Conquering the Academy with Just a Sashimi Kn*fe Chapter 65

Episode 65 Disaster (4)

“You devil!”

The swordsman ran towards Agor, shouting.

“Haha, isn’t it a compliment to call someone a devil to the Demon Tribe?”

Agor placed his hand on Kanggeomma’s head and giggled playfully.

Blood flowed down the sword master’s chin, and wind flowed through the wide-open hole in his stomach.

All around, flames are writhing like life, and life is melting away like a candle.

There was no hope of victory. Nevertheless, Siegfried grabbed the hilt of his sword and ran.

“Even if it means sacrificing my life, Agor, I will take both of your legs!”


Siegfried’s sword cried on behalf of its master. Then, a pure white light flowed down the blade, starting from the knuckles of the sword master’s fingers.

Agor’s eyes widened as he watched. A chill ran down his spine. Agor muttered with a dumbfounded expression.

“… The aura of the Black Sword?”

The identity of the light source that covered Siegfried’s sword like a white curtain. It is the sword energy of a human known as the first swordsman who threatened Agor’s own life 700 years ago.

“Aaron Nibelung.”

It was imprinted on each and every cell of Agor. The 5th Corps Commander’s body tingled at the human swordsmanship that surpassed standards.

During the First World War, the face of the person who had thrust a cold blade in front of him, the commander of the human legion, overlapped with the sword. For a moment, he was confused, and an unpleasant feeling welled up deep within Agor.

“… This, this insect-like human… … !”

When Agor was about to scream in anger, his expression crumpled without mercy.


Dark shadows swallow the sky. The fiercely burning magical fires have also died down.

“… … !”

It wasn’t the weather’s whims.

An unknown sensation begins to spread through Agor and Geomje’s entire body.

The wind direction changes as if forcibly pushing away the tension that had been tense until just a moment ago.

In an unexpected situation, Agor just raised his chin and looked up at the sky.

“What is this?”

The sky was turning black. Broad daylight was turning into night in an instant.

The sun that brightened the world hides behind the shadow of the moon and leaves behind a lesson.

Countless stars appear in Agor’s eyes as he stares blankly upward.

The overwhelming number of stars, which cannot be estimated or counted, all look at Agor with determined gazes.

Immediately the sound of lightning flew into my ears.


Lightning bolts flashed fiercely between the pitch-black clouds.

Instead of fading starlight, flashes of light fill the vast sky.


A series of loud noises that seemed to tear the eardrums apart.

As the sky crumbled along the lines of thunder that tore through the empty air, the faded leaves of Yggdrasil, the great tree of life, began to fall like snowflakes.

Soon after, the walls that had been clashing in the air began to descend with willpower towards a point on the ground. There, Ganggeomma and Agor were.

Agor, who still hasn’t grasped the situation, stares blankly at the lightning bolts flying at the speed of light, then quickly collapses.


The sound of the angry voice echoed in the recording. Where lightning struck, yellow sparks and lightning flashed.

“Ugh… Ugh… … .”

Agor stepped back, his whole body blackened and breathing heavily. Bloodshot bruises burst out like roots on his skin, spurting out blood.

The wound healed quickly, but confusion lingered on Agor’s face.

The thick layer of dust and the fiercely burning flames were being consumed by the flickering flashes of light.

A huge energy was felt. Agor’s gaze moved on its own.

“This, this, this.”

Wherever your gaze is directed, there stands a strong swordsman.

A dazzling halo of light surrounds him, with the eardrum-numbing roaring as the background music.

There is an indescribable radiance in the eyes, and the space around the body of the strong swordsman refracts, creating a ripple and shimmering effect.

The swordsman who was looking at the sight swallowed dry saliva.

Even if you squint your eyes to see the details, the shape is not captured properly.


The sashimi that Kanggeomma was holding with both hands emitted a holy sword sound.

“Hey, what is that!”

The 5th Corps Commander Agor, who still had a blank expression, shouted as if he had had a fit. There was an emotion in his voice that he had never felt before.

Unprecedented strength and weight tighten around the demon’s entire body, making him squirm like a weakling.

“… … .”

Kanggeomma stands firm, with his back to Yggdrasil, without saying a word.

He turned his head slightly and met the gaze of the sword master, who was hesitating in confusion. The sword master’s mind was filled with a sacred sense of elation.

“iced coffee.”

The wrinkled eyes slowly turned red, and hot water flowed out. They were not tears of sadness like before, but tears of joy.

The inspector bowed to one knee to show respect.

If someone asks me later why, I will say that it was just an unconscious act on my part as a prosecutor.

“I will cut it.”

Kang Geum-ma said without moving his lips.

It was a direct message that went straight to the brain, not through the ears. It was clearly a mime, but the voice and tone that seemed to resonate in the brain were unfamiliar.

At that moment, flesh began to bubble from the hole in the sword master’s stomach and soon filled the wound. New flesh also grew on the cut-off section of the arm.

“…What on earth is going on?”

The sword master strokes his stomach and severed arm with a bewildered face. No matter how hard he tries to understand, he can’t even guess.

Agora looked at the sight with blurry eyes. No matter how hard he tried to think about the situation, it was something beyond his understanding.

Kanggeomma closed his eyes without saying a word. The sound of the devil’s fire burning away at the water echoed in his ears.

Kanggeomma gripped the hilt of his sword diagonally. At the same time, pure white light poured out from the ground beneath his feet and covered the ground.


[The painless guardian god appears.]

[The god of regeneration appears.]

[The God of Transference is revealed.]

The two guardians are transferred to the guardian of transference, covering the entire world line and supporting the universe.

It is a realm of mystery that goes far beyond the dimension of protection.

To Agor’s eyes, the appearance of the strong swordsman looked like a hazy mist.

It was as if the body and senses were paralyzed, as if the brain was rejecting the very recognition of existence.

‘That’s not human.’

Agor gathered all his magical power to move his still body. The corpses on the floodwaters and the rivers that had expanded with heat began to melt away, sloshing around.

As he concentrated his consciousness and released the upper limit of his body, he unleashed the magical power he had gathered in an instant, and the curtain of fire burned even more fiercely.

Whoosh whoosh!

“Blaze Tempest.”

A huge fireball rose into the air, melting and drying up streams and streams. It was a magic of such intensity that it could even swallow up a descending flesh.

‘If we leave that guy here, he will definitely block our tribe’s path.’

Suspicion turns into certainty in an instant. Aghor, determined, reached out his hand. The flesh on his forearm melted away, revealing blackened bones.


A huge wave of sparks surged up. It was a tremendous firepower that could burn the entire island. A single ray of fire melted the rocks like lava.

Kanggeomma stared at the approaching Hwama with quiet eyes. The pupils half-submerged in his eyebrows were filled with a quiet light.

Reflected on the retina. A distorted space with a blazing fireball. And countless red lines drawn here and there.

Kanggeomma slowly lifted a sack of sashimi. It was a movement of undivided grace, free of any traces of trivial habits, exquisite skills, or murderous intent.

The tip of the sword was pointed toward the sky.

A brilliant light flashed through the sky.

The sword pointed to the ground.


There was a smooth sound. A pillar of light cut diagonally through the fireball. The golden flash continued on to the infinite farthest reaches.


The flames that had been melting the surroundings burst like bubbles without leaving even residual heat.

The tragedy of the Ganggeomma was like a rule that brought about the phenomenon of ‘extinction’ into reality. It was an absurdity where cause and effect were reversed.

In contrast, the flames of Agor, although they are tremendous magic, are only a part of the world.

The incomprehensible phenomenon cuts down the very source of magic.


Agor muttered. A long slash appeared on his waist, and soon the upper and lower parts of his body slid apart.

It was only after a while that he realized that he had been cut. The engraved wound did not grow new flesh. There was no blood either.


The severed torso rolled across the floor. Agor was speechless at the sight before his eyes.

A confusion occurred as a slanted crack appeared in the landscape. The boundary between the earth and the sky was redrawn.

From the split sky, a pillar of light poured down upon Yggdrasil, and the rugged mountain ridges were cut horizontally, revealing a cross-section, clearing away the paths of hell.

The forest was once again filled with lost greenery, and the clear sun was shining again.

The rotation stopped, and Agor’s gaze turned to the sky.

The sunlight that had been gathered in the darkness burst out through the open sky.

Agor’s eyes were opened wide at the sudden brightness in his vision.


Agor groaned as she sensed death approaching her with strides. She pushed herself up from the ground, her lower body almost numb.

“I can’t die like this.”

Aghor glared, straining his strength. He was close to death, but he still couldn’t even fathom the blow. Only one certainty lingered in his mind.

‘Ganggeomma, that guy’s existence is nothing short of a disaster for the Demon Tribe.’

The swordsman who had been standing still seemed to have lost his balance and his body began to sway. There was no way his body could withstand such a blow.

‘The opportunity is now.’

Agor burns his remaining life force and converts it into magical power, casting a spell.


I barely managed to put strength into my fingers before I could flick it.


The blade’s piercing power. The pure white straight sword pierced Aghor’s nape and came out through his maw.

Agor turned his creaking head back. The sword master, with his one-armed sword thrust into his body, looked down at Agor.

“Turning your back to the enemy? You and the 6th Corps Commander Basmon are just like that.”

Agor’s claws scraped painfully at the ground. The swordmaster bared his teeth fiercely and spoke.

“Hey, this fucking son of a bitch!”

“Go to hell, you devil thing.”

Agor lets out a sharp moan with a knife stuck in his mouth. His tongue is cut off, so he can’t pronounce things properly. The sword master in one breath blew the aura of the sword saint and tore at his body.

As the holy light enveloped him, magical energy flowed out from Ray Shen’s eye sockets.

Then, soon, a crack appeared on Agor’s body and an aura of light leaked out through the crack.

“Aaron’s Husoone, you little bastard!”

“Still, your name is more tenacious than Basmon’s.”

The sword master twisted the hilt of his sword. With a crack, Agor’s flesh fragments scattered. Soon, the little bit of magic power that remained evaporated like a mirage.

The death of the 5th Corps Commander, Empress of Mongma, Agor, was eerily quiet.

“And my name is not Aaron’s descendant, but Siegfried von Nibelung.”

The swordsman shouted, wiping the blood off his sword blade with one arm. Then he ran towards the staggering strong sword horse and grabbed its body.

Although his bones were protruding and he was extremely gaunt, fortunately he was still breathing. He laid the sword on the floor gently.

The sword master sat cross-legged next to him and examined the body of the strong sword master. An excellent warrior also serves as a medical staff in times of emergency. Moreover, there were few who knew the counter-effects of protection as well as the sword master.

‘Breathing is normal, and there are areas where blood flow is blocked, but there are no fatal injuries. It’s not like his life is in danger.’

After confirming that Kanggeomma was stable, Geomje let out a deep sigh of relief. He wiped the cold sweat that had formed on his chin and muttered softly.

“… Kanggeomma, who are you?”

Siegfried thought. At first, he just thought of him as an extraordinary genius.

But as time passed, my aversion to the Ganggeomma grew, and now it even felt alienating.

The sword master reviewed the events of the Ganggeomma. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t understand what it was. It wasn’t an attack, but rather some kind of phenomenon.

The chilling shock, as if I had been hit in the head with a hammer, still enveloped my body. I expanded my scope of thought using my past experiences as material.

Thoughts follow one another, and he tries to gather conclusions. The inspector’s white eyebrows narrow.

Randomly emerging ideas eventually suggest new hypotheses.

‘Is Lee Ja really a human being?’

The swordsman lowered his gaze and looked at Kanggeomma. Even though he was lying down with his eyes closed, he seemed to be looking out at the world.

He lifted his chin and looked up at the sky. Clouds that had been artificially cut off were floating across the sky. He lowered his gaze back to look at Kanggeomma.

“… … .”

Long ago, since ancient times, humans believed that all things in the universe had an incomprehensible will.

Storms and floods, lightning strikes in the clear sky, and even comets falling in the night sky.

Superhuman and supernatural interventions have always been a source of fear for humanity.

Paradoxically, they worship Him in order to receive blessings and protection from His transcendent power.

People take it all in.

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not work with dark mode