Conquering the Academy with Just a Sashimi Knife Chapter 235

Episode 235 Genius (1)

Rachel was knocked out in an instant. The class members who were watching the scene were shocked. Among them, Weapon’s face turned completely white. He wasn’t the only one. Everyone was shocked.

‘Ugh… Ugh, crazy.’

Weapon cursed. His lips, where he had been biting the recorder, were parched.

Thinking back, it was the first time that the chief had faced off against Kang Geum-ma. Kang Geum-ma had always been their reliable ally, standing by their side. However, the chief they faced as their sparring partner had a different look in his eyes.

It was a sword-wielding demon itself. It was a weapon that made it immediately clear why those who had clashed with the chief even once would tremble in fear.

The glare of the dark eyes swept over the crowd. Their eyes seemed to have calmed down as their emotions reached their limit. In fact, a typhoon was raging beyond them, but their pupils were the eyes of the typhoon. They were black and still.

The cadets swallowed dry saliva and each raised their weapons. The teenagers, exposed to dizzying fear, lost their reasoning and were left with only the instinct to survive.

Kanggeomma and the rest stood facing each other in the class, keeping their distance.

Tilt your sword forward, straighten your stance as much as possible. Despite the tension, the cadets somehow managed to keep their composure.

In the uncomfortable silence, it was Chloe who opened the floodgates of battle. The afterimage of her drawing her katana rippled. She stepped forward as she manifested [Raven’s Protection].

The next moment, a red hot ray of light rushed forward in a straight line. And in the blink of an eye, the red figure came close to the strong swordsman.

Weapon was quite flustered, as Chloe’s speed was unusual.

‘Was Chloe that fast?’

I knew that he was a combat power among the members of the travel club. That speed was amazing. If he had been just a little bit higher, he would have broken the sound barrier. With the [Protection of the Crow] and speed that was trained through actual combat, he was truly an assassin.


Chloe, who was close to her, turned her body around. She swung her katana low. The sword strike, which contained both elasticity and rotational force, was almost subsonic.

However, in a speed battle, no one could gain the upper hand over Kanggeomma.

He was more likely to receive a few blows than to cut his neck with a single sword. It didn’t matter if they fought each other directly, but this was just a training exercise. And that was only within one minute of [Painless Protection].

The swordsman took a step back diagonally. The katana swept past the lower area without a trace.

Kang Geum-ma pushed Chloe with his shoulder. For a moment, she lost her balance and stumbled. He tried to break her balance by stepping on her from behind. However, Chloe hit her lower abdomen and fell.


Kanggeomma sighed as he looked at Chloe, whose reflexes had become extraordinary. Can she endure this? He was surprised for a moment. He immediately lifted Chloe’s chin and hit her. He tripped her again by her ankle, which had her head tilted back. This time, he hit her between her legs.

“Ugh… … !”

She didn’t have the strength to endure even this. Soon Chloe’s feet got tangled. She fell on her butt and hit the back of her head on the floor. The impact on the back of her head caused her vision to blur.

In response, Kang Geum-ma stabbed the sashimi into her carotid artery. Crunch. The blade caught once in her cervical vertebrae.


The spark of life went out in Chloe’s eyes. She was the second victim after Rachel.

At that moment, another blade flashed from the side. It was Abel, who had come closer. She aimed for Kanggeomma’s side with a momentum like a rage. Because it was a stance close to the standard, the momentum was stronger than Chloe’s. However, because it was the standard, it was too honest. This type of attack was vulnerable to variables.

Kanggeomma twisted his waist as if he was trying to evade and counterattack at the same time. While Sashimi lightly cut through his slender waist, Abel’s straight sword narrowly missed Kanggeomma’s pelvis.

A feeble sound echoed through the air. Kanggeomma regained his composure and turned his body over in one breath.


Abel’s golden irises, which had only been visible on the back of his swordsman, were now covered in black eyes. The flow of the moment slowed down. It was as if the world had frozen.

Abel thought. Is it possible for humans to move with such elasticity? Without a stepping stone, they even do somersaults in an unstable posture.

She couldn’t help but be momentarily dazed by the elastic movements of a gymnast. At the same time, it was strange. Normally, Kanggeomma would use a quick sword, but now he uses his body more than his hands.

‘Why on earth…?’

While her doubts were still there, something heavy pressed down on her head. Kanggeomma put one hand on Abel’s head and did a handstand.

Before Abel could even marvel at the skill, Sashimi cut off the nape of the neck like a fruit. The light from the golden irises disappeared, and the curved body collapsed.


This whole process was so slow that it seemed like water flowing. Because it was slow, it was even more eerie to those watching.

Kanggeomma, who landed lightly, clicked his tongue slightly. He was used to working hard every day, so doing it slowly felt completely unfamiliar. That’s why he ended up showing off this circus-like trick.


He quickly checked the time. There were about 30 seconds left until [Painless Protection] ended. Kanggeomma shook off the blood and shifted his gaze. Then he counted the remaining opponents. Leon, Ryozo, Horntail, Weapon. Everyone was lost in thought.

‘Only those who are difficult to cut are left.’

However, it is not that the previous three were cut down so readily. In any case, the three, excluding Leon, had a strong bond with Kanggeomma.

‘Should I treat them like Rachel, Chloe, and Abel?’

A moment of worry. Then I shook my head. If I did that, I would be the one who would suffer. There was a warrior and a dragon together.

Today’s preview was enough to show, so I guess I can end it here. Strictly speaking, that’s what I wanted to do. I was starting to get tired of following Mea’s rhythm. No, I was getting more and more annoyed.

‘Dealing with these guys isn’t just for educational purposes.’

He had a gut feeling that there was something more to me than what I had said.

‘I would like to stop here, but.’

The inertia of the battle did not allow giving up. Furthermore, it was only natural that once the sword was drawn, it had to be seen to the end. In short, it was fair play between swordsmen.

Kang Geum-ma took out another piece of sashimi and held both of them. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. The pungent scent of blood filled his nostrils.

Everyone except Leon hesitated and stepped back. Instead of the friends who had been laughing and chatting until yesterday, a black beast approached. Their faces were filled with despair, with their teeth and fangs bared.

The sight of his friends trembling as they looked at him. Even though his eyes were closed, Kanggeomma could feel it, and it was very unpleasant.

‘Let’s finish it all at once, at once.’

Kang Geum-ma, who had made up his mind, slowly opened his eyes. Then, he exhaled the air he had inhaled in short gulps and exhaled his body.

* * *

The result was a set match. Even for those who were called the golden generation, the difference between them and Kanggeomma was clear.

And there was no twist. Kang Geum-ma won by a landslide.

The reason why Meain suggested ‘Ganggeomma vs. Jeonwon’ was to see how far the cadets of a thousand classes could hold out against Chilseong. She planned to create a curriculum based on that and provide customized instruction to each individual.


‘I never thought it would be this bad.’

Meaine had been keeping an eye on Kanggeomma since he was a mountain boy. It was only natural. In order to watch him closely, she washed her identity and sneaked into Joaquin Academy.

The reason for doing this was because of a prophecy that Meaine had seen in the Demon Realm.

It was so long ago that I couldn’t remember exactly, but the content was roughly about ‘humans with black eyes and black hair’. Humans with black features were said to have the power of a ‘being’ that the demons held in high esteem as a god. The representative example was the hero of the first generation, Balor Joaquin. My doubts about this were quickly resolved.

It was Meain who had wandered the Demon Realm for decades in order to suppress the awakening of Gaho. The information she had seen with her own eyes and heard with her own ears during that time confirmed that the prophecy was true.

‘So, the black-eyed and black-haired humans are closely related to the gods of the demon race, that is, the foreign gods.’

There, Mayain felt a sense of irony.

Why did the god of the Demon Tribe give power to a human instead of his own? Also, what kind of ending will the human who uses that power meet in the end? What kind of backlash will the holder have to endure? At the very least, will that dark power have any negative effects on humanity? Nothing was revealed, and everything was full of questions.

The last of Balor Joaquin, who was believed to be the forerunner of ‘that power’, was not revealed. It was only briefly recorded in the history books that he suddenly left for somewhere.

Curiosity grew along with anxiety in Meain’s chest. The more she walked through the magic realm, the more uncontrollable it became.

So, as soon as he heard the news that a black-haired cadet had enrolled at Joaquin Academy, he returned to the human world.

‘You have to check it with your own two eyes.’

If the prophecy were true, he would have to make his own judgment.

‘If the user of the power is judged to be harmful to humanity… … .’

And you have to be prepared.

‘Forty years ago, I lost three disciples because I couldn’t participate in the war.’

I can’t just sit back and watch it happen twice. I’m determined to deal with it in advance if it becomes harmful to humanity, no matter what the cost.

But she realized that this was an extremely self-centered arrogance. As time went on, she realized it clearly. It was still the case now.

The cadets were panting, gasping for breath, constantly touching their necks to see if they were still attached, groaning softly. Or they were just sitting there, staring blankly at the ceiling. Kanggeomma approached them one by one and asked if they were okay.

Every time that happened, the cadets were terrified. It seemed like it would take quite some time for the shock to subside. This wouldn’t make their relationship with Kanggeomma any less strained, but it wouldn’t be the same as before.

‘If it had been a melee, it would have been different.’

Meain lowered her eyes slightly. The hour hand on her wristwatch had just completed a full circle. It had only been a minute. In other words, Kanggeomma had cut off the necks of all of them in less than 60 seconds. He was blatantly lenient, and even if the next warrior was involved, he was no match for him.

Meaine turned her gaze back to Leon. His face was distorted, and his once dark blue eyes were as clouded as if covered with a curtain. Just looking at that, she could tell how he was feeling. After all, she was the one who found him and sent him to Joaquin Academy.

Humiliation, frustration, helplessness. The warrior was feeling discouraged in front of the huge wall.

That was when.


Kang Geum-ma approached her. His eyebrows were furrowed, as if he was in a bad mood.

“It seems like the kids were shocked today, so how about we end the class here?”

It was a demand disguised as an offer. What can I do when the Heavenly Sword speaks? I have no choice but to accept it. Meain nodded very slowly.

“Okay. Looking at the current situation, I don’t think we can continue the class any longer. We’ll end it here for today, and continue tomorrow… .”


A voice as cold as ice interrupted the words. Kanggeomma twisted his neck from side to side.

“Talk to me for a minute, outside.”

A dullness that was difficult to describe struck Mea’s mind.

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not work with dark mode