soon arrived in front of a sushi restaurant.

What caught my eye the most was the sign that preserved the original wood feel.


There is a saying among businessmen:

‘A store sign is like a first impression on a blind date.’

In that sense, the first impression of the sushi restaurant that the members brought me to was pretty good. It may not be big, but just looking at the clean exterior and the well-cleaned storefront, you can tell that the owner is not a slacker.


⌜Korean Sushi⌟

Four letters written proudly. Sushi is originally a food of a neighboring country, but how come it says ‘Korea’ so proudly?

Could it be that this is a bit different from what I already knew? This is definitely not Earth, so who knows. Sushi could really be Korean food.

It’s a domestic game made by a domestic game company, so there’s nothing it can’t do.

For a moment, I was curious and thought about asking Weapon, but I stopped myself. There is nothing more uncomfortable than asking something obvious.

Knock knock.

Chloe, who took the lead, pushed the wooden door open.

“Hi, Irasshai-!”

The sound of Japanese was ringing in my ears.

‘As expected, sushi is a Japanese dish in this world too.’

I nodded to myself. But then I thought about it, and the voice sounded familiar.


Chloe took a big step into the store and shivered. She backed away without looking back.

I glanced at her, wondering what was going on, and stepped into the store. And then, for a moment, I also stopped.

The person I was facing was so surprised that he trembled.

“What are you doing here?”

“… … !”

Chloe’s older brother, Knox Auditore.

He was receiving guests with a hood tied around his forehead.

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not work with dark mode