Conquering the Academy with Just a Sashimi Knife Chapter 246

Episode 246: Real Madness

Conversation would be the most ideal means of resolving conflicts between individuals.

Unfortunately, reality is not so easy.

Sometimes, there are situations where you have to give up your dignity and resort to violence. For example, when you are dealing with someone you can’t communicate with, a crazy person, a crazy person…


This is exactly the situation. Dignity is far away and violence is close. This is because the chairman of the association who runs away while spewing blood is a crazy person who cannot communicate.


I couldn’t stand to see a seriously ill patient, so I ‘had no choice’ but to give him a knife injection. The eyes of the association president, who was hit in the side with sashimi, widened.


A tearing scream echoed. The lab was spacious and the interior was made of iron, so the echoes lingered. At the center of the scene were the association president and I, with blood gushing from our mouths.


The president of the association, who was injected with a knife in the abdomen, is foaming at the mouth and fighting. His condition looks very bad, as his eyes are revealed as being cloudy.

Oh my… It seems like the madness is severe.

At times like this, you have to be strong-willed. The screams of a two-hundred-year-old man make your heart ache, but it’s all part of the treatment.

Let me emphasize that this is by no means simple violence.

I don’t want to do this to the principal’s father either.

‘My heart hurts.’

It hurts so much it feels like it’s going to tear apart.

So I need to cure the madness as soon as possible. [Painless Protection] only has about 40 seconds left.

“I’ll give you one more shot.”

“S, stop… stop… … !”

“It hurts more when I move… … Oh, that’s right.”

I scratched my head with the butt of the knife.

“I said I was sick.”


Ignoring the wave of his hand, he took another bite of sashimi. Blood- The spurt of blood stuck to his cheek.

“Damn, I’m going to have to use a lot of soap when I wash my face later.”

The chairman’s face begins to turn pale, like a corpse. Around this time, he manifests [Protection of Regeneration]. [Protection of Regeneration] also regenerates blood in the body, so there is no need to worry about excessive bleeding or shock.

If the timing is right, the patient will never die. No, he cannot die. I will not let him die.

This is a thought that comes to mind, but I think that if only this protection were distributed, wouldn’t the medical community be turned upside down?

‘Even a street vendor like me has already treated several people.’

Of course, it was impossible with just Gaho. It was the result of my precise swordsmanship and my sense of survival to save people.

With this, wouldn’t I be a divine doctor?




No, not that.

* * *

“You’re sick, Mr. Chairman.”


“It will feel like a nail is being driven in.”


“Think of this pain as the pain the principal just felt.”


“A nail isn’t just for children.”


“Parents also drive nails into their children’s hearts.”


“I know this because I am the victim.”

* * *

“Hey… it’s a sword.”

Media, who was watching the scene of the association president’s madness treatment, called out to Kang Geum-ma. He turned around and looked at her. Her face was as pale as a sheet of paper.

“I completely understand how you feel, principal. You must be upset because of your father. Don’t worry. It will be over soon.”

Kanggeomma said as if to reassure her. Mediah’s lips trembled, then she shook her head.

“Geumma, no matter how I look at it, this isn’t treatment, it’s just torture… … .”


Kang Geum-ma spoke to her with stern eyes.

“Even though it may seem a bit extreme, don’t you know very well that this is the only way to cure the president’s madness?”

Media responded to Kang Geum-ma’s lecture with silence.

“… … .”

And then I thought, Victor Poison is a madman. My father was a madman who knew he was mad.

On the other hand, what about Kang Geum-ma? I’m sorry to say this to my beloved student, but Kang Geum-ma was also a madman. Just by listing his actions, you can see how crazy he is.

However, in normal times, he acts according to the correct moral consciousness and common sense. Except for when the so-called ‘madman switch’ is turned on, Kanggeomma is a Bardibareun(?) cadet.

The occasional unloving side of him is probably due to his early maturation due to his parents’ absence. His mental instability is also probably due to that.

He was in a miserable situation where he had no one to rely on in this world but himself. Despite all the adversity, he was a genius sent from heaven who achieved incredible feats.

‘The one who endured without being broken by the storms of life was Geommaya.’

Media vowed. It was her role to be the moderator who would keep this lovely yet pitiful genius from going astray. Even if he was a strong swordsman who vacillated between normal and mad, he could certainly change depending on the people around him and the environment.

‘But the problem is… … .’

Kang Geum-ma was not aware that he was a madman. He did not know that he was crazy. He thought of himself as a normal person.

“It may seem like simple violence. But to realize the preciousness of life, you have to experience the process of approaching death, that is, the pain, with your whole body.”

“… … .”

“I feel uncomfortable saying this to the president. It’s uncomfortable. But what can I do? It’s all part of the treatment.”

Even at this moment, when he was lecturing to himself, Kang Geum-ma was sincere.

Because I truly thought about it, I put it into practice without hesitation.

‘Okay, let’s make a hundred concessions and say that what Kang Geum-ma said is correct.’

Even in a heroic society, it was not uncommon for situations to be resolved through violence.

If not, then what Kanggeomma did to Jeolgung was absolutely wrong.

Although Media held back from striking due to some circumstances and the palace, she held back from beating him up.

But Kang Geum-ma couldn’t hold it in. He went to the sickroom and started poking sashimi. At that, Media felt a deep sense of pleasure inside.

‘Yes, you have to mix swords and fists in your words to get the noble heroes, the flying and crawling ones, to open their ears.’

Without going any further, didn’t Media herself slap her father first?

The only difference is the degree, but violence is violence. I am not in a position to say anything to Kang Geum-ma.

But still, it is like that.


How can you treat Victor Poison, the leader of the Hero Association, like a fish?

‘The ambassador also said ‘tingling’ and ‘surgery’.’

Also, when I said something because it seemed too cruel, he treated me like I was weak-hearted.

‘They say a truly crazy person doesn’t know he’s crazy.’

Media was silent. She wondered if she could really correct Kang Geum-ma into a normal person. If it was pure madness that had not been refined, there was nothing she could do.

at that time.

“But isn’t the president of the association a combat-oriented hero? He does resist, but he seems weaker than I thought for a position called ‘president of the association.’”

Kanggeomma wiped the blade on his clothes and then suddenly asked. The president of the association was unconscious in the chair right next to him.

Media swallowed dryly and replied.

“My father is not a hero specializing in combat. But he does have the fighting ability of a warrior.”

“is it so?”

Kang Geum-ma looked at the fainted association president with a look of surprise. That filthy parasite brother?

“I don’t think it’s to that extent.”

“That’s you… … .”

…you’re so crazy strong, you damn bastard.

The unfinished words lingered around Media’s throat. This was because the one sashimi had grown into two sashimi.

“If it’s warrior-level, it might be better to take out one more just in case.”

“Isn’t it okay if we don’t go that far?”

“You can’t let your guard down.”

Kang Geum-ma shook his head.

“If the president of the association decides to rebel… no, resist, I could stab him in the gut. This could result in loss of life.”

Kang Geum-ma insisted. Media just massaged her temples as the dizziness that was coming over her began to wash over her.

Meanwhile, the president of the association, who had been slumped over, opened his cloudy eyes. It seemed as if he had returned to the living world after completing his third tour of the underworld.

The president groaned in pain. His focus was blurred. Drool dripped from his chin.

“Save me… … .”

After hearing that, Kang Geum-ma approached the president of the association.

“Please tell me clearly. Are you asking me to save you or are you saying you want to live?”

“I said I wanted to live!”

Kang Geum-ma lowered his voice. Then the association president poured out his words as if begging.

“Cheongeom, thanks to you, I realized that death is more painful than eternal life. I was ignorant. Life is not a continuation of pain. I learned that even if I roll around in shit, this world is better… … .”


“I want to live. I don’t want to die. I don’t want to. I’ll try my best to live.”

Victor continued to beg for his life. His appearance was so miserable that it belied his position as the president of the association.

“Don’t ever say anything like you’re going to die again. If you do, I’ll see you again.”

“Even if my lifespan is over, I will still be alive thanks to life-extending treatment.”

Kang Geum-ma looked down at the president of the association and then turned his gaze to Media.

“It seems like the treatment for madness has been successful.”

Kanggeomma smiled, revealing his teeth. His fangs flashed sharply.

“If you need additional treatment, please let me know, Director.”

“… … .”

Media couldn’t say anything. She just let out a sigh that was barely enough to create an echo.

* * *

The physical therapy was over. Media called her attendant and secretary to the lab.

““… … !””

As soon as they set foot in the lab, both of them pinched their noses. The pungent smell of blood made their heads throbbing.

“What is this?”

The lab was covered in blood everywhere. Blood was everywhere. It was as if at least twenty people had bled excessively.

Media, who had anticipated the commotion of the attendants and the secretary, briefly explained the situation from earlier. The two were dumbfounded.

The attendant and the secretary stared blankly at each other. To summarize what the principal had said, Cheon-geom-nim had soaked the association president, that’s about it…

“It’s not that you guys are being deaf. I understand how you both feel. So let’s just… accept it.”

“If the principal says so.”

“Of course, this is a silent treatment. The story must not leak out. Absolutely not. Do you know what I mean?”


The secretary answered.

“If the story gets out, we’ll both commit suicide. That’s what we swore.”

“Suicide? I never swore anything like that… …!”

The secretary glared at the attendant with a stinging gaze. The attendant cursed inwardly.


This guy is always committing suicide. Even the president of the association tried to commit suicide and ended up like this.

The attendant furtively cast his gaze toward the corner of the research lab. Kang Geum-ma and the president of the association were having a heated discussion in front of an old computer.

The attendant who saw that sight was shocked. The two were talking as if nothing had happened. The mental world of madmen was beyond his common sense.

“What the chairman is saying is, let’s put these cyborg angels on a spaceship and send them out of the stratosphere. That’s it.”

Kang Geum-ma summarized the conversation so far.

“Why go to the trouble of sending it all the way to space?”

“It takes a lot of effort and resources to send it into space against gravity. But there are many advantages after that. For example, power is supplied by solar energy, and space is close to a vacuum, so there is less risk of decay. Do you understand?”

“Let’s say that’s true. But if we want to launch the spaceship, we’ll need help from the United States, and that’ll cause a lot of delays.”

“Why are you looking at the Yankees? I’ve even set up a spaceship launch facility under my Antarctic base. I can launch it at any moment with the push of a button.”


“Even if I were an ancient being with an abundance of time, that wouldn’t be possible. The lab is my personal space, so I don’t have one, but there are robots all over the Antarctic base that help me.”

The association president manipulated the keyboard and turned the monitor screen. The monitor showed the robots moving busily. However, the robots looked funny. They resembled penguins, seals, and animals living in Antarctica.

“Why do they all look like that?”

“It’s a matter of personal taste.”

“I respect you.”

“Anyway, the spaceship you launch will circle the Earth like a satellite. And Cheon-geom, only when you say a specific ‘command’ will it fall from space to Earth like a meteorite.”

“Falling from the sky would be an angelic appearance.”

“If we’re going to do it, wouldn’t it be good to have a concept as well? If angels fall from the sky, Permish will probably be secretly disappointed. What do you think, my plan?”

“To be honest, it’s crazy. Everything from beginning to end.”

Kang Geum-ma said with a serious expression.

“Let’s do it right now.”

Humanity has made every effort.

All that remains is a worthy opponent, that devil who will storm through the gate.

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not work with dark mode