Conquering the Academy with Just a Sashimi Knife Chapter 250

Episode 250 Blood Clash (4)

After a short meal, we went straight to the meeting. The atmosphere was very different from before the meal.

Everyone calmly reconciled their differences. Was it because of the food, or because of my traffic control? Whatever it was, the meeting proceeded without a hitch, so that was enough.

‘By the way.’

I feel like yawning as I quietly listen to the strategy meeting. It’s not because the tension has been relieved or anything. I don’t have the guts to show off my courage when the corps commander is right in front of me. The only reason I’m blinking is simply because.

‘That’s not how you do it.’

Anyway, I’m just listening to them, thinking that they’re probably more military experts than me, since they have a few stars hanging from their armbands.

But, what can I say? I felt that the story of the supposed strategy meeting lacked realism. It was even worse when I saw them talking about ambushes and such against the corps commander.

That would be the case, since those who were present had no real combat experience dealing with a corps commander. The two men, Geomje and Changseong, were currently absent from the meeting to boost the morale of the soldiers.

Therefore, I am the only one here who has fought against a legion commander. I have also killed two of them. So, I can be considered a veteran when it comes to legion commanders. Or not.

“Everyone, please listen to my story.”

So I blurted out a word. If I continued like this, I thought I would have a meeting right in front of Permish.


Thankfully, everyone stopped talking and focused their attention on me. It’s good to be focused, but it’s awkward to cut off so abruptly. It’s like a ghost has passed by.

‘I guess they’re soldiers, so they really follow orders. Really.’

I coughed three or four times before opening my mouth. The sound of coughing was the only sound that could be heard faintly in the sealed barracks.

“First of all, let me say this: ambush and surprise attack on the commander from behind will not work. Even if it does work, the casualties will be so great that I will not allow it.”

“Can I ask why?”

General Remy asked cautiously. His eyes sparkled as if he was genuinely curious, not nitpicking.

It’s a complicated feeling to see the three stars shining their eyes at Seventeen. It’s a new feeling, but it makes me realize that this isn’t Earth.

Well, it’s a bit far from reality that the three stars are young and pretty women. The stars I’ve seen were middle-aged men who wore tracksuits rather than uniforms and liked playing military soccer more.

Even if just two stars appear, the entire unit will turn upside down.

The general said, “We want to play soccer. We pack our shovels and head straight for the mountain.”

The young men who have been called by the nation fight fiercely against the mountain. Day and night. Rain or shine. Instead of rice for their supper, they eat dirt. And that’s not all. The mountain rustles and sings military songs, exhausting their already weak stamina.

The dense forest becomes a bare mountain on the first day, and by the next day, any trace of the mountain has disappeared. What about the long-awaited third day?

Ta-da – there wasn’t a soccer field, but now there is.

This is the harsh reality. Does it sound like a lie? It is a lie, so please go and see it with your own eyes. Please, please.



“That was a slip of the tongue.”


Anyway, let’s not talk. I have PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder).

I pressed my temple with my thumb and opened my mouth softly.

“The magic of the legion commanders is literally on a different level from that of ordinary mines. Even if it’s the same lowest level magic, mines create well water, while the legion commanders create lakes and oceans. Their single attack has a different killing power. Let’s say a surprise attack or an ambush team clumsily tries to hit the back of the head. But what would happen if they caught the legion commander’s eye?”

“… It will be difficult to avoid annihilation.”

I nodded, making eye contact with General Remy, who had answered.

“That’s right. So, rather than splitting up the army into small groups and waging guerrilla warfare, fighting together in the field will result in fewer casualties.”

“I understand what you are saying, Cheongeom-nim. However, a ‘power vs. power’ fight like that is disadvantageous to us humans. If the numbers are equal, we humans are at a disadvantage.”

“That’s right. We’re constantly learning at the Academy that no matter how strong a human is, they’re powerless against magic.”

At my words, General Remy’s eyes filled with absurdity. It was as if he was saying, ‘Oh, right. You were seventeen?!’

This is the kind of person I am. A person like an onion that is mysterious no matter how much you peel it. The core is a seventeen-year-old who is close to being forty.

“However, our heroes have a countermeasure, ‘Protection.’ And think about it carefully. The enemy only uses one attribute magic, but we humans have three types of protection: tanking, healing, and dealing damage. What this means is that our heroes are more effective when they are united than when they are individuals. When we divide up our positions, their true value is revealed. The stronger the enemy, the more we should unite rather than split up our forces.”

“I understand what you said, Cheongeomnim. However, the positions have already been divided… … .”

Here’s where I get to the point.

“It’s meaningless to just roughly divide them up. What’s important is how to assign positions and assign roles that allow them to fully demonstrate their abilities.”

I spread out a map of the area around the gate on the table. Then I picked up a pen and started writing from the top down. General Remy looked closely at the map.

“Top… Jungle… Mid… Bottom… … ?”

She muttered here and there. The other executives all looked at her with puzzled eyes.

It may sound unfamiliar. This is a position concept that appears in other games.

I threw my pen over my shoulder and looked at the faces of the performers. You are ready to listen. Good, gentlemen. I said with a stern look.

“I will now explain each of your positions, roles, and the guidelines for action in battle situations. I will take note of your detailed feedback, so please feel free to give me your opinions.”

There are two traditional folk games in Korea.

One is Re:X of Legends.

The other one is SXcraft.

The generation gap between the two folk games is almost 20 years. It is a time when the mountains and rivers change twice, but they have one thing in common. They are both real-time strategy games.

I, too, am a Korean who loves games. Naturally, I have played both games at one time.

The only one who can show them advanced strategies and tactics is me, a Korean. Moreover, even among those Koreans, I am one of the best.

Tier is Gold 4.

That’s right. It’s top tier.

* * *

It was late at night. The chief of staff, who had left the barracks, yawned heavily. He removed the boogers from his eyes and stretched his stiff body.

“I’m tired. I’m tired.”

As he was tapping my shoulder with his prosthetic hand, a new figure came out of the barracks. Chief Sung glanced around to see who it was. It was General Remy. She also felt the gaze and turned her head.

A brief snowball fight began like that. General Remy approached with brisk strides and suddenly extended his left hand.

“I’m sorry about earlier. I would like to formally apologize for revealing my feelings to others despite my situation and circumstances.”

“Oh, yes.”

Chief Sung shook his hand nervously. Then his eyes widened slightly. It was because he realized why General Remy had asked with his left hand. It was a consideration intended to shake hands with Chief Sung’s real hand, not the prosthetic hand.

Chief Sung looked straight at General Remy. She was under pressure both externally and internally. Chief Sung thought. Considering all that, she had been quite polite to him.

“I would like to formally apologize to General Remy. My words and attitude earlier were rude. I was too ignorant, even though the difference in class was obvious.”

“I see, you know that.”


General Remy smiled faintly and let go of her hand.

“In my opinion, the association staff members seem too old-fashioned. They are even more rigid than the military I served in.”


“I thought what I just said was a joke.”

“… Ah, yes.”

Chief Sung scratched his forehead awkwardly with his prosthetic hand. In response, General Remy took out a whiskey can from his pocket. She gestured to the prosthetic hand with her eyes.

“The prosthetic arm works well.”

“Oh, is this what you mean?”

Before he could continue, Chief Sung realized Remi’s intentions. His words were a subtle question, ‘How did you, a non-combatant, lose your arm?’ It was a typical Japanese roundabout way of speaking.

But he was a manager who was at the peak of his social life. He was a real jerk. He said with a smile.

“I guess it’s my own kind of medal. You know the Joaquin tragedy a few months ago, General? I was the association employee who almost died and survived on the news.”

“… … !”

Remy’s hand, which was opening the whiskey barrel, stopped. His eyes widened. Chief Sung found that reaction amusing and let out a nasal hum.

“But in fact, I only survived that time. In fact, I did nothing. I’m not a hero. When Cheongeom-nim subdued the 3rd Corps Commander, I was just sitting in the corner like a piece of luggage.”

Chief Sung said self-mockingly. Remy shook his head at him.

“Everyone who was there is a hero and a soldier. If you say something like, ‘a burden,’ you are insulting not only Chief Seong, but also the Master Cheon-geom, who fought so hard to save you.”

This time, the one who was surprised was Manager Seong.

“General… you’re a better person than I thought.”

“The alcohol tastes even better when I hear positive feedback from the person I fought with.”

General Remy replied with the whiskey barrel still in his mouth. Chief Sung was embarrassed. Bitter? Then, isn’t that bad? After taking a sip, she offered whiskey to Chief Sung as well.

“Would you like a drink?”

“Thank you.”

Chief Sung also took a sip. It was sweet as it was bitter. Expressions that seemed impossible to coexist with each other were running through his mouth.

As Chief Sung’s expression brightened, Remy pulled up one corner of his mouth.

“How does the alcohol taste?”

“It’s delicious. To be exact, it’s everything. It’s like a very strong drink.”

“Sweet alcohol is not a good sign.”


“That’s how bitter life is.”

Chief Sung narrowed his eyes.

“… General Remy, you watch a lot of Korean dramas.”

“Isn’t the world in the midst of a huge Korean Wave?”

Remy tapped the Chief’s prosthetic arm with his elbow.

“By the way, Chief Seong, you seem to have a knack for dramas since you can tell right away from a single line of dialogue.”

“… … .”

It was true. Chief Sung was a man who couldn’t stand dramas. Remy laughed, shrugging his shoulders.

The moonlight is ripening. Intimate stories and whiskey barrels are passed around. The topic of conversation changes smoothly to the Cheongeom and Ganggeomma.

“I didn’t know that Your Majesty the Heavenly Sword was so knowledgeable in military science.”

Remy said. Chief Sung nodded in agreement.

“I can’t even tell you how surprised I was just now. I knew you weren’t just strong, but I’m still surprised so many times.”

“That’s right. How can you explain the tactics so easily? Top, mid, jungle, bottom. It’s really intuitive and clear. I think we should consider introducing that system on a large scale after this expedition ends.”

“I should write a report and submit it to the Vice President. By the way… Where did Changseong go… .”

At that moment, a heavy thud came from behind. Startled, Chief Sung quickly turned around.

“The tiger appears whenever I speak.”

Changseong said, shaking his hands. Dozens of boxes were scattered at his feet.

“I’ve been looking for you for a long time, Vice President.”

“When Chief Sung, who was drinking heavily, spoke, tears welled up in his eyes.”

“… … .”

“… … .”

Remy surreptitiously pushed the whiskey barrel towards Chief Sung. Chief Sung, who didn’t notice, quickly changed the subject.

“Where have you been? And what are those boxes?”

“Cheongeom asked me personally. He said that I absolutely had to be present during the expedition.”

Chief Sung tilted his head and opened one of the boxes. General Remy also looked over his shoulder to check the contents. He was curious about what Cheongeom had entrusted to him.

“Daiso… sashimi?”

The box was filled with bundles of sashimi knives. They were being sold at a 30% discount.

Remy looked at Chief Sung with a bewildered expression. And then he was surprised again. Chief Sung was shaking and shivering. Chang Sung was crouching down next to him and laughing heartily. Why are they both like that?

“Does this bundle of knives worth three thousand won each really mean that much?”

Remi, who was feeling left out, asked. Chief Sung suddenly calmed down his excitement and opened his mouth.

“General, have you ever seen a sword flying?”

A somewhat unexpected question. Without giving me a chance to answer, Chief Sung added his words as if he was making a promise.

“You will come to know why the Sword Master is called the Heavenly Sword.”

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not work with dark mode